T13651.hs:11:8: error: • Could not deduce: F cr (Bar (Foo h) (Foo u)) ~ Bar h (Bar r u) from the context: (F cr cu ~ Bar h (Bar r u), F cu cs ~ Bar (Foo h) (Bar u s)) bound by the type signature for: foo :: forall cr cu h r u cs s. (F cr cu ~ Bar h (Bar r u), F cu cs ~ Bar (Foo h) (Bar u s)) => Bar h (Bar r u) -> Bar (Foo h) (Bar u s) -> Foo (cr -> cs) at T13651.hs:(11,8)-(13,65) • In the ambiguity check for ‘foo’ To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes In the type signature: foo :: (F cr cu ~ Bar h (Bar r u), F cu cs ~ Bar (Foo h) (Bar u s)) => Bar h (Bar r u) -> Bar (Foo h) (Bar u s) -> Foo (cr -> cs)