T15370.hs:14:10: warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors (in -Wdefault)] • Couldn't match type ‘n’ with ‘j’ Expected: n :~: j Actual: n :~: n ‘n’ is a rigid type variable bound by the type signature for: mkRefl :: forall {k} (n :: k) (j :: k). n :~: j at T15370.hs:13:1-17 ‘j’ is a rigid type variable bound by the type signature for: mkRefl :: forall {k} (n :: k) (j :: k). n :~: j at T15370.hs:13:1-17 • In the expression: Refl In an equation for ‘mkRefl’: mkRefl = Refl • Relevant bindings include mkRefl :: n :~: j (bound at T15370.hs:14:1) T15370.hs:20:13: warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors (in -Wdefault)] • Couldn't match type ‘S r’ with ‘()’ Expected: () Actual: S r • In the first argument of ‘(+)’, namely ‘no’ In the expression: no + _ In a case alternative: Refl -> no + _ • Relevant bindings include no :: S r (bound at T15370.hs:18:7) right :: S r -> () (bound at T15370.hs:18:1) T15370.hs:20:18: warning: [-Wtyped-holes (in -Wdefault)] • Found hole: _ :: () • In the second argument of ‘(+)’, namely ‘_’ In the expression: no + _ In a case alternative: Refl -> no + _ • Relevant bindings include no :: S r (bound at T15370.hs:18:7) right :: S r -> () (bound at T15370.hs:18:1) Constraints include y ~ x (from T15370.hs:20:5-8) Valid hole fits include () :: () mempty :: forall a. Monoid a => a maxBound :: forall a. Bounded a => a minBound :: forall a. Bounded a => a