{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} -- #2045 -- ghc -fhpc --make Vhdl.hs -o gencirc -Wall module ShouleCompile where writeDefinitions :: Generic b => b -> IO () writeDefinitions out = do let define v s = case s of Bool True -> port "vcc" [] Bool False -> port "gnd" [] Inv x -> port "inv" [x] And [] -> define v (Bool True) And [x] -> port "id" [x] And [x,y] -> port "and2" [x,y] And (x:xs) -> define (w 0) (And xs) >> define v (And [x,w 0]) Or [] -> define v (Bool False) Or [x] -> port "id" [x] Or [x,y] -> port "or2" [x,y] Or (x:xs) -> define (w 0) (Or xs) >> define v (Or [x,w 0]) Xor [] -> define v (Bool False) Xor [x] -> port "id" [x] Xor [x,y] -> port "xor2" [x,y] Xor (x:xs) -> define (w 0) (Or xs) >> define (w 1) (Inv (w 0)) >> define (w 2) (And [x, w 1]) >> define (w 3) (Inv x) >> define (w 4) (Xor xs) >> define (w 5) (And [w 3, w 4]) >> define v (Or [w 2, w 5]) Multi a1 a2 a3 a4 -> multi a1 a2 a3 a4 where w i = v ++ "_" ++ show i multi n "RAMB16_S18" opts args = do putStr $ " " ++ " : " ++ "RAMB16_S18" ++ "\ngeneric map (" ++ opts ++ mapTo "DOP" [0,1] (get 16 2 outs) ++ mapTo "ADDR" [0..9] (get 0 10 args) where outs = map (\i -> "o" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ v) [1..n] get :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a] get n' m xs = take m (drop n' xs) mapTo s' (n':ns) (x:xs) = s' ++ "(" ++ show n' ++ ")" ++ " => " ++ x ++ ",\n" ++ mapTo s' ns xs mapTo _ _ _ = "" multi n "RAMB16_S18_S18" opts args = do putStr $ opts ++ mapTo "DOA" [0..15] (get 0 16 outs) ++ mapTo "DOB" [0..15] (get 18 16 outs) ++ mapTo "DOPA" [0,1] (get 16 2 outs) ++ mapTo "DOPB" [0,1] (get 34 2 outs) ++ mapTo "ADDRA" [0..9] (get 0 10 args) ++ mapTo "ADDRB" [0..9] (get 10 10 args) ++ mapTo "DIA" [0..15] (get 20 16 args) ++ mapTo "DIB" [0..15] (get 38 16 args) ++ mapTo "DIPA" [0,1] (get 36 2 args) ++ mapTo "DIPB" [0,1] (get 54 2 args) ++ head (get 56 1 args) ++ head (get 57 1 args) where outs = map (\i -> "o" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ v) [1..n] get :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a] get _ _ = id mapTo s' (n':ns) (x:xs) = s' ++ "(" ++ show n' ++ ")" ++ " => " ++ x ++ ",\n" ++ mapTo s' ns xs mapTo _ _ _ = "" multi _ _ _ _ = undefined port n args | n == "id" = do putStr $ " " ++ v ++ " <= " ++ (head args) ++ ";\n" port _ _ = undefined netlistIO define (struct out) return () netlistIO :: (v -> S v -> IO ()) -> f Symbol -> IO (f v) netlistIO = undefined data Struct a class Generic a where struct :: a -> Struct Symbol struct = undefined instance Generic (Signal a) data Signal a data Symbol data S s = Bool Bool | Inv s | And [s] | Or [s] | Xor [s] | Multi Int String String [s]