{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-} -- This is a rather complicated program that uses functional -- dependencies to do Peano arithmetic. -- -- GHC 6.2 dies because tcSimplifyRestricted was trying to -- be too clever. See 'Plan B' in tcSimplifyRestricted module ShouldCompile where -- This is the offending definition. It falls under -- the monomorphism restriction, so tcSimplifyRestricted applies bug = ins b (ins b Nil) ------------------------------------ data LAB l r = LAB l r deriving Show data OR a b = OR a b deriving Show data Cons x y = Cons x y deriving Show data Nil = Nil deriving Show data T = T data F = F data A = A deriving Show data B = B deriving Show data Zero = Zero data Succ n = Succ n b = ((LAB B []),[]) -- insertion function -- insert label pairs in the a list of list, each list contains a collection of -- label pair that sharing the common label. class Ins r l l' | r l -> l' where ins :: r -> l -> l' instance Ins ((LAB l1 r1),r1') Nil (Cons (Cons ((LAB l1 r1),r1') Nil) Nil) where ins l Nil = (Cons (Cons l Nil) Nil) instance ( L2N l1 n1 , L2N l2 n2 , EqR n1 n2 b , Ins1 ((LAB l1 r1),r1') (Cons (Cons ((LAB l2 r2),r2') rs) rs') b l ) => Ins ((LAB l1 r1),r1') (Cons (Cons ((LAB l2 r2),r2') rs) rs') l where ins ((LAB l1 r1),r1') (Cons (Cons ((LAB l2 r2),r2') rs) rs') = ins1 ((LAB l1 r1),r1') (Cons (Cons ((LAB l2 r2),r2') rs) rs') (eqR (l2n l1) (l2n l2)) -- Note that n1 and n2 are functionally defined by l1 and l2, respectively, -- and b is functionally defined by n1 and n2. class Ins1 r l b l' | r l b -> l' where ins1 :: r -> l -> b -> l' instance Ins1 ((LAB l1 r1),r1') (Cons r rs) T (Cons (Cons ((LAB l1 r1),r1') r) rs) where ins1 l (Cons r rs) _ = (Cons (Cons l r) rs) instance ( Ins ((LAB l1 r1),r1') rs rs') => Ins1 ((LAB l1 r1),r1') (Cons r rs) F (Cons r rs') where ins1 l (Cons r rs) _ = (Cons r (ins l rs)) -- class for mapping label to number class L2N l n | l -> n where l2n :: l -> n instance L2N A Zero where l2n A = Zero instance L2N B (Succ Zero) where l2n B = Succ Zero -- class for comparing number type class EqR n1 n2 b | n1 n2 -> b where eqR :: n1 -> n2 -> b instance EqR Zero Zero T where eqR _ _ = T instance EqR Zero (Succ n) F where eqR _ _ = F instance EqR (Succ n) Zero F where eqR _ _ = F instance (EqR n1 n2 b) => EqR (Succ n1) (Succ n2) b where eqR (Succ n1) (Succ n2) = eqR n1 n2