{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts #-} {- Email 30 Jan 2006 > the attached program compiles under GHC, but not with Hugs. as far as > i see, Hugs don't use dependencies in class headers to figure out that > there is only one "vMkIOError" that can be called in the last > definition OK, I think it's a bug (though the example is bizarre). Sadly Hugs's support for FDs is rough around the edges (and unlikely to improve soon). -} module ShoudlCompile where class (Monad m) => Stream m h | h->m where vMkIOError :: h -> Int data BinHandle = forall h . Stream IO h => BinH h instance Stream IO BinHandle where vMkIOError (BinH h) = vMkIOError h