{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints -Wno-simplifiable-class-constraints #-} -- trac #1406: Constraint doesn't reduce in the presence of quantified -- type variables {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, RankNTypes, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-} module Problem where data Z data S a class HPrefix l instance (NSub (S Z) ndiff, HDrop ndiff l l) => HPrefix l -- Weird test case: (NSub (S Z) ndiff) is simplifiable class NSub n1 n3 | n1 -> n3 instance NSub Z Z instance NSub n1 n3 => NSub (S n1) n3 class HDrop n l1 l2 | n l1 -> l2 instance HDrop Z l l t_hPrefix :: HPrefix l => l -> () -- Weird test case: (HPrefix l) is simplifiable t_hPrefix = undefined -- In ghc 6.6.1 this works... thr' :: (forall r. l -> a) -> a thr' f = f undefined thP4' = thr' t_hPrefix -- ... but this doesn't work...? thr :: (forall r. r -> a) -> a thr f = f undefined thP4 = thr t_hPrefix