LevPolyBounded.hs:11:15: error: [GHC-25897] • Expected a type, but ‘a’ has kind ‘TYPE r’ ‘r’ is a rigid type variable bound by the class declaration for ‘XBounded’ at LevPolyBounded.hs:10:17-27 • In the type signature: LevPolyBounded.minBound :: a In the class declaration for ‘XBounded’ LevPolyBounded.hs:12:15: error: [GHC-25897] • Expected a type, but ‘a’ has kind ‘TYPE r’ ‘r’ is a rigid type variable bound by the class declaration for ‘XBounded’ at LevPolyBounded.hs:10:17-27 • In the type signature: LevPolyBounded.maxBound :: a In the class declaration for ‘XBounded’