T10709.hs:6:21: error: • Couldn't match type ‘a2’ with ‘(forall a4. IO a4 -> IO a4) -> IO a3’ Expected: a2 -> IO a3 Actual: ((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO a3) -> IO a3 • Cannot equate type variable ‘a2’ with a type involving polytypes: (forall a4. IO a4 -> IO a4) -> IO a3 ‘a2’ is a rigid type variable bound by the inferred type of x1 :: a2 -> IO [a3] at T10709.hs:6:1-24 • In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘mask’ In the expression: replicateM 2 . mask In an equation for ‘x1’: x1 = replicateM 2 . mask • Relevant bindings include x1 :: a2 -> IO [a3] (bound at T10709.hs:6:1) T10709.hs:7:22: error: • Couldn't match type ‘a1’ with ‘(forall a2. IO a2 -> IO a2) -> IO a’ Expected: a1 -> IO a Actual: ((forall a1. IO a1 -> IO a1) -> IO a) -> IO a • Cannot instantiate unification variable ‘a1’ with a type involving polytypes: (forall a2. IO a2 -> IO a2) -> IO a • In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘mask’ In the expression: (replicateM 2 . mask) undefined In an equation for ‘x2’: x2 = (replicateM 2 . mask) undefined • Relevant bindings include x2 :: IO [a] (bound at T10709.hs:7:1) T10709.hs:8:22: error: • Couldn't match type ‘a0’ with ‘(forall a2. IO a2 -> IO a2) -> IO a’ Expected: a0 -> IO a Actual: ((forall a1. IO a1 -> IO a1) -> IO a) -> IO a • Cannot instantiate unification variable ‘a0’ with a type involving polytypes: (forall a2. IO a2 -> IO a2) -> IO a • In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘mask’ In the first argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘(replicateM 2 . mask)’ In the expression: (replicateM 2 . mask) $ undefined • Relevant bindings include x3 :: IO [a] (bound at T10709.hs:8:1)