T12918b.hs:8:11: error: • The default type signature for bar1: forall b. b -> a does not match its corresponding non-default type signature • When checking the class method: bar1 :: forall a b. Foo1 a => a -> b In the class declaration for ‘Foo1’ T12918b.hs:12:11: error: • The default type signature for bar2: forall x. x does not match its corresponding non-default type signature • When checking the class method: bar2 :: forall a b. Foo1 a => a -> b In the class declaration for ‘Foo1’ T12918b.hs:12:11: error: • Could not deduce (Foo1 a0) from the context: Foo1 a bound by the type signature for: bar2 :: forall a x. Foo1 a => x at T12918b.hs:12:11-14 The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous • In the ambiguity check for ‘bar2’ To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes When checking the class method: bar2 :: forall a b. Foo1 a => a -> b In the class declaration for ‘Foo1’ T12918b.hs:16:11: error: • The default type signature for bar3: a -> Int does not match its corresponding non-default type signature • When checking the class method: bar3 :: forall a b. Foo1 a => a -> b In the class declaration for ‘Foo1’ T12918b.hs:20:11: error: • The default type signature for bar4: forall b. a -> b does not match its corresponding non-default type signature • When checking the class method: bar4 :: forall a. Foo1 a => a -> Int In the class declaration for ‘Foo1’