T17139.hs:15:10: error: • Couldn't match type ‘f’ with ‘(->) a’ Expected: TypeFam f (a -> b) Actual: (a -> a) -> f a -> TypeFam f b0 ‘f’ is a rigid type variable bound by the type signature for: lift :: forall a b (f :: * -> *). (a -> b) -> TypeFam f (a -> b) at T17139.hs:14:1-38 • The lambda expression ‘\ x -> _ (f <*> x)’ has one value argument, but its type ‘TypeFam f (a -> b)’ has none In the expression: \ x -> _ (f <*> x) In an equation for ‘lift’: lift f = \ x -> _ (f <*> x) • Relevant bindings include f :: a -> b (bound at T17139.hs:15:6) lift :: (a -> b) -> TypeFam f (a -> b) (bound at T17139.hs:15:1) T17139.hs:15:16: error: • Found hole: _ :: (a -> b0) -> f a -> TypeFam f b0 Where: ‘b0’ is an ambiguous type variable ‘a’, ‘f’ are rigid type variables bound by the type signature for: lift :: forall a b (f :: * -> *). (a -> b) -> TypeFam f (a -> b) at T17139.hs:14:1-38 • In the expression: _ (f <*> x) The lambda expression ‘\ x -> _ (f <*> x)’ has one value argument, but its type ‘TypeFam f (a -> b)’ has none In the expression: \ x -> _ (f <*> x) • Relevant bindings include x :: a -> a (bound at T17139.hs:15:11) f :: a -> b (bound at T17139.hs:15:6) lift :: (a -> b) -> TypeFam f (a -> b) (bound at T17139.hs:15:1) T17139.hs:15:19: error: • Couldn't match type ‘b’ with ‘a -> b0’ Expected: a -> a -> b0 Actual: a -> b ‘b’ is a rigid type variable bound by the type signature for: lift :: forall a b (f :: * -> *). (a -> b) -> TypeFam f (a -> b) at T17139.hs:14:1-38 • In the first argument of ‘(<*>)’, namely ‘f’ In the first argument of ‘_’, namely ‘(f <*> x)’ In the expression: _ (f <*> x) • Relevant bindings include x :: a -> a (bound at T17139.hs:15:11) f :: a -> b (bound at T17139.hs:15:6) lift :: (a -> b) -> TypeFam f (a -> b) (bound at T17139.hs:15:1)