T3540.hs:4:12: error: • Expected a type, but ‘a ~ Int’ has kind ‘Constraint’ • In the type signature: thing :: (a ~ Int) T3540.hs:7:20: error: • Expected a type, but ‘a ~ Int’ has kind ‘Constraint’ • In the type signature: thing1 :: Int -> (a ~ Int) T3540.hs:10:13: error: • Expected a type, but ‘a ~ Int’ has kind ‘Constraint’ • In the type signature: thing2 :: (a ~ Int) -> Int T3540.hs:13:12: error: • Expected a type, but ‘?dude :: Int’ has kind ‘Constraint’ • In the type signature: thing3 :: (?dude :: Int) -> Int T3540.hs:16:11: error: • Expected a type, but ‘Eq a’ has kind ‘Constraint’ • In the type signature: thing4 :: (Eq a) -> Int