[1 of 5] Compiling T6018Bfail ( T6018Bfail.hs, T6018Bfail.o ) [2 of 5] Compiling T6018Dfail ( T6018Dfail.hs, T6018Dfail.o ) [3 of 5] Compiling T6018Cfail ( T6018Cfail.hs, T6018Cfail.o ) [4 of 5] Compiling T6018Afail ( T6018Afail.hs, T6018Afail.o ) [5 of 5] Compiling T6018fail ( T6018fail.hs, T6018fail.o ) T6018Afail.hs:7:15: error: Type family equations violate injectivity annotation: G Char Bool Int = Int -- Defined at T6018Afail.hs:7:15 G Bool Int Char = Int -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:15:15 T6018Dfail.hs:7:15: error: Type family equations violate injectivity annotation: T6018Bfail.H Bool Int Char = Int -- Defined at T6018Dfail.hs:7:15 T6018Bfail.H Char Bool Int = Int -- Defined at T6018Cfail.hs:8:15 T6018fail.hs:13:15: error: Type family equations violate injectivity annotation: F Bool Int Char = Int -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:13:15 F Char Bool Int = Int -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:12:15 T6018fail.hs:19:15: error: Type family equations violate injectivity annotation: I Int Int Int = Bool -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:19:15 I Int Char Bool = Bool -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:18:15 T6018fail.hs:28:15: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. RHS of injective type family equation cannot be a type family: IdProxy a = Id a -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:28:15 T6018fail.hs:36:15: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. RHS of injective type family equation is a bare type variable but these LHS type and kind patterns are not bare variables: ‘'Z’ P 'Z m = m -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:36:15 T6018fail.hs:37:15: error: Type family equations violate injectivity annotation: P ('S n) m = 'S (P n m) -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:37:15 P 'Z m = m -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:36:15 T6018fail.hs:42:15: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. Type variable ‘b’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side. In the type family equation: J Int b c = Char -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:42:15 T6018fail.hs:46:15: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. Type variable ‘n’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side. In the type family equation: K ('S n) m = 'S m -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:46:15 T6018fail.hs:51:15: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. RHS of injective type family equation cannot be a type family: L a = MaybeSyn a -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:51:15 T6018fail.hs:59:10: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. Kind variable ‘k’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side. (enabling -fprint-explicit-kinds might help) In the type family equation: PolyKindVarsF '[] = '[] -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:59:10 T6018fail.hs:62:15: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. Kind variable ‘k1’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side. (enabling -fprint-explicit-kinds might help) In the type family equation: PolyKindVars '[] = '[] -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:62:15 T6018fail.hs:66:15: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. Kind variable ‘k’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side. (enabling -fprint-explicit-kinds might help) In the type family equation: forall (k :: BOX) (a :: k) (b :: k). Fc a b = Int -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:66:15 T6018fail.hs:70:15: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. Type and kind variables ‘k’, ‘a’, ‘b’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side. (enabling -fprint-explicit-kinds might help) In the type family equation: forall (k :: BOX) (a :: k) (b :: k). Gc a b = Int -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:70:15 T6018fail.hs:75:15: error: Type family equations violate injectivity annotation: F1 (Maybe a) = Maybe (GF2 a) -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:75:15 F1 [a] = Maybe (GF1 a) -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:74:15 T6018fail.hs:87:15: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. RHS of injective type family equation is a bare type variable but these LHS type and kind patterns are not bare variables: ‘[a]’ W1 [a] = a -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:87:15 T6018fail.hs:90:15: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. RHS of injective type family equation cannot be a type family: W2 [a] = W2 a -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:90:15 T6018fail.hs:95:15: error: Type family equations violate injectivity annotation: Z1 (Maybe b) = (b, [b]) -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:95:15 Z1 [a] = (a, a) -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:94:15 T6018fail.hs:99:15: error: Type family equations violate injectivity annotation: G1 (Maybe b) = [(b, b)] -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:99:15 G1 [a] = [a] -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:98:15 T6018fail.hs:103:15: error: Type family equations violate injectivity annotation: G3 a Bool = (Bool, a) -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:103:15 G3 a Int = (a, Int) -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:102:15 T6018fail.hs:106:15: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. Type variable ‘b’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side. In the type family equation: G4 a b = [a] -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:106:15 T6018fail.hs:110:15: error: Type family equations violate injectivity annotation: G5 Int = [Bool] -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:110:15 G5 [a] = [GF1 a] -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:109:15 T6018fail.hs:113:15: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. Type variable ‘a’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side. In the type family equation: G6 [a] = [HF1 a] -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:113:15 T6018fail.hs:118:15: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. Type and kind variables ‘k’, ‘c’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side. (enabling -fprint-explicit-kinds might help) In the type family equation: forall (k :: BOX) a b (c :: k). G7 a b c = [G7a a b c] -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:118:15 T6018fail.hs:129:1: error: Type family equations violate injectivity annotation: FC Int Bool = Bool -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:129:1 FC Int Char = Bool -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:125:10 T6018fail.hs:134:1: error: Type family equation violates injectivity annotation. RHS of injective type family equation is a bare type variable but these LHS type and kind patterns are not bare variables: ‘*’, ‘Char’ FC Char a = a -- Defined at T6018fail.hs:134:1