T6018failclosed.hs:11:5: error: [GHC-05175] • Type family equation violates the family's injectivity annotation. RHS of injective type family equation cannot be a type family: IdProxyClosed a = IdClosed a -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:11:5 • In the equations for closed type family ‘IdProxyClosed’ In the type family declaration for ‘IdProxyClosed’ T6018failclosed.hs:19:5: error: [GHC-05175] • Type family equation right-hand sides overlap; this violates the family's injectivity annotation: PClosed Z m = m -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:19:5 PClosed (S n) m = S (PClosed n m) -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:20:5 • In the equations for closed type family ‘PClosed’ In the type family declaration for ‘PClosed’ T6018failclosed.hs:19:5: error: [GHC-05175] • Type family equation violates the family's injectivity annotation. RHS of injective type family equation is a bare type variable but these LHS type and kind patterns are not bare variables: ‘Z’ PClosed Z m = m -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:19:5 • In the equations for closed type family ‘PClosed’ In the type family declaration for ‘PClosed’ T6018failclosed.hs:25:5: error: [GHC-05175] • Type family equation violates the family's injectivity annotation. Type/kind variables ‘k1’, ‘b’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side. In the type family equation: forall {k1} {k2} {b :: k1} {c :: k2}. JClosed @{k1} @{k2} Int b c = Char -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:25:5 • In the equations for closed type family ‘JClosed’ In the type family declaration for ‘JClosed’ T6018failclosed.hs:30:5: error: [GHC-05175] • Type family equation violates the family's injectivity annotation. Type variable ‘n’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side. In the type family equation: KClosed (S n) m = S m -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:30:5 • In the equations for closed type family ‘KClosed’ In the type family declaration for ‘KClosed’ T6018failclosed.hs:35:5: error: [GHC-05175] • Type family equation violates the family's injectivity annotation. RHS of injective type family equation cannot be a type family: forall {k} {a :: k}. LClosed a = MaybeSynClosed a -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:35:5 • In the equations for closed type family ‘LClosed’ In the type family declaration for ‘LClosed’ T6018failclosed.hs:39:5: error: [GHC-05175] • Type family equation right-hand sides overlap; this violates the family's injectivity annotation: FClosed Char Bool Int = Int -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:39:5 FClosed Bool Int Char = Int -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:40:5 • In the equations for closed type family ‘FClosed’ In the type family declaration for ‘FClosed’ T6018failclosed.hs:43:5: error: [GHC-05175] • Type family equation right-hand sides overlap; this violates the family's injectivity annotation: IClosed Int Char Bool = Bool -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:43:5 IClosed Int Int Int = Bool -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:44:5 • In the equations for closed type family ‘IClosed’ In the type family declaration for ‘IClosed’ T6018failclosed.hs:49:3: error: [GHC-05175] • Type family equation right-hand sides overlap; this violates the family's injectivity annotation: E2 True = False -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:49:3 E2 a = False -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:50:3 • In the equations for closed type family ‘E2’ In the type family declaration for ‘E2’ T6018failclosed.hs:50:3: error: [GHC-05175] • Type family equation violates the family's injectivity annotation. Type variable ‘a’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side. In the type family equation: E2 a = False -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:50:3 • In the equations for closed type family ‘E2’ In the type family declaration for ‘E2’ T6018failclosed.hs:61:3: error: [GHC-05175] • Type family equation right-hand sides overlap; this violates the family's injectivity annotation: F a IO = IO a -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:61:3 F Char b = b Int -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:62:3 • In the equations for closed type family ‘F’ In the type family declaration for ‘F’ T6018failclosed.hs:66:5: error: [GHC-05175] • Type family equation violates the family's injectivity annotation. Type/kind variable ‘k’ cannot be inferred from the right-hand side. In the type family equation: forall {k} {a :: k} {b :: k}. Gc @k a b = Int -- Defined at T6018failclosed.hs:66:5 • In the equations for closed type family ‘Gc’ In the type family declaration for ‘Gc’