T6069.hs:13:15: Couldn't match type ‘ST s0 Int’ with ‘forall s. ST s a0’ Expected type: ST s0 Int -> a0 Actual type: (forall s. ST s a0) -> a0 In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘runST’ In the expression: print . runST T6069.hs:14:15: Couldn't match type ‘ST s1 Int’ with ‘forall s. ST s a1’ Expected type: ST s1 Int -> a1 Actual type: (forall s. ST s a1) -> a1 In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘runST’ In the expression: (print . runST) T6069.hs:15:16: Couldn't match type ‘ST s2 Int’ with ‘forall s. ST s a2’ Expected type: ST s2 Int -> a2 Actual type: (forall s. ST s a2) -> a2 In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘runST’ In the first argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘(print . runST)’