T7748a.hs:16:24: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘a’ with actual type ‘Maybe (Maybe (r -> ()))’ ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by the type signature for: test :: forall a r. a -> r -> () at T7748a.hs:11:9 • In the pattern: Just (Just p) In a case alternative: Just (Just p) -> p In the expression: case zd of { Nothing -> const () Just Nothing -> const () Just (Just p) -> p } • Relevant bindings include g :: r -> () (bound at T7748a.hs:13:16) f :: r -> () (bound at T7748a.hs:13:8) zd :: a (bound at T7748a.hs:12:6) test :: a -> r -> () (bound at T7748a.hs:12:1)