T9612.hs:16:9: error: [GHC-18872] • Couldn't match type: [(Int, a)] with: (Int, a) arising from a functional dependency between: constraint ‘MonadWriter (Int, a) (WriterT [(Int, a)] Identity)’ arising from a use of ‘tell’ instance ‘MonadWriter w (WriterT w m)’ at T9612.hs:20:10-59 • In a stmt of a 'do' block: tell (n, x) In the expression: do tell (n, x) return (1, y) In an equation for ‘f’: f y (n, x) = do tell (n, x) return (1, y) • Relevant bindings include x :: a (bound at T9612.hs:14:8) y :: a (bound at T9612.hs:14:3) f :: a -> (Int, a) -> Writer [(Int, a)] (Int, a) (bound at T9612.hs:14:1)