VtaFail.hs:7:16: error: • Cannot apply expression of type ‘a0 -> b0 -> (a0, b0)’ to a visible type argument ‘Int’ • In the expression: pairup_nosig @Int @Bool 5 True In an equation for ‘answer_nosig’: answer_nosig = pairup_nosig @Int @Bool 5 True VtaFail.hs:14:17: error: • Cannot apply expression of type ‘p1 -> p1’ to a visible type argument ‘Int’ • In the expression: (\ x -> x) @Int 12 In an equation for ‘answer_lambda’: answer_lambda = (\ x -> x) @Int 12 VtaFail.hs:21:5: error: • Cannot apply expression of type ‘Int -> (a0, Int)’ to a visible type argument ‘Bool’ • In the expression: pair 3 @Int @Bool True In an equation for ‘a’: a = pair 3 @Int @Bool True VtaFail.hs:28:15: error: • Expected kind ‘* -> *’, but ‘Int’ has kind ‘*’ • In the type ‘Int’ In the expression: first @Int F In an equation for ‘fInt’: fInt = first @Int F VtaFail.hs:35:18: error: • Couldn't match type ‘Int’ with ‘Bool’ Expected: Proxy Bool Actual: Proxy Int • In the second argument of ‘foo’, namely ‘(P :: Proxy Int)’ In the expression: foo @Bool (P :: Proxy Int) In an equation for ‘baz’: baz = foo @Bool (P :: Proxy Int) VtaFail.hs:42:17: error: • Couldn't match kind ‘*’ with ‘k0 -> *’ Expected kind ‘* -> k0 -> *’, but ‘Maybe’ has kind ‘* -> *’ • In the type ‘Maybe’ In the expression: too @Maybe T In an equation for ‘threeBad’: threeBad = too @Maybe T VtaFail.hs:43:27: error: • Couldn't match type ‘Either’ with ‘(->)’ Expected: Three (->) Actual: Three Either • In the second argument of ‘too’, namely ‘(T :: Three Either)’ In the expression: too @(->) (T :: Three Either) In an equation for ‘threeWorse’: threeWorse = too @(->) (T :: Three Either) VtaFail.hs:48:5: error: • Cannot apply expression of type ‘Int -> Int -> Int’ to a visible type argument ‘Int’ • In the expression: plus @Int 5 7 In an equation for ‘b’: b = plus @Int 5 7 VtaFail.hs:49:5: error: • Cannot apply expression of type ‘Int -> Int -> Int’ to a visible type argument ‘Rational’ • In the expression: plus @Rational 5 10 In an equation for ‘c’: c = plus @Rational 5 10 VtaFail.hs:50:5: error: • Cannot apply expression of type ‘Int -> Int -> Int’ to a visible type argument ‘Int’ • In the expression: (+) @Int @Int @Int 12 14 In an equation for ‘d’: d = (+) @Int @Int @Int 12 14 VtaFail.hs:53:5: error: • Cannot apply expression of type ‘Int -> String’ to a visible type argument ‘Float’ • In the expression: show @Int @Float (read "5") In an equation for ‘e’: e = show @Int @Float (read "5") VtaFail.hs:54:11: error: • Cannot apply expression of type ‘String -> Int’ to a visible type argument ‘Bool’ • In the first argument of ‘show’, namely ‘(read @Int @Bool @Float "3")’ In the expression: show (read @Int @Bool @Float "3") In an equation for ‘f’: f = show (read @Int @Bool @Float "3") VtaFail.hs:59:12: error: • Expecting one more argument to ‘Maybe’ Expected a type, but ‘Maybe’ has kind ‘* -> *’ • In the type ‘Maybe’ In the expression: silly @Maybe In an equation for ‘g’: g = silly @Maybe