tcfail065.hs:29:20: error: [GHC-25897] • Couldn't match expected type ‘x’ with actual type ‘x1’ ‘x1’ is a rigid type variable bound by the type signature for: setX :: forall x1. x1 -> X x -> X x at tcfail065.hs:29:3-6 ‘x’ is a rigid type variable bound by the instance declaration at tcfail065.hs:28:10-19 • In the first argument of ‘X’, namely ‘x’ In the expression: X x In an equation for ‘setX’: setX x (X _) = X x • Relevant bindings include x :: x1 (bound at tcfail065.hs:29:8) setX :: x1 -> X x -> X x (bound at tcfail065.hs:29:3)