tcfail076.hs:18:82: error: • Couldn't match type ‘res1’ with ‘res’ ‘res1’ is a rigid type variable bound by a type expected by the context: forall res1. (b -> m res1) -> m res1 at tcfail076.hs:18:71-88 ‘res’ is a rigid type variable bound by a type expected by the context: forall res. (a -> m res) -> m res at tcfail076.hs:18:35-96 Expected type: m res1 Actual type: m res • In the expression: cont a In the first argument of ‘KContT’, namely ‘(\ cont' -> cont a)’ In the expression: KContT (\ cont' -> cont a) • Relevant bindings include cont' :: b -> m res1 (bound at tcfail076.hs:18:73) cont :: a -> m res (bound at tcfail076.hs:18:37)