tcfail132.hs:17:37: error: • Couldn't match kind ‘*’ with ‘* -> *’ Expected kind ‘* -> * -> * -> *’, but ‘Object f' f t’ has kind ‘* -> * -> *’ • In the first argument of ‘T’, namely ‘(Object f' f t)’ In the type ‘T (Object f' f t) (DUnit t)’ In the type declaration for ‘LiftObject’ tcfail132.hs:17:53: error: • Couldn't match kind ‘*’ with ‘* -> *’ Expected kind ‘* -> * -> * -> *’, but ‘DUnit t’ has kind ‘* -> * -> *’ • In the second argument of ‘T’, namely ‘(DUnit t)’ In the type ‘T (Object f' f t) (DUnit t)’ In the type declaration for ‘LiftObject’