tcfail140.hs:10:7: The function `f' is applied to two arguments, but its type `Int -> Int' has only one In the expression: f 3 9 In an equation for `bar': bar = f 3 9 tcfail140.hs:12:10: The operator `f' takes two arguments, but its type `Int -> Int' has only one In the expression: 3 `f` 4 In an equation for `rot': rot xs = 3 `f` 4 tcfail140.hs:14:15: The operator `f' takes two arguments, but its type `Int -> Int' has only one In the first argument of `map', namely `(3 `f`)' In the expression: map (3 `f`) xs In an equation for `bot': bot xs = map (3 `f`) xs tcfail140.hs:16:8: Constructor `Just' should have 1 argument, but has been given none In the pattern: Just In the expression: (\ Just x -> x) :: Maybe a -> a In the expression: ((\ Just x -> x) :: Maybe a -> a) (Just 1) tcfail140.hs:19:1: The equation(s) for `g' have two arguments, but its type `Int -> Int' has only one