{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- This module rexposes wrapped parsers from the GHC API. Along with -- returning the parse result, the corresponding annotations are also -- returned such that it is then easy to modify the annotations and print -- the result. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Parsers ( -- * Utility Parser , ParseResult , withDynFlags , CppOptions(..) , defaultCppOptions , LibDir -- * Module Parsers , parseModule , parseModuleFromString , parseModuleWithOptions , parseModuleWithCpp -- * Basic Parsers , parseExpr , parseImport , parseType , parseDecl , parsePattern , parseStmt , parseWith -- * Internal , ghcWrapper , initDynFlags , initDynFlagsPure , parseModuleFromStringInternal , parseModuleEpAnnsWithCpp , parseModuleEpAnnsWithCppInternal , postParseTransform ) where import Preprocess import Data.Functor (void) import qualified GHC hiding (parseModule) import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as GHC import qualified GHC.Data.FastString as GHC import qualified GHC.Data.StringBuffer as GHC import qualified GHC.Driver.Config.Parser as GHC import qualified GHC.Driver.Errors.Types as GHC import qualified GHC.Driver.Session as GHC import qualified GHC.Parser as GHC import qualified GHC.Parser.Header as GHC import qualified GHC.Parser.Lexer as GHC import qualified GHC.Parser.PostProcess as GHC import qualified GHC.Types.SrcLoc as GHC import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Wrapper function which returns Annotations along with the parsed -- element. parseWith :: GHC.DynFlags -> FilePath -> GHC.P w -> String -> ParseResult w parseWith dflags fileName parser s = case runParser parser dflags fileName s of GHC.PFailed pst -> Left (GHC.GhcPsMessage <$> GHC.getPsErrorMessages pst) GHC.POk _ pmod -> Right pmod parseWithECP :: (GHC.DisambECP w) => GHC.DynFlags -> FilePath -> GHC.P GHC.ECP -> String -> ParseResult (GHC.LocatedA w) parseWithECP dflags fileName parser s = case runParser (parser >>= \p -> GHC.runPV $ GHC.unECP p) dflags fileName s of GHC.PFailed pst -> Left (GHC.GhcPsMessage <$> GHC.getPsErrorMessages pst) GHC.POk _ pmod -> Right pmod -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- runParser :: GHC.P a -> GHC.DynFlags -> FilePath -> String -> GHC.ParseResult a runParser parser flags filename str = GHC.unP parser parseState where location = GHC.mkRealSrcLoc (GHC.mkFastString filename) 1 1 buffer = GHC.stringToStringBuffer str parseState = GHC.initParserState (GHC.initParserOpts flags) buffer location -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Provides a safe way to consume a properly initialised set of -- 'DynFlags'. -- -- @ -- myParser fname expr = withDynFlags (\\d -> parseExpr d fname expr) -- @ withDynFlags :: LibDir -> (GHC.DynFlags -> a) -> IO a withDynFlags libdir action = ghcWrapper libdir $ do dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags void $ GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags return (action dflags) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- parseFile :: GHC.DynFlags -> FilePath -> String -> GHC.ParseResult (GHC.Located (GHC.HsModule GHC.GhcPs)) parseFile = runParser GHC.parseModule -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- type LibDir = FilePath type ParseResult a = Either GHC.ErrorMessages a type Parser a = GHC.DynFlags -> FilePath -> String -> ParseResult a parseExpr :: Parser (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.GhcPs) parseExpr df fp = parseWithECP df fp GHC.parseExpression parseImport :: Parser (GHC.LImportDecl GHC.GhcPs) parseImport df fp = parseWith df fp GHC.parseImport parseType :: Parser (GHC.LHsType GHC.GhcPs) parseType df fp = parseWith df fp GHC.parseType -- safe, see D1007 parseDecl :: Parser (GHC.LHsDecl GHC.GhcPs) parseDecl df fp = parseWith df fp GHC.parseDeclaration parseStmt :: Parser (GHC.ExprLStmt GHC.GhcPs) parseStmt df fp = parseWith df fp GHC.parseStatement parsePattern :: Parser (GHC.LPat GHC.GhcPs) parsePattern df fp = parseWith df fp GHC.parsePattern -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- | This entry point will also work out which language extensions are -- required and perform CPP processing if necessary. -- -- @ -- parseModule = parseModuleWithCpp defaultCppOptions -- @ -- -- Note: 'GHC.ParsedSource' is a synonym for 'GHC.Located' ('GHC.HsModule' 'GhcPs') parseModule :: LibDir -> FilePath -> IO (ParseResult GHC.ParsedSource) parseModule libdir file = parseModuleWithCpp libdir defaultCppOptions file -- | This entry point will work out which language extensions are -- required but will _not_ perform CPP processing. -- In contrast to `parseModoule` the input source is read from the provided -- string; the `FilePath` parameter solely exists to provide a name -- in source location annotations. parseModuleFromString :: LibDir -- GHC libdir -> FilePath -> String -> IO (ParseResult GHC.ParsedSource) parseModuleFromString libdir fp s = ghcWrapper libdir $ do dflags <- initDynFlagsPure fp s return $ parseModuleFromStringInternal dflags fp s -- | Internal part of 'parseModuleFromString'. parseModuleFromStringInternal :: Parser GHC.ParsedSource parseModuleFromStringInternal dflags fileName str = let (str1, lp) = stripLinePragmas str res = case runParser GHC.parseModule dflags fileName str1 of GHC.PFailed pst -> Left (GHC.GhcPsMessage <$> GHC.getPsErrorMessages pst) GHC.POk _ pmod -> Right (lp, dflags, pmod) in postParseTransform res parseModuleWithOptions :: LibDir -- ^ GHC libdir -> FilePath -> IO (ParseResult GHC.ParsedSource) parseModuleWithOptions libdir fp = parseModuleWithCpp libdir defaultCppOptions fp -- | Parse a module with specific instructions for the C pre-processor. parseModuleWithCpp :: LibDir -- ^ GHC libdir -> CppOptions -> FilePath -- ^ File to be parsed -> IO (ParseResult GHC.ParsedSource) parseModuleWithCpp libdir cpp fp = do res <- parseModuleEpAnnsWithCpp libdir cpp fp return $ postParseTransform res -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Low level function which is used in the internal tests. -- It is advised to use 'parseModule' or 'parseModuleWithCpp' instead of -- this function. parseModuleEpAnnsWithCpp :: LibDir -- ^ GHC libdir -> CppOptions -> FilePath -- ^ File to be parsed -> IO ( Either GHC.ErrorMessages ([GHC.LEpaComment], GHC.DynFlags, GHC.ParsedSource) ) parseModuleEpAnnsWithCpp libdir cppOptions file = ghcWrapper libdir $ do dflags <- initDynFlags file parseModuleEpAnnsWithCppInternal cppOptions dflags file -- | Internal function. Default runner of GHC.Ghc action in IO. ghcWrapper :: LibDir -> GHC.Ghc a -> IO a ghcWrapper libdir a = GHC.defaultErrorHandler GHC.defaultFatalMessager GHC.defaultFlushOut $ GHC.runGhc (Just libdir) a -- | Internal function. Exposed if you want to muck with DynFlags -- before parsing. parseModuleEpAnnsWithCppInternal :: GHC.GhcMonad m => CppOptions -> GHC.DynFlags -> FilePath -> m ( Either GHC.ErrorMessages ([GHC.LEpaComment], GHC.DynFlags, GHC.ParsedSource) ) parseModuleEpAnnsWithCppInternal cppOptions dflags file = do let useCpp = GHC.xopt LangExt.Cpp dflags (fileContents, injectedComments, dflags') <- if useCpp then do (contents,dflags1) <- getPreprocessedSrcDirect cppOptions file cppComments <- getCppTokensAsComments cppOptions file return (contents,cppComments,dflags1) else do txt <- GHC.liftIO $ readFileGhc file let (contents1,lp) = stripLinePragmas txt return (contents1,lp,dflags) return $ case parseFile dflags' file fileContents of GHC.PFailed pst -> Left (GHC.GhcPsMessage <$> GHC.getPsErrorMessages pst) GHC.POk _ pmod -> Right $ (injectedComments, dflags', fixModuleTrailingComments pmod) -- | Internal function. Exposed if you want to muck with DynFlags -- before parsing. Or after parsing. postParseTransform :: Either a ([GHC.LEpaComment], GHC.DynFlags, GHC.ParsedSource) -> Either a (GHC.ParsedSource) postParseTransform parseRes = fmap mkAnns parseRes where -- TODO:AZ perhaps inject the comments into the parsedsource here already mkAnns (_cs, _, m) = fixModuleTrailingComments m fixModuleTrailingComments :: GHC.ParsedSource -> GHC.ParsedSource fixModuleTrailingComments (GHC.L l p) = GHC.L l p' where an' = case GHC.hsmodAnn $ GHC.hsmodExt p of (GHC.EpAnn a an ocs) -> GHC.EpAnn a an (rebalance (GHC.am_decls an) ocs) unused -> unused p' = p { GHC.hsmodExt = (GHC.hsmodExt p){ GHC.hsmodAnn = an' } } -- p' = error $ "fixModuleTrailingComments: an'=" ++ showAst an' rebalance :: GHC.AnnList -> GHC.EpAnnComments -> GHC.EpAnnComments rebalance al cs = cs' where cs' = case GHC.al_close al of Just (GHC.AddEpAnn _ (GHC.EpaSpan ss _)) -> let pc = GHC.priorComments cs fc = GHC.getFollowingComments cs bf (GHC.L anc _) = GHC.anchor anc > ss (prior,f) = break bf fc cs'' = GHC.EpaCommentsBalanced (pc <> prior) f in cs'' _ -> cs -- | Internal function. Initializes DynFlags value for parsing. -- -- Passes "-hide-all-packages" to the GHC API to prevent parsing of -- package environment files. However this only works if there is no -- invocation of `setSessionDynFlags` before calling `initDynFlags`. -- See ghc tickets #15513, #15541. initDynFlags :: GHC.GhcMonad m => FilePath -> m GHC.DynFlags initDynFlags file = do -- Based on GHC backpack driver doBackPack dflags0 <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags let parser_opts0 = GHC.initParserOpts dflags0 (_, src_opts) <- GHC.liftIO $ GHC.getOptionsFromFile parser_opts0 file (dflags1, _, _) <- GHC.parseDynamicFilePragma dflags0 src_opts -- Turn this on last to avoid T10942 let dflags2 = dflags1 `GHC.gopt_set` GHC.Opt_KeepRawTokenStream -- Prevent parsing of .ghc.environment.* "package environment files" (dflags3, _, _) <- GHC.parseDynamicFlagsCmdLine dflags2 [GHC.noLoc "-hide-all-packages"] _ <- GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags3 return dflags3 -- | Requires GhcMonad constraint because there is -- no pure variant of `parseDynamicFilePragma`. Yet, in constrast to -- `initDynFlags`, it does not (try to) read the file at filepath, but -- solely depends on the module source in the input string. -- -- Passes "-hide-all-packages" to the GHC API to prevent parsing of -- package environment files. However this only works if there is no -- invocation of `setSessionDynFlags` before calling `initDynFlagsPure`. -- See ghc tickets #15513, #15541. initDynFlagsPure :: GHC.GhcMonad m => FilePath -> String -> m GHC.DynFlags initDynFlagsPure fp s = do -- AZ Note: "I" below appears to be Lennart Spitzner -- I was told we could get away with using the unsafeGlobalDynFlags. -- as long as `parseDynamicFilePragma` is impure there seems to be -- no reason to use it. dflags0 <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags let parser_opts0 = GHC.initParserOpts dflags0 let (_, pragmaInfo) = GHC.getOptions parser_opts0 (GHC.stringToStringBuffer $ s) fp (dflags1, _, _) <- GHC.parseDynamicFilePragma dflags0 pragmaInfo -- Turn this on last to avoid T10942 let dflags2 = dflags1 `GHC.gopt_set` GHC.Opt_KeepRawTokenStream -- Prevent parsing of .ghc.environment.* "package environment files" (dflags3, _, _) <- GHC.parseDynamicFlagsCmdLine dflags2 [GHC.noLoc "-hide-all-packages"] _ <- GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags3 return dflags3 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------