This programme is intended to be used by any GHC developers working on the AST and/or pretty printer by providing a way to check that using exact print on the ParsedSource reproduces the original source. Except for stripping trailing whitespace on lines, and discarding tabs. This utility is also intended to be used in tests, so that when new features are added the ability to round-trip the AST via exact is tested. Usage In a test Makefile $(CHECK_EXACT) "`'$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) --print-libdir | tr -d '\r'`" FileToParse.hs AZ: update the rest here See examples in (REPO_HOME)/testsuite/tests/printer/Makefile The utility generates the following files for ToBeTested.hs - ToBeTested.ppr.hs : the ppr result - ToBeTested.hs.ast : the AST of the original source - : the AST of the re-parsed ppr source For local development/testing ----------------------------- From this directory, start a ghci session by ../../_build/stage1/bin/ghc --interactive Update Main.hs. the _tt function to firstly have the full local path of the _build/stage1/lib directory, and secondly to be cofigured to run the test of interest, by adding a new line to the many already there or commenting in the one (only) to be tested. ghci> :l Main.hs ghci> _tt *** Exception: ExitSuccess Note: GHC may complain about missing modules, etc, this is not a problem, the test passes if it gives ExitSuccess at the end. Logging can be turned on by flipping the comments in Utils.hs debugEnabledFlag = True -- debugEnabledFlag = False