{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Transform -- -- This module is currently under heavy development, and no promises are made -- about API stability. Use with care. -- -- We welcome any feedback / contributions on this, as it is the main point of -- the library. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Transform ( -- * The Transform Monad Transform , TransformT(..) , hoistTransform , runTransform , runTransformT , runTransformFrom , runTransformFromT -- * Transform monad operations , logTr , logDataWithAnnsTr , uniqueSrcSpanT -- ** Managing declarations, in Transform monad , HasTransform (..) , HasDecls (..) , hsDeclsPatBind, hsDeclsPatBindD , replaceDeclsPatBind, replaceDeclsPatBindD , modifyDeclsT , modifyValD -- *** Utility, does not manage layout , hsDeclsValBinds, replaceDeclsValbinds , WithWhere(..) -- ** New gen functions , noAnnSrcSpanDP , noAnnSrcSpanDP0 , noAnnSrcSpanDP1 , noAnnSrcSpanDPn , d0, d1, dn , m0, m1, mn , addComma -- ** Managing lists, Transform monad , insertAt , insertAtStart , insertAtEnd , insertAfter , insertBefore -- *** Low level operations used in 'HasDecls' , balanceComments , balanceCommentsList , balanceCommentsList' , anchorEof -- ** Managing lists, pure functions , captureOrder , captureLineSpacing , captureMatchLineSpacing , captureTypeSigSpacing -- * Operations , isUniqueSrcSpan -- * Pure functions , setEntryDP , getEntryDP , transferEntryDP , transferEntryDP' , wrapSig, wrapDecl , decl2Sig, decl2Bind ) where import Types import Utils import Orphans (Default(..)) import Control.Monad.RWS import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail import GHC hiding (parseModule, parsedSource) import GHC.Data.Bag import GHC.Data.FastString import Data.Data import Data.List ( sortBy ) import Data.Maybe import Data.Functor.Identity import Control.Monad.State ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Transformation of source elements -- | Monad type for updating the AST and managing the annotations at the same -- time. The W state is used to generate logging information if required. type Transform = TransformT Identity -- |Monad transformer version of 'Transform' monad newtype TransformT m a = TransformT { unTransformT :: RWST () [String] Int m a } deriving (Monad,Applicative,Functor ,MonadReader () ,MonadWriter [String] ,MonadState Int ,MonadTrans ) instance Fail.MonadFail m => Fail.MonadFail (TransformT m) where fail msg = TransformT $ RWST $ \_ _ -> Fail.fail msg -- | Run a transformation in the 'Transform' monad, returning the updated -- annotations and any logging generated via 'logTr' runTransform :: Transform a -> (a,Int,[String]) runTransform f = runTransformFrom 0 f runTransformT :: TransformT m a -> m (a,Int,[String]) runTransformT f = runTransformFromT 0 f -- | Run a transformation in the 'Transform' monad, returning the updated -- annotations and any logging generated via 'logTr', allocating any new -- SrcSpans from the provided initial value. runTransformFrom :: Int -> Transform a -> (a,Int,[String]) runTransformFrom seed f = runRWS (unTransformT f) () seed -- |Run a monad transformer stack for the 'TransformT' monad transformer runTransformFromT :: Int -> TransformT m a -> m (a,Int,[String]) runTransformFromT seed f = runRWST (unTransformT f) () seed -- | Change inner monad of 'TransformT'. hoistTransform :: (forall x. m x -> n x) -> TransformT m a -> TransformT n a hoistTransform nt (TransformT m) = TransformT (mapRWST nt m) -- |Log a string to the output of the Monad logTr :: (Monad m) => String -> TransformT m () logTr str = tell [str] -- |Log a representation of the given AST with annotations to the output of the -- Monad logDataWithAnnsTr :: (Monad m) => (Data a) => String -> a -> TransformT m () logDataWithAnnsTr str ast = do logTr $ str ++ showAst ast -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |If we need to add new elements to the AST, they need their own -- 'SrcSpan' for this. uniqueSrcSpanT :: (Monad m) => TransformT m SrcSpan uniqueSrcSpanT = do col <- get put (col + 1 ) let pos = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString "ghc-exactprint") (-1) col return $ mkSrcSpan pos pos -- |Test whether a given 'SrcSpan' was generated by 'uniqueSrcSpanT' isUniqueSrcSpan :: SrcSpan -> Bool isUniqueSrcSpan ss = srcSpanStartLine' ss == -1 srcSpanStartLine' :: SrcSpan -> Int srcSpanStartLine' (RealSrcSpan s _) = srcSpanStartLine s srcSpanStartLine' _ = 0 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |If a list has been re-ordered or had items added, capture the new order in -- the appropriate 'AnnSortKey' attached to the 'Annotation' for the list. captureOrder :: [LocatedA b] -> AnnSortKey captureOrder ls = AnnSortKey $ map (rs . getLocA) ls -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- captureMatchLineSpacing :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> LHsDecl GhcPs captureMatchLineSpacing (L l (ValD x (FunBind a b (MG c (L d ms ))))) = L l (ValD x (FunBind a b (MG c (L d ms')))) where ms' :: [LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] ms' = captureLineSpacing ms captureMatchLineSpacing d = d captureLineSpacing :: Default t => [LocatedAn t e] -> [LocatedAn t e] captureLineSpacing [] = [] captureLineSpacing [d] = [d] captureLineSpacing (de1:d2:ds) = de1:captureLineSpacing (d2':ds) where (l1,_) = ss2pos $ rs $ getLocA de1 (l2,_) = ss2pos $ rs $ getLocA d2 d2' = setEntryDP d2 (deltaPos (l2-l1) 0) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- captureTypeSigSpacing :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> LHsDecl GhcPs captureTypeSigSpacing (L l (SigD x (TypeSig (EpAnn anc (AnnSig dc rs') cs) ns (HsWC xw ty)))) = (L l (SigD x (TypeSig (EpAnn anc (AnnSig dc' rs') cs) ns (HsWC xw ty')))) where -- we want DPs for the distance from the end of the ns to the -- AnnDColon, and to the start of the ty AddEpAnn kw dca = dc rd = case last ns of L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed ll) _ -> realSrcSpan ll L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc' _ _) _) _ -> anchor anc' -- TODO MovedAnchor? dc' = case dca of EpaSpan r _ -> AddEpAnn kw (EpaDelta (ss2delta (ss2posEnd rd) r) []) EpaDelta _ _ -> AddEpAnn kw dca -- --------------------------------- ty' :: LHsSigType GhcPs ty' = case ty of (L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed ll) b) -> let op = case dca of EpaSpan r _ -> MovedAnchor (ss2delta (ss2posEnd r) (realSrcSpan ll)) EpaDelta _ _ -> MovedAnchor (SameLine 1) in (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor (realSrcSpan ll) op) mempty emptyComments) ll) b) (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor r op) a c) ll) b) -> let op' = case op of MovedAnchor _ -> op _ -> case dca of EpaSpan dcr _ -> MovedAnchor (ss2delta (ss2posEnd dcr) r) EpaDelta _ _ -> MovedAnchor (SameLine 1) in (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor r op') a c) ll) b) captureTypeSigSpacing s = s -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Pure function to convert a 'LHsDecl' to a 'LHsBind'. This does -- nothing to any annotations that may be attached to either of the elements. -- It is used as a utility function in 'replaceDecls' decl2Bind :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> [LHsBind GhcPs] decl2Bind (L l (ValD _ s)) = [L l s] decl2Bind _ = [] -- |Pure function to convert a 'LSig' to a 'LHsBind'. This does -- nothing to any annotations that may be attached to either of the elements. -- It is used as a utility function in 'replaceDecls' decl2Sig :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> [LSig GhcPs] decl2Sig (L l (SigD _ s)) = [L l s] decl2Sig _ = [] -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Convert a 'LSig' into a 'LHsDecl' wrapSig :: LSig GhcPs -> LHsDecl GhcPs wrapSig (L l s) = L l (SigD NoExtField s) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Convert a 'LHsBind' into a 'LHsDecl' wrapDecl :: LHsBind GhcPs -> LHsDecl GhcPs wrapDecl (L l s) = L l (ValD NoExtField s) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- setEntryDPDecl :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> DeltaPos -> LHsDecl GhcPs setEntryDPDecl decl@(L _ (ValD x (FunBind a b (MG c (L d ms ))))) dp = L l' (ValD x (FunBind a b (MG c (L d ms')))) where L l' _ = setEntryDP decl dp ms' :: [LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] ms' = case ms of [] -> [] (m0':ms0) -> setEntryDP m0' dp : ms0 setEntryDPDecl d dp = setEntryDP d dp -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Set the true entry 'DeltaPos' from the annotation for a given AST -- element. This is the 'DeltaPos' ignoring any comments. setEntryDP :: Default t => LocatedAn t a -> DeltaPos -> LocatedAn t a setEntryDP (L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed l) a) dp = L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor (realSrcSpan l) (MovedAnchor dp)) def emptyComments) l) a setEntryDP (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor r _) an (EpaComments [])) l) a) dp = L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor r (MovedAnchor dp)) an (EpaComments [])) l) a setEntryDP (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor r (MovedAnchor d)) an cs) l) a) dp = L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor r (MovedAnchor d')) an cs') l) a where (d',cs') = case cs of EpaComments (h:t) -> let (dp0,c') = go h in (dp0, EpaComments (c':t)) EpaCommentsBalanced (h:t) ts -> let (dp0,c') = go h in (dp0, EpaCommentsBalanced (c':t) ts) _ -> (dp, cs) go (L (Anchor rr (MovedAnchor ma)) c) = (d, L (Anchor rr (MovedAnchor ma)) c) go (L (Anchor rr _) c) = (d, L (Anchor rr (MovedAnchor dp)) c) setEntryDP (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor r _) an cs) l) a) dp = case sortEpaComments (priorComments cs) of [] -> L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor r (MovedAnchor dp)) an cs) l) a (L ca c:cs') -> L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor r (MovedAnchor edp)) an cs'') l) a where cs'' = setPriorComments cs (L (Anchor (anchor ca) (MovedAnchor dp)) c:cs') lc = last $ (L ca c:cs') delta = tweakDelta $ ss2delta (ss2pos $ anchor $ getLoc lc) r line = getDeltaLine delta col = deltaColumn delta edp' = if line == 0 then SameLine col else DifferentLine line col edp = edp' `debug` ("setEntryDP :" ++ showGhc (edp', (ss2pos $ anchor $ getLoc lc), r)) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- getEntryDP :: LocatedAn t a -> DeltaPos getEntryDP (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor _ (MovedAnchor dp)) _ _) _) _) = dp getEntryDP _ = SameLine 1 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- addEpaLocationDelta :: LayoutStartCol -> RealSrcSpan -> EpaLocation -> EpaLocation addEpaLocationDelta _off _anc (EpaDelta d cs) = EpaDelta d cs addEpaLocationDelta off anc (EpaSpan r _) = EpaDelta (adjustDeltaForOffset off (ss2deltaEnd anc r)) [] -- Set the entry DP for an element coming after an existing keyword annotation setEntryDPFromAnchor :: LayoutStartCol -> EpaLocation -> LocatedA t -> LocatedA t setEntryDPFromAnchor _off (EpaDelta _ _) (L la a) = L la a setEntryDPFromAnchor off (EpaSpan anc _) ll@(L la _) = setEntryDP ll dp' where r = case la of (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed l) -> realSrcSpan l (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor r' _) _ _) _) -> r' dp' = adjustDeltaForOffset off (ss2deltaEnd anc r) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Take the annEntryDelta associated with the first item and associate it with the second. -- Also transfer any comments occuring before it. transferEntryDP :: (Monad m, Monoid t2, Typeable t1, Typeable t2) => LocatedAn t1 a -> LocatedAn t2 b -> TransformT m (LocatedAn t2 b) transferEntryDP (L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed l1) _) (L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed _) b) = do logTr $ "transferEntryDP': EpAnnNotUsed,EpAnnNotUsed" return (L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed l1) b) transferEntryDP (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc _an cs) _l1) _) (L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed l2) b) = do logTr $ "transferEntryDP': EpAnn,EpAnnNotUsed" return (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc mempty cs) l2) b) transferEntryDP (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc1 an1 cs1) _l1) _) (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn _anc2 an2 cs2) l2) b) = do logTr $ "transferEntryDP': EpAnn,EpAnn" -- Problem: if the original had preceding comments, blindly -- transferring the location is not correct case priorComments cs1 of [] -> return (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc1 (combine an1 an2) cs2) l2) b) -- TODO: what happens if the receiving side already has comments? (L anc _:_) -> do logDataWithAnnsTr "transferEntryDP':priorComments anc=" anc return (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc1 (combine an1 an2) (cs1 <> cs2)) l2) b) transferEntryDP (L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed _l1) _) (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc2 an2 cs2) l2) b) = do logTr $ "transferEntryDP': EpAnnNotUsed,EpAnn" return (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc2' an2 cs2) l2) b) where anc2' = case anc2 of Anchor _a op -> Anchor (realSrcSpan l2) op -- |If a and b are the same type return first arg, else return second combine :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> b -> b combine x y = fromMaybe y (cast x) -- |Take the annEntryDelta associated with the first item and associate it with the second. -- Also transfer any comments occuring before it. -- TODO: call transferEntryDP, and use pushDeclDP transferEntryDP' :: (Monad m) => LHsDecl GhcPs -> LHsDecl GhcPs -> TransformT m (LHsDecl GhcPs) transferEntryDP' la lb = do (L l2 b) <- transferEntryDP la lb return (L l2 (pushDeclDP b (SameLine 0))) pushDeclDP :: HsDecl GhcPs -> DeltaPos -> HsDecl GhcPs pushDeclDP (ValD x (FunBind a b (MG c (L d ms )))) dp = ValD x (FunBind a b (MG c (L d' ms'))) where L d' _ = setEntryDP (L d ms) dp ms' :: [LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] ms' = case ms of [] -> [] (m0':ms0) -> setEntryDP m0' dp : ms0 pushDeclDP d _dp = d -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- balanceCommentsList :: (Monad m) => [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> TransformT m [LHsDecl GhcPs] balanceCommentsList ds = balanceCommentsList'' ds balanceCommentsList'' :: (Monad m) => [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> TransformT m [LHsDecl GhcPs] balanceCommentsList'' [] = return [] balanceCommentsList'' [x] = return [x] balanceCommentsList'' (a:b:ls) = do (a',b') <- balanceComments a b r <- balanceCommentsList'' (b':ls) return (a':r) -- |The GHC parser puts all comments appearing between the end of one AST -- item and the beginning of the next as 'annPriorComments' for the second one. -- This function takes two adjacent AST items and moves any 'annPriorComments' -- from the second one to the 'annFollowingComments' of the first if they belong -- to it instead. This is typically required before deleting or duplicating -- either of the AST elements. balanceComments :: (Monad m) => LHsDecl GhcPs -> LHsDecl GhcPs -> TransformT m (LHsDecl GhcPs, LHsDecl GhcPs) balanceComments first second = do case first of (L l (ValD x fb@(FunBind{}))) -> do (L l' fb',second') <- balanceCommentsFB (L l fb) second return (L l' (ValD x fb'), second') _ -> balanceComments' first second -- |Once 'balanceComments' has been called to move trailing comments to a -- 'FunBind', these need to be pushed down from the top level to the last -- 'Match' if that 'Match' needs to be manipulated. balanceCommentsFB :: (Monad m) => LHsBind GhcPs -> LocatedA b -> TransformT m (LHsBind GhcPs, LocatedA b) balanceCommentsFB (L lf (FunBind x n (MG o (L lm matches)))) second = do logTr $ "balanceCommentsFB entered: " ++ showGhc (ss2range $ locA lf) -- There are comments on lf. We need to -- + Keep the prior ones here -- + move the interior ones to the first match, -- + move the trailing ones to the last match. let split = splitCommentsEnd (realSrcSpan $ locA lf) (epAnnComments $ ann lf) split2 = splitCommentsStart (realSrcSpan $ locA lf) (EpaComments (sortEpaComments $ priorComments split)) before = sortEpaComments $ priorComments split2 middle = sortEpaComments $ getFollowingComments split2 after = sortEpaComments $ getFollowingComments split lf' = setCommentsSrcAnn lf (EpaComments before) logTr $ "balanceCommentsFB (before, after): " ++ showAst (before, after) let matches' = case matches of (L lm' m':ms') -> (L (addCommentsToSrcAnn lm' (EpaComments middle )) m':ms') _ -> error "balanceCommentsFB" matches'' <- balanceCommentsList' matches' let (m,ms) = case reverse matches'' of (L lm' m':ms') -> (L (addCommentsToSrcAnn lm' (EpaCommentsBalanced [] after)) m',ms') _ -> error "balanceCommentsFB" (m',second') <- balanceComments' m second m'' <- balanceCommentsMatch m' let (m''',lf'') = case ms of [] -> moveLeadingComments m'' lf' _ -> (m'',lf') logTr $ "balanceCommentsMatch done" balanceComments' (L lf'' (FunBind x n (MG o (L lm (reverse (m''':ms)))))) second' balanceCommentsFB f s = balanceComments' f s -- | Move comments on the same line as the end of the match into the -- GRHS, prior to the binds balanceCommentsMatch :: (Monad m) => LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> TransformT m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)) balanceCommentsMatch (L l (Match am mctxt pats (GRHSs xg grhss binds))) = do logTr $ "balanceCommentsMatch: (logInfo)=" ++ showAst (logInfo) return (L l'' (Match am mctxt pats (GRHSs xg grhss' binds'))) where simpleBreak (r,_) = r /= 0 (SrcSpanAnn an1 _loc1) = l anc1 = addCommentOrigDeltas $ epAnnComments an1 cs1f = getFollowingComments anc1 (move',stay') = break simpleBreak (trailingCommentsDeltas (anchorFromLocatedA (L l ())) cs1f) move = map snd move' stay = map snd stay' (l'', grhss', binds', logInfo) = case reverse grhss of [] -> (l, [], binds, (EpaComments [], SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed noSrcSpan)) (L lg g@(GRHS EpAnnNotUsed _grs _rhs):gs) -> (l, reverse (L lg g:gs), binds, (EpaComments [], SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed noSrcSpan)) (L lg (GRHS ag grs rhs):gs) -> let anc1' = setFollowingComments anc1 stay an1' = setCommentsSrcAnn l anc1' -- --------------------------------- (moved,bindsm) = pushTrailingComments WithWhere (EpaCommentsBalanced [] move) binds -- --------------------------------- (EpAnn anc an lgc) = ag lgc' = splitCommentsEnd (realSrcSpan $ locA lg) $ addCommentOrigDeltas lgc ag' = if moved then EpAnn anc an lgc' else EpAnn anc an (lgc' <> (EpaCommentsBalanced [] move)) -- ag' = EpAnn anc an lgc' in (an1', (reverse $ (L lg (GRHS ag' grs rhs):gs)), bindsm, (anc1',an1')) pushTrailingComments :: WithWhere -> EpAnnComments -> HsLocalBinds GhcPs -> (Bool, HsLocalBinds GhcPs) pushTrailingComments _ _cs b@EmptyLocalBinds{} = (False, b) pushTrailingComments _ _cs (HsIPBinds _ _) = error "TODO: pushTrailingComments:HsIPBinds" pushTrailingComments w cs lb@(HsValBinds an _) = (True, HsValBinds an' vb) where (decls, _, _ws1) = runTransform (hsDeclsValBinds lb) (an', decls') = case reverse decls of [] -> (addCommentsToEpAnn (spanHsLocaLBinds lb) an cs, decls) (L la d:ds) -> (an, L (addCommentsToSrcAnn la cs) d:ds) (vb,_ws2) = case runTransform (replaceDeclsValbinds w lb (reverse decls')) of ((HsValBinds _ vb'), _, ws2') -> (vb', ws2') _ -> (ValBinds NoAnnSortKey emptyBag [], []) balanceCommentsList' :: (Monad m) => [LocatedA a] -> TransformT m [LocatedA a] balanceCommentsList' [] = return [] balanceCommentsList' [x] = return [x] balanceCommentsList' (a:b:ls) = do logTr $ "balanceCommentsList' entered" (a',b') <- balanceComments' a b r <- balanceCommentsList' (b':ls) return (a':r) -- |Prior to moving an AST element, make sure any trailing comments belonging to -- it are attached to it, and not the following element. Of necessity this is a -- heuristic process, to be tuned later. Possibly a variant should be provided -- with a passed-in decision function. -- The initial situation is that all comments for a given anchor appear as prior comments -- Many of these should in fact be following comments for the previous anchor balanceComments' :: (Monad m) => LocatedA a -> LocatedA b -> TransformT m (LocatedA a, LocatedA b) balanceComments' la1 la2 = do logTr $ "balanceComments': (loc1,loc2)=" ++ showGhc (ss2range loc1,ss2range loc2) logTr $ "balanceComments': (anc1)=" ++ showAst (anc1) logTr $ "balanceComments': (cs1s)=" ++ showAst (cs1s) logTr $ "balanceComments': (cs1stay,cs1move)=" ++ showAst (cs1stay,cs1move) logTr $ "balanceComments': (an1',an2')=" ++ showAst (an1',an2') return (la1', la2') where simpleBreak n (r,_) = r > n L (SrcSpanAnn an1 loc1) f = la1 L (SrcSpanAnn an2 loc2) s = la2 anc1 = addCommentOrigDeltas $ epAnnComments an1 anc2 = addCommentOrigDeltas $ epAnnComments an2 cs1s = splitCommentsEnd (anchorFromLocatedA la1) anc1 cs1p = priorCommentsDeltas (anchorFromLocatedA la1) (priorComments cs1s) cs1f = trailingCommentsDeltas (anchorFromLocatedA la1) (getFollowingComments cs1s) cs2s = splitCommentsEnd (anchorFromLocatedA la2) anc2 cs2p = priorCommentsDeltas (anchorFromLocatedA la2) (priorComments cs2s) cs2f = trailingCommentsDeltas (anchorFromLocatedA la2) (getFollowingComments cs2s) -- Split cs1f into those that belong on an1 and ones that must move to an2 (cs1move,cs1stay) = break (simpleBreak 1) cs1f (stay'',move') = break (simpleBreak 1) cs2p -- Need to also check for comments more closely attached to la1, -- ie trailing on the same line (move'',stay') = break (simpleBreak 0) (trailingCommentsDeltas (anchorFromLocatedA la1) (map snd stay'')) move = sortEpaComments $ map snd (cs1move ++ move'' ++ move') stay = sortEpaComments $ map snd (cs1stay ++ stay') an1' = setCommentsSrcAnn (getLoc la1) (EpaCommentsBalanced (map snd cs1p) move) an2' = setCommentsSrcAnn (getLoc la2) (EpaCommentsBalanced stay (map snd cs2f)) la1' = L an1' f la2' = L an2' s -- | Like commentsDeltas, but calculates the delta from the end of the anchor, not the start trailingCommentsDeltas :: RealSrcSpan -> [LEpaComment] -> [(Int, LEpaComment)] trailingCommentsDeltas _ [] = [] trailingCommentsDeltas anc (la@(L l _):las) = deltaComment anc la : trailingCommentsDeltas (anchor l) las where deltaComment anc' (L loc c) = (abs(ll - al), L loc c) where (al,_) = ss2posEnd anc' (ll,_) = ss2pos (anchor loc) -- AZ:TODO: this is identical to commentsDeltas priorCommentsDeltas :: RealSrcSpan -> [LEpaComment] -> [(Int, LEpaComment)] priorCommentsDeltas anc cs = go anc (reverse $ sortEpaComments cs) where go :: RealSrcSpan -> [LEpaComment] -> [(Int, LEpaComment)] go _ [] = [] go anc' (la@(L l _):las) = deltaComment anc' la : go (anchor l) las deltaComment :: RealSrcSpan -> LEpaComment -> (Int, LEpaComment) deltaComment anc' (L loc c) = (abs(ll - al), L loc c) where (al,_) = ss2pos anc' (ll,_) = ss2pos (anchor loc) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Split comments into ones occuring before the end of the reference -- span, and those after it. splitCommentsEnd :: RealSrcSpan -> EpAnnComments -> EpAnnComments splitCommentsEnd p (EpaComments cs) = cs' where cmp (L (Anchor l _) _) = ss2pos l > ss2posEnd p (before, after) = break cmp cs cs' = case after of [] -> EpaComments cs _ -> EpaCommentsBalanced before after splitCommentsEnd p (EpaCommentsBalanced cs ts) = EpaCommentsBalanced cs' ts' where cmp (L (Anchor l _) _) = ss2pos l > ss2posEnd p (before, after) = break cmp cs cs' = before ts' = after <> ts -- | Split comments into ones occuring before the start of the reference -- span, and those after it. splitCommentsStart :: RealSrcSpan -> EpAnnComments -> EpAnnComments splitCommentsStart p (EpaComments cs) = cs' where cmp (L (Anchor l _) _) = ss2pos l > ss2pos p (before, after) = break cmp cs cs' = case after of [] -> EpaComments cs _ -> EpaCommentsBalanced before after splitCommentsStart p (EpaCommentsBalanced cs ts) = EpaCommentsBalanced cs' ts' where cmp (L (Anchor l _) _) = ss2pos l > ss2pos p (before, after) = break cmp cs cs' = before ts' = after <> ts moveLeadingComments :: (Data t, Data u, Monoid t, Monoid u) => LocatedAn t a -> SrcAnn u -> (LocatedAn t a, SrcAnn u) moveLeadingComments from@(L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed _) _) to = (from, to) moveLeadingComments (L la a) lb = (L la' a, lb') `debug` ("moveLeadingComments: (before, after, la', lb'):" ++ showAst (before, after, la', lb')) where split = splitCommentsEnd (realSrcSpan $ locA la) (epAnnComments $ ann la) before = sortEpaComments $ priorComments split after = sortEpaComments $ getFollowingComments split -- TODO: need to set an entry delta on lb' to zero, and move the -- original spacing to the first comment. la' = setCommentsSrcAnn la (EpaComments after) lb' = addCommentsToSrcAnn lb (EpaCommentsBalanced before []) -- | A GHC comment includes the span of the preceding (non-comment) -- token. Takes an original list of comments, and converts the -- 'Anchor's to have a have a `MovedAnchor` operation based on the -- original locations. commentOrigDeltas :: [LEpaComment] -> [LEpaComment] commentOrigDeltas [] = [] commentOrigDeltas lcs = map commentOrigDelta lcs addCommentOrigDeltas :: EpAnnComments -> EpAnnComments addCommentOrigDeltas (EpaComments cs) = EpaComments (commentOrigDeltas cs) addCommentOrigDeltas (EpaCommentsBalanced pcs fcs) = EpaCommentsBalanced (commentOrigDeltas pcs) (commentOrigDeltas fcs) addCommentOrigDeltasAnn :: (EpAnn a) -> (EpAnn a) addCommentOrigDeltasAnn EpAnnNotUsed = EpAnnNotUsed addCommentOrigDeltasAnn (EpAnn e a cs) = EpAnn e a (addCommentOrigDeltas cs) -- TODO: this is replicating functionality in ExactPrint. Sort out the -- import loop` anchorFromLocatedA :: LocatedA a -> RealSrcSpan anchorFromLocatedA (L (SrcSpanAnn an loc) _) = case an of EpAnnNotUsed -> realSrcSpan loc (EpAnn anc _ _) -> anchor anc -- | A GHC comment includes the span of the preceding token. Take an -- original comment, and convert the 'Anchor to have a have a -- `MovedAnchor` operation based on the original location, only if it -- does not already have one. commentOrigDelta :: LEpaComment -> LEpaComment commentOrigDelta (L (GHC.Anchor la _) (GHC.EpaComment t pp)) = (L (GHC.Anchor la op) (GHC.EpaComment t pp)) `debug` ("commentOrigDelta: (la, pp, r,c, op)=" ++ showAst (la, pp, r,c, op)) where (r,c) = ss2posEnd pp op' = if r == 0 then MovedAnchor (ss2delta (r,c+1) la) -- then MovedAnchor (ss2delta (r,c+0) la) -- else MovedAnchor (ss2delta (r,c) la) else MovedAnchor (tweakDelta $ ss2delta (r,c) la) op = if t == EpaEofComment && op' == MovedAnchor (SameLine 0) then MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 0) else op' -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- balanceSameLineComments :: (Monad m) => LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> TransformT m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)) balanceSameLineComments (L la (Match anm mctxt pats (GRHSs x grhss lb))) = do logTr $ "balanceSameLineComments: (la)=" ++ showGhc (ss2range $ locA la) logTr $ "balanceSameLineComments: [logInfo]=" ++ showAst logInfo return (L la' (Match anm mctxt pats (GRHSs x grhss' lb))) where simpleBreak n (r,_) = r > n (la',grhss', logInfo) = case reverse grhss of [] -> (la,grhss,[]) (L lg g@(GRHS EpAnnNotUsed _gs _rhs):grs) -> (la,reverse $ (L lg g):grs,[]) (L lg (GRHS ga gs rhs):grs) -> (la'',reverse $ (L lg (GRHS ga' gs rhs)):grs,[(gac,(csp,csf))]) where (SrcSpanAnn an1 _loc1) = la anc1 = addCommentOrigDeltas $ epAnnComments an1 (EpAnn anc an _) = ga :: EpAnn GrhsAnn (csp,csf) = case anc1 of EpaComments cs -> ([],cs) EpaCommentsBalanced p f -> (p,f) (move',stay') = break (simpleBreak 0) (trailingCommentsDeltas (anchor anc) csf) move = map snd move' stay = map snd stay' cs1 = EpaCommentsBalanced csp stay gac = addCommentOrigDeltas $ epAnnComments ga gfc = getFollowingComments gac gac' = setFollowingComments gac (sortEpaComments $ gfc ++ move) ga' = (EpAnn anc an gac') an1' = setCommentsSrcAnn la cs1 la'' = an1' -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- anchorEof :: ParsedSource -> ParsedSource anchorEof (L l m@(HsModule (XModulePs an _lo _ _) _mn _exps _imps _decls)) = L l (m { hsmodExt = (hsmodExt m){ hsmodAnn = an' } }) where an' = addCommentOrigDeltasAnn an -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- commentsOrigDeltasDecl :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> LHsDecl GhcPs commentsOrigDeltasDecl (L (SrcSpanAnn an l) d) = L (SrcSpanAnn an' l) d where an' = addCommentOrigDeltasAnn an -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Create a @SrcSpanAnn@ with a @MovedAnchor@ operation using the -- given @DeltaPos@. noAnnSrcSpanDP :: (Monoid ann) => SrcSpan -> DeltaPos -> SrcSpanAnn' (EpAnn ann) noAnnSrcSpanDP l dp = SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor (realSrcSpan l) (MovedAnchor dp)) mempty emptyComments) l noAnnSrcSpanDP0 :: (Monoid ann) => SrcSpan -> SrcSpanAnn' (EpAnn ann) noAnnSrcSpanDP0 l = noAnnSrcSpanDP l (SameLine 0) noAnnSrcSpanDP1 :: (Monoid ann) => SrcSpan -> SrcSpanAnn' (EpAnn ann) noAnnSrcSpanDP1 l = noAnnSrcSpanDP l (SameLine 1) noAnnSrcSpanDPn :: (Monoid ann) => SrcSpan -> Int -> SrcSpanAnn' (EpAnn ann) noAnnSrcSpanDPn l s = noAnnSrcSpanDP l (SameLine s) d0 :: EpaLocation d0 = EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [] d1 :: EpaLocation d1 = EpaDelta (SameLine 1) [] dn :: Int -> EpaLocation dn n = EpaDelta (SameLine n) [] m0 :: AnchorOperation m0 = MovedAnchor $ SameLine 0 m1 :: AnchorOperation m1 = MovedAnchor $ SameLine 1 mn :: Int -> AnchorOperation mn n = MovedAnchor $ SameLine n addComma :: SrcSpanAnnA -> SrcSpanAnnA addComma (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed l) = (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) (AnnListItem [AddCommaAnn d0]) emptyComments) l) addComma (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc (AnnListItem as) cs) l) = (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn anc (AnnListItem (AddCommaAnn d0:as)) cs) l) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Insert a declaration into an AST element having sub-declarations -- (@HasDecls@) according to the given location function. insertAt :: (HasDecls ast) => (LHsDecl GhcPs -> [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> [LHsDecl GhcPs]) -> ast -> LHsDecl GhcPs -> Transform ast insertAt f t decl = do oldDecls <- hsDecls t oldDeclsb <- balanceCommentsList oldDecls let oldDecls' = map commentsOrigDeltasDecl oldDeclsb replaceDecls t (f decl oldDecls') -- |Insert a declaration at the beginning or end of the subdecls of the given -- AST item insertAtStart, insertAtEnd :: (HasDecls ast) => ast -> LHsDecl GhcPs -> Transform ast insertAtStart = insertAt (:) insertAtEnd = insertAt (\x xs -> xs ++ [x]) -- |Insert a declaration at a specific location in the subdecls of the given -- AST item insertAfter, insertBefore :: (HasDecls (LocatedA ast)) => LocatedA old -> LocatedA ast -> LHsDecl GhcPs -> Transform (LocatedA ast) insertAfter (getLocA -> k) = insertAt findAfter where findAfter x xs = case span (\(L l _) -> locA l /= k) xs of ([],[]) -> [x] (fs,[]) -> fs++[x] (fs, b:bs) -> fs ++ (b : x : bs) -- let (fs, b:bs) = span (\(L l _) -> locA l /= k) xs -- in fs ++ (b : x : bs) insertBefore (getLocA -> k) = insertAt findBefore where findBefore x xs = let (fs, bs) = span (\(L l _) -> locA l /= k) xs in fs ++ (x : bs) -- ===================================================================== -- start of HasDecls instances -- ===================================================================== -- |Provide a means to get and process the immediate child declartions of a -- given AST element. class (Data t) => HasDecls t where -- ++AZ++: TODO: add tests to confirm that hsDecls followed by replaceDecls is idempotent -- | Return the 'HsDecl's that are directly enclosed in the -- given syntax phrase. They are always returned in the wrapped 'HsDecl' -- form, even if orginating in local decls. This is safe, as annotations -- never attach to the wrapper, only to the wrapped item. hsDecls :: (Monad m) => t -> TransformT m [LHsDecl GhcPs] -- | Replace the directly enclosed decl list by the given -- decl list. Runs in the 'Transform' monad to be able to update list order -- annotations, and rebalance comments and other layout changes as needed. -- -- For example, a call on replaceDecls for a wrapped 'FunBind' having no -- where clause will convert -- -- @ -- -- |This is a function -- foo = x -- comment1 -- @ -- in to -- -- @ -- -- |This is a function -- foo = x -- comment1 -- where -- nn = 2 -- @ replaceDecls :: (Monad m) => t -> [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> TransformT m t -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- instance HasDecls ParsedSource where hsDecls (L _ (HsModule (XModulePs _ _lo _ _) _mn _exps _imps decls)) = return decls replaceDecls (L l (HsModule (XModulePs a lo deps haddocks) mname exps imps _decls)) decls = do logTr "replaceDecls LHsModule" -- modifyAnnsT (captureOrder m decls) return (L l (HsModule (XModulePs a lo deps haddocks) mname exps imps decls)) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- instance HasDecls (LocatedA (Match GhcPs (LocatedA (HsExpr GhcPs)))) where hsDecls (L _ (Match _ _ _ (GRHSs _ _ lb))) = hsDeclsValBinds lb replaceDecls (L l (Match xm c p (GRHSs xr rhs binds))) [] = do logTr "replaceDecls LMatch empty decls" binds'' <- replaceDeclsValbinds WithoutWhere binds [] return (L l (Match xm c p (GRHSs xr rhs binds''))) replaceDecls m@(L l (Match xm c p (GRHSs xr rhs binds))) newBinds = do logTr "replaceDecls LMatch nonempty decls" -- Need to throw in a fresh where clause if the binds were empty, -- in the annotations. (l', rhs') <- case binds of EmptyLocalBinds{} -> do logTr $ "replaceDecls LMatch empty binds" logDataWithAnnsTr "Match.replaceDecls:balancing comments:m" m L l' m' <- balanceSameLineComments m logDataWithAnnsTr "Match.replaceDecls:(m1')" (L l' m') return (l', grhssGRHSs $ m_grhss m') _ -> return (l, rhs) binds'' <- replaceDeclsValbinds WithWhere binds newBinds logDataWithAnnsTr "Match.replaceDecls:binds'" binds'' return (L l' (Match xm c p (GRHSs xr rhs' binds''))) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- instance HasDecls (LocatedA (HsExpr GhcPs)) where hsDecls (L _ (HsLet _ _ decls _ _ex)) = hsDeclsValBinds decls hsDecls _ = return [] replaceDecls (L ll (HsLet x tkLet binds tkIn ex)) newDecls = do logTr "replaceDecls HsLet" let lastAnc = realSrcSpan $ spanHsLocaLBinds binds -- TODO: may be an intervening comment, take account for lastAnc let (tkLet', tkIn', ex',newDecls') = case (tkLet, tkIn) of (L (TokenLoc l) ls, L (TokenLoc i) is) -> let off = case l of (EpaSpan r _) -> LayoutStartCol $ snd $ ss2pos r (EpaDelta (SameLine _) _) -> LayoutStartCol 0 (EpaDelta (DifferentLine _ c) _) -> LayoutStartCol c ex'' = setEntryDPFromAnchor off i ex newDecls'' = case newDecls of [] -> newDecls (d:ds) -> setEntryDPDecl d (SameLine 0) : ds -- in ( EpAnn a (AnnsLet l (addEpaLocationDelta off lastAnc i)) cs in ( L (TokenLoc l) ls , L (TokenLoc (addEpaLocationDelta off lastAnc i)) is , ex'' , newDecls'') (_,_) -> (tkLet, tkIn, ex, newDecls) binds' <- replaceDeclsValbinds WithoutWhere binds newDecls' return (L ll (HsLet x tkLet' binds' tkIn' ex')) -- TODO: does this make sense? Especially as no hsDecls for HsPar replaceDecls (L l (HsPar x lpar e rpar)) newDecls = do logTr "replaceDecls HsPar" e' <- replaceDecls e newDecls return (L l (HsPar x lpar e' rpar)) replaceDecls old _new = error $ "replaceDecls (LHsExpr GhcPs) undefined for:" ++ showGhc old -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Extract the immediate declarations for a 'PatBind' wrapped in a 'ValD'. This -- cannot be a member of 'HasDecls' because a 'FunBind' is not idempotent -- for 'hsDecls' \/ 'replaceDecls'. 'hsDeclsPatBindD' \/ 'replaceDeclsPatBindD' is -- idempotent. hsDeclsPatBindD :: (Monad m) => LHsDecl GhcPs -> TransformT m [LHsDecl GhcPs] hsDeclsPatBindD (L l (ValD _ d)) = hsDeclsPatBind (L l d) hsDeclsPatBindD x = error $ "hsDeclsPatBindD called for:" ++ showGhc x -- | Extract the immediate declarations for a 'PatBind'. This -- cannot be a member of 'HasDecls' because a 'FunBind' is not idempotent -- for 'hsDecls' \/ 'replaceDecls'. 'hsDeclsPatBind' \/ 'replaceDeclsPatBind' is -- idempotent. hsDeclsPatBind :: (Monad m) => LHsBind GhcPs -> TransformT m [LHsDecl GhcPs] hsDeclsPatBind (L _ (PatBind _ _ (GRHSs _ _grhs lb))) = hsDeclsValBinds lb hsDeclsPatBind x = error $ "hsDeclsPatBind called for:" ++ showGhc x -- ------------------------------------- -- | Replace the immediate declarations for a 'PatBind' wrapped in a 'ValD'. This -- cannot be a member of 'HasDecls' because a 'FunBind' is not idempotent -- for 'hsDecls' \/ 'replaceDecls'. 'hsDeclsPatBindD' \/ 'replaceDeclsPatBindD' is -- idempotent. replaceDeclsPatBindD :: (Monad m) => LHsDecl GhcPs -> [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> TransformT m (LHsDecl GhcPs) replaceDeclsPatBindD (L l (ValD x d)) newDecls = do (L _ d') <- replaceDeclsPatBind (L l d) newDecls return (L l (ValD x d')) replaceDeclsPatBindD x _ = error $ "replaceDeclsPatBindD called for:" ++ showGhc x -- | Replace the immediate declarations for a 'PatBind'. This -- cannot be a member of 'HasDecls' because a 'FunBind' is not idempotent -- for 'hsDecls' \/ 'replaceDecls'. 'hsDeclsPatBind' \/ 'replaceDeclsPatBind' is -- idempotent. replaceDeclsPatBind :: (Monad m) => LHsBind GhcPs -> [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> TransformT m (LHsBind GhcPs) replaceDeclsPatBind (L l (PatBind x a (GRHSs xr rhss binds))) newDecls = do logTr "replaceDecls PatBind" binds'' <- replaceDeclsValbinds WithWhere binds newDecls return (L l (PatBind x a (GRHSs xr rhss binds''))) replaceDeclsPatBind x _ = error $ "replaceDeclsPatBind called for:" ++ showGhc x -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- instance HasDecls (LocatedA (Stmt GhcPs (LocatedA (HsExpr GhcPs)))) where hsDecls (L _ (LetStmt _ lb)) = hsDeclsValBinds lb hsDecls (L _ (LastStmt _ e _ _)) = hsDecls e hsDecls (L _ (BindStmt _ _pat e)) = hsDecls e hsDecls (L _ (BodyStmt _ e _ _)) = hsDecls e hsDecls _ = return [] replaceDecls (L l (LetStmt x lb)) newDecls = do lb'' <- replaceDeclsValbinds WithWhere lb newDecls return (L l (LetStmt x lb'')) replaceDecls (L l (LastStmt x e d se)) newDecls = do e' <- replaceDecls e newDecls return (L l (LastStmt x e' d se)) replaceDecls (L l (BindStmt x pat e)) newDecls = do e' <- replaceDecls e newDecls return (L l (BindStmt x pat e')) replaceDecls (L l (BodyStmt x e a b)) newDecls = do e' <- replaceDecls e newDecls return (L l (BodyStmt x e' a b)) replaceDecls x _newDecls = return x -- ===================================================================== -- end of HasDecls instances -- ===================================================================== -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Look up the annotated order and sort the decls accordingly -- TODO:AZ: this should be pure orderedDecls :: (Monad m) => AnnSortKey -> [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> TransformT m [LHsDecl GhcPs] orderedDecls sortKey decls = do case sortKey of NoAnnSortKey -> do -- return decls return $ sortBy (\a b -> compare (realSrcSpan $ getLocA a) (realSrcSpan $ getLocA b)) decls AnnSortKey keys -> do let ds = map (\s -> (rs $ getLocA s,s)) decls ordered = map snd $ orderByKey ds keys return ordered -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- hsDeclsValBinds :: (Monad m) => HsLocalBinds GhcPs -> TransformT m [LHsDecl GhcPs] hsDeclsValBinds lb = case lb of HsValBinds _ (ValBinds sortKey bs sigs) -> do let bds = map wrapDecl (bagToList bs) sds = map wrapSig sigs orderedDecls sortKey (bds ++ sds) HsValBinds _ (XValBindsLR _) -> error $ "hsDecls.XValBindsLR not valid" HsIPBinds {} -> return [] EmptyLocalBinds {} -> return [] data WithWhere = WithWhere | WithoutWhere deriving (Eq,Show) -- | Utility function for returning decls to 'HsLocalBinds'. Use with -- care, as this does not manage the declaration order, the -- ordering should be done by the calling function from the 'HsLocalBinds' -- context in the AST. replaceDeclsValbinds :: (Monad m) => WithWhere -> HsLocalBinds GhcPs -> [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> TransformT m (HsLocalBinds GhcPs) replaceDeclsValbinds _ _ [] = do return (EmptyLocalBinds NoExtField) replaceDeclsValbinds w b@(HsValBinds a _) new = do logTr "replaceDeclsValbinds" let oldSpan = spanHsLocaLBinds b an <- oldWhereAnnotation a w (realSrcSpan oldSpan) let decs = listToBag $ concatMap decl2Bind new let sigs = concatMap decl2Sig new let sortKey = captureOrder new return (HsValBinds an (ValBinds sortKey decs sigs)) replaceDeclsValbinds _ (HsIPBinds {}) _new = error "undefined replaceDecls HsIPBinds" replaceDeclsValbinds w (EmptyLocalBinds _) new = do logTr "replaceDecls HsLocalBinds" an <- newWhereAnnotation w let newBinds = concatMap decl2Bind new newSigs = concatMap decl2Sig new let decs = listToBag $ newBinds let sigs = newSigs let sortKey = captureOrder new return (HsValBinds an (ValBinds sortKey decs sigs)) oldWhereAnnotation :: (Monad m) => EpAnn AnnList -> WithWhere -> RealSrcSpan -> TransformT m (EpAnn AnnList) oldWhereAnnotation EpAnnNotUsed ww _oldSpan = do newSpan <- uniqueSrcSpanT let w = case ww of WithWhere -> [AddEpAnn AnnWhere (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])] WithoutWhere -> [] let anc2' = Anchor (rs newSpan) (MovedAnchor (SameLine 1)) (anc, anc2) <- do newSpan' <- uniqueSrcSpanT return ( Anchor (rs newSpan') (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 2)) , anc2') let an = EpAnn anc (AnnList (Just anc2) Nothing Nothing w []) emptyComments return an oldWhereAnnotation (EpAnn anc an cs) ww _oldSpan = do -- TODO: when we set DP (0,0) for the HsValBinds EpEpaLocation, change the AnnList anchor to have the correct DP too let (AnnList ancl o c _r t) = an let w = case ww of WithWhere -> [AddEpAnn AnnWhere (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])] WithoutWhere -> [] (anc', ancl') <- do case ww of WithWhere -> return (anc, ancl) WithoutWhere -> return (anc, ancl) let an' = EpAnn anc' (AnnList ancl' o c w t) cs return an' newWhereAnnotation :: (Monad m) => WithWhere -> TransformT m (EpAnn AnnList) newWhereAnnotation ww = do newSpan <- uniqueSrcSpanT let anc = Anchor (rs newSpan) (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 2)) let anc2 = Anchor (rs newSpan) (MovedAnchor (DifferentLine 1 4)) let w = case ww of WithWhere -> [AddEpAnn AnnWhere (EpaDelta (SameLine 0) [])] WithoutWhere -> [] let an = EpAnn anc (AnnList (Just anc2) Nothing Nothing w []) emptyComments return an -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- type Decl = LHsDecl GhcPs type PMatch = LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -- |Modify a 'LHsBind' wrapped in a 'ValD'. For a 'PatBind' the -- declarations are extracted and returned after modification. For a -- 'FunBind' the supplied 'SrcSpan' is used to identify the specific -- 'Match' to be transformed, for when there are multiple of them. modifyValD :: forall m t. (HasTransform m) => SrcSpan -> Decl -> (PMatch -> [Decl] -> m ([Decl], Maybe t)) -> m (Decl,Maybe t) modifyValD p pb@(L ss (ValD _ (PatBind {} ))) f = if (locA ss) == p then do ds <- liftT $ hsDeclsPatBindD pb (ds',r) <- f (error "modifyValD.PatBind should not touch Match") ds pb' <- liftT $ replaceDeclsPatBindD pb ds' return (pb',r) else return (pb,Nothing) modifyValD p ast f = do (ast',r) <- runStateT (everywhereM (mkM doModLocal) ast) Nothing return (ast',r) where doModLocal :: PMatch -> StateT (Maybe t) m PMatch doModLocal (match@(L ss _) :: PMatch) = do if (locA ss) == p then do ds <- lift $ liftT $ hsDecls match (ds',r) <- lift $ f match ds put r match' <- lift $ liftT $ replaceDecls match ds' return match' else return match -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Used to integrate a @Transform@ into other Monad stacks class (Monad m) => (HasTransform m) where liftT :: Transform a -> m a instance Monad m => HasTransform (TransformT m) where liftT = hoistTransform (return . runIdentity) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Apply a transformation to the decls contained in @t@ modifyDeclsT :: (HasDecls t,HasTransform m) => ([LHsDecl GhcPs] -> m [LHsDecl GhcPs]) -> t -> m t modifyDeclsT action t = do decls <- liftT $ hsDecls t decls' <- action decls liftT $ replaceDecls t decls'