{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Utils -- ( -- -- * Manipulating Positons -- ss2pos -- , ss2posEnd -- , undelta -- , isPointSrcSpan -- , pos2delta -- , ss2delta -- , addDP -- , spanLength -- , isGoodDelta -- ) where where import Control.Monad.State import Data.Function import Data.Ord (comparing) import GHC.Hs.Dump import Lookup import GHC hiding (EpaComment) import qualified GHC import GHC.Types.Name import GHC.Types.Name.Reader import GHC.Types.SrcLoc import GHC.Driver.Ppr import GHC.Data.FastString import qualified GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence as OccName (OccName(..),pprNameSpaceBrief) import Control.Arrow import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Data hiding ( Fixity ) import Data.List (sortBy, elemIndex) import Debug.Trace import Types -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Global switch to enable debug tracing in ghc-exactprint Delta / Print debugEnabledFlag :: Bool -- debugEnabledFlag = True debugEnabledFlag = False -- |Global switch to enable debug tracing in ghc-exactprint Pretty debugPEnabledFlag :: Bool -- debugPEnabledFlag = True debugPEnabledFlag = False -- |Provide a version of trace that comes at the end of the line, so it can -- easily be commented out when debugging different things. debug :: c -> String -> c debug c s = if debugEnabledFlag then trace s c else c -- |Provide a version of trace for the Pretty module, which can be enabled -- separately from 'debug' and 'debugM' debugP :: String -> c -> c debugP s c = if debugPEnabledFlag then trace s c else c debugM :: Monad m => String -> m () debugM s = when debugEnabledFlag $ traceM s -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- warn :: c -> String -> c -- warn = flip trace warn c _ = c -- | A good delta has no negative values. isGoodDelta :: DeltaPos -> Bool isGoodDelta (SameLine co) = co >= 0 isGoodDelta (DifferentLine ro co) = ro > 0 && co >= 0 -- Note: DifferentLine invariant is ro is nonzero and positive -- | Create a delta from the current position to the start of the given -- @SrcSpan@. ss2delta :: Pos -> RealSrcSpan -> DeltaPos ss2delta ref ss = pos2delta ref (ss2pos ss) -- | create a delta from the end of a current span. The +1 is because -- the stored position ends up one past the span, this is prior to -- that adjustment ss2deltaEnd :: RealSrcSpan -> RealSrcSpan -> DeltaPos ss2deltaEnd rrs ss = ss2delta ref ss where (r,c) = ss2posEnd rrs ref = if r == 0 then (r,c+1) else (r,c) -- | create a delta from the start of a current span. The +1 is -- because the stored position ends up one past the span, this is -- prior to that adjustment ss2deltaStart :: RealSrcSpan -> RealSrcSpan -> DeltaPos ss2deltaStart rrs ss = ss2delta ref ss where (r,c) = ss2pos rrs ref = if r == 0 then (r,c) else (r,c) -- | Convert the start of the second @Pos@ to be an offset from the -- first. The assumption is the reference starts before the second @Pos@ pos2delta :: Pos -> Pos -> DeltaPos pos2delta (refl,refc) (l,c) = deltaPos lo co where lo = l - refl co = if lo == 0 then c - refc else c -- | Apply the delta to the current position, taking into account the -- current column offset if advancing to a new line undelta :: Pos -> DeltaPos -> LayoutStartCol -> Pos undelta (l,c) (SameLine dc) (LayoutStartCol _co) = (l, c + dc) undelta (l,_) (DifferentLine dl dc) (LayoutStartCol co) = (fl,fc) where -- Note: invariant: dl > 0 fl = l + dl fc = co + dc undeltaSpan :: RealSrcSpan -> AnnKeywordId -> DeltaPos -> AddEpAnn undeltaSpan anchor kw dp = AddEpAnn kw (EpaSpan sp) where (l,c) = undelta (ss2pos anchor) dp (LayoutStartCol 0) len = length (keywordToString (G kw)) sp = range2rs ((l,c),(l,c+len)) -- | Add together two @DeltaPos@ taking into account newlines -- -- > DP (0, 1) `addDP` DP (0, 2) == DP (0, 3) -- > DP (0, 9) `addDP` DP (1, 5) == DP (1, 5) -- > DP (1, 4) `addDP` DP (1, 3) == DP (2, 3) addDP :: DeltaPos -> DeltaPos -> DeltaPos addDP dp (DifferentLine c d) = DifferentLine (getDeltaLine dp+c) d addDP (DifferentLine a b) (SameLine d) = DifferentLine a (b+d) addDP (SameLine b) (SameLine d) = SameLine (b+d) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- adjustDeltaForOffset :: Int -> LayoutStartCol -> DeltaPos -> DeltaPos adjustDeltaForOffset _ _colOffset dp@(SameLine _) = dp adjustDeltaForOffset d (LayoutStartCol colOffset) (DifferentLine l c) = DifferentLine l (c - colOffset - d) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ss2pos :: RealSrcSpan -> Pos ss2pos ss = (srcSpanStartLine ss,srcSpanStartCol ss) ss2posEnd :: RealSrcSpan -> Pos ss2posEnd ss = (srcSpanEndLine ss,srcSpanEndCol ss) ss2range :: SrcSpan -> (Pos,Pos) ss2range ss = (ss2pos $ rs ss, ss2posEnd $ rs ss) rs2range :: RealSrcSpan -> (Pos,Pos) rs2range ss = (ss2pos ss, ss2posEnd ss) rs :: SrcSpan -> RealSrcSpan rs (RealSrcSpan s _) = s rs _ = badRealSrcSpan range2rs :: (Pos,Pos) -> RealSrcSpan range2rs (s,e) = mkRealSrcSpan (mkLoc s) (mkLoc e) where mkLoc (l,c) = mkRealSrcLoc (fsLit "ghc-exactprint") l c badRealSrcSpan :: RealSrcSpan badRealSrcSpan = mkRealSrcSpan bad bad where bad = mkRealSrcLoc (fsLit "ghc-exactprint-nospan") 0 0 spanLength :: RealSrcSpan -> Int spanLength = (-) <$> srcSpanEndCol <*> srcSpanStartCol -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Checks whether a SrcSpan has zero length. isPointSrcSpan :: RealSrcSpan -> Bool isPointSrcSpan ss = spanLength ss == 0 && srcSpanStartLine ss == srcSpanEndLine ss -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Given a list of items and a list of keys, returns a list of items -- ordered by their position in the list of keys. orderByKey :: [(RealSrcSpan,a)] -> [RealSrcSpan] -> [(RealSrcSpan,a)] orderByKey keys order -- AZ:TODO: if performance becomes a problem, consider a Map of the order -- SrcSpan to an index, and do a lookup instead of elemIndex. -- Items not in the ordering are placed to the start = sortBy (comparing (flip elemIndex order . fst)) keys -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- isListComp :: HsDoFlavour -> Bool isListComp = isDoComprehensionContext -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- isGadt :: Foldable f => f (LConDecl (GhcPass p)) -> Bool isGadt = any $ \ case L _ ConDeclGADT {} -> True _ -> False -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Is a RdrName of type Exact? SYB query, so can be extended to other types too isExactName :: (Data name) => name -> Bool isExactName = False `mkQ` isExact -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- insertCppComments :: ParsedSource -> [LEpaComment] -> ParsedSource insertCppComments (L l p) cs = L l p' where ncs = EpaComments cs an' = case GHC.hsmodAnn $ GHC.hsmodExt p of (EpAnn a an ocs) -> EpAnn a an (ocs <> ncs) unused -> unused p' = p { GHC.hsmodExt = (GHC.hsmodExt p) { GHC.hsmodAnn = an' } }  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ghcCommentText :: LEpaComment -> String ghcCommentText (L _ (GHC.EpaComment (EpaDocComment s) _)) = exactPrintHsDocString s ghcCommentText (L _ (GHC.EpaComment (EpaDocOptions s) _)) = s ghcCommentText (L _ (GHC.EpaComment (EpaLineComment s) _)) = s ghcCommentText (L _ (GHC.EpaComment (EpaBlockComment s) _)) = s ghcCommentText (L _ (GHC.EpaComment (EpaEofComment) _)) = "" tokComment :: LEpaComment -> Comment tokComment t@(L lt _) = mkComment (normaliseCommentText $ ghcCommentText t) lt mkLEpaComment :: String -> Anchor -> LEpaComment -- Note: fudging the ac_prior_tok value, hope it does not cause a problem mkLEpaComment s anc = (L anc (GHC.EpaComment (EpaLineComment s) (anchor anc))) mkComment :: String -> Anchor -> Comment mkComment c anc = Comment c anc Nothing -- Windows comments include \r in them from the lexer. normaliseCommentText :: String -> String normaliseCommentText [] = [] normaliseCommentText ('\r':xs) = normaliseCommentText xs normaliseCommentText (x:xs) = x:normaliseCommentText xs -- | Makes a comment which originates from a specific keyword. mkKWComment :: AnnKeywordId -> EpaLocation -> [Comment] mkKWComment kw (EpaSpan ss) = [Comment (keywordToString $ G kw) (Anchor ss UnchangedAnchor) (Just kw)] mkKWComment kw (EpaDelta dp cs) = (map tokComment cs) ++ [Comment (keywordToString $ G kw) (Anchor placeholderRealSpan (MovedAnchor dp)) (Just kw)] comment2dp :: (Comment, DeltaPos) -> (KeywordId, DeltaPos) comment2dp = first AnnComment sortAnchorLocated :: [GenLocated Anchor a] -> [GenLocated Anchor a] sortAnchorLocated = sortBy (compare `on` (anchor . getLoc)) getAnnotationEP :: (Data a) => Located a -> Anns -> Maybe Annotation getAnnotationEP la as = Map.lookup (mkAnnKey la) as -- | The "true entry" is the distance from the last concrete element to the -- start of the current element. annTrueEntryDelta :: Annotation -> DeltaPos annTrueEntryDelta Ann{annEntryDelta, annPriorComments} = foldr addDP (SameLine 0) (map (\(a, b) -> addDP b (dpFromString $ commentContents a)) annPriorComments ) `addDP` annEntryDelta -- | Return the DP of the first item that generates output, either a comment or the entry DP annLeadingCommentEntryDelta :: Annotation -> DeltaPos annLeadingCommentEntryDelta Ann{annPriorComments,annEntryDelta} = dp where dp = case annPriorComments of [] -> annEntryDelta ((_,ed):_) -> ed -- | Calculates the distance from the start of a string to the end of -- a string. dpFromString :: String -> DeltaPos dpFromString xs = dpFromString' xs 0 0 where dpFromString' "" line col = if line == 0 then SameLine col else DifferentLine line col dpFromString' ('\n': cs) line _ = dpFromString' cs (line + 1) 0 dpFromString' (_:cs) line col = dpFromString' cs line (col + 1) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- isSymbolRdrName :: RdrName -> Bool isSymbolRdrName n = isSymOcc $ rdrNameOcc n rdrName2String :: RdrName -> String rdrName2String r = case isExact_maybe r of Just n -> name2String n Nothing -> case r of Unqual occ -> occNameString occ Qual modname occ -> moduleNameString modname ++ "." ++ occNameString occ Orig _ occ -> occNameString occ Exact n -> getOccString n name2String :: Name -> String name2String = showPprUnsafe -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- occAttributes :: OccName.OccName -> String occAttributes o = "(" ++ ns ++ vo ++ tv ++ tc ++ d ++ ds ++ s ++ v ++ ")" where -- ns = (showSDocUnsafe $ OccName.pprNameSpaceBrief $ occNameSpace o) ++ ", " ns = (showSDocUnsafe $ OccName.pprNameSpaceBrief $ occNameSpace o) ++ ", " vo = if isVarOcc o then "Var " else "" tv = if isTvOcc o then "Tv " else "" tc = if isTcOcc o then "Tc " else "" d = if isDataOcc o then "Data " else "" ds = if isDataSymOcc o then "DataSym " else "" s = if isSymOcc o then "Sym " else "" v = if isValOcc o then "Val " else "" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- locatedAnAnchor :: LocatedAn a t -> RealSrcSpan locatedAnAnchor (L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed l) _) = realSrcSpan l locatedAnAnchor (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn a _ _) _) _) = anchor a -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- showAst :: (Data a) => a -> String showAst ast = showSDocUnsafe $ showAstData NoBlankSrcSpan NoBlankEpAnnotations ast -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Putting these here for the time being, to avoid import loops ghead :: String -> [a] -> a ghead info [] = error $ "ghead "++info++" []" ghead _info (h:_) = h glast :: String -> [a] -> a glast info [] = error $ "glast " ++ info ++ " []" glast _info h = last h gtail :: String -> [a] -> [a] gtail info [] = error $ "gtail " ++ info ++ " []" gtail _info h = tail h gfromJust :: String -> Maybe a -> a gfromJust _info (Just h) = h gfromJust info Nothing = error $ "gfromJust " ++ info ++ " Nothing" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copied from syb for the test -- | Generic queries of type \"r\", -- i.e., take any \"a\" and return an \"r\" -- type GenericQ r = forall a. Data a => a -> r -- | Make a generic query; -- start from a type-specific case; -- return a constant otherwise -- mkQ :: ( Typeable a , Typeable b ) => r -> (b -> r) -> a -> r (r `mkQ` br) a = case cast a of Just b -> br b Nothing -> r -- | Make a generic monadic transformation; -- start from a type-specific case; -- resort to return otherwise -- mkM :: ( Monad m , Typeable a , Typeable b ) => (b -> m b) -> a -> m a mkM = extM return -- | Flexible type extension ext0 :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => c a -> c b -> c a ext0 def ext = maybe def id (gcast ext) -- | Extend a generic query by a type-specific case extQ :: ( Typeable a , Typeable b ) => (a -> q) -> (b -> q) -> a -> q extQ f g a = maybe (f a) g (cast a) -- | Flexible type extension ext2 :: (Data a, Typeable t) => c a -> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => c (t d1 d2)) -> c a ext2 def ext = maybe def id (dataCast2 ext) -- | Extend a generic monadic transformation by a type-specific case extM :: ( Monad m , Typeable a , Typeable b ) => (a -> m a) -> (b -> m b) -> a -> m a extM def ext = unM ((M def) `ext0` (M ext)) -- | Type extension of monadic transformations for type constructors ext2M :: (Monad m, Data d, Typeable t) => (forall e. Data e => e -> m e) -> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => t d1 d2 -> m (t d1 d2)) -> d -> m d ext2M def ext = unM ((M def) `ext2` (M ext)) -- | The type constructor for transformations newtype M m x = M { unM :: x -> m x } -- | Generic monadic transformations, -- i.e., take an \"a\" and compute an \"a\" -- type GenericM m = forall a. Data a => a -> m a -- | Monadic variation on everywhere everywhereM :: forall m. Monad m => GenericM m -> GenericM m -- Bottom-up order is also reflected in order of do-actions everywhereM f = go where go :: GenericM m go x = do x' <- gmapM go x f x'