{ {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} -- required for versions of Happy before 1.18.6 {-# OPTIONS -w -Wwarn #-} -- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge. -- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix -- any warnings in the module. See -- http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#Warnings -- for details module Parser (parse) where import Lexer (lex_tok) import ParserM (Token(..), ParserM, run_parser, get_pos, show_pos, happyError) import Syntax } %name parsex %expect 0 %tokentype { Token } %monad { ParserM } %lexer { lex_tok } { TEOF } %token '->' { TArrow } '=>' { TDArrow } '=' { TEquals } ',' { TComma } '(' { TOpenParen } ')' { TCloseParen } '(#' { TOpenParenHash } '#)' { THashCloseParen } '{' { TOpenBrace } '}' { TCloseBrace } '[' { TOpenBracket } ']' { TCloseBracket } '<' { TOpenAngle } '>' { TCloseAngle } section { TSection } primop { TPrimop } pseudoop { TPseudoop } primtype { TPrimtype } primclass { TPrimclass } with { TWith } defaults { TDefaults } true { TTrue } false { TFalse } dyadic { TDyadic } monadic { TMonadic } compare { TCompare } genprimop { TGenPrimOp } fixity { TFixity } infix { TInfixN } infixl { TInfixL } infixr { TInfixR } nothing { TNothing } vector { TVector } SCALAR { TSCALAR } VECTOR { TVECTOR } VECTUPLE { TVECTUPLE } thats_all_folks { TThatsAllFolks } lowerName { TLowerName $$ } upperName { TUpperName $$ } string { TString $$ } integer { TInteger $$ } noBraces { TNoBraces $$ } %% info :: { Info } info : pDefaults pEntries thats_all_folks { Info $1 $2 } pDefaults :: { [Option] } pDefaults : defaults pOptions { $2 } pOptions :: { [Option] } pOptions : pOption pOptions { $1 : $2 } | {- empty -} { [] } pOption :: { Option } pOption : lowerName '=' false { OptionFalse $1 } | lowerName '=' true { OptionTrue $1 } | lowerName '=' pStuffBetweenBraces { OptionString $1 $3 } | lowerName '=' integer { OptionInteger $1 $3 } | vector '=' pVectorTemplate { OptionVector $3 } | fixity '=' pInfix { OptionFixity $3 } pInfix :: { Maybe Fixity } pInfix : infix integer { Just $ Fixity $2 InfixN } | infixl integer { Just $ Fixity $2 InfixL } | infixr integer { Just $ Fixity $2 InfixR } | nothing { Nothing } pEntries :: { [Entry] } pEntries : pEntry pEntries { $1 : $2 } | {- empty -} { [] } pEntry :: { Entry } pEntry : pPrimOpSpec { $1 } | pPrimTypeSpec { $1 } | pPrimClassSpec { $1 } | pPseudoOpSpec { $1 } | pSection { $1 } pPrimOpSpec :: { Entry } pPrimOpSpec : primop upperName string pCategory pType pDesc pWithOptions { PrimOpSpec { cons = $2, name = $3, cat = $4, ty = $5, desc = $6, opts = $7 } } pPrimTypeSpec :: { Entry } pPrimTypeSpec : primtype pType pDesc pWithOptions { PrimTypeSpec { ty = $2, desc = $3, opts = $4 } } pPrimClassSpec :: { Entry } pPrimClassSpec : primclass pType pDesc pWithOptions { PrimClassSpec { cls = $2, desc = $3, opts = $4 } } pPseudoOpSpec :: { Entry } pPseudoOpSpec : pseudoop string pType pDesc pWithOptions { PseudoOpSpec { name = $2, ty = $3, desc = $4, opts = $5 } } pSection :: { Entry } pSection : section string pDesc { Section { title = $2, desc = $3 } } pWithOptions :: { [Option] } pWithOptions : with pOptions { $2 } | {- empty -} { [] } pCategory :: { Category } pCategory : dyadic { Dyadic } | monadic { Monadic } | compare { Compare } | genprimop { GenPrimOp } pDesc :: { String } pDesc : pStuffBetweenBraces { $1 } | {- empty -} { "" } pStuffBetweenBraces :: { String } pStuffBetweenBraces : '{' pInsides '}' { $2 } pInsides :: { String } pInsides : pInside pInsides { $1 ++ $2 } | {- empty -} { "" } pInside :: { String } pInside : '{' pInsides '}' { "{" ++ $2 ++ "}" } | noBraces { $1 } pVectorTemplate :: { [(String, String, Int)] } pVectorTemplate : '[' pVectors ']' { $2 } pVectors :: { [(String, String, Int)] } pVectors : pVector ',' pVectors { [$1] ++ $3 } | pVector { [$1] } | {- empty -} { [] } pVector :: { (String, String, Int) } pVector : '<' upperName ',' upperName ',' integer '>' { ($2, $4, $6) } pType :: { Ty } pType : paT '->' pType { TyF $1 $3 } | paT '=>' pType { TyC $1 $3 } | paT { $1 } -- Atomic types paT :: { Ty } paT : pTycon ppTs { TyApp $1 $2 } | pUnboxedTupleTy { $1 } | '(' pType ')' { $2 } | lowerName { TyVar $1 } pUnboxedTupleTy :: { Ty } pUnboxedTupleTy : '(#' pCommaTypes '#)' { TyUTup $2 } pCommaTypes :: { [Ty] } pCommaTypes : pType ',' pCommaTypes { $1 : $3 } | pType { [$1] } ppTs :: { [Ty] } ppTs : ppT ppTs { $1 : $2 } | {- empty -} { [] } -- Primitive types ppT :: { Ty } ppT : lowerName { TyVar $1 } | pTycon { TyApp $1 [] } pTycon :: { TyCon } pTycon : upperName { TyCon $1 } | '(' ')' { TyCon "()" } | SCALAR { SCALAR } | VECTOR { VECTOR } | VECTUPLE { VECTUPLE } { parse :: String -> Either String Info parse = run_parser parsex }