module ParserM ( -- Parser Monad ParserM(..), AlexInput, run_parser, -- Parser state St, StartCode, start_code, set_start_code, inc_brace_depth, dec_brace_depth, -- Tokens Token(..), -- Actions Action, andBegin, mkT, mkTv, -- Positions get_pos, show_pos, -- Input alexGetChar, alexGetByte, alexInputPrevChar, input, position, -- Other happyError ) where import Control.Applicative import Prelude hiding (fail) import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail (..)) import Control.Monad (ap, liftM) import Data.Word (Word8) import Data.Char (ord) -- Parser Monad newtype ParserM a = ParserM (AlexInput -> St -> Either String (AlexInput, St, a)) instance Functor ParserM where fmap = liftM instance Applicative ParserM where pure = return (<*>) = ap instance Monad ParserM where ParserM m >>= k = ParserM $ \i s -> case m i s of Right (i', s', x) -> case k x of ParserM y -> y i' s' Left err -> Left err return a = ParserM $ \i s -> Right (i, s, a) instance MonadFail ParserM where fail err = ParserM $ \_ _ -> Left err run_parser :: ParserM a -> (String -> Either String a) run_parser (ParserM f) = \s -> case f (AlexInput init_pos s) init_state of Left es -> Left es Right (_, _, x) -> Right x -- Parser state data St = St { start_code :: !StartCode, brace_depth :: !Int } deriving Show type StartCode = Int init_state :: St init_state = St { start_code = 0, brace_depth = 0 } -- Tokens data Token = TEOF | TArrow | TDArrow | TEquals | TComma | TOpenParen | TCloseParen | TOpenParenHash | THashCloseParen | TOpenBrace | TCloseBrace | TOpenBracket | TCloseBracket | TOpenAngle | TCloseAngle | TSection | TPrimop | TPseudoop | TPrimtype | TWith | TDefaults | TTrue | TFalse | TCompare | TGenPrimOp | TThatsAllFolks | TLowerName String | TUpperName String | TString String | TNoBraces String | TInteger Int | TFixity | TInfixN | TInfixL | TInfixR | TNothing | TVector | TSCALAR | TVECTOR | TVECTUPLE deriving Show -- Actions type Action = String -> ParserM Token set_start_code :: StartCode -> ParserM () set_start_code sc = ParserM $ \i st -> Right (i, st { start_code = sc }, ()) inc_brace_depth :: ParserM () inc_brace_depth = ParserM $ \i st -> Right (i, st { brace_depth = brace_depth st + 1 }, ()) dec_brace_depth :: ParserM () dec_brace_depth = ParserM $ \i st -> let bd = brace_depth st - 1 sc = if bd == 0 then 0 else 1 in Right (i, st { brace_depth = bd, start_code = sc }, ()) andBegin :: Action -> StartCode -> Action (act `andBegin` sc) x = do set_start_code sc act x mkT :: Token -> Action mkT t = mkTv (const t) mkTv :: (String -> Token) -> Action mkTv f str = ParserM (\i st -> Right (i, st, f str)) -- Positions data Pos = Pos !Int{- Line -} !Int{- Column -} get_pos :: ParserM Pos get_pos = ParserM $ \i@(AlexInput p _) st -> Right (i, st, p) alexMove :: Pos -> Char -> Pos alexMove (Pos l _) '\n' = Pos (l+1) 1 alexMove (Pos l c) '\t' = Pos l ((c+8) `div` 8 * 8) alexMove (Pos l c) _ = Pos l (c+1) init_pos :: Pos init_pos = Pos 1 1 show_pos :: Pos -> String show_pos (Pos l c) = "line " ++ show l ++ ", column " ++ show c -- Input data AlexInput = AlexInput {position :: !Pos, input :: String} -- alexGetByte is for Alex >= 3.0, alexGetChar for earlier -- XXX no UTF-8; we should do this properly sometime alexGetByte :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Word8,AlexInput) alexGetByte (AlexInput p (x:xs)) = Just (fromIntegral (ord x), AlexInput (alexMove p x) xs) alexGetByte (AlexInput _ []) = Nothing alexGetChar :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Char,AlexInput) alexGetChar (AlexInput p (x:xs)) = Just (x, AlexInput (alexMove p x) xs) alexGetChar (AlexInput _ []) = Nothing alexInputPrevChar :: AlexInput -> Char alexInputPrevChar _ = error "Lexer doesn't implement alexInputPrevChar" happyError :: ParserM a happyError = do p <- get_pos fail $ "Parse error at " ++ show_pos p