module Syntax where import Data.List ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Abstract syntax ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- info for all primops; the totality of the info in primops.txt(.pp) data Info = Info [Option] [Entry] -- defaults, primops deriving Show -- info for one primop data Entry = PrimOpSpec { cons :: String, -- PrimOp name name :: String, -- name in prog text ty :: Ty, -- type cat :: Category, -- category desc :: String, -- description opts :: [Option] } -- default overrides | PrimVecOpSpec { cons :: String, -- PrimOp name name :: String, -- name in prog text prefix :: String, -- prefix for generated names veclen :: Int, -- vector length elemrep :: String, -- vector ElemRep ty :: Ty, -- type cat :: Category, -- category desc :: String, -- description opts :: [Option] } -- default overrides | PseudoOpSpec { name :: String, -- name in prog text ty :: Ty, -- type desc :: String, -- description opts :: [Option] } -- default overrides | PrimTypeSpec { ty :: Ty, -- name in prog text desc :: String, -- description opts :: [Option] } -- default overrides | PrimVecTypeSpec { ty :: Ty, -- name in prog text prefix :: String, -- prefix for generated names veclen :: Int, -- vector length elemrep :: String, -- vector ElemRep desc :: String, -- description opts :: [Option] } -- default overrides | Section { title :: String, -- section title desc :: String } -- description deriving Show is_primop :: Entry -> Bool is_primop (PrimOpSpec _ _ _ _ _ _) = True is_primop _ = False is_primtype :: Entry -> Bool is_primtype (PrimTypeSpec {}) = True is_primtype _ = False -- a binding of property to value data Option = OptionFalse String -- name = False | OptionTrue String -- name = True | OptionString String String -- name = { ... unparsed stuff ... } | OptionInteger String Int -- name = | OptionVector [(String,String,Int)] -- name = [(,...),...] | OptionFixity (Maybe Fixity) -- fixity = infix{,l,r} | Nothing deriving Show -- categorises primops data Category = Dyadic | Monadic | Compare | GenPrimOp deriving Show -- types data Ty = TyF Ty Ty | TyC Ty Ty -- We only allow one constraint, keeps the grammar simpler | TyApp TyCon [Ty] | TyVar TyVar | TyUTup [Ty] -- unboxed tuples; just a TyCon really, -- but convenient like this deriving (Eq,Show) type TyVar = String data TyCon = TyCon String | SCALAR | VECTOR | VECTUPLE | VecTyCon String String deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show TyCon where show (TyCon tc) = tc show SCALAR = "SCALAR" show VECTOR = "VECTOR" show VECTUPLE = "VECTUPLE" show (VecTyCon tc _) = tc -- Follow definitions of Fixity and FixityDirection in GHC data Fixity = Fixity Int FixityDirection deriving (Eq, Show) data FixityDirection = InfixN | InfixL | InfixR deriving (Eq, Show) ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Sanity checking ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ {- Do some simple sanity checks: * all the default field names are unique * for each PrimOpSpec, all override field names are unique * for each PrimOpSpec, all overriden field names have a corresponding default value * that primop types correspond in certain ways to the Category: eg if Comparison, the type must be of the form T -> T -> Bool. Dies with "error" if there's a problem, else returns (). -} myseqAll :: [()] -> a -> a myseqAll (():ys) x = myseqAll ys x myseqAll [] x = x sanityTop :: Info -> () sanityTop (Info defs entries) = let opt_names = map get_attrib_name defs primops = filter is_primop entries in if length opt_names /= length (nub opt_names) then error ("non-unique default attribute names: " ++ show opt_names ++ "\n") else myseqAll (map (sanityPrimOp opt_names) primops) () sanityPrimOp :: [String] -> Entry -> () sanityPrimOp def_names p = let p_names = map get_attrib_name (opts p) p_names_ok = length p_names == length (nub p_names) && all (`elem` def_names) p_names ty_ok = sane_ty (cat p) (ty p) in if not p_names_ok then error ("attribute names are non-unique or have no default in\n" ++ "info for primop " ++ cons p ++ "\n") else if not ty_ok then error ("type of primop " ++ cons p ++ " doesn't make sense w.r.t" ++ " category " ++ show (cat p) ++ "\n") else () sane_ty :: Category -> Ty -> Bool sane_ty Compare (TyF t1 (TyF t2 td)) | t1 == t2 && td == TyApp (TyCon "Int#") [] = True sane_ty Monadic (TyF t1 td) | t1 == td = True sane_ty Dyadic (TyF t1 (TyF t2 td)) | t1 == td && t2 == td = True sane_ty GenPrimOp _ = True sane_ty _ _ = False get_attrib_name :: Option -> String get_attrib_name (OptionFalse nm) = nm get_attrib_name (OptionTrue nm) = nm get_attrib_name (OptionString nm _) = nm get_attrib_name (OptionInteger nm _) = nm get_attrib_name (OptionVector _) = "vector" get_attrib_name (OptionFixity _) = "fixity" lookup_attrib :: String -> [Option] -> Maybe Option lookup_attrib _ [] = Nothing lookup_attrib nm (a:as) = if get_attrib_name a == nm then Just a else lookup_attrib nm as is_vector :: Entry -> Bool is_vector i = case lookup_attrib "vector" (opts i) of Nothing -> False _ -> True