module Main (main) where import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName import Distribution.PackageDescription import Distribution.PackageDescription.Check hiding (doesFileExist) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse import Distribution.Simple import Distribution.Simple.Configure import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo import Distribution.Simple.Program import Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg import Distribution.Simple.Utils (defaultPackageDesc, writeFileAtomic) import Distribution.Simple.Build (writeAutogenFiles) import Distribution.Simple.Register import Distribution.Text import Distribution.Verbosity import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Installed import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex import Data.List import Data.Maybe import System.IO import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.FilePath import Data.Char main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case args of "haddock" : distDir : dir : args' -> runHaddock distDir dir args' "check" : dir : [] -> doCheck dir "install" : ghc : ghcpkg : topdir : directory : distDir : myDestDir : myPrefix : myLibdir : myDocdir : args' -> doInstall ghc ghcpkg topdir directory distDir myDestDir myPrefix myLibdir myDocdir args' "configure" : args' -> case break (== "--") args' of (config_args, "--" : distdir : directories) -> mapM_ (generate config_args distdir) directories _ -> die syntax_error _ -> die syntax_error syntax_error :: [String] syntax_error = ["syntax: ghc-cabal configure -- ...", " ghc-cabal install ...", " ghc-cabal haddock ..."] die :: [String] -> IO () die errs = do mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) errs exitWith (ExitFailure 1) -- XXX Should use bracket withCurrentDirectory :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a withCurrentDirectory directory io = do curDirectory <- getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory directory r <- io setCurrentDirectory curDirectory return r -- We need to use the autoconfUserHooks, as the packages that use -- configure can create a .buildinfo file, and we need any info that -- ends up in it. userHooks :: UserHooks userHooks = autoconfUserHooks doCheck :: FilePath -> IO () doCheck directory = withCurrentDirectory directory $ do let verbosity = normal gpdFile <- defaultPackageDesc verbosity gpd <- readPackageDescription verbosity gpdFile case partition isFailure $ checkPackage gpd Nothing of ([], []) -> return () ([], warnings) -> mapM_ print warnings (errs, _) -> do mapM_ print errs exitWith (ExitFailure 1) where isFailure (PackageDistSuspicious {}) = False isFailure _ = True runHaddock :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO () runHaddock distdir directory args = withCurrentDirectory directory $ defaultMainWithHooksArgs hooks ("haddock" : "--builddir" : distdir : args) where hooks = userHooks { haddockHook = modHook (haddockHook userHooks) } modHook f pd lbi us flags | packageName pd == PackageName "ghc-prim" = let pd' = case library pd of Just lib -> let ghcPrim = fromJust (simpleParse "GHC.Prim") ems = filter (ghcPrim /=) (exposedModules lib) lib' = lib { exposedModules = ems } in pd { library = Just lib' } Nothing -> error "Expected a library, but none found" pc = withPrograms lbi pc' = userSpecifyArgs "haddock" ["dist-install/build/autogen/GHC/Prim.hs"] pc lbi' = lbi { withPrograms = pc' } in f pd' lbi' us flags | otherwise = f pd lbi us flags doInstall :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO () doInstall ghc ghcpkg topdir directory distDir myDestDir myPrefix myLibdir myDocdir args = withCurrentDirectory directory $ do defaultMainWithHooksArgs hooks (["copy", "--builddir", distDir] ++ (if null myDestDir then [] else ["--destdir", myDestDir]) ++ args) defaultMainWithHooksArgs hooks ("register" : "--builddir" : distDir : args) where hooks = userHooks { copyHook = noGhcPrimHook (modHook (copyHook userHooks)), regHook = modHook (regHook userHooks) } noGhcPrimHook f pd lbi us flags = let pd' | packageName pd == PackageName "ghc-prim" = case library pd of Just lib -> let ghcPrim = fromJust (simpleParse "GHC.Prim") ems = filter (ghcPrim /=) (exposedModules lib) lib' = lib { exposedModules = ems } in pd { library = Just lib' } Nothing -> error "Expected a library, but none found" | otherwise = pd in f pd' lbi us flags modHook f pd lbi us flags = do let verbosity = normal idts = installDirTemplates lbi idts' = idts { prefix = toPathTemplate myPrefix, libdir = toPathTemplate myLibdir, libsubdir = toPathTemplate "$pkgid", docdir = toPathTemplate (myDocdir "$pkg"), htmldir = toPathTemplate "$docdir" } progs = withPrograms lbi ghcProg = ConfiguredProgram { programId = programName ghcProgram, programVersion = Nothing, programArgs = ["-B" ++ topdir], programLocation = UserSpecified ghc } ghcpkgconf = topdir "package.conf.d" ghcPkgProg = ConfiguredProgram { programId = programName ghcPkgProgram, programVersion = Nothing, programArgs = ["--global-conf", ghcpkgconf] ++ if not (null myDestDir) then ["--force"] else [], programLocation = UserSpecified ghcpkg } progs' = updateProgram ghcProg $ updateProgram ghcPkgProg progs instInfos <- dump verbosity ghcPkgProg GlobalPackageDB let installedPkgs' = PackageIndex.listToInstalledPackageIndex instInfos let mlc = libraryConfig lbi mlc' = case mlc of Just lc -> let cipds = componentInstalledPackageDeps lc cipds' = map (fixupPackageId instInfos) cipds in Just $ lc { componentInstalledPackageDeps = cipds' } Nothing -> Nothing lbi' = lbi { libraryConfig = mlc', installedPkgs = installedPkgs', installDirTemplates = idts', withPrograms = progs' } f pd lbi' us flags -- The packages are built with the package ID ending in "-inplace", but -- when they're installed they get the package hash appended. We need to -- fix up the package deps so that they use the hash package IDs, not -- the inplace package IDs. fixupPackageId :: [Installed.InstalledPackageInfo] -> InstalledPackageId -> InstalledPackageId fixupPackageId _ x@(InstalledPackageId ipi) | "builtin:" `isPrefixOf` ipi = x fixupPackageId ipinfos (InstalledPackageId ipi) = case stripPrefix (reverse "-inplace") $ reverse ipi of Nothing -> error ("Installed package ID doesn't end in -inplace: " ++ show ipi) Just x -> let ipi' = reverse ('-' : x) f (ipinfo : ipinfos') = case Installed.installedPackageId ipinfo of y@(InstalledPackageId ipinfoid) | ipi' `isPrefixOf` ipinfoid -> y _ -> f ipinfos' f [] = error ("Installed package ID not registered: " ++ show ipi) in f ipinfos generate :: [String] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () generate config_args distdir directory = withCurrentDirectory directory $ do let verbosity = normal gpdFile <- defaultPackageDesc verbosity gpd <- readPackageDescription verbosity gpdFile -- XXX We shouldn't just configure with the default flags -- XXX And this, and thus the "getPersistBuildConfig distdir" below, -- aren't going to work when the deps aren't built yet withArgs (["configure", "--distdir", distdir] ++ config_args) (case buildType (flattenPackageDescription gpd) of Just Configure -> defaultMainWithHooks autoconfUserHooks -- time has a "Custom" Setup.hs, but it's actually Configure -- plus a "./Setup test" hook. However, Cabal is also -- "Custom", but doesn't have a configure script. Just Custom -> do configureExists <- doesFileExist "configure" if configureExists then defaultMainWithHooks autoconfUserHooks else defaultMain -- not quite right, but good enough for us: _ -> defaultMain) lbi <- getPersistBuildConfig distdir let pd0 = localPkgDescr lbi hooked_bi <- if (buildType pd0 == Just Configure) || (buildType pd0 == Just Custom) then do maybe_infoFile <- defaultHookedPackageDesc case maybe_infoFile of Nothing -> return emptyHookedBuildInfo Just infoFile -> readHookedBuildInfo verbosity infoFile else return emptyHookedBuildInfo let pd = updatePackageDescription hooked_bi pd0 -- generate Paths_.hs and cabal-macros.h writeAutogenFiles verbosity pd lbi -- generate inplace-pkg-config case (library pd, libraryConfig lbi) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> return () (Just lib, Just clbi) -> do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory let ipid = InstalledPackageId (display (packageId pd) ++ "-inplace") let installedPkgInfo = inplaceInstalledPackageInfo cwd distdir pd lib lbi clbi final_ipi = installedPkgInfo{ Installed.installedPackageId = ipid } content = Installed.showInstalledPackageInfo final_ipi ++ "\n" writeFileAtomic (distdir "inplace-pkg-config") content _ -> error "Inconsistent lib components; can't happen?" let libBiModules lib = (libBuildInfo lib, libModules lib) exeBiModules exe = (buildInfo exe, ModuleName.main : exeModules exe) biModuless = (maybeToList $ fmap libBiModules $ library pd) ++ (map exeBiModules $ executables pd) buildableBiModuless = filter isBuildable biModuless where isBuildable (bi', _) = buildable bi' (bi, modules) = case buildableBiModuless of [] -> error "No buildable component found" [biModules] -> biModules _ -> error ("XXX ghc-cabal can't handle " ++ "more than one buildinfo yet") -- XXX Another Just... Just ghcProg = lookupProgram ghcProgram (withPrograms lbi) dep_pkgs = PackageIndex.topologicalOrder (packageHacks (installedPkgs lbi)) forDeps f = concatMap f dep_pkgs -- copied from Distribution.Simple.PreProcess.ppHsc2Hs packageHacks = case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of GHC -> hackRtsPackage _ -> id -- We don't link in the actual Haskell libraries of our -- dependencies, so the -u flags in the ldOptions of the rts -- package mean linking fails on OS X (it's ld is a tad -- stricter than gnu ld). Thus we remove the ldOptions for -- GHC's rts package: hackRtsPackage index = case PackageIndex.lookupInstalledPackageByName index (PackageName "rts") of [rts] -> PackageIndex.addToInstalledPackageIndex rts { Installed.ldOptions = [] } index _ -> error "No (or multiple) ghc rts package is registered!!" dep_ids = map (packageId.getLocalPackageInfo lbi) $ externalPackageDeps lbi let variablePrefix = directory ++ '_':distdir let xs = [variablePrefix ++ "_VERSION = " ++ display (pkgVersion (package pd)), variablePrefix ++ "_MODULES = " ++ unwords (map display modules), variablePrefix ++ "_HS_SRC_DIRS = " ++ unwords (hsSourceDirs bi), variablePrefix ++ "_DEPS = " ++ unwords (map display dep_ids), variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_NAMES = " ++ unwords (map (display . packageName) dep_ids), variablePrefix ++ "_INCLUDE_DIRS = " ++ unwords (includeDirs bi), variablePrefix ++ "_INCLUDES = " ++ unwords (includes bi), variablePrefix ++ "_INSTALL_INCLUDES = " ++ unwords (installIncludes bi), variablePrefix ++ "_EXTRA_LIBRARIES = " ++ unwords (extraLibs bi), variablePrefix ++ "_EXTRA_LIBDIRS = " ++ unwords (extraLibDirs bi), variablePrefix ++ "_C_SRCS = " ++ unwords (cSources bi), variablePrefix ++ "_CMM_SRCS = $(addprefix cbits/,$(notdir $(wildcard " ++ directory ++ "/cbits/*.cmm)))", -- XXX This includes things it shouldn't, like: -- -odir dist-bootstrapping/build variablePrefix ++ "_HC_OPTS = " ++ escape (unwords (programArgs ghcProg ++ hcOptions GHC bi ++ extensionsToFlags (compiler lbi) (extensions bi))), variablePrefix ++ "_CC_OPTS = " ++ unwords (ccOptions bi), variablePrefix ++ "_CPP_OPTS = " ++ unwords (cppOptions bi), variablePrefix ++ "_LD_OPTS = " ++ unwords (ldOptions bi), variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_INCLUDE_DIRS = " ++ unwords (forDeps Installed.includeDirs), variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_CC_OPTS = " ++ unwords (forDeps Installed.ccOptions), variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_LIB_DIRS = " ++ unwords (forDeps Installed.libraryDirs), variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_EXTRA_LIBS = " ++ unwords (forDeps Installed.extraLibraries), variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_LD_OPTS = " ++ unwords (forDeps Installed.ldOptions)] writeFile (distdir ++ "/") $ unlines xs where escape = foldr (\c xs -> if c == '#' then '\\':'#':xs else c:xs) []