{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2009. -- -- Package management tool -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Main (main) where import Version ( version, targetOS, targetARCH ) import qualified GHC.PackageDb as GhcPkg import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex import qualified Data.Graph as Graph import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName) import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Cabal import Distribution.Compat.ReadP hiding (get) import Distribution.ParseUtils import Distribution.Package hiding (installedPackageId) import Distribution.Text import Distribution.Version import Distribution.Simple.Utils (fromUTF8, toUTF8, writeUTF8File, readUTF8File) import System.FilePath as FilePath import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix import System.Directory ( getAppUserDataDirectory, createDirectoryIfMissing, getModificationTime ) import Text.Printf import Prelude import System.Console.GetOpt import qualified Control.Exception as Exception import Data.Maybe import Data.Char ( isSpace, toLower ) import Data.Ord (comparing) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..)) #endif import Control.Monad import System.Directory ( doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents, doesFileExist, removeFile, getCurrentDirectory ) import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) ) import System.Environment ( getArgs, getProgName, getEnv ) import System.IO import System.IO.Error import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(InappropriateType)) import Data.List import Control.Concurrent import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) -- mingw32 needs these for getExecDir import Foreign import Foreign.C #endif #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS import GHC.ConsoleHandler #else import System.Posix hiding (fdToHandle) #endif #if defined(GLOB) import qualified System.Info(os) #endif #if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && !defined(BOOTSTRAPPING) import System.Console.Terminfo as Terminfo #endif #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS # if defined(i386_HOST_ARCH) # define WINDOWS_CCONV stdcall # elif defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH) # define WINDOWS_CCONV ccall # else # error Unknown mingw32 arch # endif #endif -- | Short-circuit 'any' with a \"monadic predicate\". anyM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m Bool anyM _ [] = return False anyM p (x:xs) = do b <- p x if b then return True else anyM p xs -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entry point main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case getOpt Permute (flags ++ deprecFlags) args of (cli,_,[]) | FlagHelp `elem` cli -> do prog <- getProgramName bye (usageInfo (usageHeader prog) flags) (cli,_,[]) | FlagVersion `elem` cli -> bye ourCopyright (cli,nonopts,[]) -> case getVerbosity Normal cli of Right v -> runit v cli nonopts Left err -> die err (_,_,errors) -> do prog <- getProgramName die (concat errors ++ shortUsage prog) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Command-line syntax data Flag = FlagUser | FlagGlobal | FlagHelp | FlagVersion | FlagConfig FilePath | FlagGlobalConfig FilePath | FlagUserConfig FilePath | FlagForce | FlagForceFiles | FlagMultiInstance | FlagExpandEnvVars | FlagExpandPkgroot | FlagNoExpandPkgroot | FlagSimpleOutput | FlagNamesOnly | FlagIgnoreCase | FlagNoUserDb | FlagVerbosity (Maybe String) | FlagIPId | FlagPackageKey deriving Eq flags :: [OptDescr Flag] flags = [ Option [] ["user"] (NoArg FlagUser) "use the current user's package database", Option [] ["global"] (NoArg FlagGlobal) "use the global package database", Option ['f'] ["package-db"] (ReqArg FlagConfig "FILE/DIR") "use the specified package database", Option [] ["package-conf"] (ReqArg FlagConfig "FILE/DIR") "use the specified package database (DEPRECATED)", Option [] ["global-package-db"] (ReqArg FlagGlobalConfig "DIR") "location of the global package database", Option [] ["no-user-package-db"] (NoArg FlagNoUserDb) "never read the user package database", Option [] ["user-package-db"] (ReqArg FlagUserConfig "DIR") "location of the user package database (use instead of default)", Option [] ["no-user-package-conf"] (NoArg FlagNoUserDb) "never read the user package database (DEPRECATED)", Option [] ["force"] (NoArg FlagForce) "ignore missing dependencies, directories, and libraries", Option [] ["force-files"] (NoArg FlagForceFiles) "ignore missing directories and libraries only", Option [] ["enable-multi-instance"] (NoArg FlagMultiInstance) "allow registering multiple instances of the same package version", Option [] ["expand-env-vars"] (NoArg FlagExpandEnvVars) "expand environment variables (${name}-style) in input package descriptions", Option [] ["expand-pkgroot"] (NoArg FlagExpandPkgroot) "expand ${pkgroot}-relative paths to absolute in output package descriptions", Option [] ["no-expand-pkgroot"] (NoArg FlagNoExpandPkgroot) "preserve ${pkgroot}-relative paths in output package descriptions", Option ['?'] ["help"] (NoArg FlagHelp) "display this help and exit", Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg FlagVersion) "output version information and exit", Option [] ["simple-output"] (NoArg FlagSimpleOutput) "print output in easy-to-parse format for some commands", Option [] ["names-only"] (NoArg FlagNamesOnly) "only print package names, not versions; can only be used with list --simple-output", Option [] ["ignore-case"] (NoArg FlagIgnoreCase) "ignore case for substring matching", Option [] ["ipid"] (NoArg FlagIPId) "interpret package arguments as installed package IDs", Option [] ["package-key"] (NoArg FlagPackageKey) "interpret package arguments as installed package keys", Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (OptArg FlagVerbosity "Verbosity") "verbosity level (0-2, default 1)" ] data Verbosity = Silent | Normal | Verbose deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) getVerbosity :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Either String Verbosity getVerbosity v [] = Right v getVerbosity _ (FlagVerbosity Nothing : fs) = getVerbosity Verbose fs getVerbosity _ (FlagVerbosity (Just "0") : fs) = getVerbosity Silent fs getVerbosity _ (FlagVerbosity (Just "1") : fs) = getVerbosity Normal fs getVerbosity _ (FlagVerbosity (Just "2") : fs) = getVerbosity Verbose fs getVerbosity _ (FlagVerbosity v : _) = Left ("Bad verbosity: " ++ show v) getVerbosity v (_ : fs) = getVerbosity v fs deprecFlags :: [OptDescr Flag] deprecFlags = [ -- put deprecated flags here ] ourCopyright :: String ourCopyright = "GHC package manager version " ++ Version.version ++ "\n" shortUsage :: String -> String shortUsage prog = "For usage information see '" ++ prog ++ " --help'." usageHeader :: String -> String usageHeader prog = substProg prog $ "Usage:\n" ++ " $p init {path}\n" ++ " Create and initialise a package database at the location {path}.\n" ++ " Packages can be registered in the new database using the register\n" ++ " command with --package-db={path}. To use the new database with GHC,\n" ++ " use GHC's -package-db flag.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p register {filename | -}\n" ++ " Register the package using the specified installed package\n" ++ " description. The syntax for the latter is given in the $p\n" ++ " documentation. The input file should be encoded in UTF-8.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p update {filename | -}\n" ++ " Register the package, overwriting any other package with the\n" ++ " same name. The input file should be encoded in UTF-8.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p unregister {pkg-id}\n" ++ " Unregister the specified package.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p expose {pkg-id}\n" ++ " Expose the specified package.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p hide {pkg-id}\n" ++ " Hide the specified package.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p trust {pkg-id}\n" ++ " Trust the specified package.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p distrust {pkg-id}\n" ++ " Distrust the specified package.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p list [pkg]\n" ++ " List registered packages in the global database, and also the\n" ++ " user database if --user is given. If a package name is given\n" ++ " all the registered versions will be listed in ascending order.\n" ++ " Accepts the --simple-output flag.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p dot\n" ++ " Generate a graph of the package dependencies in a form suitable\n" ++ " for input for the graphviz tools. For example, to generate a PDF" ++ " of the dependency graph: ghc-pkg dot | tred | dot -Tpdf >pkgs.pdf" ++ "\n" ++ " $p find-module {module}\n" ++ " List registered packages exposing module {module} in the global\n" ++ " database, and also the user database if --user is given.\n" ++ " All the registered versions will be listed in ascending order.\n" ++ " Accepts the --simple-output flag.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p latest {pkg-id}\n" ++ " Prints the highest registered version of a package.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p check\n" ++ " Check the consistency of package dependencies and list broken packages.\n" ++ " Accepts the --simple-output flag.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p describe {pkg}\n" ++ " Give the registered description for the specified package. The\n" ++ " description is returned in precisely the syntax required by $p\n" ++ " register.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p field {pkg} {field}\n" ++ " Extract the specified field of the package description for the\n" ++ " specified package. Accepts comma-separated multiple fields.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p dump\n" ++ " Dump the registered description for every package. This is like\n" ++ " \"ghc-pkg describe '*'\", except that it is intended to be used\n" ++ " by tools that parse the results, rather than humans. The output is\n" ++ " always encoded in UTF-8, regardless of the current locale.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " $p recache\n" ++ " Regenerate the package database cache. This command should only be\n" ++ " necessary if you added a package to the database by dropping a file\n" ++ " into the database directory manually. By default, the global DB\n" ++ " is recached; to recache a different DB use --user or --package-db\n" ++ " as appropriate.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " Substring matching is supported for {module} in find-module and\n" ++ " for {pkg} in list, describe, and field, where a '*' indicates\n" ++ " open substring ends (prefix*, *suffix, *infix*). Use --ipid to\n" ++ " match against the installed package ID instead.\n" ++ "\n" ++ " When asked to modify a database (register, unregister, update,\n"++ " hide, expose, and also check), ghc-pkg modifies the global database by\n"++ " default. Specifying --user causes it to act on the user database,\n"++ " or --package-db can be used to act on another database\n"++ " entirely. When multiple of these options are given, the rightmost\n"++ " one is used as the database to act upon.\n"++ "\n"++ " Commands that query the package database (list, tree, latest, describe,\n"++ " field) operate on the list of databases specified by the flags\n"++ " --user, --global, and --package-db. If none of these flags are\n"++ " given, the default is --global --user.\n"++ "\n" ++ " The following optional flags are also accepted:\n" substProg :: String -> String -> String substProg _ [] = [] substProg prog ('$':'p':xs) = prog ++ substProg prog xs substProg prog (c:xs) = c : substProg prog xs -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do the business data Force = NoForce | ForceFiles | ForceAll | CannotForce deriving (Eq,Ord) -- | Enum flag representing argument type data AsPackageArg = AsIpid | AsPackageKey | AsDefault -- | Represents how a package may be specified by a user on the command line. data PackageArg -- | A package identifier foo-0.1; the version might be a glob. = Id PackageIdentifier -- | An installed package ID foo-0.1-HASH. This is guaranteed to uniquely -- match a single entry in the package database. | IPId InstalledPackageId -- | A package key foo_HASH. This is also guaranteed to uniquely match -- a single entry in the package database | PkgKey PackageKey -- | A glob against the package name. The first string is the literal -- glob, the second is a function which returns @True@ if the argument -- matches. | Substring String (String->Bool) runit :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> [String] -> IO () runit verbosity cli nonopts = do installSignalHandlers -- catch ^C and clean up prog <- getProgramName let force | FlagForce `elem` cli = ForceAll | FlagForceFiles `elem` cli = ForceFiles | otherwise = NoForce as_arg | FlagIPId `elem` cli = AsIpid | FlagPackageKey `elem` cli = AsPackageKey | otherwise = AsDefault multi_instance = FlagMultiInstance `elem` cli expand_env_vars= FlagExpandEnvVars `elem` cli mexpand_pkgroot= foldl' accumExpandPkgroot Nothing cli where accumExpandPkgroot _ FlagExpandPkgroot = Just True accumExpandPkgroot _ FlagNoExpandPkgroot = Just False accumExpandPkgroot x _ = x splitFields fields = unfoldr splitComma (',':fields) where splitComma "" = Nothing splitComma fs = Just $ break (==',') (tail fs) -- | Parses a glob into a predicate which tests if a string matches -- the glob. Returns Nothing if the string in question is not a glob. -- At the moment, we only support globs at the beginning and/or end of -- strings. This function respects case sensitivity. -- -- >>> fromJust (substringCheck "*") "anything" -- True -- -- >>> fromJust (substringCheck "string") "string" -- True -- -- >>> fromJust (substringCheck "*bar") "foobar" -- True -- -- >>> fromJust (substringCheck "foo*") "foobar" -- True -- -- >>> fromJust (substringCheck "*ooba*") "foobar" -- True -- -- >>> fromJust (substringCheck "f*bar") "foobar" -- False substringCheck :: String -> Maybe (String -> Bool) substringCheck "" = Nothing substringCheck "*" = Just (const True) substringCheck [_] = Nothing substringCheck (h:t) = case (h, init t, last t) of ('*',s,'*') -> Just (isInfixOf (f s) . f) ('*',_, _ ) -> Just (isSuffixOf (f t) . f) ( _ ,s,'*') -> Just (isPrefixOf (f (h:s)) . f) _ -> Nothing where f | FlagIgnoreCase `elem` cli = map toLower | otherwise = id #if defined(GLOB) glob x | System.Info.os=="mingw32" = do -- glob echoes its argument, after win32 filename globbing (_,o,_,_) <- runInteractiveCommand ("glob "++x) txt <- hGetContents o return (read txt) glob x | otherwise = return [x] #endif -- -- first, parse the command case nonopts of #if defined(GLOB) -- dummy command to demonstrate usage and permit testing -- without messing things up; use glob to selectively enable -- windows filename globbing for file parameters -- register, update, FlagGlobalConfig, FlagConfig; others? ["glob", filename] -> do print filename glob filename >>= print #endif ["init", filename] -> initPackageDB filename verbosity cli ["register", filename] -> registerPackage filename verbosity cli multi_instance expand_env_vars False force ["update", filename] -> registerPackage filename verbosity cli multi_instance expand_env_vars True force ["unregister", pkgarg_str] -> do pkgarg <- readPackageArg as_arg pkgarg_str unregisterPackage pkgarg verbosity cli force ["expose", pkgarg_str] -> do pkgarg <- readPackageArg as_arg pkgarg_str exposePackage pkgarg verbosity cli force ["hide", pkgarg_str] -> do pkgarg <- readPackageArg as_arg pkgarg_str hidePackage pkgarg verbosity cli force ["trust", pkgarg_str] -> do pkgarg <- readPackageArg as_arg pkgarg_str trustPackage pkgarg verbosity cli force ["distrust", pkgarg_str] -> do pkgarg <- readPackageArg as_arg pkgarg_str distrustPackage pkgarg verbosity cli force ["list"] -> do listPackages verbosity cli Nothing Nothing ["list", pkgarg_str] -> case substringCheck pkgarg_str of Nothing -> do pkgarg <- readPackageArg as_arg pkgarg_str listPackages verbosity cli (Just pkgarg) Nothing Just m -> listPackages verbosity cli (Just (Substring pkgarg_str m)) Nothing ["dot"] -> do showPackageDot verbosity cli ["find-module", moduleName] -> do let match = maybe (==moduleName) id (substringCheck moduleName) listPackages verbosity cli Nothing (Just match) ["latest", pkgid_str] -> do pkgid <- readGlobPkgId pkgid_str latestPackage verbosity cli pkgid ["describe", pkgid_str] -> do pkgarg <- case substringCheck pkgid_str of Nothing -> readPackageArg as_arg pkgid_str Just m -> return (Substring pkgid_str m) describePackage verbosity cli pkgarg (fromMaybe False mexpand_pkgroot) ["field", pkgid_str, fields] -> do pkgarg <- case substringCheck pkgid_str of Nothing -> readPackageArg as_arg pkgid_str Just m -> return (Substring pkgid_str m) describeField verbosity cli pkgarg (splitFields fields) (fromMaybe True mexpand_pkgroot) ["check"] -> do checkConsistency verbosity cli ["dump"] -> do dumpPackages verbosity cli (fromMaybe False mexpand_pkgroot) ["recache"] -> do recache verbosity cli [] -> do die ("missing command\n" ++ shortUsage prog) (_cmd:_) -> do die ("command-line syntax error\n" ++ shortUsage prog) parseCheck :: ReadP a a -> String -> String -> IO a parseCheck parser str what = case [ x | (x,ys) <- readP_to_S parser str, all isSpace ys ] of [x] -> return x _ -> die ("cannot parse \'" ++ str ++ "\' as a " ++ what) readGlobPkgId :: String -> IO PackageIdentifier readGlobPkgId str = parseCheck parseGlobPackageId str "package identifier" parseGlobPackageId :: ReadP r PackageIdentifier parseGlobPackageId = parse +++ (do n <- parse _ <- string "-*" return (PackageIdentifier{ pkgName = n, pkgVersion = globVersion })) readPackageArg :: AsPackageArg -> String -> IO PackageArg readPackageArg AsIpid str = parseCheck (IPId `fmap` parse) str "installed package id" readPackageArg AsPackageKey str = parseCheck (PkgKey `fmap` parse) str "package key" readPackageArg AsDefault str = Id `fmap` readGlobPkgId str -- globVersion means "all versions" globVersion :: Version globVersion = Version [] ["*"] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Package databases -- Some commands operate on a single database: -- register, unregister, expose, hide, trust, distrust -- however these commands also check the union of the available databases -- in order to check consistency. For example, register will check that -- dependencies exist before registering a package. -- -- Some commands operate on multiple databases, with overlapping semantics: -- list, describe, field data PackageDB = PackageDB { location, locationAbsolute :: !FilePath, -- We need both possibly-relative and definately-absolute package -- db locations. This is because the relative location is used as -- an identifier for the db, so it is important we do not modify it. -- On the other hand we need the absolute path in a few places -- particularly in relation to the ${pkgroot} stuff. packages :: [InstalledPackageInfo] } type PackageDBStack = [PackageDB] -- A stack of package databases. Convention: head is the topmost -- in the stack. allPackagesInStack :: PackageDBStack -> [InstalledPackageInfo] allPackagesInStack = concatMap packages getPkgDatabases :: Verbosity -> Bool -- we are modifying, not reading -> Bool -- use the user db -> Bool -- read caches, if available -> Bool -- expand vars, like ${pkgroot} and $topdir -> [Flag] -> IO (PackageDBStack, -- the real package DB stack: [global,user] ++ -- DBs specified on the command line with -f. Maybe FilePath, -- which one to modify, if any PackageDBStack) -- the package DBs specified on the command -- line, or [global,user] otherwise. This -- is used as the list of package DBs for -- commands that just read the DB, such as 'list'. getPkgDatabases verbosity modify use_user use_cache expand_vars my_flags = do -- first we determine the location of the global package config. On Windows, -- this is found relative to the ghc-pkg.exe binary, whereas on Unix the -- location is passed to the binary using the --global-package-db flag by the -- wrapper script. let err_msg = "missing --global-package-db option, location of global package database unknown\n" global_conf <- case [ f | FlagGlobalConfig f <- my_flags ] of [] -> do mb_dir <- getLibDir case mb_dir of Nothing -> die err_msg Just dir -> do r <- lookForPackageDBIn dir case r of Nothing -> die ("Can't find package database in " ++ dir) Just path -> return path fs -> return (last fs) -- The value of the $topdir variable used in some package descriptions -- Note that the way we calculate this is slightly different to how it -- is done in ghc itself. We rely on the convention that the global -- package db lives in ghc's libdir. top_dir <- absolutePath (takeDirectory global_conf) let no_user_db = FlagNoUserDb `elem` my_flags -- get the location of the user package database, and create it if necessary -- getAppUserDataDirectory can fail (e.g. if $HOME isn't set) e_appdir <- tryIO $ getAppUserDataDirectory "ghc" mb_user_conf <- case [ f | FlagUserConfig f <- my_flags ] of _ | no_user_db -> return Nothing [] -> case e_appdir of Left _ -> return Nothing Right appdir -> do let subdir = targetARCH ++ '-':targetOS ++ '-':Version.version dir = appdir subdir r <- lookForPackageDBIn dir case r of Nothing -> return (Just (dir "package.conf.d", False)) Just f -> return (Just (f, True)) fs -> return (Just (last fs, True)) -- If the user database exists, and for "use_user" commands (which includes -- "ghc-pkg check" and all commands that modify the db) we will attempt to -- use the user db. let sys_databases | Just (user_conf,user_exists) <- mb_user_conf, use_user || user_exists = [user_conf, global_conf] | otherwise = [global_conf] e_pkg_path <- tryIO (System.Environment.getEnv "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH") let env_stack = case e_pkg_path of Left _ -> sys_databases Right path | not (null path) && isSearchPathSeparator (last path) -> splitSearchPath (init path) ++ sys_databases | otherwise -> splitSearchPath path -- The "global" database is always the one at the bottom of the stack. -- This is the database we modify by default. virt_global_conf = last env_stack let db_flags = [ f | Just f <- map is_db_flag my_flags ] where is_db_flag FlagUser | Just (user_conf, _user_exists) <- mb_user_conf = Just user_conf is_db_flag FlagGlobal = Just virt_global_conf is_db_flag (FlagConfig f) = Just f is_db_flag _ = Nothing let flag_db_names | null db_flags = env_stack | otherwise = reverse (nub db_flags) -- For a "modify" command, treat all the databases as -- a stack, where we are modifying the top one, but it -- can refer to packages in databases further down the -- stack. -- -f flags on the command line add to the database -- stack, unless any of them are present in the stack -- already. let final_stack = filter (`notElem` env_stack) [ f | FlagConfig f <- reverse my_flags ] ++ env_stack -- the database we actually modify is the one mentioned -- rightmost on the command-line. let to_modify | not modify = Nothing | null db_flags = Just virt_global_conf | otherwise = Just (last db_flags) db_stack <- sequence [ do db <- readParseDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf modify use_cache db_path if expand_vars then return (mungePackageDBPaths top_dir db) else return db | db_path <- final_stack ] let flag_db_stack = [ db | db_name <- flag_db_names, db <- db_stack, location db == db_name ] when (verbosity > Normal) $ do infoLn ("db stack: " ++ show (map location db_stack)) infoLn ("modifying: " ++ show to_modify) infoLn ("flag db stack: " ++ show (map location flag_db_stack)) return (db_stack, to_modify, flag_db_stack) lookForPackageDBIn :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) lookForPackageDBIn dir = do let path_dir = dir "package.conf.d" exists_dir <- doesDirectoryExist path_dir if exists_dir then return (Just path_dir) else do let path_file = dir "package.conf" exists_file <- doesFileExist path_file if exists_file then return (Just path_file) else return Nothing readParseDatabase :: Verbosity -> Maybe (FilePath,Bool) -> Bool -- we will be modifying, not just reading -> Bool -- use cache -> FilePath -> IO PackageDB readParseDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf modify use_cache path -- the user database (only) is allowed to be non-existent | Just (user_conf,False) <- mb_user_conf, path == user_conf = mkPackageDB [] | otherwise = do e <- tryIO $ getDirectoryContents path case e of Left err | ioeGetErrorType err == InappropriateType -> do -- We provide a limited degree of backwards compatibility for -- old single-file style db: mdb <- tryReadParseOldFileStyleDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf modify use_cache path case mdb of Just db -> return db Nothing -> die $ "ghc no longer supports single-file style package " ++ "databases (" ++ path ++ ") use 'ghc-pkg init'" ++ "to create the database with the correct format." | otherwise -> ioError err Right fs | not use_cache -> ignore_cache (const $ return ()) | otherwise -> do let cache = path cachefilename tdir <- getModificationTime path e_tcache <- tryIO $ getModificationTime cache case e_tcache of Left ex -> do whenReportCacheErrors $ if isDoesNotExistError ex then do warn ("WARNING: cache does not exist: " ++ cache) warn ("ghc will fail to read this package db. " ++ recacheAdvice) else do warn ("WARNING: cache cannot be read: " ++ show ex) warn "ghc will fail to read this package db." ignore_cache (const $ return ()) Right tcache -> do let compareTimestampToCache file = when (verbosity >= Verbose) $ do tFile <- getModificationTime file compareTimestampToCache' file tFile compareTimestampToCache' file tFile = do let rel = case tcache `compare` tFile of LT -> " (NEWER than cache)" GT -> " (older than cache)" EQ -> " (same as cache)" warn ("Timestamp " ++ show tFile ++ " for " ++ file ++ rel) when (verbosity >= Verbose) $ do warn ("Timestamp " ++ show tcache ++ " for " ++ cache) compareTimestampToCache' path tdir if tcache >= tdir then do when (verbosity > Normal) $ infoLn ("using cache: " ++ cache) pkgs <- GhcPkg.readPackageDbForGhcPkg cache mkPackageDB pkgs else do whenReportCacheErrors $ do warn ("WARNING: cache is out of date: " ++ cache) warn ("ghc will see an old view of this " ++ "package db. " ++ recacheAdvice) ignore_cache compareTimestampToCache where ignore_cache :: (FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO PackageDB ignore_cache checkTime = do let confs = filter (".conf" `isSuffixOf`) fs doFile f = do checkTime f parseSingletonPackageConf verbosity f pkgs <- mapM doFile $ map (path ) confs mkPackageDB pkgs -- We normally report cache errors for read-only commands, -- since modify commands because will usually fix the cache. whenReportCacheErrors = when ( verbosity > Normal || verbosity >= Normal && not modify) where recacheAdvice | Just (user_conf, True) <- mb_user_conf, path == user_conf = "Use 'ghc-pkg recache --user' to fix." | otherwise = "Use 'ghc-pkg recache' to fix." mkPackageDB pkgs = do path_abs <- absolutePath path return PackageDB { location = path, locationAbsolute = path_abs, packages = pkgs } parseSingletonPackageConf :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO InstalledPackageInfo parseSingletonPackageConf verbosity file = do when (verbosity > Normal) $ infoLn ("reading package config: " ++ file) readUTF8File file >>= fmap fst . parsePackageInfo cachefilename :: FilePath cachefilename = "package.cache" mungePackageDBPaths :: FilePath -> PackageDB -> PackageDB mungePackageDBPaths top_dir db@PackageDB { packages = pkgs } = db { packages = map (mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot) pkgs } where pkgroot = takeDirectory (locationAbsolute db) -- It so happens that for both styles of package db ("package.conf" -- files and "package.conf.d" dirs) the pkgroot is the parent directory -- ${pkgroot}/package.conf or ${pkgroot}/package.conf.d/ -- TODO: This code is duplicated in compiler/main/Packages.lhs mungePackagePaths :: FilePath -> FilePath -> InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo -- Perform path/URL variable substitution as per the Cabal ${pkgroot} spec -- (http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/libraries/2009-May/011772.html) -- Paths/URLs can be relative to ${pkgroot} or ${pkgrooturl}. -- The "pkgroot" is the directory containing the package database. -- -- Also perform a similar substitution for the older GHC-specific -- "$topdir" variable. The "topdir" is the location of the ghc -- installation (obtained from the -B option). mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot pkg = pkg { importDirs = munge_paths (importDirs pkg), includeDirs = munge_paths (includeDirs pkg), libraryDirs = munge_paths (libraryDirs pkg), frameworkDirs = munge_paths (frameworkDirs pkg), haddockInterfaces = munge_paths (haddockInterfaces pkg), -- haddock-html is allowed to be either a URL or a file haddockHTMLs = munge_paths (munge_urls (haddockHTMLs pkg)) } where munge_paths = map munge_path munge_urls = map munge_url munge_path p | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "${pkgroot}" p = pkgroot ++ p' | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "$topdir" p = top_dir ++ p' | otherwise = p munge_url p | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "${pkgrooturl}" p = toUrlPath pkgroot p' | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "$httptopdir" p = toUrlPath top_dir p' | otherwise = p toUrlPath r p = "file:///" -- URLs always use posix style '/' separators: ++ FilePath.Posix.joinPath (r : -- We need to drop a leading "/" or "\\" -- if there is one: dropWhile (all isPathSeparator) (FilePath.splitDirectories p)) -- We could drop the separator here, and then use above. However, -- by leaving it in and using ++ we keep the same path separator -- rather than letting FilePath change it to use \ as the separator stripVarPrefix var path = case stripPrefix var path of Just [] -> Just [] Just cs@(c : _) | isPathSeparator c -> Just cs _ -> Nothing -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Workaround for old single-file style package dbs -- Single-file style package dbs have been deprecated for some time, but -- it turns out that Cabal was using them in one place. So this code is for a -- workaround to allow older Cabal versions to use this newer ghc. -- We check if the file db contains just "[]" and if so, we look for a new -- dir-style db in path.d/, ie in a dir next to the given file. -- We cannot just replace the file with a new dir style since Cabal still -- assumes it's a file and tries to overwrite with 'writeFile'. -- ghc itself also cooperates in this workaround tryReadParseOldFileStyleDatabase :: Verbosity -> Maybe (FilePath, Bool) -> Bool -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe PackageDB) tryReadParseOldFileStyleDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf modify use_cache path = do -- assumes we've already established that path exists and is not a dir content <- readFile path `catchIO` \_ -> return "" if take 2 content == "[]" then do path_abs <- absolutePath path let path_dir = path <.> "d" warn $ "Warning: ignoring old file-style db and trying " ++ path_dir direxists <- doesDirectoryExist path_dir if direxists then do db <- readParseDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf modify use_cache path_dir -- but pretend it was at the original location return $ Just db { location = path, locationAbsolute = path_abs } else return $ Just PackageDB { location = path, locationAbsolute = path_abs, packages = [] } -- if the path is not a file, or is not an empty db then we fail else return Nothing adjustOldFileStylePackageDB :: PackageDB -> IO PackageDB adjustOldFileStylePackageDB db = do -- assumes we have not yet established if it's an old style or not mcontent <- liftM Just (readFile (location db)) `catchIO` \_ -> return Nothing case fmap (take 2) mcontent of -- it is an old style and empty db, so look for a dir kind in location.d/ Just "[]" -> return db { location = location db <.> "d", locationAbsolute = locationAbsolute db <.> "d" } -- it is old style but not empty, we have to bail Just _ -> die $ "ghc no longer supports single-file style package " ++ "databases (" ++ location db ++ ") use 'ghc-pkg init'" ++ "to create the database with the correct format." -- probably not old style, carry on as normal Nothing -> return db -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Creating a new package DB initPackageDB :: FilePath -> Verbosity -> [Flag] -> IO () initPackageDB filename verbosity _flags = do let eexist = die ("cannot create: " ++ filename ++ " already exists") b1 <- doesFileExist filename when b1 eexist b2 <- doesDirectoryExist filename when b2 eexist filename_abs <- absolutePath filename changeDB verbosity [] PackageDB { location = filename, locationAbsolute = filename_abs, packages = [] } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Registering registerPackage :: FilePath -> Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Bool -- multi_instance -> Bool -- expand_env_vars -> Bool -- update -> Force -> IO () registerPackage input verbosity my_flags multi_instance expand_env_vars update force = do (db_stack, Just to_modify, _flag_dbs) <- getPkgDatabases verbosity True{-modify-} True{-use user-} True{-use cache-} False{-expand vars-} my_flags let db_to_operate_on = my_head "register" $ filter ((== to_modify).location) db_stack s <- case input of "-" -> do when (verbosity >= Normal) $ info "Reading package info from stdin ... " -- fix the encoding to UTF-8, since this is an interchange format hSetEncoding stdin utf8 getContents f -> do when (verbosity >= Normal) $ info ("Reading package info from " ++ show f ++ " ... ") readUTF8File f expanded <- if expand_env_vars then expandEnvVars s force else return s (pkg, ws) <- parsePackageInfo expanded when (verbosity >= Normal) $ infoLn "done." -- report any warnings from the parse phase _ <- reportValidateErrors [] ws (display (sourcePackageId pkg) ++ ": Warning: ") Nothing -- validate the expanded pkg, but register the unexpanded pkgroot <- absolutePath (takeDirectory to_modify) let top_dir = takeDirectory (location (last db_stack)) pkg_expanded = mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot pkg let truncated_stack = dropWhile ((/= to_modify).location) db_stack -- truncate the stack for validation, because we don't allow -- packages lower in the stack to refer to those higher up. validatePackageConfig pkg_expanded verbosity truncated_stack multi_instance update force let -- In the normal mode, we only allow one version of each package, so we -- remove all instances with the same source package id as the one we're -- adding. In the multi instance mode we don't do that, thus allowing -- multiple instances with the same source package id. removes = [ RemovePackage p | not multi_instance, p <- packages db_to_operate_on, sourcePackageId p == sourcePackageId pkg ] -- changeDB verbosity (removes ++ [AddPackage pkg]) db_to_operate_on parsePackageInfo :: String -> IO (InstalledPackageInfo, [ValidateWarning]) parsePackageInfo str = case parseInstalledPackageInfo str of ParseOk warnings ok -> return (mungePackageInfo ok, ws) where ws = [ msg | PWarning msg <- warnings , not ("Unrecognized field pkgroot" `isPrefixOf` msg) ] ParseFailed err -> case locatedErrorMsg err of (Nothing, s) -> die s (Just l, s) -> die (show l ++ ": " ++ s) mungePackageInfo :: InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo mungePackageInfo ipi = ipi { packageKey = packageKey' } where packageKey' | OldPackageKey (PackageIdentifier (PackageName "") _) <- packageKey ipi = OldPackageKey (sourcePackageId ipi) | otherwise = packageKey ipi -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Making changes to a package database data DBOp = RemovePackage InstalledPackageInfo | AddPackage InstalledPackageInfo | ModifyPackage InstalledPackageInfo changeDB :: Verbosity -> [DBOp] -> PackageDB -> IO () changeDB verbosity cmds db = do let db' = updateInternalDB db cmds db'' <- adjustOldFileStylePackageDB db' createDirectoryIfMissing True (location db'') changeDBDir verbosity cmds db'' updateInternalDB :: PackageDB -> [DBOp] -> PackageDB updateInternalDB db cmds = db{ packages = foldl do_cmd (packages db) cmds } where do_cmd pkgs (RemovePackage p) = filter ((/= installedPackageId p) . installedPackageId) pkgs do_cmd pkgs (AddPackage p) = p : pkgs do_cmd pkgs (ModifyPackage p) = do_cmd (do_cmd pkgs (RemovePackage p)) (AddPackage p) changeDBDir :: Verbosity -> [DBOp] -> PackageDB -> IO () changeDBDir verbosity cmds db = do mapM_ do_cmd cmds updateDBCache verbosity db where do_cmd (RemovePackage p) = do let file = location db display (installedPackageId p) <.> "conf" when (verbosity > Normal) $ infoLn ("removing " ++ file) removeFileSafe file do_cmd (AddPackage p) = do let file = location db display (installedPackageId p) <.> "conf" when (verbosity > Normal) $ infoLn ("writing " ++ file) writeUTF8File file (showInstalledPackageInfo p) do_cmd (ModifyPackage p) = do_cmd (AddPackage p) updateDBCache :: Verbosity -> PackageDB -> IO () updateDBCache verbosity db = do let filename = location db cachefilename pkgsCabalFormat :: [InstalledPackageInfo] pkgsCabalFormat = packages db pkgsGhcCacheFormat :: [PackageCacheFormat] pkgsGhcCacheFormat = map convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat pkgsCabalFormat when (verbosity > Normal) $ infoLn ("writing cache " ++ filename) GhcPkg.writePackageDb filename pkgsGhcCacheFormat pkgsCabalFormat `catchIO` \e -> if isPermissionError e then die (filename ++ ": you don't have permission to modify this file") else ioError e -- See Note [writeAtomic leaky abstraction] -- Cross-platform "touch". This only works if filename is not empty, and not -- open for writing already. -- TODO. When the Win32 or directory packages have either a touchFile or a -- setModificationTime function, use one of those. withBinaryFile filename ReadWriteMode $ \handle -> do c <- hGetChar handle hSeek handle AbsoluteSeek 0 hPutChar handle c type PackageCacheFormat = GhcPkg.InstalledPackageInfo String -- installed package id String -- src package id String -- package name String -- package key ModuleName -- module name convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat :: InstalledPackageInfo -> PackageCacheFormat convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat pkg = GhcPkg.InstalledPackageInfo { GhcPkg.installedPackageId = display (installedPackageId pkg), GhcPkg.sourcePackageId = display (sourcePackageId pkg), GhcPkg.packageName = display (packageName pkg), GhcPkg.packageVersion = packageVersion pkg, GhcPkg.packageKey = display (packageKey pkg), GhcPkg.depends = map display (depends pkg), GhcPkg.importDirs = importDirs pkg, GhcPkg.hsLibraries = hsLibraries pkg, GhcPkg.extraLibraries = extraLibraries pkg, GhcPkg.extraGHCiLibraries = extraGHCiLibraries pkg, GhcPkg.libraryDirs = libraryDirs pkg, GhcPkg.frameworks = frameworks pkg, GhcPkg.frameworkDirs = frameworkDirs pkg, GhcPkg.ldOptions = ldOptions pkg, GhcPkg.ccOptions = ccOptions pkg, GhcPkg.includes = includes pkg, GhcPkg.includeDirs = includeDirs pkg, GhcPkg.haddockInterfaces = haddockInterfaces pkg, GhcPkg.haddockHTMLs = haddockHTMLs pkg, GhcPkg.exposedModules = map convertExposed (exposedModules pkg), GhcPkg.hiddenModules = hiddenModules pkg, GhcPkg.instantiatedWith = map convertInst (instantiatedWith pkg), GhcPkg.exposed = exposed pkg, GhcPkg.trusted = trusted pkg } where convertExposed (ExposedModule n reexport sig) = GhcPkg.ExposedModule n (fmap convertOriginal reexport) (fmap convertOriginal sig) convertOriginal (OriginalModule ipid m) = GhcPkg.OriginalModule (display ipid) m convertInst (m, o) = (m, convertOriginal o) instance GhcPkg.BinaryStringRep ModuleName where fromStringRep = ModuleName.fromString . fromUTF8 . BS.unpack toStringRep = BS.pack . toUTF8 . display instance GhcPkg.BinaryStringRep String where fromStringRep = fromUTF8 . BS.unpack toStringRep = BS.pack . toUTF8 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exposing, Hiding, Trusting, Distrusting, Unregistering are all similar exposePackage :: PackageArg -> Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Force -> IO () exposePackage = modifyPackage (\p -> ModifyPackage p{exposed=True}) hidePackage :: PackageArg -> Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Force -> IO () hidePackage = modifyPackage (\p -> ModifyPackage p{exposed=False}) trustPackage :: PackageArg -> Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Force -> IO () trustPackage = modifyPackage (\p -> ModifyPackage p{trusted=True}) distrustPackage :: PackageArg -> Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Force -> IO () distrustPackage = modifyPackage (\p -> ModifyPackage p{trusted=False}) unregisterPackage :: PackageArg -> Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Force -> IO () unregisterPackage = modifyPackage RemovePackage modifyPackage :: (InstalledPackageInfo -> DBOp) -> PackageArg -> Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Force -> IO () modifyPackage fn pkgarg verbosity my_flags force = do (db_stack, Just _to_modify, flag_dbs) <- getPkgDatabases verbosity True{-modify-} True{-use user-} True{-use cache-} False{-expand vars-} my_flags -- Do the search for the package respecting flags... (db, ps) <- fmap head $ findPackagesByDB flag_dbs pkgarg let db_name = location db pkgs = packages db pks = map packageKey ps cmds = [ fn pkg | pkg <- pkgs, packageKey pkg `elem` pks ] new_db = updateInternalDB db cmds -- ...but do consistency checks with regards to the full stack old_broken = brokenPackages (allPackagesInStack db_stack) rest_of_stack = filter ((/= db_name) . location) db_stack new_stack = new_db : rest_of_stack new_broken = brokenPackages (allPackagesInStack new_stack) newly_broken = filter ((`notElem` map packageKey old_broken) . packageKey) new_broken -- let displayQualPkgId pkg | [_] <- filter ((== pkgid) . sourcePackageId) (allPackagesInStack db_stack) = display pkgid | otherwise = display pkgid ++ "@" ++ display (packageKey pkg) where pkgid = sourcePackageId pkg when (not (null newly_broken)) $ dieOrForceAll force ("unregistering would break the following packages: " ++ unwords (map displayQualPkgId newly_broken)) changeDB verbosity cmds db recache :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> IO () recache verbosity my_flags = do (db_stack, Just to_modify, _flag_dbs) <- getPkgDatabases verbosity True{-modify-} True{-use user-} False{-no cache-} False{-expand vars-} my_flags let db_to_operate_on = my_head "recache" $ filter ((== to_modify).location) db_stack -- changeDB verbosity [] db_to_operate_on -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Listing packages listPackages :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Maybe PackageArg -> Maybe (String->Bool) -> IO () listPackages verbosity my_flags mPackageName mModuleName = do let simple_output = FlagSimpleOutput `elem` my_flags (db_stack, _, flag_db_stack) <- getPkgDatabases verbosity False{-modify-} False{-use user-} True{-use cache-} False{-expand vars-} my_flags let db_stack_filtered -- if a package is given, filter out all other packages | Just this <- mPackageName = [ db{ packages = filter (this `matchesPkg`) (packages db) } | db <- flag_db_stack ] | Just match <- mModuleName = -- packages which expose mModuleName [ db{ packages = filter (match `exposedInPkg`) (packages db) } | db <- flag_db_stack ] | otherwise = flag_db_stack db_stack_sorted = [ db{ packages = sort_pkgs (packages db) } | db <- db_stack_filtered ] where sort_pkgs = sortBy cmpPkgIds cmpPkgIds pkg1 pkg2 = case pkgName p1 `compare` pkgName p2 of LT -> LT GT -> GT EQ -> case pkgVersion p1 `compare` pkgVersion p2 of LT -> LT GT -> GT EQ -> packageKey pkg1 `compare` packageKey pkg2 where (p1,p2) = (sourcePackageId pkg1, sourcePackageId pkg2) stack = reverse db_stack_sorted match `exposedInPkg` pkg = any match (map display $ exposedModules pkg) pkg_map = allPackagesInStack db_stack broken = map packageKey (brokenPackages pkg_map) show_normal PackageDB{ location = db_name, packages = pkg_confs } = do hPutStrLn stdout (db_name ++ ":") if null pp_pkgs then hPutStrLn stdout " (no packages)" else hPutStrLn stdout $ unlines (map (" " ++) pp_pkgs) where -- Sort using instance Ord PackageId pp_pkgs = map pp_pkg . sortBy (comparing installedPackageId) $ pkg_confs pp_pkg p | packageKey p `elem` broken = printf "{%s}" doc | exposed p = doc | otherwise = printf "(%s)" doc where doc | verbosity >= Verbose = printf "%s (%s)" pkg ipid | otherwise = pkg where InstalledPackageId ipid = installedPackageId p pkg = display (sourcePackageId p) show_simple = simplePackageList my_flags . allPackagesInStack when (not (null broken) && not simple_output && verbosity /= Silent) $ do prog <- getProgramName warn ("WARNING: there are broken packages. Run '" ++ prog ++ " check' for more details.") if simple_output then show_simple stack else do #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(BOOTSTRAPPING) mapM_ show_normal stack #else let show_colour withF db = mconcat $ map (<#> termText "\n") $ (termText (location db) : map (termText " " <#>) (map pp_pkg (packages db))) where pp_pkg p | packageKey p `elem` broken = withF Red doc | exposed p = doc | otherwise = withF Blue doc where doc | verbosity >= Verbose = termText (printf "%s (%s)" pkg ipid) | otherwise = termText pkg where InstalledPackageId ipid = installedPackageId p pkg = display (sourcePackageId p) is_tty <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout if not is_tty then mapM_ show_normal stack else do tty <- Terminfo.setupTermFromEnv case Terminfo.getCapability tty withForegroundColor of Nothing -> mapM_ show_normal stack Just w -> runTermOutput tty $ mconcat $ map (show_colour w) stack #endif simplePackageList :: [Flag] -> [InstalledPackageInfo] -> IO () simplePackageList my_flags pkgs = do let showPkg = if FlagNamesOnly `elem` my_flags then display . pkgName else display -- Sort using instance Ord PackageId strs = map showPkg $ sort $ map sourcePackageId pkgs when (not (null pkgs)) $ hPutStrLn stdout $ concat $ intersperse " " strs showPackageDot :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> IO () showPackageDot verbosity myflags = do (_, _, flag_db_stack) <- getPkgDatabases verbosity False{-modify-} False{-use user-} True{-use cache-} False{-expand vars-} myflags let all_pkgs = allPackagesInStack flag_db_stack ipix = PackageIndex.fromList all_pkgs putStrLn "digraph {" let quote s = '"':s ++ "\"" mapM_ putStrLn [ quote from ++ " -> " ++ quote to | p <- all_pkgs, let from = display (sourcePackageId p), depid <- depends p, Just dep <- [PackageIndex.lookupInstalledPackageId ipix depid], let to = display (sourcePackageId dep) ] putStrLn "}" -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Prints the highest (hidden or exposed) version of a package -- ToDo: This is no longer well-defined with package keys, because the -- dependencies may be varying versions latestPackage :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> PackageIdentifier -> IO () latestPackage verbosity my_flags pkgid = do (_, _, flag_db_stack) <- getPkgDatabases verbosity False{-modify-} False{-use user-} True{-use cache-} False{-expand vars-} my_flags ps <- findPackages flag_db_stack (Id pkgid) case ps of [] -> die "no matches" _ -> show_pkg . maximum . map sourcePackageId $ ps where show_pkg pid = hPutStrLn stdout (display pid) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Describe describePackage :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> PackageArg -> Bool -> IO () describePackage verbosity my_flags pkgarg expand_pkgroot = do (_, _, flag_db_stack) <- getPkgDatabases verbosity False{-modify-} False{-use user-} True{-use cache-} expand_pkgroot my_flags dbs <- findPackagesByDB flag_db_stack pkgarg doDump expand_pkgroot [ (pkg, locationAbsolute db) | (db, pkgs) <- dbs, pkg <- pkgs ] dumpPackages :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Bool -> IO () dumpPackages verbosity my_flags expand_pkgroot = do (_, _, flag_db_stack) <- getPkgDatabases verbosity False{-modify-} False{-use user-} True{-use cache-} expand_pkgroot my_flags doDump expand_pkgroot [ (pkg, locationAbsolute db) | db <- flag_db_stack, pkg <- packages db ] doDump :: Bool -> [(InstalledPackageInfo, FilePath)] -> IO () doDump expand_pkgroot pkgs = do -- fix the encoding to UTF-8, since this is an interchange format hSetEncoding stdout utf8 putStrLn $ intercalate "---\n" [ if expand_pkgroot then showInstalledPackageInfo pkg else showInstalledPackageInfo pkg ++ pkgrootField | (pkg, pkgloc) <- pkgs , let pkgroot = takeDirectory pkgloc pkgrootField = "pkgroot: " ++ show pkgroot ++ "\n" ] -- PackageId is can have globVersion for the version findPackages :: PackageDBStack -> PackageArg -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo] findPackages db_stack pkgarg = fmap (concatMap snd) $ findPackagesByDB db_stack pkgarg findPackagesByDB :: PackageDBStack -> PackageArg -> IO [(PackageDB, [InstalledPackageInfo])] findPackagesByDB db_stack pkgarg = case [ (db, matched) | db <- db_stack, let matched = filter (pkgarg `matchesPkg`) (packages db), not (null matched) ] of [] -> die ("cannot find package " ++ pkg_msg pkgarg) ps -> return ps where pkg_msg (Id pkgid) = display pkgid pkg_msg (PkgKey pk) = display pk pkg_msg (IPId ipid) = display ipid pkg_msg (Substring pkgpat _) = "matching " ++ pkgpat matches :: PackageIdentifier -> PackageIdentifier -> Bool pid `matches` pid' = (pkgName pid == pkgName pid') && (pkgVersion pid == pkgVersion pid' || not (realVersion pid)) realVersion :: PackageIdentifier -> Bool realVersion pkgid = versionBranch (pkgVersion pkgid) /= [] -- when versionBranch == [], this is a glob matchesPkg :: PackageArg -> InstalledPackageInfo -> Bool (Id pid) `matchesPkg` pkg = pid `matches` sourcePackageId pkg (PkgKey pk) `matchesPkg` pkg = pk == packageKey pkg (IPId ipid) `matchesPkg` pkg = ipid == installedPackageId pkg (Substring _ m) `matchesPkg` pkg = m (display (sourcePackageId pkg)) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Field describeField :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> PackageArg -> [String] -> Bool -> IO () describeField verbosity my_flags pkgarg fields expand_pkgroot = do (_, _, flag_db_stack) <- getPkgDatabases verbosity False{-modify-} False{-use user-} True{-use cache-} expand_pkgroot my_flags fns <- mapM toField fields ps <- findPackages flag_db_stack pkgarg mapM_ (selectFields fns) ps where showFun = if FlagSimpleOutput `elem` my_flags then showSimpleInstalledPackageInfoField else showInstalledPackageInfoField toField f = case showFun f of Nothing -> die ("unknown field: " ++ f) Just fn -> return fn selectFields fns pinfo = mapM_ (\fn->putStrLn (fn pinfo)) fns -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Check: Check consistency of installed packages checkConsistency :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> IO () checkConsistency verbosity my_flags = do (db_stack, _, _) <- getPkgDatabases verbosity False{-modify-} True{-use user-} True{-use cache-} True{-expand vars-} my_flags -- although check is not a modify command, we do need to use the user -- db, because we may need it to verify package deps. let simple_output = FlagSimpleOutput `elem` my_flags let pkgs = allPackagesInStack db_stack checkPackage p = do (_,es,ws) <- runValidate $ checkPackageConfig p verbosity db_stack True True if null es then do when (not simple_output) $ do _ <- reportValidateErrors [] ws "" Nothing return () return [] else do when (not simple_output) $ do reportError ("There are problems in package " ++ display (sourcePackageId p) ++ ":") _ <- reportValidateErrors es ws " " Nothing return () return [p] broken_pkgs <- concat `fmap` mapM checkPackage pkgs let filterOut pkgs1 pkgs2 = filter not_in pkgs2 where not_in p = sourcePackageId p `notElem` all_ps all_ps = map sourcePackageId pkgs1 let not_broken_pkgs = filterOut broken_pkgs pkgs (_, trans_broken_pkgs) = closure [] not_broken_pkgs all_broken_pkgs = broken_pkgs ++ trans_broken_pkgs when (not (null all_broken_pkgs)) $ do if simple_output then simplePackageList my_flags all_broken_pkgs else do reportError ("\nThe following packages are broken, either because they have a problem\n"++ "listed above, or because they depend on a broken package.") mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr . display . sourcePackageId) all_broken_pkgs when (not (null all_broken_pkgs)) $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1) closure :: [InstalledPackageInfo] -> [InstalledPackageInfo] -> ([InstalledPackageInfo], [InstalledPackageInfo]) closure pkgs db_stack = go pkgs db_stack where go avail not_avail = case partition (depsAvailable avail) not_avail of ([], not_avail') -> (avail, not_avail') (new_avail, not_avail') -> go (new_avail ++ avail) not_avail' depsAvailable :: [InstalledPackageInfo] -> InstalledPackageInfo -> Bool depsAvailable pkgs_ok pkg = null dangling where dangling = filter (`notElem` pids) (depends pkg) pids = map installedPackageId pkgs_ok -- we want mutually recursive groups of package to show up -- as broken. (#1750) brokenPackages :: [InstalledPackageInfo] -> [InstalledPackageInfo] brokenPackages pkgs = snd (closure [] pkgs) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sanity-check a new package config, and automatically build GHCi libs -- if requested. type ValidateError = (Force,String) type ValidateWarning = String newtype Validate a = V { runValidate :: IO (a, [ValidateError],[ValidateWarning]) } instance Functor Validate where fmap = liftM instance Applicative Validate where pure = return (<*>) = ap instance Monad Validate where return a = V $ return (a, [], []) m >>= k = V $ do (a, es, ws) <- runValidate m (b, es', ws') <- runValidate (k a) return (b,es++es',ws++ws') verror :: Force -> String -> Validate () verror f s = V (return ((),[(f,s)],[])) vwarn :: String -> Validate () vwarn s = V (return ((),[],["Warning: " ++ s])) liftIO :: IO a -> Validate a liftIO k = V (k >>= \a -> return (a,[],[])) -- returns False if we should die reportValidateErrors :: [ValidateError] -> [ValidateWarning] -> String -> Maybe Force -> IO Bool reportValidateErrors es ws prefix mb_force = do mapM_ (warn . (prefix++)) ws oks <- mapM report es return (and oks) where report (f,s) | Just force <- mb_force = if (force >= f) then do reportError (prefix ++ s ++ " (ignoring)") return True else if f < CannotForce then do reportError (prefix ++ s ++ " (use --force to override)") return False else do reportError err return False | otherwise = do reportError err return False where err = prefix ++ s validatePackageConfig :: InstalledPackageInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDBStack -> Bool -- multi_instance -> Bool -- update, or check -> Force -> IO () validatePackageConfig pkg verbosity db_stack multi_instance update force = do (_,es,ws) <- runValidate $ checkPackageConfig pkg verbosity db_stack multi_instance update ok <- reportValidateErrors es ws (display (sourcePackageId pkg) ++ ": ") (Just force) when (not ok) $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1) checkPackageConfig :: InstalledPackageInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDBStack -> Bool -- multi_instance -> Bool -- update, or check -> Validate () checkPackageConfig pkg verbosity db_stack multi_instance update = do checkInstalledPackageId pkg db_stack update checkPackageId pkg checkPackageKey pkg checkDuplicates db_stack pkg multi_instance update mapM_ (checkDep db_stack) (depends pkg) checkDuplicateDepends (depends pkg) mapM_ (checkDir False "import-dirs") (importDirs pkg) mapM_ (checkDir True "library-dirs") (libraryDirs pkg) mapM_ (checkDir True "include-dirs") (includeDirs pkg) mapM_ (checkDir True "framework-dirs") (frameworkDirs pkg) mapM_ (checkFile True "haddock-interfaces") (haddockInterfaces pkg) mapM_ (checkDirURL True "haddock-html") (haddockHTMLs pkg) checkDuplicateModules pkg checkExposedModules db_stack pkg checkOtherModules pkg mapM_ (checkHSLib verbosity (libraryDirs pkg)) (hsLibraries pkg) -- ToDo: check these somehow? -- extra_libraries :: [String], -- c_includes :: [String], checkInstalledPackageId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> PackageDBStack -> Bool -> Validate () checkInstalledPackageId ipi db_stack update = do let ipid@(InstalledPackageId str) = installedPackageId ipi when (null str) $ verror CannotForce "missing id field" let dups = [ p | p <- allPackagesInStack db_stack, installedPackageId p == ipid ] when (not update && not (null dups)) $ verror CannotForce $ "package(s) with this id already exist: " ++ unwords (map (display.packageId) dups) -- When the package name and version are put together, sometimes we can -- end up with a package id that cannot be parsed. This will lead to -- difficulties when the user wants to refer to the package later, so -- we check that the package id can be parsed properly here. checkPackageId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> Validate () checkPackageId ipi = let str = display (sourcePackageId ipi) in case [ x :: PackageIdentifier | (x,ys) <- readP_to_S parse str, all isSpace ys ] of [_] -> return () [] -> verror CannotForce ("invalid package identifier: " ++ str) _ -> verror CannotForce ("ambiguous package identifier: " ++ str) checkPackageKey :: InstalledPackageInfo -> Validate () checkPackageKey ipi = let str = display (packageKey ipi) in case [ x :: PackageKey | (x,ys) <- readP_to_S parse str, all isSpace ys ] of [_] -> return () [] -> verror CannotForce ("invalid package key: " ++ str) _ -> verror CannotForce ("ambiguous package key: " ++ str) checkDuplicates :: PackageDBStack -> InstalledPackageInfo -> Bool -> Bool-> Validate () checkDuplicates db_stack pkg multi_instance update = do let pkgid = sourcePackageId pkg pkgs = packages (head db_stack) -- -- Check whether this package id already exists in this DB -- when (not update && not multi_instance && (pkgid `elem` map sourcePackageId pkgs)) $ verror CannotForce $ "package " ++ display pkgid ++ " is already installed" let uncasep = map toLower . display dups = filter ((== uncasep pkgid) . uncasep) (map sourcePackageId pkgs) when (not update && not (null dups)) $ verror ForceAll $ "Package names may be treated case-insensitively in the future.\n"++ "Package " ++ display pkgid ++ " overlaps with: " ++ unwords (map display dups) checkDir, checkFile, checkDirURL :: Bool -> String -> FilePath -> Validate () checkDir = checkPath False True checkFile = checkPath False False checkDirURL = checkPath True True checkPath :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> FilePath -> Validate () checkPath url_ok is_dir warn_only thisfield d | url_ok && ("http://" `isPrefixOf` d || "https://" `isPrefixOf` d) = return () | url_ok , Just d' <- stripPrefix "file://" d = checkPath False is_dir warn_only thisfield d' -- Note: we don't check for $topdir/${pkgroot} here. We rely on these -- variables having been expanded already, see mungePackagePaths. | isRelative d = verror ForceFiles $ thisfield ++ ": " ++ d ++ " is a relative path which " ++ "makes no sense (as there is nothing for it to be " ++ "relative to). You can make paths relative to the " ++ "package database itself by using ${pkgroot}." -- relative paths don't make any sense; #4134 | otherwise = do there <- liftIO $ if is_dir then doesDirectoryExist d else doesFileExist d when (not there) $ let msg = thisfield ++ ": " ++ d ++ " doesn't exist or isn't a " ++ if is_dir then "directory" else "file" in if warn_only then vwarn msg else verror ForceFiles msg checkDep :: PackageDBStack -> InstalledPackageId -> Validate () checkDep db_stack pkgid | pkgid `elem` pkgids = return () | otherwise = verror ForceAll ("dependency \"" ++ display pkgid ++ "\" doesn't exist") where all_pkgs = allPackagesInStack db_stack pkgids = map installedPackageId all_pkgs checkDuplicateDepends :: [InstalledPackageId] -> Validate () checkDuplicateDepends deps | null dups = return () | otherwise = verror ForceAll ("package has duplicate dependencies: " ++ unwords (map display dups)) where dups = [ p | (p:_:_) <- group (sort deps) ] checkHSLib :: Verbosity -> [String] -> String -> Validate () checkHSLib _verbosity dirs lib = do let filenames = ["lib" ++ lib ++ ".a", "lib" ++ lib ++ ".p_a", "lib" ++ lib ++ "-ghc" ++ Version.version ++ ".so", "lib" ++ lib ++ "-ghc" ++ Version.version ++ ".dylib", lib ++ "-ghc" ++ Version.version ++ ".dll"] b <- liftIO $ doesFileExistOnPath filenames dirs when (not b) $ verror ForceFiles ("cannot find any of " ++ show filenames ++ " on library path") doesFileExistOnPath :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> IO Bool doesFileExistOnPath filenames paths = anyM doesFileExist fullFilenames where fullFilenames = [ path filename | filename <- filenames , path <- paths ] -- | Perform validation checks (module file existence checks) on the -- @hidden-modules@ field. checkOtherModules :: InstalledPackageInfo -> Validate () checkOtherModules pkg = mapM_ (checkModuleFile pkg) (hiddenModules pkg) -- | Perform validation checks (module file existence checks and module -- reexport checks) on the @exposed-modules@ field. checkExposedModules :: PackageDBStack -> InstalledPackageInfo -> Validate () checkExposedModules db_stack pkg = mapM_ checkExposedModule (exposedModules pkg) where checkExposedModule (ExposedModule modl reexport _sig) = do let checkOriginal = checkModuleFile pkg modl checkReexport = checkOriginalModule "module reexport" db_stack pkg maybe checkOriginal checkReexport reexport -- | Validates the existence of an appropriate @hi@ file associated with -- a module. Used for both @hidden-modules@ and @exposed-modules@ which -- are not reexports. checkModuleFile :: InstalledPackageInfo -> ModuleName -> Validate () checkModuleFile pkg modl = -- there's no interface file for GHC.Prim unless (modl == ModuleName.fromString "GHC.Prim") $ do let files = [ ModuleName.toFilePath modl <.> extension | extension <- ["hi", "p_hi", "dyn_hi" ] ] b <- liftIO $ doesFileExistOnPath files (importDirs pkg) when (not b) $ verror ForceFiles ("cannot find any of " ++ show files) -- | Validates that @exposed-modules@ and @hidden-modules@ do not have duplicate -- entries. -- ToDo: this needs updating for signatures: signatures can validly show up -- multiple times in the @exposed-modules@ list as long as their backing -- implementations agree. checkDuplicateModules :: InstalledPackageInfo -> Validate () checkDuplicateModules pkg | null dups = return () | otherwise = verror ForceAll ("package has duplicate modules: " ++ unwords (map display dups)) where dups = [ m | (m:_:_) <- group (sort mods) ] mods = map exposedName (exposedModules pkg) ++ hiddenModules pkg -- | Validates an original module entry, either the origin of a module reexport -- or the backing implementation of a signature, by checking that it exists, -- really is an original definition, and is accessible from the dependencies of -- the package. -- ToDo: If the original module in question is a backing signature -- implementation, then we should also check that the original module in -- question is NOT a signature (however, if it is a reexport, then it's fine -- for the original module to be a signature.) checkOriginalModule :: String -> PackageDBStack -> InstalledPackageInfo -> OriginalModule -> Validate () checkOriginalModule field_name db_stack pkg (OriginalModule definingPkgId definingModule) = let mpkg = if definingPkgId == installedPackageId pkg then Just pkg else PackageIndex.lookupInstalledPackageId ipix definingPkgId in case mpkg of Nothing -> verror ForceAll (field_name ++ " refers to a non-existent " ++ "defining package: " ++ display definingPkgId) Just definingPkg | not (isIndirectDependency definingPkgId) -> verror ForceAll (field_name ++ " refers to a defining " ++ "package that is not a direct (or indirect) " ++ "dependency of this package: " ++ display definingPkgId) | otherwise -> case find ((==definingModule).exposedName) (exposedModules definingPkg) of Nothing -> verror ForceAll (field_name ++ " refers to a module " ++ display definingModule ++ " " ++ "that is not exposed in the " ++ "defining package " ++ display definingPkgId) Just (ExposedModule {exposedReexport = Just _} ) -> verror ForceAll (field_name ++ " refers to a module " ++ display definingModule ++ " " ++ "that is reexported but not defined in the " ++ "defining package " ++ display definingPkgId) _ -> return () where all_pkgs = allPackagesInStack db_stack ipix = PackageIndex.fromList all_pkgs isIndirectDependency pkgid = fromMaybe False $ do thispkg <- graphVertex (installedPackageId pkg) otherpkg <- graphVertex pkgid return (Graph.path depgraph thispkg otherpkg) (depgraph, _, graphVertex) = PackageIndex.dependencyGraph (PackageIndex.insert pkg ipix) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- expanding environment variables in the package configuration expandEnvVars :: String -> Force -> IO String expandEnvVars str0 force = go str0 "" where go "" acc = return $! reverse acc go ('$':'{':str) acc | (var, '}':rest) <- break close str = do value <- lookupEnvVar var go rest (reverse value ++ acc) where close c = c == '}' || c == '\n' -- don't span newlines go (c:str) acc = go str (c:acc) lookupEnvVar :: String -> IO String lookupEnvVar "pkgroot" = return "${pkgroot}" -- these two are special, lookupEnvVar "pkgrooturl" = return "${pkgrooturl}" -- we don't expand them lookupEnvVar nm = catchIO (System.Environment.getEnv nm) (\ _ -> do dieOrForceAll force ("Unable to expand variable " ++ show nm) return "") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- getProgramName :: IO String getProgramName = liftM (`withoutSuffix` ".bin") getProgName where str `withoutSuffix` suff | suff `isSuffixOf` str = take (length str - length suff) str | otherwise = str bye :: String -> IO a bye s = putStr s >> exitWith ExitSuccess die :: String -> IO a die = dieWith 1 dieWith :: Int -> String -> IO a dieWith ec s = do prog <- getProgramName reportError (prog ++ ": " ++ s) exitWith (ExitFailure ec) dieOrForceAll :: Force -> String -> IO () dieOrForceAll ForceAll s = ignoreError s dieOrForceAll _other s = dieForcible s warn :: String -> IO () warn = reportError -- send info messages to stdout infoLn :: String -> IO () infoLn = putStrLn info :: String -> IO () info = putStr ignoreError :: String -> IO () ignoreError s = reportError (s ++ " (ignoring)") reportError :: String -> IO () reportError s = do hFlush stdout; hPutStrLn stderr s dieForcible :: String -> IO () dieForcible s = die (s ++ " (use --force to override)") my_head :: String -> [a] -> a my_head s [] = error s my_head _ (x : _) = x ----------------------------------------- -- Cut and pasted from ghc/compiler/main/SysTools #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) subst :: Char -> Char -> String -> String subst a b ls = map (\ x -> if x == a then b else x) ls unDosifyPath :: FilePath -> FilePath unDosifyPath xs = subst '\\' '/' xs getLibDir :: IO (Maybe String) getLibDir = fmap (fmap ( "lib")) $ getExecDir "/bin/ghc-pkg.exe" -- (getExecDir cmd) returns the directory in which the current -- executable, which should be called 'cmd', is running -- So if the full path is /a/b/c/d/e, and you pass "d/e" as cmd, -- you'll get "/a/b/c" back as the result getExecDir :: String -> IO (Maybe String) getExecDir cmd = getExecPath >>= maybe (return Nothing) removeCmdSuffix where initN n = reverse . drop n . reverse removeCmdSuffix = return . Just . initN (length cmd) . unDosifyPath getExecPath :: IO (Maybe String) getExecPath = try_size 2048 -- plenty, PATH_MAX is 512 under Win32. where try_size size = allocaArray (fromIntegral size) $ \buf -> do ret <- c_GetModuleFileName nullPtr buf size case ret of 0 -> return Nothing _ | ret < size -> fmap Just $ peekCWString buf | otherwise -> try_size (size * 2) foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h GetModuleFileNameW" c_GetModuleFileName :: Ptr () -> CWString -> Word32 -> IO Word32 #else getLibDir :: IO (Maybe String) getLibDir = return Nothing #endif ----------------------------------------- -- Adapted from ghc/compiler/utils/Panic installSignalHandlers :: IO () installSignalHandlers = do threadid <- myThreadId let interrupt = Exception.throwTo threadid (Exception.ErrorCall "interrupted") -- #if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) _ <- installHandler sigQUIT (Catch interrupt) Nothing _ <- installHandler sigINT (Catch interrupt) Nothing return () #else -- GHC 6.3+ has support for console events on Windows -- NOTE: running GHCi under a bash shell for some reason requires -- you to press Ctrl-Break rather than Ctrl-C to provoke -- an interrupt. Ctrl-C is getting blocked somewhere, I don't know -- why --SDM 17/12/2004 let sig_handler ControlC = interrupt sig_handler Break = interrupt sig_handler _ = return () _ <- installHandler (Catch sig_handler) return () #endif catchIO :: IO a -> (Exception.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a catchIO = Exception.catch tryIO :: IO a -> IO (Either Exception.IOException a) tryIO = Exception.try -- removeFileSave doesn't throw an exceptions, if the file is already deleted removeFileSafe :: FilePath -> IO () removeFileSafe fn = removeFile fn `catchIO` \ e -> when (not $ isDoesNotExistError e) $ ioError e -- | Turn a path relative to the current directory into a (normalised) -- absolute path. absolutePath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath absolutePath path = return . normalise . ( path) =<< getCurrentDirectory {- Note [writeAtomic leaky abstraction] GhcPkg.writePackageDb calls writeAtomic, which first writes to a temp file, and then moves the tempfile to its final destination. This all happens in the same directory (package.conf.d). Moving a file doesn't change its modification time, but it *does* change the modification time of the directory it is placed in. Since we compare the modification time of the cache file to that of the directory it is in to decide whether the cache is out-of-date, it will be instantly out-of-date after creation, if the renaming takes longer than the smallest time difference that the getModificationTime can measure. The solution we opt for is a "touch" of the cache file right after it is created. This resets the modification time of the cache file and the directory to the current time. Other possible solutions: * backdate the modification time of the directory to the modification time of the cachefile. This is what we used to do on posix platforms. An observer of the directory would see the modification time of the directory jump back in time. Not nice, although in practice probably not a problem. Also note that a cross-platform implementation of setModificationTime is currently not available. * set the modification time of the cache file to the modification time of the directory (instead of the curent time). This could also work, given that we are the only ones writing to this directory. It would also require a high-precision getModificationTime (lower precision times get rounded down it seems), or the cache would still be out-of-date. * change writeAtomic to create the tempfile outside of the target file's directory. * create the cachefile outside of the package.conf.d directory in the first place. But there are tests and there might be tools that currently rely on the package.conf.d/package.cache format. -}