#include "Main.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "Defines.h" #include "Dimensions.h" #include "Curves.h" #include "HpFile.h" #include "Axes.h" #include "Key.h" #include "Marks.h" #include "Utilities.h" /* own stuff */ #include "PsFile.h" static void Prologue PROTO((void)); /* forward */ static void Variables PROTO((void)); /* forward */ static void BorderOutlineBox PROTO((void)); /* forward */ static void BigTitleOutlineBox PROTO((void)); /* forward */ static void TitleOutlineBox PROTO((void)); /* forward */ static void BigTitleText PROTO((void)); /* forward */ static void TitleText PROTO((void)); /* forward */ static void DoTitleAndBox(void) { BorderOutlineBox(); if (bflag) { BigTitleOutlineBox(); BigTitleText(); } else { TitleOutlineBox(); TitleText(); } } static void Landscape PROTO((void)); /* forward */ static void Portrait PROTO((void)); /* forward */ void NextPage(void) { fprintf(psfp, "showpage\n"); if (gflag) Portrait(); else Landscape(); DoTitleAndBox(); } void PutPsFile(void) { Prologue(); Variables(); CurvesInit(); DoTitleAndBox(); if (multipageflag) { Key(); // print multi-page key even if there are more than 20 bands NextPage(); } Axes(); if (!multipageflag && (TWENTY != 0)) Key(); Curves(); if (!yflag) Marks(); fprintf(psfp, "showpage\n"); } static void StandardSpecialComments PROTO((void)); /* forward */ static void EPSFSpecialComments PROTO((floatish)); /* forward */ static void Scaling PROTO((floatish)); /* forward */ static void Prologue(void) { if (eflag) { floatish epsfscale = epsfwidth / (floatish) borderwidth; EPSFSpecialComments(epsfscale); Scaling(epsfscale); } else { StandardSpecialComments(); if (gflag) Portrait(); else Landscape(); } } extern char *jobstring; extern char *datestring; static void StandardSpecialComments(void) { fprintf(psfp, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%%%%Title: %s\n", jobstring); fprintf(psfp, "%%%%Creator: %s (version %s)\n", programname, VERSION); fprintf(psfp, "%%%%CreationDate: %s\n", datestring); fprintf(psfp, "%%%%EndComments\n"); } static void EPSFSpecialComments(floatish epsfscale) { fprintf(psfp, "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%%%%Title: %s\n", jobstring); fprintf(psfp, "%%%%Creator: %s (version %s)\n", programname, VERSION); fprintf(psfp, "%%%%CreationDate: %s\n", datestring); fprintf(psfp, "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n", (int) (borderwidth * epsfscale + 0.5), (int) (borderheight * epsfscale + 0.5) ); fprintf(psfp, "%%%%EndComments\n"); } static void Landscape(void) { fprintf(psfp, "-90 rotate\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%f %f translate\n", -(borderwidth + (floatish) START_Y), (floatish) START_X); } static void Portrait(void) { fprintf(psfp, "%f %f translate\n", (floatish) START_X, (floatish) START_Y); } static void Scaling(floatish epsfscale) { fprintf(psfp, "%f %f scale\n", epsfscale, epsfscale); } static void Variables(void) { fprintf(psfp, "/HE%d /Helvetica findfont %d scalefont def\n", NORMAL_FONT, NORMAL_FONT); fprintf(psfp, "/HE%d /Helvetica findfont %d scalefont def\n", LARGE_FONT, LARGE_FONT); } static void BorderOutlineBox(void) { fprintf(psfp, "newpath\n"); fprintf(psfp, "0 0 moveto\n"); fprintf(psfp, "0 %f rlineto\n", borderheight); fprintf(psfp, "%f 0 rlineto\n", borderwidth); fprintf(psfp, "0 %f rlineto\n", -borderheight); fprintf(psfp, "closepath\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%f setlinewidth\n", borderthick); fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n"); } static void BigTitleOutlineBox(void) { fprintf(psfp, "newpath\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", borderspace, borderheight - titleheight - borderspace); fprintf(psfp, "0 %f rlineto\n", titleheight); fprintf(psfp, "%f 0 rlineto\n", titlewidth); fprintf(psfp, "0 %f rlineto\n", -titleheight); fprintf(psfp, "closepath\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%f setlinewidth\n", borderthick); fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", borderspace, borderheight - titleheight / 2 - borderspace); fprintf(psfp, "%f 0 rlineto\n", titlewidth); fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n"); } static void TitleOutlineBox(void) { fprintf(psfp, "newpath\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", borderspace, borderheight - titleheight - borderspace); fprintf(psfp, "0 %f rlineto\n", titleheight); fprintf(psfp, "%f 0 rlineto\n", titlewidth); fprintf(psfp, "0 %f rlineto\n", -titleheight); fprintf(psfp, "closepath\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%f setlinewidth\n", borderthick); fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n"); } static void EscapePrint PROTO((char *, int)); /* forward */ static void BigTitleText(void) { floatish x, y; x = borderspace + titletextspace; y = borderheight - titleheight / 2 - borderspace + titletextspace; /* job identifier goes on top at the far left */ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", TITLE_TEXT_FONT); fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", x, y); fputc('(', psfp); EscapePrint(jobstring, BIG_JOB_STRING_WIDTH); fprintf(psfp, ") show\n"); y = borderheight - titleheight - borderspace + titletextspace; /* area below curve gows at the botton, far left */ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", TITLE_TEXT_FONT); fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", x, y); fputc('(', psfp); CommaPrint(psfp, (intish)areabelow); fprintf(psfp, " %s x %s)\n", valueunitstring, sampleunitstring); fprintf(psfp, "show\n"); /* date goes at far right */ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", TITLE_TEXT_FONT); fprintf(psfp, "(%s)\n", datestring); fprintf(psfp, "dup stringwidth pop\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%f\n", (titlewidth + borderspace) - titletextspace); fprintf(psfp, "exch sub\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%f moveto\n", y); fprintf(psfp, "show\n"); } static void TitleText(void) { floatish x, y; x = borderspace + titletextspace; y = borderheight - titleheight - borderspace + titletextspace; /* job identifier goes at far left */ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", TITLE_TEXT_FONT); fprintf(psfp, "%f %f moveto\n", x, y); fputc('(', psfp); EscapePrint(jobstring, SMALL_JOB_STRING_WIDTH); fprintf(psfp, ") show\n"); /* area below curve is centered */ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", TITLE_TEXT_FONT); fputc('(', psfp); CommaPrint(psfp, (intish) areabelow); fprintf(psfp, " %s x %s)\n", valueunitstring, sampleunitstring); fprintf(psfp, "dup stringwidth pop\n"); fprintf(psfp, "2 div\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%f\n", titlewidth / 2); fprintf(psfp, "exch sub\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%f moveto\n", y); fprintf(psfp, "show\n"); /* date goes at far right */ fprintf(psfp, "HE%d setfont\n", TITLE_TEXT_FONT); fprintf(psfp, "(%s)\n", datestring); fprintf(psfp, "dup stringwidth pop\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%f\n", (titlewidth + borderspace) - titletextspace); fprintf(psfp, "exch sub\n"); fprintf(psfp, "%f moveto\n", y); fprintf(psfp, "show\n"); } /* * Print a string s in width w, escaping characters where necessary. */ static void EscapePrint(char *s, int w) { for ( ; *s && w > 0; s++, w--) { if (*s == '(') { /* escape required */ fputc('\\', psfp); } else if (*s == ')') { fputc('\\', psfp); } fputc(*s, psfp); } }