-- (c) 2007 Andy Gill module HpcFlags where import System.Console.GetOpt import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe ) import qualified HpcSet as Set import Data.Char import Trace.Hpc.Tix import Trace.Hpc.Mix import System.Exit data Flags = Flags { outputFile :: String , includeMods :: Set.Set String , excludeMods :: Set.Set String , hpcDir :: String , srcDirs :: [String] , destDir :: String , perModule :: Bool , decList :: Bool , xmlOutput :: Bool , funTotals :: Bool , altHighlight :: Bool , combineFun :: CombineFun -- tick-wise combine , postFun :: PostFun -- , mergeModule :: MergeFun -- module-wise merge } default_flags = Flags { outputFile = "-" , includeMods = Set.empty , excludeMods = Set.empty , hpcDir = ".hpc" , srcDirs = [] , destDir = "." , perModule = False , decList = False , xmlOutput = False , funTotals = False , altHighlight = False , combineFun = ADD , postFun = ID , mergeModule = INTERSECTION } -- We do this after reading flags, because the defaults -- depends on if specific flags we used. default_final_flags flags = flags { srcDirs = if null (srcDirs flags) then ["."] else srcDirs flags } type FlagOptSeq = [OptDescr (Flags -> Flags)] -> [OptDescr (Flags -> Flags)] noArg :: String -> String -> (Flags -> Flags) -> FlagOptSeq noArg flag detail fn = (:) $ Option [] [flag] (NoArg $ fn) detail anArg :: String -> String -> String -> (String -> Flags -> Flags) -> FlagOptSeq anArg flag detail argtype fn = (:) $ Option [] [flag] (ReqArg fn argtype) detail infoArg :: String -> FlagOptSeq infoArg info = (:) $ Option [] [] (NoArg $ id) info excludeOpt = anArg "exclude" "exclude MODULE and/or PACKAGE" "[PACKAGE:][MODULE]" $ \ a f -> f { excludeMods = a `Set.insert` excludeMods f } includeOpt = anArg "include" "include MODULE and/or PACKAGE" "[PACKAGE:][MODULE]" $ \ a f -> f { includeMods = a `Set.insert` includeMods f } hpcDirOpt = anArg "hpcdir" "sub-directory that contains .mix files" "DIR" (\ a f -> f { hpcDir = a }) . infoArg "default .hpc [rarely used]" srcDirOpt = anArg "srcdir" "path to source directory of .hs files" "DIR" (\ a f -> f { srcDirs = srcDirs f ++ [a] }) . infoArg "multi-use of srcdir possible" destDirOpt = anArg "destdir" "path to write output to" "DIR" $ \ a f -> f { destDir = a } outputOpt = anArg "output" "output FILE" "FILE" $ \ a f -> f { outputFile = a } -- markup perModuleOpt = noArg "per-module" "show module level detail" $ \ f -> f { perModule = True } decListOpt = noArg "decl-list" "show unused decls" $ \ f -> f { decList = True } xmlOutputOpt = noArg "xml-output" "show output in XML" $ \ f -> f { xmlOutput = True } funTotalsOpt = noArg "fun-entry-count" "show top-level function entry counts" $ \ f -> f { funTotals = True } altHighlightOpt = noArg "highlight-covered" "highlight covered code, rather that code gaps" $ \ f -> f { altHighlight = True } combineFunOpt = anArg "function" "combine .tix files with join function, default = ADD" "FUNCTION" $ \ a f -> case reads (map toUpper a) of [(c,"")] -> f { combineFun = c } _ -> error $ "no such combine function : " ++ a combineFunOptInfo = infoArg $ "FUNCTION = " ++ foldr1 (\ a b -> a ++ " | " ++ b) (map fst foldFuns) mapFunOpt = anArg "function" "apply function to .tix files, default = ID" "FUNCTION" $ \ a f -> case reads (map toUpper a) of [(c,"")] -> f { postFun = c } _ -> error $ "no such combine function : " ++ a mapFunOptInfo = infoArg $ "FUNCTION = " ++ foldr1 (\ a b -> a ++ " | " ++ b) (map fst postFuns) unionModuleOpt = noArg "union" "use the union of the module namespace (default is intersection)" $ \ f -> f { mergeModule = UNION } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- readMixWithFlags :: Flags -> Either String TixModule -> IO Mix readMixWithFlags flags mod = readMix [ dir ++ "/" ++ hpcDir flags | dir <- srcDirs flags ] mod ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- command_usage plugin = putStrLn $ "Usage: hpc " ++ (name plugin) ++ " " ++ (usage plugin) ++ "\n" ++ summary plugin ++ "\n" ++ if null (options plugin []) then "" else usageInfo "\n\nOptions:\n" (options plugin []) hpcError :: Plugin -> String -> IO a hpcError plugin msg = do putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ msg command_usage plugin exitFailure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Plugin = Plugin { name :: String , usage :: String , options :: FlagOptSeq , summary :: String , implementation :: Flags -> [String] -> IO () , init_flags :: Flags , final_flags :: Flags -> Flags } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- filterModules takes a list of candidate modules, -- and -- * excludes the excluded modules -- * includes the rest if there are no explicity included modules -- * otherwise, accepts just the included modules. allowModule :: Flags -> String -> Bool allowModule flags full_mod | full_mod' `Set.member` excludeMods flags = False | pkg_name `Set.member` excludeMods flags = False | mod_name `Set.member` excludeMods flags = False | Set.null (includeMods flags) = True | full_mod' `Set.member` includeMods flags = True | pkg_name `Set.member` includeMods flags = True | mod_name `Set.member` includeMods flags = True | otherwise = False where full_mod' = pkg_name ++ mod_name -- pkg name always ends with '/', main (pkg_name,mod_name) = case span (/= '/') full_mod of (p,'/':m) -> (p ++ ":",m) (m,[]) -> (":",m) _ -> error "impossible case in allowModule" filterTix :: Flags -> Tix -> Tix filterTix flags (Tix tixs) = Tix $ filter (allowModule flags . tixModuleName) tixs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- HpcCombine specifics data CombineFun = ADD | DIFF | SUB deriving (Eq,Show, Read, Enum) theCombineFun :: CombineFun -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer theCombineFun fn = case fn of ADD -> \ l r -> l + r SUB -> \ l r -> max 0 (l - r) DIFF -> \ g b -> if g > 0 then 0 else min 1 b foldFuns :: [ (String,CombineFun) ] foldFuns = [ (show comb,comb) | comb <- [ADD .. SUB] ] data PostFun = ID | INV | ZERO deriving (Eq,Show, Read, Enum) thePostFun :: PostFun -> Integer -> Integer thePostFun ID x = x thePostFun INV 0 = 1 thePostFun INV n = 0 thePostFun ZERO x = 0 postFuns = [ (show pos,pos) | pos <- [ID .. ZERO] ] data MergeFun = INTERSECTION | UNION deriving (Eq,Show, Read, Enum) theMergeFun :: (Ord a) => MergeFun -> Set.Set a -> Set.Set a -> Set.Set a theMergeFun INTERSECTION = Set.intersection theMergeFun UNION = Set.union mergeFuns = [ (show pos,pos) | pos <- [INTERSECTION,UNION] ]