module HpcOverlay where import HpcFlags import HpcParser import HpcUtils import Trace.Hpc.Tix import Trace.Hpc.Mix import Trace.Hpc.Util import HpcMap as Map import Data.Tree overlay_options :: FlagOptSeq overlay_options = srcDirOpt . hpcDirOpt . outputOpt overlay_plugin :: Plugin overlay_plugin = Plugin { name = "overlay" , usage = "[OPTION] .. [ [...]]" , options = overlay_options , summary = "Generate a .tix file from an overlay file" , implementation = overlay_main , init_flags = default_flags , final_flags = default_final_flags } overlay_main :: Flags -> [String] -> IO () overlay_main _ [] = hpcError overlay_plugin $ "no overlay file specified" overlay_main flags files = do specs <- mapM hpcParser files let (Spec globals modules) = concatSpec specs let modules1 = Map.fromListWith (++) [ (m,info) | (m,info) <- modules ] mod_info <- sequence [ do mix@(Mix origFile _ _ _ _) <- readMixWithFlags flags (Left modu) content <- readFileFromPath (hpcError overlay_plugin) origFile (srcDirs flags) processModule modu content mix mod_spec globals | (modu, mod_spec) <- Map.toList modules1 ] let tix = Tix $ mod_info case outputFile flags of "-" -> putStrLn (show tix) out -> writeFile out (show tix) processModule :: String -- ^ module name -> String -- ^ module contents -> Mix -- ^ mix entry for this module -> [Tick] -- ^ local ticks -> [ExprTick] -- ^ global ticks -> IO TixModule processModule modName modContents (Mix _ _ hash _ entries) locals globals = do let hsMap :: Map.Map Int String hsMap = Map.fromList (zip [1..] $ lines modContents) let topLevelFunctions = Map.fromListWith (++) [ (nm,[pos]) | (pos,TopLevelBox [nm]) <- entries ] let inside :: HpcPos -> String -> Bool inside pos nm = case Map.lookup nm topLevelFunctions of Nothing -> False Just poss -> any (pos `insideHpcPos`) poss -- TODO: rename plzTick => plzExprTick, plzTopPick => plzTick let plzTick :: HpcPos -> BoxLabel -> ExprTick -> Bool plzTick pos (ExpBox _) (TickExpression _ match q _) = qualifier pos q && case match of Nothing -> True Just str -> str == grabHpcPos hsMap pos plzTick _ _ _ = False plzTopTick :: HpcPos -> BoxLabel -> Tick -> Bool plzTopTick pos label (ExprTick ignore) = plzTick pos label ignore plzTopTick pos _ (TickFunction fn q _) = qualifier pos q && pos `inside` fn plzTopTick pos label (InsideFunction fn igs) = pos `inside` fn && any (plzTopTick pos label) igs let tixs = Map.fromList [ (ix, any (plzTick pos label) globals || any (plzTopTick pos label) locals) | (ix,(pos,label)) <- zip [0..] entries ] -- let show' (srcspan,stuff) = show (srcspan,stuff,grabHpcPos hsMap span) let forest = createMixEntryDom [ (srcspan,ix) | ((srcspan,_),ix) <- zip entries [0..] ] -- let forest2 = addParentToList [] $ forest -- putStrLn $ drawForest $ map (fmap show') $ forest2 let isDomList = Map.fromList [ (ix,filter (/= ix) rng ++ dom) | (_,(rng,dom)) <- concatMap flatten forest2 , ix <- rng ] -- We do not use laziness here, because the dominator lists -- point to their equivent peers, creating loops. let isTicked n = case Map.lookup n tixs of Just v -> v Nothing -> error $ "can not find ix # " ++ show n let tixs' = [ case Map.lookup n isDomList of Just vs -> if any isTicked (n : vs) then 1 else 0 Nothing -> error $ "can not find ix in dom list # " ++ show n | n <- [0..(length entries - 1)] ] return $ TixModule modName hash (length tixs') tixs' qualifier :: HpcPos -> Maybe Qualifier -> Bool qualifier _ Nothing = True qualifier pos (Just (OnLine n)) = n == l1 && n == l2 where (l1,_,l2,_) = fromHpcPos pos qualifier pos (Just (AtPosition l1' c1' l2' c2')) = (l1', c1', l2', c2') == fromHpcPos pos concatSpec :: [Spec] -> Spec concatSpec = foldr (\ (Spec pre1 body1) (Spec pre2 body2) -> Spec (pre1 ++ pre2) (body1 ++ body2)) (Spec [] []) addParentToTree :: [a] -> MixEntryDom [a] -> MixEntryDom ([a],[a]) addParentToTree path (Node (pos,a) children) = Node (pos,(a,path)) (addParentToList (a ++ path) children) addParentToList :: [a] -> [MixEntryDom [a]] -> [MixEntryDom ([a],[a])] addParentToList path nodes = map (addParentToTree path) nodes