{ {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} -- required for versions of Happy before 1.18.6 {-# OPTIONS -Wwarn -XNoMonomorphismRestriction #-} -- The NoMonomorphismRestriction deals with a Happy infelicity -- With OutsideIn's more conservativ monomorphism restriction -- we aren't generalising -- notHappyAtAll = error "urk" -- which is terrible. Switching off the restriction allows -- the generalisation. Better would be to make Happy generate -- an appropriate signature. -- -- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge. -- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix -- any warnings in the module. See -- http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#Warnings -- for details module HpcParser where import HpcLexer } %name parser %expect 0 %tokentype { Token } %token MODULE { ID "module" } TICK { ID "tick" } EXPRESSION { ID "expression" } ON { ID "on" } LINE { ID "line" } POSITION { ID "position" } FUNCTION { ID "function" } INSIDE { ID "inside" } AT { ID "at" } ':' { SYM ':' } '-' { SYM '-' } ';' { SYM ';' } '{' { SYM '{' } '}' { SYM '}' } int { INT $$ } string { STR $$ } cat { CAT $$ } %% Spec :: { Spec } Spec : Ticks Modules { Spec ($1 []) ($2 []) } Modules :: { L (ModuleName,[Tick]) } Modules : Modules Module { $1 . ((:) $2) } | { id } Module :: { (ModuleName,[Tick]) } Module : MODULE string '{' TopTicks '}' { ($2,$4 []) } TopTicks :: { L Tick } TopTicks : TopTicks TopTick { $1 . ((:) $2) } | { id } TopTick :: { Tick } TopTick : Tick { ExprTick $1 } | TICK FUNCTION string optQual optCat ';' { TickFunction $3 $4 $5 } | INSIDE string '{' TopTicks '}' { InsideFunction $2 ($4 []) } Ticks :: { L ExprTick } Ticks : Ticks Tick { $1 . ((:) $2) } | { id } Tick :: { ExprTick } Tick : TICK optString optQual optCat ';' { TickExpression False $2 $3 $4 } optString :: { Maybe String } optString : string { Just $1 } | { Nothing } optQual :: { Maybe Qualifier } optQual : ON LINE int { Just (OnLine $3) } | AT POSITION int ':' int '-' int ':' int { Just (AtPosition $3 $5 $7 $9) } | { Nothing } optCat :: { Maybe String } optCat : cat { Just $1 } | { Nothing } { type L a = [a] -> [a] type ModuleName = String data Spec = Spec [ExprTick] [(ModuleName,[Tick])] deriving (Show) data ExprTick = TickExpression Bool (Maybe String) (Maybe Qualifier) (Maybe String) deriving (Show) data Tick = ExprTick ExprTick | TickFunction String (Maybe Qualifier) (Maybe String) | InsideFunction String [Tick] deriving (Show) data Qualifier = OnLine Int | AtPosition Int Int Int Int deriving (Show) hpcParser :: String -> IO Spec hpcParser filename = do txt <- readFile filename let tokens = initLexer txt return $ parser tokens happyError e = error $ show (take 10 e) }