module HpcUtils where import Trace.Hpc.Util (catchIO, HpcPos, fromHpcPos, readFileUtf8) import qualified Data.Map as Map import System.FilePath dropWhileEndLE :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -- Spec: dropWhileEndLE p = reverse . dropWhile p . reverse dropWhileEndLE p = foldr (\x r -> if null r && p x then [] else x:r) [] -- turns \n into ' ' -- | grab's the text behind a HpcPos; grabHpcPos :: Map.Map Int String -> HpcPos -> String grabHpcPos hsMap srcspan = case lns of [] -> error "grabHpcPos: invalid source span" [ln] -> (take ((c2 - c1) + 1) $ drop (c1 - 1) ln) hd : tl -> let lns1 = drop (c1 -1) hd : tl lns2 = init lns1 ++ [take (c2 + 1) (last lns1) ] in foldl1 (\ xs ys -> xs ++ "\n" ++ ys) lns2 where (l1,c1,l2,c2) = fromHpcPos srcspan lns = map (\ n -> case Map.lookup n hsMap of Just ln -> ln Nothing -> error $ "bad line number : " ++ show n ) [l1..l2] readFileFromPath :: (String -> IO String) -> String -> [String] -> IO String readFileFromPath _ filename@('/':_) _ = readFileUtf8 filename readFileFromPath err filename path0 = readTheFile path0 where readTheFile [] = err $ "could not find " ++ show filename ++ " in path " ++ show path0 readTheFile (dir:dirs) = catchIO (readFileUtf8 (dir filename)) (\ _ -> readTheFile dirs)