module Main (main) where
import DynFlags
import Data.List
import System.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = do args <- getArgs
case args of
[] -> error "Need to give filename to generate as an argument"
[f] ->
case f of
"docs/users_guide/users_guide.xml" ->
writeFile f userGuideMain
"docs/users_guide/what_glasgow_exts_does.gen.xml" ->
writeFile f whatGlasgowExtsDoes
_ ->
error ("Don't know what to do for " ++ show f)
_ -> error "Bad args"
-- Hack: dblatex normalises the name of the main input file using
-- os.path.realpath, which means that if we're in a linked build tree,
-- it find the real source files rather than the symlinks in our link
-- tree. This is fine for the static sources, but it means it can't
-- find the generated sources.
-- We therefore also generate the main input file, so that it really
-- is in the link tree, and thus dblatex can find everything.
userGuideMain :: String
userGuideMain = unlines [
whatGlasgowExtsDoes :: String
whatGlasgowExtsDoes = case maybeInitLast glasgowExtsFlags of
Just (xs, x) ->
let xs' = map mkInitLine xs
x' = mkLastLine x
in unlines (xs' ++ [x'])
Nothing ->
error "glasgowExtsFlags is empty?"
where mkInitLine = mkLine ','
mkLastLine = mkLine '.'
mkLine c f = case stripPrefix "Opt_" (show f) of
Just ext -> "" ++ [c]
Nothing -> error ("Can't parse extension: " ++ show f)
maybeInitLast :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a)
maybeInitLast xs = case reverse xs of
(y : ys) -> Just (reverse ys, y)
_ -> Nothing