#!/usr/local/bin/perl ############################################################################## # Time-stamp: # # Usage: RTS2gran # # Options: # -t ... use as template file (<,> global <.> local template) # -p ... use as gnuplot .gp file (default: gran.gp) # -x ... of gnuplot graph # -y ... of gnuplot graph # -n ... use as number of PEs in title # -h ... help; print this text. # -v ... verbose mode. # ############################################################################## # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command line processing and initialization # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $gran_dir = $ENV{'GRANDIR'}; if ( $gran_dir eq "" ) { print STDERR "RTS2gran: Warning: Env variable GRANDIR is undefined\n"; } push(@INC, $gran_dir, $gran_dir . "/bin"); # print STDERR "INC: " . join(':',@INC) . "\n"; require "getopts.pl"; require "template.pl"; # contains read_template for parsing template file require "stats.pl"; # statistics package with corr and friends &Getopts('hvt:p:x:y:n:Y:Z:'); $OPEN_INT = 1; $CLOSED_INT = 0; do process_options(); if ( $opt_v ) { do print_verbose_message (); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The real thing # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $max_y = &pre_process($input); open(INPUT,"<$input") || die "Couldn't open input file $input"; open(OUT_CUMU,">$cumulat_rts_file_name") || die "Couldn't open output file $cumulat_rts_file_name"; open(OUT_CUMU0,">$cumulat0_rts_file_name") || die "Couldn't open output file $cumulat0_rts_file_name"; #do skip_header(); $tot_total_rt = 0; $tot_rt = 0; $count = 0; $last_rt = 0; $last_x = 0; $last_y = ($logscale{"'g'"} ne "") ? 1 : 0; $line_no = 0; while () { $line_no++; next if /^--/; # Comment lines start with -- next if /^\s*$/; # Skip empty lines $rt = $1 if /^(\d+)/; $count++; if ( $opt_D ) { print STDERR "Error @ line $line_no: RTS file not sorted!\n"; } #push(@all_rts,$rt); $sum_rt += $rt; $index = do get_index_open_int($rt,@exec_times); $exec_class[$index]++; if ( $last_rt != $rt ) { print OUT_CUMU "$rt \t" . int($last_y/$max_y) . "\n"; print OUT_CUMU0 "$rt \t$last_y\n"; print OUT_CUMU "$rt \t" . int($count/$max_y) . "\n"; print OUT_CUMU0 "$rt \t$count\n"; $last_x = $rt; $last_y = $count; } $last_rt = $rt; } print OUT_CUMU "$rt \t" . int($last_y/$max_y) . "\n"; print OUT_CUMU0 "$rt \t$last_y\n"; print OUT_CUMU "$rt \t" . int($count/$max_y) . "\n"; print OUT_CUMU0 "$rt \t$count\n"; close OUT_CUMU; close OUT_CUMU0; $tot_tasks = $count; # this is y-max in cumulat graph $max_rt = $rt; # this is x-max in cumulat graph $max_rt_class = &list_max(@exec_class); do write_data($gran_file_name, $OPEN_INT, $logscale{"'g'"}, $#exec_times+1, @exec_times, @exec_class); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Run GNUPLOT over the data files and create figures # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- do gnu_plotify($gp_file_name); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $max_y != $tot_tasks ) { if ( $pedantic ) { die "ERROR: pre-processed number of tasks ($max_y) does not match computed one ($tot_tasks)\n"; } else { print STDERR "Warning: pre-processed number of tasks ($max_y) does not match computed one ($tot_tasks)\n" if $opt_v; } } exit 0; # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # ToDo: Put these routines into an own package # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic Operations on the intervals # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_index_open_int { local ($value,@list) = @_; local ($index,$right); # print "get_index: searching for index of" . $value; # print " in " . join(':',@list); $index = 0; $right = $list[$index]; while ( ($value >= $right) && ($index < $#list) ) { $index++; $right = $list[$index]; } return ( ($index == $#list) && ($value > $right) ) ? $index+1 : $index; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_index_closed_int { local ($value,@list) = @_; local ($index,$right); if ( ($value < $list[0]) || ($value > $list[$#list]) ) { return ( -1 ); } $index = 0; $left = $list[$index]; while ( ($left <= $value) && ($index < $#list) ) { $index++; $left = $list[$index]; } return ( $index-1 ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Write operations # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub write_data { local ($file_name, $open_int, $logaxes, $n, @rest) = @_; local (@times) = splice(@rest,0,$n); local (@class) = @rest; open(GRAN,">$file_name") || die "Couldn't open file $file_name for output"; if ( $open_int == $OPEN_INT ) { for ($i=0, $left = ( index($logaxes,"x") != -1 ? int($times[0]/2) : 0 ), $right = 0; $i < $n; $i++, $left = $right) { $right = $times[$i]; print GRAN int(($left+$right)/2) . " " . ($class[$i] eq "" ? "0" : $class[$i]) . "\n"; } print GRAN $times[$n-1]+(($times[$n-1]-$times[$n-2])/2) . " " . ($class[$n] eq "" ? "0" : $class[$n]) . "\n"; } else { print GRAN ( (index($logaxes,"x") != -1) && ($times[0] == 0 ? int($times[1]/2) : ($times[$1] + $times[0])/2 ) . " " . $class[0] . "\n"); for ($i=1; $i < $n-2; $i++) { $left = $times[$i]; $right = $times[$i+1]; print(GRAN ($left+$right)/2 . " " . ($class[$i] eq "" ? "0" : $class[$i]) . "\n"); } print GRAN ($times[$n-1]+$times[$n-2])/2 . " " . $class[$n-2] if $n >= 2; } close(GRAN); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub write_array { local ($file_name,$n,@list) = @_; open(FILE,">$file_name") || die "$file_name: $!"; for ($i=0; $i<=$#list; $i++) { print FILE $i . " " . ( $list[$i] eq "" ? "0" : $list[$i] ) . "\n"; } if ( $opt_D ) { print "write_array: (" . join(", ",1 .. $#list) . ")\n for file $file_name returns: \n (0, $#list, &list_max(@list)\n"; } return ( (0, $#list, &list_max(@list), "(" . join(", ",1 .. $#list) . ")\n") ); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub gnu_plotify { local ($gp_file_name) = @_; @open_xrange = &range($OPEN_INT,$logscale{"'g'"},@exec_times); $exec_xtics = $opt_T ? &get_xtics($OPEN_INT,@exec_times) : "" ; open(GP_FILE,">$gp_file_name") || die "Couldn't open gnuplot file $gp_file_name for output\n"; print GP_FILE "set term postscript \"Roman\" 20\n"; do write_gp_record(GP_FILE, $gran_file_name, &dat2ps_name($gran_file_name), "Granularity (pure exec. time)", "Number of threads", $logscale{"'g'"}, @open_xrange,$max_rt_class,$exec_xtics); do write_gp_lines_record(GP_FILE, $cumulat_rts_file_name, &dat2ps_name($cumulat_rts_file_name), "Cumulative pure exec. times","% of threads", "", $max_rt, 100, ""); # $xtics_cluster_rts as last arg? do write_gp_lines_record(GP_FILE, $cumulat0_rts_file_name, &dat2ps_name($cumulat0_rts_file_name), "Cumulative pure exec. times","Number of threads", $logscale{"'Cg'"}, $max_rt, $tot_tasks, ""); # $xtics_cluster_rts as last arg? close GP_FILE; print "Gnu plotting figures ...\n"; system "gnuplot $gp_file_name"; print "Extending thickness of impulses ...\n"; do gp_ext($gran_file_name); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub gp_ext { local (@file_names) = @_; local ($file_name); local ($ps_file_name); local ($prg); #$prg = system "which gp-ext-imp"; #print " Using script $prg for impuls extension\n"; $prg = $ENV{GRANDIR} ? $ENV{GRANDIR} . "/bin/gp-ext-imp" : $ENV{HOME} . "/bin/gp-ext-imp" ; if ( $opt_v ) { print " (using script $prg)\n"; } foreach $file_name (@file_names) { $ps_file_name = &dat2ps_name($file_name); system "$prg -w $ext_size -g $gray " . $ps_file_name . " " . $ps_file_name . "2" ; system "mv " . $ps_file_name . "2 " . $ps_file_name; } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub write_gp_record { local ($file,$in_file,$out_file,$xlabel,$ylabel,$logaxes, $xstart,$xend,$ymax,$xtics) = @_; if ( $xstart >= $xend ) { print ("WARNING: empty xrange [$xstart:$xend] changed to [$xstart:" . $xstart+1 . "]\n") if ( $pedantic || $opt_v ); $xend = $xstart + 1; } if ( $ymax <=0 ) { $ymax = 2; print "WARNING: empty yrange changed to [0:$ymax]\n" if ( $pedantic || $opt_v ); } $str = "set size " . $xsize . "," . $ysize . "\n" . "set xlabel \"" . $xlabel . "\"\n" . "set ylabel \"" . $ylabel . "\"\n" . ($xstart eq "" ? "" : "set xrange [" . int($xstart) .":" . int($xend) . "]\n") . ($opt_Y ? ("set yrange [" . (index($logaxes,"y") != -1 ? 1 : 0) . ":$opt_Y]\n") : ($ymax eq "" ? "" : "set yrange [" . (index($logaxes,"y") != -1 ? 1 : 0) . ":" . &list_max(2,int($ymax+$ymax/5)) . "]\n")) . ($xtics ne "" ? "set xtics $xtics" : "") . "set tics out\n" . "set border\n" . ( $nPEs!=0 ? "set title \"$nPEs PEs\"\n" : "" ) . "set nokey \n" . "set nozeroaxis\n" . "set format xy \"%8.8g\"\n" . (index($logaxes,"x") != -1 ? "set logscale x\n" : "set nologscale x\n") . (index($logaxes,"y") != -1 ? "set logscale y\n" : "set nologscale y\n") . "set output \"" . $out_file . "\"\n" . "plot \"" . $in_file . "\" with impulses\n\n"; print $file $str; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub write_gp_lines_record { local ($file,$in_file,$out_file,$xlabel,$ylabel,$logaxes, $xend,$yend,$xtics) = @_; local ($str); $str = "set xlabel \"" . $xlabel . "\"\n" . "set ylabel \"" . $ylabel . "\"\n" . "set xrange [" . ( index($logaxes,"x") != -1 ? 1 : 0 ) . ":$xend]\n" . "set yrange [" . ( index($logaxes,"y") != -1 ? 1 : 0 ) . ($yend!=100 && $opt_Z ? ":$opt_Z]\n" : ":$yend]\n") . "set border\n" . "set nokey\n" . ( $xtics ne "" ? "set xtics $xtics" : "" ) . (index($logaxes,"x") != -1 ? "set logscale x\n" : "set nologscale x\n") . (index($logaxes,"y") != -1 ? "set logscale y\n" : "set nologscale y\n") . "set nozeroaxis\n" . "set format xy \"%8.8g\"\n" . "set output \"" . $out_file . "\"\n" . "plot \"" . $in_file . "\" with lines\n\n"; print $file $str; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub write_gp_simple_record { local ($file,$in_file,$out_file,$xlabel,$ylabel,$logaxes, $xstart,$xend,$ymax,$xtics) = @_; $str = "set size " . $xsize . "," . $ysize . "\n" . "set xlabel \"" . $xlabel . "\"\n" . "set ylabel \"" . $ylabel . "\"\n" . ($xstart eq "" ? "" : "set xrange [" . int($xstart) .":" . int($xend) . "]\n") . ($ymax eq "" ? "" : "set yrange [" . (index($logaxes,"y") != -1 ? 1 : 0) . ":" . &list_max(2,int($ymax+$ymax/5)) . "]\n") . ($xtics ne "" ? "set xtics $xtics" : "") . "set border\n" . "set nokey\n" . "set tics out\n" . "set nozeroaxis\n" . "set format xy \"%8.8g\"\n" . (index($logaxes,"x") != -1 ? "set logscale x\n" : "set nologscale x\n") . (index($logaxes,"y") != -1 ? "set logscale y\n" : "set nologscale y\n") . "set output \"" . $out_file . "\"\n" . "plot \"" . $in_file . "\" with impulses\n\n"; print $file $str; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub range { local ($open_int, $logaxes, @ints) = @_; local ($range, $left_margin, $right_margin); $range = $ints[$#ints]-$ints[0]; $left_margin = 0; # $range/10; $right_margin = 0; # $range/10; if ( $opt_D ) { print "\n==> Range: logaxes are $logaxes i.e. " . (index($logaxes,"x") != -1 ? "matches x axis\n" : "DOESN'T match x axis\n"); } if ( index($logaxes,"x") != -1 ) { if ( $open_int == $OPEN_INT ) { return ( ($ints[0]/2-$left_margin, $ints[$#ints]+($ints[$#ints]-$ints[$#ints-1])/2+$right_margin) ); } else { return ( ( &list_max(1,$ints[0]-$left_margin), $ints[$#ints]+($ints[$#ints]-$ints[$#ints-1])/2+$right_margin) ); } } else { if ( $open_int == $OPEN_INT ) { return ( ($ints[0]/2-$left_margin, $ints[$#ints]+($ints[$#ints]-$ints[$#ints-1])/2+$right_margin) ); } else { return ( ($ints[0]-$left_margin, $ints[$#ints]+($ints[$#ints]-$ints[$#ints-1])/2+$right_margin) ); } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub process_options { if ( $opt_h ) { open(ME,$0) || die "Can't open myself ($0)"; $n = 0; while () { last if $_ =~ /^$/; print $_; $n++; } close(ME); # system "cat $0 | awk 'BEGIN { n = 0; } \ # /^$/ { print n; \ # exit; } \ # { n++; }'" exit ; } $input = $#ARGV == -1 ? "-" : $ARGV[0] ; if ( $#ARGV != 0 ) { #print "Usage: gran-extr [options] \n"; #print "Use -h option to get details\n"; #exit 1; } # Default settings: $gp_file_name = "gran.gp"; $gran_file_name = "gran.dat"; $cumulat_rts_file_name = "cumu-rts.dat"; $cumulat0_rts_file_name = "cumu-rts0.dat"; $xsize = 1; $ysize = 1; if ( $opt_p ) { $gp_file_name = $opt_p; } else { $gp_file_name = "gran.gp"; } #if ( $opt_s ) { # $gp_file_name =~ s|\.|${opt_s}.|; # $gran_file_name =~ s|\.|${opt_s}.|; # $cumulat_rts_file_name =~ s|\.|${opt_s}.|; # $cumulat0_rts_file_name =~ s|\.|${opt_s}.|; #} if ( $opt_x ) { $xsize = $opt_x; } else { $xsize = 1; } if ( $opt_y ) { $ysize = $opt_y; } else { $ysize = 1; } if ( $opt_t ) { do read_template($opt_t,$input); } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_verbose_message { print "-" x 70 . "\n"; print "Setup: \n"; print "-" x 70 . "\n"; print "\nFilenames: \n"; print " Input file: $input\n"; print " Gran files: $gran_file_name $gran_global_file_name $gran_local_file_name\n"; print " Comm files: $comm_file_name $comm_global_file_name $comm_local_file_name\n"; print " Sparked threads file: $spark_file_name $spark_local_file_name $spark_global_file_name\n"; print " Heap file: $ha_file_name\n"; print " GNUPLOT file name: $gp_file_name Correlation file name: $corr_file_name\n"; print " Cumulative RT file name: $cumulat_rts_file_name ($cumulat0_rts_file_name) \n Cumulative HA file name: $cumulat_has_file_name\n"; print " Cluster RT file name: $clust_rts_file_name \n Cluster HA file name: $clust_has_file_name\n"; print " Cumulative runtimes file name: $cumulat_rts_file_name\n"; print " Cumulative heap allocations file name $cumulat_has_file_name\n"; print " Cluster run times file name: $clust_rts_file_name\n"; print " Cluster heap allocations file name: $clust_has_file_name\n"; print " PE load file name: $pe_file_name\n"; print " Site size file name: $sn_file_name\n"; print "\nBoundaries: \n"; print " Gran boundaries: (" . join(',',@exec_times) . ")\n"; print " Comm boundaries: (" . join(',',@comm_percs) . ")\n"; print " Sparked threads boundaries: (" . join(',',@sparks) . ")\n"; print " Heap boundaries: (" . join(',',@has) .")\n"; print "\nOther pars: \n"; print " Left margin: $left_margin Right margin: $right_margin\n"; print " GP-extension: $ext_size GP xsize: $xsize GP ysize: $ysize\n"; print " Gray scale: $gray Smart x-tics is " . ($opt_T ? "ON" : "OFF") . " Percentage y-axis is " . ($opt_P ? "ON" : "OFF") . "\n"; print " Log. scaling assoc list: "; while (($key,$value) = each %logscale) { print "$key: $value, "; } print "\n"; print " Active template file: $templ_file\n" if $opt_t; print "-" x 70 . "\n"; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub pre_process { local ($file) = @_; open(PIPE,"wc -l $input |") || die "Couldn't open pipe"; while () { if (/^\s*(\d+)/) { $res = $1; } else { die "Error in pre-processing: Last line of $file does not match RTS!\n"; } } close(PIPE); return ($res-1); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Old version (eventually delete it) # New version is in template.pl # # sub read_template { # local ($f); # # if ( $opt_v ) { # print "Reading template file $templ_file_name ...\n"; # } # # ($f = ($input eq "-" ? "stdin" : $input)) =~ s/.rts//; # # open(TEMPLATE,"cat $templ_file_name | sed -e 's/\$0/$f/' |") # || die "Couldn't open file $templ_file_name"; # # while (