/* dhcpd.h Definitions for dhcpd... */ /* * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 The Internet Software Consortium. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names * of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INTERNET SOFTWARE CONSORTIUM AND * CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INTERNET SOFTWARE CONSORTIUM OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium * by Ted Lemon in cooperation with Vixie * Enterprises. To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium, * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''. To learn more about Vixie * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cdefs.h" #include "osdep.h" #include "dhcp.h" #include "tree.h" #include "hash.h" #include "inet.h" /* A dhcp packet and the pointers to its option values. */ struct packet { struct dhcp_packet *raw; int packet_length; int packet_type; int options_valid; int client_port; struct iaddr client_addr; struct interface_info *interface; /* Interface on which packet was received. */ struct hardware *haddr; /* Physical link address of local sender (maybe gateway). */ struct shared_network *shared_network; struct { int len; unsigned char *data; } options [256]; }; struct hardware { u_int8_t htype; u_int8_t hlen; u_int8_t haddr [16]; }; /* A dhcp lease declaration structure. */ struct lease { struct lease *next; struct lease *prev; struct lease *n_uid, *n_hw; struct iaddr ip_addr; TIME starts, ends, timestamp; TIME offered_expiry; unsigned char *uid; int uid_len; struct host_decl *host; struct subnet *subnet; struct shared_network *shared_network; struct hardware hardware_addr; int state; int xid; int flags; # define STATIC_LEASE 1 # define BOOTP_LEASE 2 # define DYNAMIC_BOOTP_OK 4 # define PERSISTENT_FLAGS (DYNAMIC_BOOTP_OK) # define EPHEMERAL_FLAGS (BOOTP_LEASE) }; #define ROOT_GROUP 0 #define HOST_STMT 1 #define SHARED_NET_STMT 2 #define SUBNET_STMT 3 #define CLASS_STMT 4 #define GROUP_STMT 5 /* Group of statements that share common settings. */ struct group { struct group *next; struct subnet *subnet; struct shared_network *shared_network; TIME default_lease_time; TIME max_lease_time; TIME bootp_lease_cutoff; TIME bootp_lease_length; char *filename; char *server_name; struct iaddr next_server; int boot_unknown_clients; int dynamic_bootp; struct tree_cache *options [256]; }; /* A dhcp host declaration structure. */ struct host_decl { struct host_decl *n_ipaddr; char *name; struct hardware interface; struct tree_cache *fixed_addr; struct group *group; }; struct shared_network { struct shared_network *next; char *name; struct subnet *subnets; struct interface_info *interface; struct lease *leases; struct lease *insertion_point; struct lease *last_lease; struct group *group; }; struct subnet { struct subnet *next_subnet; struct subnet *next_sibling; struct shared_network *shared_network; struct interface_info *interface; struct iaddr interface_address; struct iaddr net; struct iaddr netmask; struct group *group; }; struct class { char *name; struct group *group; }; /* Information about each network interface. */ struct interface_info { struct interface_info *next; /* Next interface in list... */ struct shared_network *shared_network; /* Networks connected to this interface. */ struct hardware hw_address; /* Its physical address. */ char name [IFNAMSIZ]; /* Its name... */ int rfdesc; /* Its read file descriptor. */ int wfdesc; /* Its write file descriptor, if different. */ unsigned char *rbuf; /* Read buffer, if required. */ size_t rbuf_max; /* Size of read buffer. */ size_t rbuf_offset; /* Current offset into buffer. */ size_t rbuf_len; /* Length of data in buffer. */ struct ifreq *tif; /* Temp. pointer to ifreq struct. */ u_int32_t flags; /* Control flags... */ #define INTERFACE_REQUESTED 1 }; struct hardware_link { struct hardware_link *next; char name [IFNAMSIZ]; struct hardware address; }; /* Bitmask of dhcp option codes. */ typedef unsigned char option_mask [16]; /* DHCP Option mask manipulation macros... */ #define OPTION_ZERO(mask) (memset (mask, 0, 16)) #define OPTION_SET(mask, bit) (mask [bit >> 8] |= (1 << (bit & 7))) #define OPTION_CLR(mask, bit) (mask [bit >> 8] &= ~(1 << (bit & 7))) #define OPTION_ISSET(mask, bit) (mask [bit >> 8] & (1 << (bit & 7))) #define OPTION_ISCLR(mask, bit) (!OPTION_ISSET (mask, bit)) /* An option occupies its length plus two header bytes (code and length) for every 255 bytes that must be stored. */ #define OPTION_SPACE(x) ((x) + 2 * ((x) / 255 + 1)) /* Default path to dhcpd config file. */ #ifdef DEBUG #undef _PATH_DHCPD_CONF #define _PATH_DHCPD_CONF "dhcpd.conf" #undef _PATH_DHCPD_DB #define _PATH_DHCPD_DB "dhcpd.leases" #else #ifndef _PATH_DHCPD_CONF #define _PATH_DHCPD_CONF "/etc/dhcpd.conf" #endif #ifndef _PATH_DHCPD_DB #define _PATH_DHCPD_DB "/etc/dhcpd.leases" #endif #ifndef _PATH_DHCPD_PID #define _PATH_DHCPD_PID "/var/run/dhcpd.pid" #endif #endif #ifndef DHCPD_LOG_FACILITY #define DHCPD_LOG_FACILITY LOG_DAEMON #endif #define MAX_TIME 0x7fffffff #define MIN_TIME 0 /* External definitions... */ /* options.c */ void parse_options PROTO ((struct packet *)); void parse_option_buffer PROTO ((struct packet *, unsigned char *, int)); void cons_options PROTO ((struct packet *, struct packet *, struct tree_cache **, int)); /* void new_cons_options PROTO ((struct packet *, struct packet *, struct tree_cache **, int)); */ int store_options PROTO ((unsigned char *, int, struct tree_cache **, unsigned char *, int, int, int)); /* int store_option PROTO ((struct tree_cache **, unsigned char, unsigned char *, int, int *)); */ char *pretty_print_option PROTO ((unsigned char, unsigned char *, int)); /* errwarn.c */ void error PROTO ((char *, ...)); int warn PROTO ((char *, ...)); int note PROTO ((char *, ...)); int debug PROTO ((char *, ...)); int parse_warn PROTO ((char *, ...)); /* dhcpd.c */ extern TIME cur_time; struct group root_group; extern struct iaddr server_identifier; extern int server_identifier_matched; extern u_int16_t server_port; extern int log_priority; #ifdef USE_FALLBACK extern struct interface_info fallback_interface; #endif int main PROTO ((int, char **, char **)); void cleanup PROTO ((void)); /* conflex.c */ extern int lexline, lexchar; extern char *tlname; void new_parse PROTO ((char *)); int next_token PROTO ((char **, FILE *)); int peek_token PROTO ((char **, FILE *)); /* confpars.c */ void readconf PROTO ((void)); void read_leases PROTO ((void)); int parse_statement PROTO ((FILE *, struct group *, int, struct host_decl *, int)); void skip_to_semi PROTO ((FILE *)); int parse_lbrace PROTO ((FILE *)); void parse_host_statement PROTO ((FILE *, struct group *)); char *parse_host_name PROTO ((FILE *)); void parse_class_statement PROTO ((FILE *, struct group *, int)); void parse_lease_time PROTO ((FILE *, TIME *)); void parse_shared_net_statement PROTO ((FILE *, struct group *)); void parse_subnet_statement PROTO ((FILE *, struct shared_network *)); void parse_group_statement PROTO ((FILE *, struct group *)); void parse_hardware_decl PROTO ((FILE *, struct hardware *)); char *parse_filename_decl PROTO ((FILE *)); char *parse_servername_decl PROTO ((FILE *)); struct tree *parse_ip_addr_or_hostname PROTO ((FILE *, int)); struct tree_cache *parse_fixed_addr_decl PROTO ((FILE *)); void parse_option_decl PROTO ((FILE *, struct group *)); TIME parse_timestamp PROTO ((FILE *)); struct lease *parse_lease_statement PROTO ((FILE *)); void parse_address_range PROTO ((FILE *, struct subnet *)); TIME parse_date PROTO ((FILE *)); unsigned char *parse_numeric_aggregate PROTO ((FILE *, unsigned char *, int *, int, int, int)); void convert_num PROTO ((unsigned char *, char *, int, int)); /* tree.c */ pair cons PROTO ((caddr_t, pair)); struct tree_cache *tree_cache PROTO ((struct tree *)); struct tree *tree_host_lookup PROTO ((char *)); struct dns_host_entry *enter_dns_host PROTO ((char *)); struct tree *tree_const PROTO ((unsigned char *, int)); struct tree *tree_concat PROTO ((struct tree *, struct tree *)); struct tree *tree_limit PROTO ((struct tree *, int)); int tree_evaluate PROTO ((struct tree_cache *)); /* dhcp.c */ void dhcp PROTO ((struct packet *)); void dhcpdiscover PROTO ((struct packet *)); void dhcprequest PROTO ((struct packet *)); void dhcprelease PROTO ((struct packet *)); void dhcpdecline PROTO ((struct packet *)); void dhcpinform PROTO ((struct packet *)); void nak_lease PROTO ((struct packet *, struct iaddr *cip)); void ack_lease PROTO ((struct packet *, struct lease *, unsigned char, TIME)); struct lease *find_lease PROTO ((struct packet *, struct shared_network *)); struct lease *mockup_lease PROTO ((struct packet *, struct shared_network *, struct host_decl *)); /* bootp.c */ void bootp PROTO ((struct packet *)); /* memory.c */ void enter_host PROTO ((struct host_decl *)); struct host_decl *find_hosts_by_haddr PROTO ((int, unsigned char *, int)); struct host_decl *find_hosts_by_uid PROTO ((unsigned char *, int)); struct subnet *find_host_for_network PROTO ((struct host_decl **, struct iaddr *, struct shared_network *)); void new_address_range PROTO ((struct iaddr, struct iaddr, struct subnet *, int)); extern struct subnet *find_grouped_subnet PROTO ((struct shared_network *, struct iaddr)); extern struct subnet *find_subnet PROTO ((struct iaddr)); void enter_shared_network PROTO ((struct shared_network *)); void enter_subnet PROTO ((struct subnet *)); void enter_lease PROTO ((struct lease *)); int supersede_lease PROTO ((struct lease *, struct lease *, int)); void release_lease PROTO ((struct lease *)); void abandon_lease PROTO ((struct lease *)); struct lease *find_lease_by_uid PROTO ((unsigned char *, int)); struct lease *find_lease_by_hw_addr PROTO ((unsigned char *, int)); struct lease *find_lease_by_ip_addr PROTO ((struct iaddr)); void uid_hash_add PROTO ((struct lease *)); void uid_hash_delete PROTO ((struct lease *)); void hw_hash_add PROTO ((struct lease *)); void hw_hash_delete PROTO ((struct lease *)); struct class *add_class PROTO ((int, char *)); struct class *find_class PROTO ((int, char *, int)); struct group *clone_group PROTO ((struct group *, char *)); void write_leases PROTO ((void)); void dump_subnets PROTO ((void)); /* alloc.c */ VOIDPTR dmalloc PROTO ((int, char *)); void dfree PROTO ((VOIDPTR, char *)); struct packet *new_packet PROTO ((char *)); struct dhcp_packet *new_dhcp_packet PROTO ((char *)); struct tree *new_tree PROTO ((char *)); struct tree_cache *new_tree_cache PROTO ((char *)); struct hash_table *new_hash_table PROTO ((int, char *)); struct hash_bucket *new_hash_bucket PROTO ((char *)); struct lease *new_lease PROTO ((char *)); struct lease *new_leases PROTO ((int, char *)); struct subnet *new_subnet PROTO ((char *)); struct class *new_class PROTO ((char *)); struct shared_network *new_shared_network PROTO ((char *)); struct group *new_group PROTO ((char *)); void free_group PROTO ((struct group *, char *)); void free_shared_network PROTO ((struct shared_network *, char *)); void free_class PROTO ((struct class *, char *)); void free_subnet PROTO ((struct subnet *, char *)); void free_lease PROTO ((struct lease *, char *)); void free_hash_bucket PROTO ((struct hash_bucket *, char *)); void free_hash_table PROTO ((struct hash_table *, char *)); void free_tree_cache PROTO ((struct tree_cache *, char *)); void free_packet PROTO ((struct packet *, char *)); void free_dhcp_packet PROTO ((struct dhcp_packet *, char *)); void free_tree PROTO ((struct tree *, char *)); /* print.c */ char *print_hw_addr PROTO ((int, int, unsigned char *)); void print_lease PROTO ((struct lease *)); void dump_raw PROTO ((unsigned char *, int)); void dump_packet PROTO ((struct packet *)); void hash_dump PROTO ((struct hash_table *)); /* socket.c */ #if defined (USE_SOCKET_SEND) || defined (USE_SOCKET_RECEIVE) \ || defined (USE_SOCKET_FALLBACK) int if_register_socket PROTO ((struct interface_info *, struct ifreq *)); #endif #ifdef USE_SOCKET_FALLBACK void if_register_fallback PROTO ((struct interface_info *, struct ifreq *)); size_t send_fallback PROTO ((struct interface_info *, struct packet *, struct dhcp_packet *, size_t, struct in_addr, struct sockaddr_in *, struct hardware *)); size_t fallback_discard PROTO ((struct interface_info *)); #endif #ifdef USE_SOCKET_SEND void if_register_send PROTO ((struct interface_info *, struct ifreq *)); size_t send_packet PROTO ((struct interface_info *, struct packet *, struct dhcp_packet *, size_t, struct in_addr, struct sockaddr_in *, struct hardware *)); #endif #ifdef USE_SOCKET_RECEIVE void if_register_receive PROTO ((struct interface_info *, struct ifreq *)); size_t receive_packet PROTO ((struct interface_info *, unsigned char *, size_t, struct sockaddr_in *, struct hardware *)); #endif /* bpf.c */ #if defined (USE_BPF_SEND) || defined (USE_BPF_RECEIVE) int if_register_bpf PROTO ( (struct interface_info *, struct ifreq *)); #endif #ifdef USE_BPF_SEND void if_register_send PROTO ((struct interface_info *, struct ifreq *)); size_t send_packet PROTO ((struct interface_info *, struct packet *, struct dhcp_packet *, size_t, struct in_addr, struct sockaddr_in *, struct hardware *)); #endif #ifdef USE_BPF_RECEIVE void if_register_receive PROTO ((struct interface_info *, struct ifreq *)); size_t receive_packet PROTO ((struct interface_info *, unsigned char *, size_t, struct sockaddr_in *, struct hardware *)); #endif /* nit.c */ #ifdef USE_NIT_SEND void if_register_send PROTO ((struct interface_info *, struct ifreq *)); size_t send_packet PROTO ((struct interface_info *, struct packet *, struct dhcp_packet *, size_t, struct in_addr, struct sockaddr_in *, struct hardware *)); #endif #ifdef USE_NIT_RECEIVE void if_register_receive PROTO ((struct interface_info *, struct ifreq *)); size_t receive_packet PROTO ((struct interface_info *, unsigned char *, size_t, struct sockaddr_in *, struct hardware *)); #endif /* raw.c */ #ifdef USE_RAW_SEND void if_register_send PROTO ((struct interface_info *, struct ifreq *)); size_t send_packet PROTO ((struct interface_info *, struct packet *, struct dhcp_packet *, size_t, struct in_addr, struct sockaddr_in *, struct hardware *)); #endif /* dispatch.c */ extern struct interface_info *interfaces; void discover_interfaces PROTO ((void)); void dispatch PROTO ((void)); void do_packet PROTO ((struct interface_info *, unsigned char *, int, unsigned short, struct iaddr, struct hardware *)); int locate_network PROTO ((struct packet *)); /* hash.c */ struct hash_table *new_hash PROTO ((void)); void add_hash PROTO ((struct hash_table *, char *, int, unsigned char *)); void delete_hash_entry PROTO ((struct hash_table *, char *, int)); unsigned char *hash_lookup PROTO ((struct hash_table *, char *, int)); /* tables.c */ extern struct option dhcp_options [256]; extern unsigned char dhcp_option_default_priority_list []; extern int sizeof_dhcp_option_default_priority_list; extern char *hardware_types [256]; extern struct hash_table universe_hash; extern struct universe dhcp_universe; void initialize_universes PROTO ((void)); /* convert.c */ u_int32_t getULong PROTO ((unsigned char *)); int32_t getLong PROTO ((unsigned char *)); u_int16_t getUShort PROTO ((unsigned char *)); int16_t getShort PROTO ((unsigned char *)); void putULong PROTO ((unsigned char *, u_int32_t)); void putLong PROTO ((unsigned char *, int32_t)); void putUShort PROTO ((unsigned char *, u_int16_t)); void putShort PROTO ((unsigned char *, int16_t)); /* inet.c */ struct iaddr subnet_number PROTO ((struct iaddr, struct iaddr)); struct iaddr ip_addr PROTO ((struct iaddr, struct iaddr, u_int32_t)); u_int32_t host_addr PROTO ((struct iaddr, struct iaddr)); int addr_eq PROTO ((struct iaddr, struct iaddr)); char *piaddr PROTO ((struct iaddr)); /* dhclient.c */ void dhcpoffer PROTO ((struct packet *)); void dhcpack PROTO ((struct packet *)); void dhcpnak PROTO ((struct packet *)); void send_discover PROTO ((struct interface_info *)); void send_request PROTO ((struct packet *)); /* db.c */ int write_lease PROTO ((struct lease *)); int commit_leases PROTO ((void)); void db_startup PROTO ((void)); void new_lease_file PROTO ((void)); /* packet.c */ void assemble_hw_header PROTO ((struct interface_info *, unsigned char *, int *, struct hardware *)); void assemble_udp_ip_header PROTO ((struct interface_info *, unsigned char *, int *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t, u_int16_t, unsigned char *, int)); size_t decode_hw_header PROTO ((struct interface_info *, unsigned char *, int, struct hardware *)); size_t decode_udp_ip_header PROTO ((struct interface_info *, unsigned char *, int, struct sockaddr_in *, unsigned char *, int)); /* dhxpxlt.c */ void convert_statement PROTO ((FILE *)); void convert_host_statement PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_host_name PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_class_statement PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto, int)); void convert_class_decl PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_lease_time PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto, char *)); void convert_shared_net_statement PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_subnet_statement PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_subnet_decl PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_host_decl PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_hardware_decl PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_hardware_addr PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_filename_decl PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_servername_decl PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_ip_addr_or_hostname PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto, int)); void convert_fixed_addr_decl PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_option_decl PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_timestamp PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_lease_statement PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_address_range PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto)); void convert_date PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto, char *)); void convert_numeric_aggregate PROTO ((FILE *, jrefproto, int, int, int, int)); void indent PROTO ((int));