/* * Copyright (c) 2017 by Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT * OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. * PO Box 360 * Newmarket, NH 03857 USA * * http://www.isc.org/ */ #include "data.h" #include #include #include #include #include struct string * allocString(void) { struct string *result; result = (struct string *)malloc(sizeof(struct string)); assert(result != NULL); memset(result, 0, sizeof(struct string)); return result; } struct string * makeString(int l, const char *s) { struct string *result; result = allocString(); if (l < 0) result->length = strlen(s); else result->length = (size_t)l; if (result->length > 0) { result->content = (char *)malloc(result->length + 1); assert(result->content != NULL); memcpy(result->content, s, result->length); result->content[result->length] = 0; } return result; } struct string * makeStringExt(int l, const char *s, char fmt) { switch (fmt) { case 'Z': /* zero-length */ return allocString(); case 'l': { /* 32-bit signed integer */ int32_t x; char buf[40]; assert(s != NULL); assert(l > 3); memcpy(&x, s, 4); x = (int32_t)ntohl((uint32_t)x); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", (long long)x); return makeString(-1, buf); } case 'L': { /* 32-bit unsigned integer */ uint32_t x; char buf[40]; assert(s != NULL); assert(l > 3); memcpy(&x, s, 4); x = ntohl(x); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%llu", (unsigned long long)x); return makeString(-1, buf); } case 's': { /* 16-bit signed integer */ int16_t x; char buf[20]; assert(s != NULL); assert(l > 1); memcpy(&x, s, 2); x = (int16_t)ntohs((uint16_t)x); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%hd", x); return makeString(-1, buf); } case 'S': { /* 16-bit unsigned integer */ uint16_t x; char buf[20]; assert(s != NULL); assert(l > 1); memcpy(&x, s, 2); x = ntohs(x); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%hu", x); return makeString(-1, buf); } case 'b': { /* 8-bit signed integer */ int8_t x; char buf[10]; assert(s != NULL); assert(l > 0); memcpy(&x, s, 1); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%hhd", x); return makeString(-1, buf); } case 'B': { /* 8-bit unsigned integer */ uint8_t x; char buf[10]; assert(s != NULL); assert(l > 0); memcpy(&x, s, 1); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%hhu", x); return makeString(-1, buf); } case 'f': { /* flag (true or false) */ uint8_t f; assert(s != NULL); assert(l > 0); f = *s; return makeString(-1, f ? "true" : "false"); } case 'X': { /* binary data */ struct string *result; size_t i; char buf[4]; assert((l == 0) || (s != NULL)); result = allocString(); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02hhx", (uint8_t)s[i]); appendString(result, buf); } return result; } case 'H': { /* binary data with colons */ struct string *result; size_t i; isc_boolean_t first = ISC_TRUE; char buf[4]; assert((l == 0) || (s != NULL)); result = allocString(); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (!first) appendString(result, ":"); first = ISC_FALSE; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02hhx", (uint8_t)s[i]); appendString(result, buf); } return result; } case 'I': { /* IPv4 address to text */ char buf[40 /* INET_ADDRSTRLEN == 26 */]; assert(l > 3); assert(inet_ntop(AF_INET, s, buf, sizeof(buf)) != NULL); return makeString(-1, buf); } case 'i': { /* IPv4 address to hexa */ uint8_t a[4]; char buf[10]; assert(inet_pton(AF_INET, s, a) == 1); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx", a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]); return makeString(-1, buf); } case '6': { /* IPv6 address */ char buf[80 /* INET6_ADDRSTRLEN == 46 */]; assert(l > 15); assert(inet_ntop(AF_INET6, s, buf, sizeof(buf)) != NULL); return makeString(-1, buf); } case 'd': { /* FQDN to DNS wire format */ struct string *result; const char *p; const char *dot; char ll; assert(s[l] == '0'); result = allocString(); p = s; while ((dot = strchr(p, '.')) != NULL) { int len; len = dot - p - 1; if ((len & 0xc0) != 0) return NULL; if (dot - s >= l) return NULL; ll = len & 0x3f; concatString(result, makeString(1, &ll)); concatString(result, makeString(len, p)); p = dot + 1; if (p - s == l) break; } if (dot == NULL) { ll = 0; concatString(result, makeString(1, &ll)); } return result; } default: assert(0); } } struct string * makeStringArray(int l, const char *s, char fmt) { struct string *result; size_t step; isc_boolean_t first = ISC_TRUE; switch (fmt) { case '6': step = 16; break; case 'l': case 'L': case 'I': step = 4; break; case 's': case 'S': step = 2; break; case 'b': case 'B': case 'f': step = 1; break; default: assert(0); } assert((l % step) == 0); result = allocString(); while (l > 0) { if (!first) appendString(result, ","); first = ISC_FALSE; concatString(result, makeStringExt(l, s, fmt)); s += step; l -= step; } return result; } void appendString(struct string *s, const char *a) { size_t n; assert(s != NULL); if (a == NULL) return; n = strlen(a); if (n == 0) return; s->content = (char *)realloc(s->content, s->length + n + 1); assert(s->content != NULL); memcpy(s->content + s->length, a, n); s->length += n; s->content[s->length] = 0; } void concatString(struct string *s, const struct string *a) { assert(s != NULL); assert(a != NULL); s->content = (char *)realloc(s->content, s->length + a->length + 1); assert(s->content != NULL); memcpy(s->content + s->length, a->content, a->length); s->length += a->length; s->content[s->length] = 0; } isc_boolean_t eqString(const struct string *s, const struct string *o) { assert(s != NULL); assert(o != NULL); if (s->length != o->length) return ISC_FALSE; if (s->length == 0) return ISC_TRUE; return ISC_TF(memcmp(s->content, o->content, s->length) == 0); } struct string * quote(struct string *s) { struct string *result; result = makeString(-1, "'"); concatString(result, s); appendString(result, "'"); return result; } struct comment * createComment(const char *line) { struct comment *comment; assert(line != NULL); comment = (struct comment *)malloc(sizeof(struct comment)); assert(comment != NULL); memset(comment, 0, sizeof(struct comment)); comment->line = strdup(line); return comment; } int64_t intValue(const struct element *e) { assert(e != NULL); assert(e->type == ELEMENT_INTEGER); return e->value.int_value; } double doubleValue(const struct element *e) { assert(e != NULL); assert(e->type == ELEMENT_REAL); return e->value.double_value; } isc_boolean_t boolValue(const struct element *e) { assert(e != NULL); assert(e->type == ELEMENT_BOOLEAN); /* could check if 0 or 1 */ return e->value.bool_value; } struct string * stringValue(struct element *e) { assert(e != NULL); assert(e->type == ELEMENT_STRING); return &e->value.string_value; } struct list * listValue(struct element *e) { assert(e != NULL); assert(e->type == ELEMENT_LIST); return &e->value.list_value; } struct map * mapValue(struct element *e) { assert(e != NULL); assert(e->type == ELEMENT_MAP); return &e->value.map_value; } struct element * create(void) { struct element *elem; elem = (struct element *)malloc(sizeof(struct element)); assert(elem != NULL); memset(elem, 0, sizeof(struct element)); TAILQ_INIT(&elem->comments); return elem; } struct element * createInt(int64_t i) { struct element *elem; elem = create(); elem->type = ELEMENT_INTEGER; elem->value.int_value = i; return elem; } struct element * createDouble(double d) { struct element *elem; elem = create(); elem->type = ELEMENT_REAL; elem->value.double_value = d; return elem; } struct element * createBool(isc_boolean_t b) { struct element *elem; elem = create(); elem->type = ELEMENT_BOOLEAN; elem->value.bool_value = b; return elem; } struct element * createNull(void) { struct element *elem; elem = create(); elem->type = ELEMENT_NULL; return elem; } struct element * createString(const struct string *s) { struct element *elem; elem = create(); elem->type = ELEMENT_STRING; elem->value.string_value = *s; return elem; } struct element * createList(void) { struct element *elem; elem = create(); elem->type = ELEMENT_LIST; TAILQ_INIT(&elem->value.list_value); return elem; } struct element * createMap(void) { struct element *elem; elem = create(); elem->type = ELEMENT_MAP; TAILQ_INIT(&elem->value.map_value); return elem; } static void reset(struct element *e) { e->type = 0; e->kind = 0; assert(e->key == NULL); memset(&e->value, 0, sizeof(e->value)); } void resetInt(struct element *e, int64_t i) { assert(e != NULL); reset(e); e->type = ELEMENT_INTEGER; e->value.int_value = i; } void resetDouble(struct element *e, double d) { assert(e != NULL); reset(e); e->type = ELEMENT_REAL; e->value.double_value = d; } void resetBool(struct element *e, isc_boolean_t b) { assert(e != NULL); reset(e); e->type = ELEMENT_BOOLEAN; e->value.bool_value = b; } void resetNull(struct element *e) { assert(e != NULL); reset(e); e->type = ELEMENT_NULL; } void resetString(struct element *e, const struct string *s) { assert(e != NULL); reset(e); e->type = ELEMENT_STRING; e->value.string_value = *s; } void resetList(struct element *e) { assert(e != NULL); reset(e); e->type = ELEMENT_LIST; TAILQ_INIT(&e->value.list_value); } void resetMap(struct element *e) { assert(e != NULL); reset(e); e->type = ELEMENT_MAP; TAILQ_INIT(&e->value.map_value); } void resetBy(struct element *e, struct element *o) { assert(e != NULL); assert(o != NULL); reset(e); e->type = o->type; e->kind = o->kind; e->skip = o->skip; e->key = o->key; o->key = NULL; TAILQ_CONCAT(&e->comments, &o->comments); switch (e->type) { case ELEMENT_INTEGER: e->value.int_value = o->value.int_value; break; case ELEMENT_REAL: e->value.double_value = o->value.double_value; break; case ELEMENT_BOOLEAN: e->value.bool_value = o->value.bool_value; break; case ELEMENT_STRING: e->value.string_value = o->value.string_value; break; case ELEMENT_LIST: TAILQ_INIT(&e->value.list_value); TAILQ_CONCAT(&e->value.list_value, &o->value.list_value); break; case ELEMENT_MAP: TAILQ_INIT(&e->value.map_value); TAILQ_CONCAT(&e->value.map_value, &o->value.map_value); break; default: assert(0); } reset(o); } struct element * listGet(struct element *l, int i) { struct element *elem; assert(l != NULL); assert(l->type == ELEMENT_LIST); assert(i >= 0); elem = TAILQ_FIRST(&l->value.list_value); assert(elem != NULL); assert(elem->key == NULL); unsigned j; for (j = i; j > 0; --j) { elem = TAILQ_NEXT(elem); assert(elem != NULL); assert(elem->key == NULL); } return elem; } void listSet(struct element *l, struct element *e, int i) { assert(l != NULL); assert(l->type == ELEMENT_LIST); assert(e != NULL); assert(i >= 0); if (i == 0) { TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&l->value.list_value, e); } else { struct element *prev; prev = TAILQ_FIRST(&l->value.list_value); assert(prev != NULL); assert(prev->key == NULL); unsigned j; for (j = i; j > 1; --j) { prev = TAILQ_NEXT(prev); assert(prev != NULL); assert(prev->key == NULL); } TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&l->value.list_value, prev, e); } } void listPush(struct element *l, struct element *e) { assert(l != NULL); assert(l->type == ELEMENT_LIST); assert(e != NULL); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&l->value.list_value, e); } void listRemove(struct element *l, int i) { struct element *elem; assert(l != NULL); assert(l->type == ELEMENT_LIST); assert(i >= 0); elem = TAILQ_FIRST(&l->value.list_value); assert(elem != NULL); assert(elem->key == NULL); unsigned j; for (j = i; j > 0; --j) { elem = TAILQ_NEXT(elem); assert(elem != NULL); assert(elem->key == NULL); } TAILQ_REMOVE(&l->value.list_value, elem); } size_t listSize(const struct element *l) { struct element *elem; size_t cnt; assert(l != NULL); assert(l->type == ELEMENT_LIST); cnt = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(elem, &l->value.list_value) { assert(elem->key == NULL); cnt++; } return cnt; } void concat(struct element *l, struct element *o) { assert(l != NULL); assert(l->type == ELEMENT_LIST); assert(o != NULL); assert(o->type == ELEMENT_LIST); TAILQ_CONCAT(&l->value.list_value, &o->value.list_value); } struct element * mapGet(struct element *m, const char *k) { struct element *elem; assert(m != NULL); assert(m->type == ELEMENT_MAP); assert(k != NULL); TAILQ_FOREACH(elem, &m->value.map_value) { assert(elem->key != NULL); if (strcmp(elem->key, k) == 0) break; } return elem; } void mapSet(struct element *m, struct element *e, const char *k) { assert(m != NULL); assert(m->type == ELEMENT_MAP); assert(e != NULL); assert(k != NULL); #if 0 assert(mapGet(m, k) == NULL); #endif e->key = strdup(k); assert(e->key != NULL); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->value.map_value, e); } void mapRemove(struct element *m, const char *k) { struct element *elem; assert(m != NULL); assert(m->type == ELEMENT_MAP); assert(k != NULL); TAILQ_FOREACH(elem, &m->value.map_value) { assert(elem->key != NULL); if (strcmp(elem->key, k) == 0) break; } assert(elem != NULL); TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->value.map_value, elem); } isc_boolean_t mapContains(const struct element *m, const char *k) { struct element *elem; assert(m != NULL); assert(m->type == ELEMENT_MAP); assert(k != NULL); TAILQ_FOREACH(elem, &m->value.map_value) { assert(elem->key != NULL); if (strcmp(elem->key, k) == 0) break; } return ISC_TF(elem != NULL); } size_t mapSize(const struct element *m) { struct element *elem; size_t cnt; assert(m != NULL); assert(m->type == ELEMENT_MAP); cnt = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(elem, &m->value.map_value) { assert(elem->key != NULL); cnt++; } return cnt; } void merge(struct element *m, struct element *o) { struct element *elem; struct element *ne; assert(m != NULL); assert(m->type == ELEMENT_MAP); assert(o != NULL); assert(o->type == ELEMENT_MAP); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(elem, &o->value.map_value, ne) { assert(elem->key != NULL); TAILQ_REMOVE(&o->value.map_value, elem); if (!mapContains(m, elem->key)) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m->value.map_value, elem); } } } const char * type2name(int t) { switch (t) { case ELEMENT_NONE: return "not initialized?"; case ELEMENT_INTEGER: return "integer"; case ELEMENT_REAL: return "real"; case ELEMENT_BOOLEAN: return "boolean"; case ELEMENT_NULL: return "(unused) null"; case ELEMENT_STRING: return "string"; case ELEMENT_LIST: return "list"; case ELEMENT_MAP: return "map"; default: #if 0 assert(0); #endif return "unknown?"; } } int name2type(const char *n) { assert(n != NULL); if (strcmp(n, "integer") == 0) return ELEMENT_INTEGER; if (strcmp(n, "real") == 0) return ELEMENT_REAL; if (strcmp(n, "boolean") == 0) return ELEMENT_BOOLEAN; if (strcmp(n, "null") == 0) return ELEMENT_NULL; if (strcmp(n, "string") == 0) return ELEMENT_STRING; if (strcmp(n, "list") == 0) return ELEMENT_LIST; if (strcmp(n, "map") == 0) return ELEMENT_MAP; #if 0 assert(0); #endif return ELEMENT_NONE; } void print(FILE *fp, const struct element *e, isc_boolean_t skip, unsigned indent) { assert(fp != NULL); assert(e != NULL); switch (e->type) { case ELEMENT_LIST: printList(fp, &e->value.list_value, skip, indent); return; case ELEMENT_MAP: printMap(fp, &e->value.map_value, skip, indent); return; case ELEMENT_STRING: printString(fp, &e->value.string_value); return; case ELEMENT_INTEGER: fprintf(fp, "%lld", (long long)e->value.int_value); return; case ELEMENT_REAL: fprintf(fp, "%f", e->value.double_value); return; case ELEMENT_BOOLEAN: if (e->value.bool_value) fprintf(fp, "true"); else fprintf(fp, "false"); return; case ELEMENT_NULL: fprintf(fp, "null"); return; default: assert(0); } } static void addIndent(FILE *fp, int skip, unsigned indent) { unsigned sp; if (skip) { fprintf(fp, "//"); if (indent > 2) for (sp = 0; sp < indent - 2; ++sp) fprintf(fp, " "); } else for (sp = 0; sp < indent; ++sp) fprintf(fp, " "); } void printList(FILE *fp, const struct list *l, isc_boolean_t skip, unsigned indent) { struct element *elem; struct comment *comment; isc_boolean_t first; assert(fp != NULL); assert(l != NULL); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(l)) { fprintf(fp, "[ ]"); return; } fprintf(fp, "[\n"); first = ISC_TRUE; TAILQ_FOREACH(elem, l) { isc_boolean_t skip_elem = skip; assert(elem->key == NULL); if (!skip) { skip_elem = elem->skip; if (skip_to_end(elem)) { if (!first) fprintf(fp, "\n"); first = ISC_TRUE; } } if (!first) fprintf(fp, ",\n"); first = ISC_FALSE; TAILQ_FOREACH(comment, &elem->comments) { addIndent(fp, skip_elem, indent + 2); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", comment->line); } addIndent(fp, skip_elem, indent + 2); print(fp, elem, skip_elem, indent + 2); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); addIndent(fp, skip, indent); fprintf(fp, "]"); } void printMap(FILE *fp, const struct map *m, isc_boolean_t skip, unsigned indent) { struct element *elem; struct comment *comment; isc_boolean_t first; assert(fp != NULL); assert(m != NULL); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(m)) { fprintf(fp, "{ }"); return; } fprintf(fp, "{\n"); first = ISC_TRUE; TAILQ_FOREACH(elem, m) { isc_boolean_t skip_elem = skip; assert(elem->key != NULL); if (!skip) { skip_elem = elem->skip; if (skip_to_end(elem)) { if (!first) fprintf(fp, "\n"); first = ISC_TRUE; } } if (!first) fprintf(fp, ",\n"); first = ISC_FALSE; TAILQ_FOREACH(comment, &elem->comments) { addIndent(fp, skip_elem, indent + 2); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", comment->line); } addIndent(fp, skip_elem, indent + 2); fprintf(fp, "\"%s\": ", elem->key); print(fp, elem, skip_elem, indent + 2); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); addIndent(fp, skip, indent); fprintf(fp, "}"); } void printString(FILE *fp, const struct string *s) { size_t i; assert(fp != NULL); assert(s != NULL); fprintf(fp, "\""); for (i = 0; i < s->length; i++) { char c = *(s->content + i); switch (c) { case '"': fprintf(fp, "\\\""); break; case '\\': fprintf(fp, "\\\\"); break; case '\b': fprintf(fp, "\\b"); break; case '\f': fprintf(fp, "\\f"); break; case '\n': fprintf(fp, "\\n"); break; case '\r': fprintf(fp, "\\r"); break; case '\t': fprintf(fp, "\\t"); break; default: if ((c >= 0) && (c < 0x20)) { fprintf(fp, "\\u%04x", (unsigned)c & 0xff); } else { fprintf(fp, "%c", c); } } } fprintf(fp, "\""); } isc_boolean_t skip_to_end(const struct element *e) { do { if (!e->skip) return ISC_FALSE; e = TAILQ_NEXT(e); } while (e != NULL); return ISC_TRUE; } struct element * copy(struct element *e) { struct element *result; struct comment *comment; assert(e != NULL); switch (e->type) { case ELEMENT_INTEGER: result = createInt(intValue(e)); break; case ELEMENT_REAL: result = createDouble(doubleValue(e)); break; case ELEMENT_BOOLEAN: result = createBool(boolValue(e)); break; case ELEMENT_NULL: result = createNull(); break; case ELEMENT_STRING: result = createString(stringValue(e)); break; case ELEMENT_LIST: result = copyList(e); break; case ELEMENT_MAP: result = copyMap(e); break; default: assert(0); } result->kind = e->kind; result->skip = e->skip; /* don't copy key */ /* copy comments */ TAILQ_FOREACH(comment, &e->comments) { /* do not reuse comment variable! */ struct comment *tmp; tmp = createComment(comment->line); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&result->comments, tmp); } return result; } struct element * copyList(struct element *l) { struct element *result; size_t i; result = createList(); for (i = 0; i < listSize(l); i++) listPush(result, copy(listGet(l, i))); return result; } struct element * copyMap(struct element *m) { struct element *result; struct element *item; result = createMap(); TAILQ_FOREACH(item, &m->value.map_value) mapSet(result, copy(item), item->key); return result; } struct handle * mapPop(struct element *m) { struct element *item; struct handle *h; assert(m != NULL); assert(m->type == ELEMENT_MAP); h = (struct handle *)malloc(sizeof(struct handle)); assert(h != NULL); memset(h, 0, sizeof(struct handle)); TAILQ_INIT(&h->values); item = TAILQ_FIRST(&m->value.map_value); assert(item != NULL); assert(item->key != NULL); h->key = strdup(item->key); assert(h->key != NULL); h->value = item; TAILQ_REMOVE(&m->value.map_value, item); return h; } void derive(struct handle *src, struct handle *dst) { struct element *list; struct element *item; size_t i; if (dst == NULL) return; list = dst->value; assert(list != NULL); assert(list->type == ELEMENT_LIST); for (i = 0; i < listSize(list); i++) { item = listGet(list, i); assert(item != NULL); assert(item->type == ELEMENT_MAP); if (mapContains(item, src->key)) continue; mapSet(item, copy(src->value), src->key); } } struct string * hexaValue(struct element *s) { struct string *h; assert(s != NULL); assert(s->type == ELEMENT_STRING); h = stringValue(s); assert(h->length >= 2); /* string leading 0x */ return makeString(h->length - 2, h->content + 2); } struct element * createHexa(struct string *h) { struct string *s; assert(h != NULL); s = makeString(-1, "0x"); concatString(s, h); return createString(s); }