/* mdb.c Server-specific in-memory database support. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Internet Software Consortium. * Use is subject to license terms which appear in the file named * ISC-LICENSE that should have accompanied this file when you * received it. If a file named ISC-LICENSE did not accompany this * file, or you are not sure the one you have is correct, you may * obtain an applicable copy of the license at: * * http://www.isc.org/isc-license-1.0.html. * * This file is part of the ISC DHCP distribution. The documentation * associated with this file is listed in the file DOCUMENTATION, * included in the top-level directory of this release. * * Support and other services are available for ISC products - see * http://www.isc.org for more information. */ #ifndef lint static char copyright[] = "$Id: mdb.c,v 1.8 1999/10/07 06:36:34 mellon Exp $ Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 The Internet Software Consortium. All rights reserved.\n"; #endif /* not lint */ #include "dhcpd.h" static struct subnet *subnets; static struct shared_network *shared_networks; struct hash_table *host_hw_addr_hash; struct hash_table *host_uid_hash; struct hash_table *lease_uid_hash; struct hash_table *lease_ip_addr_hash; struct hash_table *lease_hw_addr_hash; struct hash_table *host_name_hash; static struct lease *dangling_leases; static struct host_decl *dynamic_hosts; struct hash_table *group_name_hash; omapi_object_type_t *dhcp_type_host; isc_result_t enter_host (hd, dynamicp, commit) struct host_decl *hd; int dynamicp; int commit; { struct host_decl *hp = (struct host_decl *)0; struct host_decl *np = (struct host_decl *)0; struct executable_statement *esp; if (!host_name_hash) { host_name_hash = new_hash (); if (!host_name_hash) log_fatal ("Can't allocate host name hash"); } else { hp = (struct host_decl *) hash_lookup (host_name_hash, (unsigned char *)hd -> name, strlen (hd -> name)); /* If there isn't already a host decl matching this address, add it to the hash table. */ if (!hp) { add_hash (host_name_hash, (unsigned char *)hd -> name, strlen (hd -> name), (unsigned char *)hd); hd -> refcnt++; /* XXX */ } else /* XXX actually, we have to delete the old one XXX carefully and replace it. Not done yet. */ return ISC_R_EXISTS; } if (dynamicp) { hd -> flags |= HOST_DECL_DYNAMIC; hd -> n_dynamic = dynamic_hosts; dynamic_hosts = hd; } hd -> n_ipaddr = (struct host_decl *)0; if (!hd -> type) hd -> type = dhcp_type_host; if (hd -> interface.hlen) { if (!host_hw_addr_hash) { host_hw_addr_hash = new_hash (); if (!host_hw_addr_hash) log_fatal ("Can't allocate host/hw hash"); } else hp = (struct host_decl *) hash_lookup (host_hw_addr_hash, hd -> interface.haddr, hd -> interface.hlen); /* If there isn't already a host decl matching this address, add it to the hash table. */ if (!hp) { add_hash (host_hw_addr_hash, hd -> interface.haddr, hd -> interface.hlen, (unsigned char *)hd); hd -> refcnt++; /* XXX */ } } /* If there was already a host declaration for this hardware address, add this one to the end of the list. */ if (hp) { for (np = hp; np -> n_ipaddr; np = np -> n_ipaddr) ; np -> n_ipaddr = hd; hd -> refcnt++; /* XXX */ } /* See if there's a statement that sets the client identifier. This is a kludge - the client identifier really shouldn't be set with an executable statement. */ for (esp = hd -> group -> statements; esp; esp = esp -> next) { if (esp -> op == supersede_option_statement && esp -> data.option && (esp -> data.option -> option -> universe == &dhcp_universe) && (esp -> data.option -> option -> code == DHO_DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER)) { evaluate_option_cache (&hd -> client_identifier, (struct packet *)0, (struct lease *)0, (struct option_state *)0, (struct option_state *)0, esp -> data.option); break; } } /* If we got a client identifier, hash this entry by client identifier. */ if (hd -> client_identifier.len) { /* If there's no uid hash, make one; otherwise, see if there's already an entry in the hash for this host. */ if (!host_uid_hash) { host_uid_hash = new_hash (); if (!host_uid_hash) log_fatal ("Can't allocate host/uid hash"); hp = (struct host_decl *)0; } else hp = ((struct host_decl *) hash_lookup (host_uid_hash, hd -> client_identifier.data, hd -> client_identifier.len)); /* If there's already a host declaration for this client identifier, add this one to the end of the list. Otherwise, add it to the hash table. */ if (hp) { /* Don't link it in twice... */ if (!np) { for (np = hp; np -> n_ipaddr; np = np -> n_ipaddr) ; np -> n_ipaddr = hd; hd -> refcnt++; /* XXX */ } } else { add_hash (host_uid_hash, hd -> client_identifier.data, hd -> client_identifier.len, (unsigned char *)hd); hd -> refcnt++; /* XXX */ } } if (dynamicp && commit) { if (!write_host (hd)) return ISC_R_IOERROR; if (!commit_leases ()) return ISC_R_IOERROR; } return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } isc_result_t delete_host (hd, commit) struct host_decl *hd; int commit; { struct host_decl *hp = (struct host_decl *)0; struct host_decl *np = (struct host_decl *)0; struct executable_statement *esp; int hw_head = 0, uid_head = 1; /* Don't need to do it twice. */ if (hd -> flags & HOST_DECL_DELETED) return ISC_R_SUCCESS; /* But we do need to do it once! :') */ hd -> flags |= HOST_DECL_DELETED; /* If it's a dynamic entry, we write the deletion to the lease file, but then we can delete the host from the list of dynamic hosts, and next time the lease file is rewritten, the entry will simply be left out. */ if (hd -> flags & HOST_DECL_DYNAMIC) { for (hp = dynamic_hosts; hp; hp = np) { np = hp -> n_dynamic; if (hd == hp) break; } if (hp) { if (np) np -> n_dynamic = hp -> n_dynamic; else dynamic_hosts = hp -> n_dynamic; hp -> n_dynamic = (struct host_decl *)0; } np = (struct host_decl *)0; } else { /* If it's *not* a dynamic entry, then we have to remember in perpetuity that it's been deleted. */ hd -> n_dynamic = dynamic_hosts; dynamic_hosts = hd; } if (hd -> interface.hlen) { if (host_hw_addr_hash) { hp = (struct host_decl *) hash_lookup (host_hw_addr_hash, hd -> interface.haddr, hd -> interface.hlen); if (hp) { if (hp == hd) { delete_hash_entry (host_hw_addr_hash, hd -> interface.haddr, hd -> interface.hlen); hw_head = 1; --hd -> refcnt; } } else { for (; hp; hp = hp -> n_ipaddr) { np = hp; if (hp == hd) break; } if (hp) { np -> n_ipaddr = hd -> n_ipaddr; hd -> refcnt--; } } } } /* If we got a client identifier, hash this entry by client identifier. */ if (hd -> client_identifier.len) { if (host_uid_hash) { hp = (struct host_decl *) hash_lookup (host_uid_hash, hd -> client_identifier.data, hd -> client_identifier.len); if (hp) { if (hp == hd) { delete_hash_entry (host_uid_hash, hd -> client_identifier.data, hd -> client_identifier.len); uid_head = 1; --hd -> refcnt; } } else { for (; hp; hp = hp -> n_ipaddr) { np = hp; if (hp == hd) break; } if (hp) { np -> n_ipaddr = hd -> n_ipaddr; hd -> refcnt--; } } } } if (hd -> n_ipaddr) { if (uid_head && hd -> n_ipaddr -> client_identifier.len) { add_hash (host_uid_hash, hd -> n_ipaddr -> client_identifier.data, hd -> n_ipaddr -> client_identifier.len, (unsigned char *)hd -> n_ipaddr); hd -> n_ipaddr -> refcnt++; } if (hw_head && hd -> n_ipaddr -> interface.hlen) { add_hash (host_hw_addr_hash, hd -> n_ipaddr -> interface.haddr, hd -> n_ipaddr -> interface.hlen, (unsigned char *)hd -> n_ipaddr); hd -> n_ipaddr -> refcnt++; } omapi_object_dereference ((omapi_object_t **)&hd -> n_ipaddr, "delete_host"); } if (host_name_hash) { hp = (struct host_decl *) hash_lookup (host_name_hash, (unsigned char *)hd -> name, strlen (hd -> name)); if (hp) { if (hp == hd) { delete_hash_entry (host_name_hash, (unsigned char *)hd -> name, strlen (hd -> name)); --hd -> refcnt; } } } if (commit) { if (!write_host (hd)) return ISC_R_IOERROR; if (!commit_leases ()) return ISC_R_IOERROR; } return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } struct host_decl *find_hosts_by_haddr (htype, haddr, hlen) int htype; const unsigned char *haddr; unsigned hlen; { struct host_decl *foo; foo = (struct host_decl *)hash_lookup (host_hw_addr_hash, haddr, hlen); return foo; } struct host_decl *find_hosts_by_uid (data, len) const unsigned char *data; unsigned len; { struct host_decl *foo; foo = (struct host_decl *)hash_lookup (host_uid_hash, data, len); return foo; } /* More than one host_decl can be returned by find_hosts_by_haddr or find_hosts_by_uid, and each host_decl can have multiple addresses. Loop through the list of hosts, and then for each host, through the list of addresses, looking for an address that's in the same shared network as the one specified. Store the matching address through the addr pointer, update the host pointer to point at the host_decl that matched, and return the subnet that matched. */ struct subnet *find_host_for_network (host, addr, share) struct host_decl **host; struct iaddr *addr; struct shared_network *share; { int i; struct subnet *subnet; struct iaddr ip_address; struct host_decl *hp; struct data_string fixed_addr; memset (&fixed_addr, 0, sizeof fixed_addr); for (hp = *host; hp; hp = hp -> n_ipaddr) { if (!hp -> fixed_addr) continue; if (!evaluate_data_expression (&fixed_addr, (struct packet *)0, (struct lease *)0, (struct option_state *)0, (struct option_state *)0, hp -> fixed_addr -> expression)) continue; for (i = 0; i < fixed_addr.len; i += 4) { ip_address.len = 4; memcpy (ip_address.iabuf, fixed_addr.data + i, 4); subnet = find_grouped_subnet (share, ip_address); if (subnet) { *addr = ip_address; *host = hp; data_string_forget (&fixed_addr, "find_host_for_network"); return subnet; } } data_string_forget (&fixed_addr, "find_host_for_network"); } return (struct subnet *)0; } isc_result_t delete_group (struct group_object *group, int writep) { struct group_object *d; /* The group should exist and be hashed - if not, it's invalid. */ if (group_name_hash) d = ((struct group_object *) hash_lookup (group_name_hash, (unsigned char *)group -> name, strlen (group -> name))); else return ISC_R_INVALIDARG; if (!d) return ISC_R_INVALIDARG; /* Also not okay to delete a group that's not the one in the hash table. */ if (d != group) return ISC_R_INVALIDARG; /* If it's dynamic, and we're deleting it, we can just blow away the hash table entry. */ if ((group -> flags & GROUP_OBJECT_DYNAMIC) && !(group -> flags & GROUP_OBJECT_STATIC)) { delete_hash_entry (group_name_hash, (unsigned char *)group -> name, strlen (group -> name)); --group -> refcnt; } else { group -> flags |= GROUP_OBJECT_DELETED; if (group -> group) { dfree (group -> group, "delete_group"); group -> group = (struct group *)0; } } /* Store the group declaration in the lease file. */ if (writep) { if (!write_group (group)) return ISC_R_IOERROR; if (!commit_leases ()) return ISC_R_IOERROR; } return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } isc_result_t supersede_group (struct group_object *group, int writep) { struct group_object *t, *u; isc_result_t status; /* Register the group in the group name hash table, so we can look it up later. */ if (group_name_hash) { t = ((struct group_object *) hash_lookup (group_name_hash, (unsigned char *)group -> name, strlen (group -> name))); if (t && t != group) { /* If this isn't a dynamic entry, then we need to flag the replacement as not dynamic either - otherwise, if the dynamic entry is deleted later, the static entry will come back next time the server is stopped and restarted. */ if (!(t -> flags & GROUP_OBJECT_DYNAMIC)) group -> flags |= GROUP_OBJECT_STATIC; /* Delete the old object if it hasn't already been deleted. If it has already been deleted, get rid of the hash table entry. This is a legitimate situation - a deleted static object needs to be kept around so we remember it's deleted. */ if (!(t -> flags & GROUP_OBJECT_DELETED)) delete_group (t, 0); else { delete_hash_entry (group_name_hash, (unsigned char *)group -> name, strlen (group -> name)); omapi_object_dereference ((omapi_object_t **)&t, "supersede_group"); } } } else { group_name_hash = new_hash (); t = (struct group_object *)0; } /* Add the group to the group name hash if it's not already there, and also thread it into the list of dynamic groups if appropriate. */ if (!t) { add_hash (group_name_hash, (unsigned char *)group -> name, strlen (group -> name), (unsigned char *)group); } /* Store the group declaration in the lease file. */ if (writep) { if (!write_group (group)) return ISC_R_IOERROR; if (!commit_leases ()) return ISC_R_IOERROR; } return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } void new_address_range (low, high, subnet, pool) struct iaddr low, high; struct subnet *subnet; struct pool *pool; { struct lease *address_range, *lp, *plp; struct iaddr net; unsigned min, max, i; char lowbuf [16], highbuf [16], netbuf [16]; struct shared_network *share = subnet -> shared_network; /* All subnets should have attached shared network structures. */ if (!share) { strcpy (netbuf, piaddr (subnet -> net)); log_fatal ("No shared network for network %s (%s)", netbuf, piaddr (subnet -> netmask)); } /* Initialize the hash table if it hasn't been done yet. */ if (!lease_uid_hash) { lease_uid_hash = new_hash (); if (!lease_uid_hash) log_fatal ("Can't allocate lease/uid hash"); } if (!lease_ip_addr_hash) { lease_ip_addr_hash = new_hash (); if (!lease_uid_hash) log_fatal ("Can't allocate lease/ip hash"); } if (!lease_hw_addr_hash) { lease_hw_addr_hash = new_hash (); if (!lease_uid_hash) log_fatal ("Can't allocate lease/hw hash"); } /* Make sure that high and low addresses are in same subnet. */ net = subnet_number (low, subnet -> netmask); if (!addr_eq (net, subnet_number (high, subnet -> netmask))) { strcpy (lowbuf, piaddr (low)); strcpy (highbuf, piaddr (high)); strcpy (netbuf, piaddr (subnet -> netmask)); log_fatal ("Address range %s to %s, netmask %s spans %s!", lowbuf, highbuf, netbuf, "multiple subnets"); } /* Make sure that the addresses are on the correct subnet. */ if (!addr_eq (net, subnet -> net)) { strcpy (lowbuf, piaddr (low)); strcpy (highbuf, piaddr (high)); strcpy (netbuf, piaddr (subnet -> netmask)); log_fatal ("Address range %s to %s not on net %s/%s!", lowbuf, highbuf, piaddr (subnet -> net), netbuf); } /* Get the high and low host addresses... */ max = host_addr (high, subnet -> netmask); min = host_addr (low, subnet -> netmask); /* Allow range to be specified high-to-low as well as low-to-high. */ if (min > max) { max = min; min = host_addr (high, subnet -> netmask); } /* Get a lease structure for each address in the range. */ address_range = new_leases (max - min + 1, "new_address_range"); if (!address_range) { strcpy (lowbuf, piaddr (low)); strcpy (highbuf, piaddr (high)); log_fatal ("No memory for address range %s-%s.", lowbuf, highbuf); } memset (address_range, 0, (sizeof *address_range) * (max - min + 1)); /* Fill in the last lease if it hasn't been already... */ if (!pool -> last_lease) { pool -> last_lease = &address_range [0]; } /* Fill out the lease structures with some minimal information. */ for (i = 0; i < max - min + 1; i++) { address_range [i].ip_addr = ip_addr (subnet -> net, subnet -> netmask, i + min); address_range [i].starts = address_range [i].timestamp = MIN_TIME; address_range [i].ends = MIN_TIME; address_range [i].subnet = subnet; address_range [i].pool = pool; address_range [i].billing_class = (struct class *)0; address_range [i].flags = 0; /* Link this entry into the list. */ address_range [i].next = pool -> leases; address_range [i].prev = (struct lease *)0; pool -> leases = &address_range [i]; if (address_range [i].next) address_range [i].next -> prev = pool -> leases; add_hash (lease_ip_addr_hash, address_range [i].ip_addr.iabuf, address_range [i].ip_addr.len, (unsigned char *)&address_range [i]); } /* Find out if any dangling leases are in range... */ plp = (struct lease *)0; for (lp = dangling_leases; lp; lp = lp -> next) { struct iaddr lnet; int lhost; lnet = subnet_number (lp -> ip_addr, subnet -> netmask); lhost = host_addr (lp -> ip_addr, subnet -> netmask); /* If it's in range, fill in the real lease structure with the dangling lease's values, and remove the lease from the list of dangling leases. */ if (addr_eq (lnet, subnet -> net) && lhost >= i && lhost <= max) { if (plp) { plp -> next = lp -> next; } else { dangling_leases = lp -> next; } lp -> next = (struct lease *)0; address_range [lhost - i].hostname = lp -> hostname; address_range [lhost - i].client_hostname = lp -> client_hostname; address_range [lhost - i].ddns_fwd_name = lp -> ddns_fwd_name; address_range [lhost - i].ddns_rev_name = lp -> ddns_rev_name; supersede_lease (&address_range [lhost - i], lp, 0); free_lease (lp, "new_address_range"); } else plp = lp; } } struct subnet *find_subnet (addr) struct iaddr addr; { struct subnet *rv; for (rv = subnets; rv; rv = rv -> next_subnet) { if (addr_eq (subnet_number (addr, rv -> netmask), rv -> net)) return rv; } return (struct subnet *)0; } struct subnet *find_grouped_subnet (share, addr) struct shared_network *share; struct iaddr addr; { struct subnet *rv; for (rv = share -> subnets; rv; rv = rv -> next_sibling) { if (addr_eq (subnet_number (addr, rv -> netmask), rv -> net)) return rv; } return (struct subnet *)0; } int subnet_inner_than (subnet, scan, warnp) struct subnet *subnet, *scan; int warnp; { if (addr_eq (subnet_number (subnet -> net, scan -> netmask), scan -> net) || addr_eq (subnet_number (scan -> net, subnet -> netmask), subnet -> net)) { char n1buf [16]; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) if (subnet -> netmask.iabuf [3 - (i >> 3)] & (1 << (i & 7))) break; for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) if (scan -> netmask.iabuf [3 - (j >> 3)] & (1 << (j & 7))) break; strcpy (n1buf, piaddr (subnet -> net)); if (warnp) log_error ("%ssubnet %s/%d conflicts with subnet %s/%d", "Warning: ", n1buf, 32 - i, piaddr (scan -> net), 32 - j); if (i < j) return 1; } return 0; } /* Enter a new subnet into the subnet list. */ void enter_subnet (subnet) struct subnet *subnet; { struct subnet *scan, *prev = (struct subnet *)0; /* Check for duplicates... */ for (scan = subnets; scan; scan = scan -> next_subnet) { /* When we find a conflict, make sure that the subnet with the narrowest subnet mask comes first. */ if (subnet_inner_than (subnet, scan, 1)) { if (prev) { prev -> next_subnet = subnet; } else subnets = subnet; subnet -> next_subnet = scan; return; } prev = scan; } /* XXX use the BSD radix tree code instead of a linked list. */ subnet -> next_subnet = subnets; subnets = subnet; } /* Enter a new shared network into the shared network list. */ void enter_shared_network (share) struct shared_network *share; { /* XXX Sort the nets into a balanced tree to make searching quicker. */ share -> next = shared_networks; shared_networks = share; } /* Enter a lease into the system. This is called by the parser each time it reads in a new lease. If the subnet for that lease has already been read in (usually the case), just update that lease; otherwise, allocate temporary storage for the lease and keep it around until we're done reading in the config file. */ void enter_lease (lease) struct lease *lease; { struct lease *comp = find_lease_by_ip_addr (lease -> ip_addr); /* If we don't have a place for this lease yet, save it for later. */ if (!comp) { comp = new_lease ("enter_lease"); if (!comp) { log_fatal ("No memory for lease %s\n", piaddr (lease -> ip_addr)); } memset (comp, 0, sizeof *comp); *comp = *lease; comp -> next = dangling_leases; comp -> prev = (struct lease *)0; dangling_leases = comp; } else { /* Record the hostname information in the lease. */ comp -> hostname = lease -> hostname; comp -> client_hostname = lease -> client_hostname; comp -> ddns_fwd_name = lease -> ddns_fwd_name; comp -> ddns_rev_name = lease -> ddns_rev_name; supersede_lease (comp, lease, 0); } } /* Replace the data in an existing lease with the data in a new lease; adjust hash tables to suit, and insertion sort the lease into the list of leases by expiry time so that we can always find the oldest lease. */ int supersede_lease (comp, lease, commit) struct lease *comp, *lease; int commit; { int enter_uid = 0; int enter_hwaddr = 0; struct lease *lp; /* Static leases are not currently kept in the database... */ if (lease -> flags & STATIC_LEASE) return 1; /* If the existing lease hasn't expired and has a different unique identifier or, if it doesn't have a unique identifier, a different hardware address, then the two leases are in conflict. If the existing lease has a uid and the new one doesn't, but they both have the same hardware address, and dynamic bootp is allowed on this lease, then we allow that, in case a dynamic BOOTP lease is requested *after* a DHCP lease has been assigned. */ if (!(lease -> flags & ABANDONED_LEASE) && comp -> ends > cur_time && (((comp -> uid && lease -> uid) && (comp -> uid_len != lease -> uid_len || memcmp (comp -> uid, lease -> uid, comp -> uid_len))) || (!comp -> uid && ((comp -> hardware_addr.htype != lease -> hardware_addr.htype) || (comp -> hardware_addr.hlen != lease -> hardware_addr.hlen) || memcmp (comp -> hardware_addr.haddr, lease -> hardware_addr.haddr, comp -> hardware_addr.hlen))))) { log_error ("Lease conflict at %s", piaddr (comp -> ip_addr)); return 0; } /* If there's a Unique ID, dissociate it from the hash table and free it if necessary. */ if (comp -> uid) { uid_hash_delete (comp); enter_uid = 1; if (comp -> uid != &comp -> uid_buf [0]) { free (comp -> uid); comp -> uid_max = 0; comp -> uid_len = 0; } comp -> uid = (unsigned char *)0; } else enter_uid = 1; if (comp -> hardware_addr.htype && ((comp -> hardware_addr.hlen != lease -> hardware_addr.hlen) || (comp -> hardware_addr.htype != lease -> hardware_addr.htype) || memcmp (comp -> hardware_addr.haddr, lease -> hardware_addr.haddr, comp -> hardware_addr.hlen))) { hw_hash_delete (comp); enter_hwaddr = 1; } else if (!comp -> hardware_addr.htype) enter_hwaddr = 1; /* If the lease has been billed to a class, remove the billing. */ if (comp -> billing_class && comp -> billing_class != lease -> billing_class) unbill_class (comp, comp -> billing_class); /* Copy the data files, but not the linkages. */ comp -> starts = lease -> starts; if (lease -> uid) { if (lease -> uid_len < sizeof (lease -> uid_buf)) { memcpy (comp -> uid_buf, lease -> uid, lease -> uid_len); comp -> uid = &comp -> uid_buf [0]; comp -> uid_max = sizeof comp -> uid_buf; } else if (lease -> uid != &lease -> uid_buf [0]) { comp -> uid = lease -> uid; comp -> uid_max = lease -> uid_max; lease -> uid = (unsigned char *)0; lease -> uid_max = 0; } else { log_fatal ("corrupt lease uid."); /* XXX */ } } else { comp -> uid = (unsigned char *)0; comp -> uid_max = 0; } comp -> uid_len = lease -> uid_len; comp -> host = lease -> host; comp -> hardware_addr = lease -> hardware_addr; comp -> flags = ((lease -> flags & ~PERSISTENT_FLAGS) | (comp -> flags & ~EPHEMERAL_FLAGS)); if (lease -> on_expiry) { if (comp -> on_expiry) executable_statement_dereference (&comp -> on_expiry, "supersede_lease"); executable_statement_reference (&comp -> on_expiry, lease -> on_expiry, "supersede_lease"); } if (lease -> on_commit) { if (comp -> on_commit) executable_statement_dereference (&comp -> on_commit, "supersede_lease"); executable_statement_reference (&comp -> on_commit, lease -> on_commit, "supersede_lease"); } if (lease -> on_release) { if (comp -> on_release) executable_statement_dereference (&comp -> on_release, "supersede_lease"); executable_statement_reference (&comp -> on_release, lease -> on_release, "supersede_lease"); } /* Record the lease in the uid hash if necessary. */ if (enter_uid && lease -> uid) { uid_hash_add (comp); } /* Record it in the hardware address hash if necessary. */ if (enter_hwaddr && lease -> hardware_addr.htype) { hw_hash_add (comp); } /* Remove the lease from its current place in the timeout sequence. */ if (comp -> prev) { comp -> prev -> next = comp -> next; } else { comp -> pool -> leases = comp -> next; } if (comp -> next) { comp -> next -> prev = comp -> prev; } if (comp -> pool -> last_lease == comp) { comp -> pool -> last_lease = comp -> prev; } /* Find the last insertion point... */ if (comp == comp -> pool -> insertion_point || !comp -> pool -> insertion_point) { lp = comp -> pool -> leases; } else { lp = comp -> pool -> insertion_point; } if (!lp) { /* Nothing on the list yet? Just make comp the head of the list. */ comp -> pool -> leases = comp; comp -> pool -> last_lease = comp; } else if (lp -> ends > lease -> ends) { /* Skip down the list until we run out of list or find a place for comp. */ while (lp -> next && lp -> ends > lease -> ends) { lp = lp -> next; } if (lp -> ends > lease -> ends) { /* If we ran out of list, put comp at the end. */ lp -> next = comp; comp -> prev = lp; comp -> next = (struct lease *)0; comp -> pool -> last_lease = comp; } else { /* If we didn't, put it between lp and the previous item on the list. */ if ((comp -> prev = lp -> prev)) comp -> prev -> next = comp; else comp -> pool -> leases = comp; comp -> next = lp; lp -> prev = comp; } } else { /* Skip up the list until we run out of list or find a place for comp. */ while (lp -> prev && lp -> ends < lease -> ends) { lp = lp -> prev; } if (lp -> ends < lease -> ends) { /* If we ran out of list, put comp at the beginning. */ lp -> prev = comp; comp -> next = lp; comp -> prev = (struct lease *)0; comp -> pool -> leases = comp; } else { /* If we didn't, put it between lp and the next item on the list. */ if ((comp -> next = lp -> next)) comp -> next -> prev = comp; else comp -> pool -> last_lease = comp; comp -> prev = lp; lp -> next = comp; } } comp -> pool -> insertion_point = comp; comp -> ends = lease -> ends; /* Return zero if we didn't commit the lease to permanent storage; nonzero if we did. */ return commit && write_lease (comp) && commit_leases (); } /* Release the specified lease and re-hash it as appropriate. */ void release_lease (lease, packet) struct lease *lease; struct packet *packet; { struct lease lt; #if defined (NSUPDATE) && 0 nsupdate (lease, lease -> state, packet, DELETE); #endif /* If there are statements to execute when the lease is committed, execute them. */ if (lease -> on_release) { execute_statements (packet, lease, packet -> options, (struct option_state *)0, /* XXX */ lease -> on_release); executable_statement_dereference (&lease -> on_release, "dhcprelease"); } lt = *lease; if (lt.ends > cur_time) { lt.ends = cur_time; lt.billing_class = (struct class *)0; supersede_lease (lease, <, 1); } } /* Abandon the specified lease (set its timeout to infinity and its particulars to zero, and re-hash it as appropriate. */ void abandon_lease (lease, message) struct lease *lease; const char *message; { struct lease lt; lease -> flags |= ABANDONED_LEASE; lt = *lease; lt.ends = cur_time; /* XXX */ log_error ("Abandoning IP address %s: %s", piaddr (lease -> ip_addr), message); lt.hardware_addr.htype = 0; lt.hardware_addr.hlen = 0; lt.uid = (unsigned char *)0; lt.uid_len = 0; lt.billing_class = (struct class *)0; supersede_lease (lease, <, 1); } /* Abandon the specified lease (set its timeout to infinity and its particulars to zero, and re-hash it as appropriate. */ void dissociate_lease (lease) struct lease *lease; { struct lease lt; lt = *lease; if (lt.ends > cur_time) lt.ends = cur_time; lt.hardware_addr.htype = 0; lt.hardware_addr.hlen = 0; lt.uid = (unsigned char *)0; lt.uid_len = 0; lt.billing_class = (struct class *)0; supersede_lease (lease, <, 1); } /* Locate the lease associated with a given IP address... */ struct lease *find_lease_by_ip_addr (addr) struct iaddr addr; { struct lease *lease = (struct lease *)hash_lookup (lease_ip_addr_hash, addr.iabuf, addr.len); return lease; } struct lease *find_lease_by_uid (uid, len) const unsigned char *uid; unsigned len; { struct lease *lease = (struct lease *)hash_lookup (lease_uid_hash, uid, len); return lease; } struct lease *find_lease_by_hw_addr (hwaddr, hwlen) const unsigned char *hwaddr; unsigned hwlen; { struct lease *lease = (struct lease *)hash_lookup (lease_hw_addr_hash, hwaddr, hwlen); return lease; } /* Add the specified lease to the uid hash. */ void uid_hash_add (lease) struct lease *lease; { struct lease *head = find_lease_by_uid (lease -> uid, lease -> uid_len); struct lease *scan; /* If it's not in the hash, just add it. */ if (!head) add_hash (lease_uid_hash, lease -> uid, lease -> uid_len, (unsigned char *)lease); else { /* Otherwise, attach it to the end of the list. */ for (scan = head; scan -> n_uid; scan = scan -> n_uid) ; scan -> n_uid = lease; } } /* Delete the specified lease from the uid hash. */ void uid_hash_delete (lease) struct lease *lease; { struct lease *head = find_lease_by_uid (lease -> uid, lease -> uid_len); struct lease *scan; /* If it's not in the hash, we have no work to do. */ if (!head) { lease -> n_uid = (struct lease *)0; return; } /* If the lease we're freeing is at the head of the list, remove the hash table entry and add a new one with the next lease on the list (if there is one). */ if (head == lease) { delete_hash_entry (lease_uid_hash, lease -> uid, lease -> uid_len); if (lease -> n_uid) add_hash (lease_uid_hash, lease -> n_uid -> uid, lease -> n_uid -> uid_len, (unsigned char *)(lease -> n_uid)); } else { /* Otherwise, look for the lease in the list of leases attached to the hash table entry, and remove it if we find it. */ for (scan = head; scan -> n_uid; scan = scan -> n_uid) { if (scan -> n_uid == lease) { scan -> n_uid = scan -> n_uid -> n_uid; break; } } } lease -> n_uid = (struct lease *)0; } /* Add the specified lease to the hardware address hash. */ void hw_hash_add (lease) struct lease *lease; { struct lease *head = find_lease_by_hw_addr (lease -> hardware_addr.haddr, lease -> hardware_addr.hlen); struct lease *scan; /* If it's not in the hash, just add it. */ if (!head) add_hash (lease_hw_addr_hash, lease -> hardware_addr.haddr, lease -> hardware_addr.hlen, (unsigned char *)lease); else { /* Otherwise, attach it to the end of the list. */ for (scan = head; scan -> n_hw; scan = scan -> n_hw) ; scan -> n_hw = lease; } } /* Delete the specified lease from the hardware address hash. */ void hw_hash_delete (lease) struct lease *lease; { struct lease *head = find_lease_by_hw_addr (lease -> hardware_addr.haddr, lease -> hardware_addr.hlen); struct lease *scan; /* If it's not in the hash, we have no work to do. */ if (!head) { lease -> n_hw = (struct lease *)0; return; } /* If the lease we're freeing is at the head of the list, remove the hash table entry and add a new one with the next lease on the list (if there is one). */ if (head == lease) { delete_hash_entry (lease_hw_addr_hash, lease -> hardware_addr.haddr, lease -> hardware_addr.hlen); if (lease -> n_hw) add_hash (lease_hw_addr_hash, lease -> n_hw -> hardware_addr.haddr, lease -> n_hw -> hardware_addr.hlen, (unsigned char *)(lease -> n_hw)); } else { /* Otherwise, look for the lease in the list of leases attached to the hash table entry, and remove it if we find it. */ for (scan = head; scan -> n_hw; scan = scan -> n_hw) { if (scan -> n_hw == lease) { scan -> n_hw = scan -> n_hw -> n_hw; break; } } } lease -> n_hw = (struct lease *)0; } /* Write all interesting leases to permanent storage. */ void write_leases () { struct lease *l; struct shared_network *s; struct pool *p; struct host_decl *hp; struct group_object *gp; struct hash_bucket *hb; int i; /* Write all the dynamically-created group declarations. */ if (group_name_hash) { for (i = 0; i < group_name_hash -> hash_count; i++) { for (hb = group_name_hash -> buckets [i]; hb; hb = hb -> next) { gp = (struct group_object *)hb -> value; if ((gp -> flags & GROUP_OBJECT_DYNAMIC) || ((gp -> flags & GROUP_OBJECT_STATIC) && (gp -> flags & GROUP_OBJECT_DELETED))) write_group (gp); } } } /* Write all the dynamically-created host declarations. */ for (hp = dynamic_hosts; hp; hp = hp -> n_dynamic) write_host (hp); /* Write all the leases. */ for (s = shared_networks; s; s = s -> next) { for (p = s -> pools; p; p = p -> next) { for (l = p -> leases; l; l = l -> next) { if (l -> hardware_addr.hlen || l -> uid_len || (l -> flags & ABANDONED_LEASE)) if (!write_lease (l)) log_fatal ("Can't rewrite %s", "lease database"); } } } if (!commit_leases ()) log_fatal ("Can't commit leases to new database: %m"); } void dump_subnets () { struct lease *l; struct shared_network *s; struct subnet *n; struct pool *p; log_info ("Subnets:"); for (n = subnets; n; n = n -> next_subnet) { log_debug (" Subnet %s", piaddr (n -> net)); log_debug (" netmask %s", piaddr (n -> netmask)); } log_info ("Shared networks:"); for (s = shared_networks; s; s = s -> next) { log_info (" %s", s -> name); for (p = s -> pools; p; p = p -> next) { for (l = p -> leases; l; l = l -> next) { print_lease (l); } log_debug ("Last Lease:"); print_lease (p -> last_lease); } } }