# Contributing If you find a bug in JSON-GLib, please file an issue on the [Issues page][gitlab-issues]. Required information: * the version of JSON-GLib * if it is a development version, the branch of the git repository * the JSON data that produced the bug (if any) * a small, self-contained test case, if none of the test units exhibit the buggy behaviour * in case of a segmentation fault, a full stack trace with debugging symbols obtained through gdb is greatly appreaciated JSON-GLib is developed mainly inside a GIT repository available at: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/json-glib/ You can clone the GIT repository with: git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/json-glib.git If you want to contribute functionality or bug fixes to JSON-GLib you should fork the json-glib repository, work on a separate branch, and then open a merge request on Gitlab: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/json-glib/merge_requests/new Please, try to conform to the coding style used by JSON-GLib, which is the same used by projects like GLib, [GTK][gtk-coding-style], and Clutter. Coding style conformance is a requirement for upstream acceptance. Make sure you always run the test suite when you are fixing bugs. New features should come with a test unit. Functionality that regress the test suite will be rejected.