========== jsonschema ========== |PyPI| |Pythons| |CI| |ReadTheDocs| |Precommit| |Zenodo| .. |PyPI| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/jsonschema.svg :alt: PyPI version :target: https://pypi.org/project/jsonschema/ .. |Pythons| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/jsonschema.svg :alt: Supported Python versions :target: https://pypi.org/project/jsonschema/ .. |CI| image:: https://github.com/python-jsonschema/jsonschema/workflows/CI/badge.svg :alt: Build status :target: https://github.com/python-jsonschema/jsonschema/actions?query=workflow%3ACI .. |ReadTheDocs| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/python-jsonschema/badge/?version=stable&style=flat :alt: ReadTheDocs status :target: https://python-jsonschema.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ .. |Precommit| image:: https://results.pre-commit.ci/badge/github/python-jsonschema/jsonschema/main.svg :alt: pre-commit.ci status :target: https://results.pre-commit.ci/latest/github/python-jsonschema/jsonschema/main .. |Zenodo| image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/3072629.svg :target: https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/3072629 ``jsonschema`` is an implementation of the `JSON Schema `_ specification for Python. .. code-block:: python >>> from jsonschema import validate >>> # A sample schema, like what we'd get from json.load() >>> schema = { ... "type" : "object", ... "properties" : { ... "price" : {"type" : "number"}, ... "name" : {"type" : "string"}, ... }, ... } >>> # If no exception is raised by validate(), the instance is valid. >>> validate(instance={"name" : "Eggs", "price" : 34.99}, schema=schema) >>> validate( ... instance={"name" : "Eggs", "price" : "Invalid"}, schema=schema, ... ) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValidationError: 'Invalid' is not of type 'number' It can also be used from console: .. code-block:: bash $ jsonschema --instance sample.json sample.schema Features -------- * Partial support for `Draft 2020-12 `_ and `Draft 2019-09 `_, except for ``dynamicRef`` / ``recursiveRef`` and ``$vocabulary`` (in-progress). Full support for `Draft 7 `_, `Draft 6 `_, `Draft 4 `_ and `Draft 3 `_ * `Lazy validation `_ that can iteratively report *all* validation errors. * `Programmatic querying `_ of which properties or items failed validation. Installation ------------ ``jsonschema`` is available on `PyPI `_. You can install using `pip `_: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install jsonschema Extras ====== Two extras are available when installing the package, both currently related to ``format`` validation: * ``format`` * ``format-nongpl`` They can be used when installing in order to include additional dependencies, e.g.: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install jsonschema'[format]' .. start cut from PyPI Running the Test Suite ---------------------- If you have ``tox`` installed (perhaps via ``pip install tox`` or your package manager), running ``tox`` in the directory of your source checkout will run ``jsonschema``'s test suite on all of the versions of Python ``jsonschema`` supports. If you don't have all of the versions that ``jsonschema`` is tested under, you'll likely want to run using ``tox``'s ``--skip-missing-interpreters`` option. Of course you're also free to just run the tests on a single version with your favorite test runner. The tests live in the ``jsonschema.tests`` package. Benchmarks ---------- ``jsonschema``'s benchmarks make use of `pyperf `_. Running them can be done via:: $ tox -e perf Community --------- The JSON Schema specification has `a Slack `_, with an `invite link on its home page `_. Many folks knowledgeable on authoring schemas can be found there. Otherwise, asking questions on Stack Overflow is another means of getting help if you're stuck. .. end cut from PyPI About ----- I'm Julian Berman. ``jsonschema`` is on `GitHub `_. Get in touch, via GitHub or otherwise, if you've got something to contribute, it'd be most welcome! You can also generally find me on Libera (nick: ``Julian``) in various channels, including ``#python``. If you feel overwhelmingly grateful, you can also `sponsor me `_. And for companies who appreciate ``jsonschema`` and its continued support and growth, ``jsonschema`` is also now supportable via `TideLift `_.