================= Schema Validation ================= .. currentmodule:: jsonschema The Basics ---------- The simplest way to validate an instance under a given schema is to use the :func:`validate` function. .. autofunction:: validate Validate an ``instance`` under the given ``schema``. >>> validate([2, 3, 4], {"maxItems" : 2}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValidationError: [2, 3, 4] is too long :func:`validate` will first verify that the provided schema is itself valid, since not doing so can lead to less obvious error messages and fail in less obvious or consistent ways. If you know you have a valid schema already or don't care, you might prefer using the ``validate`` method directly on a specific validator (e.g. :meth:`Draft3Validator.validate`). ``cls`` is a validator class that will be used to validate the instance. By default this is a draft 3 validator. Any other provided positional and keyword arguments will be provided to this class when constructing a validator. :raises: :exc:`ValidationError` if the instance is invalid :exc:`SchemaError` if the schema itself is invalid The Validator Interface ----------------------- :mod:`jsonschema` defines an (informal) interface that all validators should adhere to. .. class:: IValidator(schema, types=(), resolver=None, format_checker=None) :argument dict schema: the schema that the validator will validate with. It is assumed to be valid, and providing an invalid schema can lead to undefined behavior. See :meth:`IValidator.check_schema` to validate a schema first. :argument types: Override or extend the list of known types when validating the ``type`` property. Should map strings (type names) to class objects that will be checked via ``isinstance``. See :ref:`validating-types` for details. :type types: dict or iterable of 2-tuples :argument resolver: an object with a ``resolve()`` method that will be used to resolve ``$ref`` properties (JSON references). If unprovided, a :class:`RefResolver` is created and used. :argument format_checker: an object with a ``conform()`` method that will be called to check and see if instances conform to each ``format`` property present in the schema. If unprovided, no validation will be done for ``format``. :class:`FormatChecker` is a concrete implementation of an object of this form that can be used for common formats. .. attribute:: DEFAULT_TYPES The default mapping of JSON types to Python types used when validating ``type`` properties in JSON schemas. .. attribute:: META_SCHEMA An object representing the validator's meta schema (the schema that describes valid schemas in the given version). .. attribute:: schema The schema that was passed in when initializing the validator. .. classmethod:: check_schema(schema) Validate the given schema against the validator's :attr:`META_SCHEMA`. :raises: :exc:`SchemaError` if the schema is invalid .. method:: is_type(instance, type) Check if the instance is of the given (JSON Schema) type. :type type: str :rtype: bool :raises: :exc:`UnknownType` if ``type`` is not a known type. The special type ``"any"`` is valid for any given instance. .. method:: is_valid(instance) Check if the instance is valid under the current :attr:`schema`. :rtype: bool >>> schema = {"maxItems" : 2} >>> Draft3Validator(schema).is_valid([2, 3, 4]) False .. method:: iter_errors(instance) Lazily yield each of the validation errors in the given instance. :rtype: an iterable of :exc:`ValidationError`\s >>> schema = { ... "type" : "array", ... "items" : {"enum" : [1, 2, 3]}, ... "maxItems" : 2, ... } >>> v = Draft3Validator(schema) >>> for error in sorted(v.iter_errors([2, 3, 4]), key=str): ... print(error) 4 is not one of [1, 2, 3] [2, 3, 4] is too long .. method:: validate(instance) Check if the instance is valid under the current :attr:`schema`. :raises: :exc:`ValidationError` if the instance is invalid >>> schema = {"maxItems" : 2} >>> Draft3Validator(schema).validate([2, 3, 4]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValidationError: [2, 3, 4] is too long All of the :ref:`versioned validators ` that are included with :mod:`jsonschema` adhere to the interface, and implementors of validators that extend or complement the ones included should adhere to it as well. For more information see :ref:`creating-validators`. .. _validating-types: Validating With Additional Types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Occasionally it can be useful to provide additional or alternate types when validating the JSON Schema's ``type`` property. Validators allow this by taking a ``types`` argument on construction that specifies additional types, or which can be used to specify a different set of Python types to map to a given JSON type. ``jsonschema`` tries to strike a balance between performance in the common case and generality. For instance, JSON defines a ``number`` type, which can be validated with a schema such as ``{"type" : "number"}``. By default, this will accept instances of Python :class:`number.Number`. This includes in particular :class:`int`\s and :class:`float`\s, along with `decimal.Decimal` objects, :class:`complex` numbers etc. See the numbers_ module documentation for more details. For ``integer`` and ``object``, however, rather than checking for ``number.Integral`` and ``collections.Mapping``, ``jsonschema`` simply checks for ``int`` and ``dict``, since the former can introduce significant slowdown. If you *do* want the generality, or just want to add a few specific additional types as being acceptible for a validator, :class:`IValidator`\s have a ``types`` argument that can be used to provide additional or new types. .. code-block:: python class MyInteger(object): ... Draft3Validator( schema={"type" : "number"}, types={"number" : (numbers.Number, MyInteger)}, ) The list of default Python types for each JSON type is available on each validator in the :attr:`IValidator.DEFAULT_TYPES` attribute. Note that you need to specify all types to match if you override one of the existing JSON types, so you may want to access the set of default types when specifying your additional type. .. _numbers: http://docs.python.org/3.3/library/numbers.html .. _versioned-validators: Versioned Validators -------------------- :mod:`jsonschema` ships with validators for various versions of the JSON Schema specification. For details on the methods and attributes that each validator provides see the :class:`IValidator` interface, which each validator implements. .. autoclass:: Draft3Validator Validating Formats ------------------ JSON Schema defines the ``format`` property which can be used to check if primitive types (``str``\s, ``number``\s, ``bool``\s) conform to well-defined formats. By default, no validation is enforced, but optionally, validation can be enabled by hooking in a format-checking object into an :class:`IValidator`. .. doctest:: >>> validate("tomorrow", {"format" : "date"}) >>> validate( ... "tomorrow", {"format" : "date"}, format_checker=FormatChecker(), ... ) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValidationError: "tomorrow" is not a "date" .. autoclass:: FormatChecker :members: :exclude-members: cls_checks .. attribute:: checkers A mapping of currently known formats to functions that validate them. New checkers can be added and removed either per-instance or globally for all checkers using the :meth:`FormatChecker.checks` or :meth:`FormatChecker.cls_checks` decorators respectively. .. method:: cls_checks(format) Register a decorated function as *globally* validating a new format. Any instance created after this function is called will pick up the supplied checker. :argument str format: the format that the decorated function will check There are a number of default checkers that :class:`FormatChecker`\s know how to validate. Their names can be viewed by inspecting the :attr:`FormatChecker.checkers` attribute. .. testsetup:: from pprint import pprint .. testcode:: pprint(sorted(FormatChecker.checkers)) .. testoutput:: :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [...'color', ...'date', ...'date-time', ...'email', ...'host-name', ...'ip-address', ...'ipv6', ...'regex', ...'time', ...'uri'] The actual functions that do the validation are also exposed, in case there is any use for them. They are listed below, along with any limitations they come with. .. autofunction:: is_date Check if the instance is a date in ``YYYY-MM-DD`` format. >>> is_date("1970-12-31") True >>> is_date("12/31/1970") False >>> is_date("0000-13-32") False .. autofunction:: is_time Check if the instance is a time in ``hh:mm:ss`` format. >>> is_time("23:59:59") True >>> is_time("11:59:59 PM") False >>> is_time("59:60:61") False .. autofunction:: is_regex Check if the instance is a well-formed regular expression. >>> is_regex("^(bob)?cat$") True >>> is_ipv6("^(bob?cat$") False .. autofunction:: is_email Check if the instance is a valid e-mail address. >>> is_email("joe.bloggs@example.com") True >>> is_email("joe.bloggs") False .. note:: This is *not* done in strict compliance of `RFC 2822`_ and / or `RFC 5322`_. The only constraint is that the instance contain an ``@`` sign. If you want stricter compliance, either change what you want or add and register your own checker. .. _RFC 2822: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822 .. _RFC 5322: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322 .. autofunction:: is_host_name Check if the instance is a valid host name. >>> is_host_name("www.example.com") True >>> is_host_name("my laptop") False >>> is_host_name( ... "a.vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy" ... "yyyyyyyyy.long.host.name" ... ) False .. note:: Does not perform a DNS lookup. >>> is_host_name("www.example.doesnotexist") True .. autofunction:: is_ip_address Check if the instance is a valid IP address. >>> is_ip_address("") True >>> is_ip_address("::1") False >>> is_ip_address("") False On OSes with the ``socket.inet_pton`` function, an additional checker for ``ipv6`` will be enabled: .. function:: is_ipv6(instance) Check if the instance is a valid IPv6 address. >>> is_ipv6("::1") True >>> is_ipv6("") False >>> is_ipv6("1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1") False If the rfc3987_ library is present, a checker for URIs will be present. .. function:: is_uri Check if the instance is a valid URI. Also supports relative URIs. >>> is_uri("ftp://joe.bloggs@www2.example.com:8080/pub/os/") True >>> is_uri("http://www2.example.com:8000/pub/#os?user=joe.bloggs") True >>> is_uri(r"\\\\WINDOWS\My Files") False >>> is_uri("#/properties/foo") True If the isodate_ library is present, a date-time checker will also be present. .. function:: is_date_time(instance) Check if the instance is in ISO 8601 ``YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ`` format. >>> is_date_time("1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z") True >>> is_date_time("0000-58-59T60:61:62") False Additionally, if the webcolors_ library is present, some checkers related to CSS will be enabled: .. function:: is_css21_color(instance) Check if the instance is a valid CSS 2.1 color name or code. >>> is_css21_color("fuchsia") True >>> is_css21_color("pink") False >>> is_css_color_code("#CC8899") True .. function:: is_css3_color(instance) Check if the instance is a valid CSS 3 color name or code. >>> is_css3_color("pink") True >>> is_css3_color("puce") False >>> is_css_color_code("#CC8899") True .. _isodate: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/isodate/ .. _rfc3987: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/rfc3987/ .. _webcolors: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/webcolors/