""" Test runner for the JSON Schema official test suite Tests comprehensive correctness of each draft's validator. See https://github.com/json-schema-org/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite for details. """ import sys from jsonschema import ( Draft3Validator, Draft4Validator, Draft6Validator, Draft7Validator, Draft202012Validator, draft3_format_checker, draft4_format_checker, draft6_format_checker, draft7_format_checker, draft202012_format_checker, ) from jsonschema.tests._helpers import bug from jsonschema.tests._suite import Suite SUITE = Suite() DRAFT3 = SUITE.version(name="draft3") DRAFT4 = SUITE.version(name="draft4") DRAFT6 = SUITE.version(name="draft6") DRAFT7 = SUITE.version(name="draft7") DRAFT202012 = SUITE.version(name="draft2020-12") def skip(message, **kwargs): def skipper(test): if all(value == getattr(test, attr) for attr, value in kwargs.items()): return message return skipper def missing_format(checker): def missing_format(test): schema = test.schema if ( schema is True or schema is False or "format" not in schema or schema["format"] in checker.checkers or test.valid ): return return "Format checker {0!r} not found.".format(schema["format"]) return missing_format def complex_email_validation(test): if test.subject != "email": return message = "Complex email validation is (intentionally) unsupported." return skip( message=message, description="dot after local part is not valid", )(test) or skip( message=message, description="dot before local part is not valid", )(test) or skip( message=message, description="two subsequent dots inside local part are not valid", )(test) is_narrow_build = sys.maxunicode == 2 ** 16 - 1 if is_narrow_build: # pragma: no cover message = "Not running surrogate Unicode case, this Python is narrow." def narrow_unicode_build(test): # pragma: no cover return skip( message=message, description=( "one supplementary Unicode code point is not long enough" ), )(test) or skip( message=message, description="two supplementary Unicode code points is long enough", )(test) else: def narrow_unicode_build(test): # pragma: no cover return if sys.version_info < (3, 7): message = "datetime.date.fromisoformat is new in 3.7+" def missing_date_fromisoformat(test): return skip( message=message, subject="date", description="invalidates non-padded month dates", )(test) or skip( message=message, subject="date", description="invalidates non-padded day dates", )(test) else: def missing_date_fromisoformat(test): return allowed_leading_zeros = skip( message="This behavior is optional (and Python allows it)", subject="ipv4", description=( "leading zeroes should be rejected, as they are treated as octals" ), ) def leap_second(test): return skip( message="Leap seconds are unsupported.", subject="time", description="a valid time string with leap second", )(test) or skip( message="Leap seconds are unsupported.", subject="time", description="a valid time string with leap second with offset", )(test) TestDraft3 = DRAFT3.to_unittest_testcase( DRAFT3.tests(), DRAFT3.format_tests(), DRAFT3.optional_tests_of(name="bignum"), DRAFT3.optional_tests_of(name="non-bmp-regex"), DRAFT3.optional_tests_of(name="zeroTerminatedFloats"), Validator=Draft3Validator, format_checker=draft3_format_checker, skip=lambda test: ( narrow_unicode_build(test) or missing_date_fromisoformat(test) or missing_format(draft3_format_checker)(test) or complex_email_validation(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description=( "$ref prevents a sibling id from changing the base uri" ), )(test) ), ) TestDraft4 = DRAFT4.to_unittest_testcase( DRAFT4.tests(), DRAFT4.format_tests(), DRAFT4.optional_tests_of(name="bignum"), DRAFT4.optional_tests_of(name="non-bmp-regex"), DRAFT4.optional_tests_of(name="zeroTerminatedFloats"), Validator=Draft4Validator, format_checker=draft4_format_checker, skip=lambda test: ( narrow_unicode_build(test) or missing_date_fromisoformat(test) or allowed_leading_zeros(test) or missing_format(draft4_format_checker)(test) or complex_email_validation(test) or skip( message=bug(), subject="ref", case_description="Recursive references between schemas", )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description="Location-independent identifier", )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description=( "Location-independent identifier with absolute URI" ), )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description=( "Location-independent identifier with " "base URI change in subschema" ), )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description=( "$ref prevents a sibling id from changing the base uri" ), )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="id", description="match $ref to id", )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="id", description="no match on enum or $ref to id", )(test) or skip( message=bug(), subject="refRemote", case_description="base URI change - change folder in subschema", )(test) ), ) TestDraft6 = DRAFT6.to_unittest_testcase( DRAFT6.tests(), DRAFT6.format_tests(), DRAFT6.optional_tests_of(name="bignum"), DRAFT6.optional_tests_of(name="non-bmp-regex"), Validator=Draft6Validator, format_checker=draft6_format_checker, skip=lambda test: ( narrow_unicode_build(test) or missing_date_fromisoformat(test) or allowed_leading_zeros(test) or missing_format(draft6_format_checker)(test) or complex_email_validation(test) or skip( message=bug(), subject="ref", case_description="Recursive references between schemas", )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description="Location-independent identifier", )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description=( "Location-independent identifier with absolute URI" ), )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description=( "Location-independent identifier with " "base URI change in subschema" ), )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description="refs with relative uris and defs", )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description="relative refs with absolute uris and defs", )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description=( "$ref prevents a sibling $id from changing the base uri" ), )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="id", description="match $ref to id", )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="id", description="no match on enum or $ref to id", )(test) or skip( message=bug(), subject="unknownKeyword", case_description=( "$id inside an unknown keyword is not a real identifier" ), )(test) or skip( message=bug(), subject="refRemote", case_description="base URI change - change folder in subschema", )(test) ), ) TestDraft7 = DRAFT7.to_unittest_testcase( DRAFT7.tests(), DRAFT7.format_tests(), DRAFT7.optional_tests_of(name="bignum"), DRAFT7.optional_tests_of(name="content"), DRAFT7.optional_tests_of(name="non-bmp-regex"), Validator=Draft7Validator, format_checker=draft7_format_checker, skip=lambda test: ( narrow_unicode_build(test) or missing_date_fromisoformat(test) or allowed_leading_zeros(test) or leap_second(test) or missing_format(draft7_format_checker)(test) or complex_email_validation(test) or skip( message=bug(), subject="ref", case_description="Recursive references between schemas", )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description="Location-independent identifier", )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description=( "Location-independent identifier with absolute URI" ), )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description=( "Location-independent identifier with " "base URI change in subschema" ), )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description="refs with relative uris and defs", )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description="relative refs with absolute uris and defs", )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="ref", case_description=( "$ref prevents a sibling $id from changing the base uri" ), )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="id", description="match $ref to id", )(test) or skip( message=bug(371), subject="id", description="no match on enum or $ref to id", )(test) or skip( message=bug(), subject="unknownKeyword", case_description=( "$id inside an unknown keyword is not a real identifier" ), )(test) or skip( message=bug(), subject="refRemote", case_description="base URI change - change folder in subschema", )(test) or skip( message=bug(593), subject="content", valid=False, case_description=( "validation of string-encoded content based on media type" ), )(test) or skip( message=bug(593), subject="content", valid=False, case_description="validation of binary string-encoding", )(test) or skip( message=bug(593), subject="content", valid=False, case_description=( "validation of binary-encoded media type documents" ), )(test) ), ) TestDraft202012 = DRAFT202012.to_unittest_testcase( DRAFT202012.tests(), DRAFT202012.optional_tests_of(name="bignum"), DRAFT202012.optional_tests_of(name="float-overflow"), DRAFT202012.optional_tests_of(name="non-bmp-regex"), DRAFT202012.optional_tests_of(name="refOfUnknownKeyword"), Validator=Draft202012Validator, skip=lambda test: ( narrow_unicode_build(test) or skip( message="Issue: Resolving of dynamicRef based on dynamic scope", subject="dynamicRef", case_description="A $dynamicRef that initially resolves to a " "schema with a matching $dynamicAnchor should " "resolve to the first $dynamicAnchor in the " "dynamic scope", description='The recursive part is not valid against the root', )(test) or skip( message="Issue: Resolving of dynamicRef based on dynamic scope", subject="dynamicRef", case_description="multiple dynamic paths to the $dynamicRef " "keyword", description="recurse to integerNode - floats are not allowed", )(test) or skip( message="Issue: Resolving of dynamicRef based on dynamic scope", subject="dynamicRef", case_description="after leaving a dynamic scope, it should not be " "used by a $dynamicRef", description="/then/$defs/thingy is the final stop for the " "$dynamicRef", )(test) or skip( message="Issue: Resolving of dynamicRef based on dynamic scope", subject="dynamicRef", case_description="after leaving a dynamic scope, it should not be " 'used by a $dynamicRef', description="string matches /$defs/thingy, but the $dynamicRef " "does not stop here", )(test) ), ) TestDraft202012Format = DRAFT202012.to_unittest_testcase( DRAFT202012.format_tests(), Validator=Draft202012Validator, format_checker=draft202012_format_checker, skip=lambda test: ( complex_email_validation(test) or missing_date_fromisoformat(test) or allowed_leading_zeros(test) or leap_second(test) or missing_format(draft202012_format_checker)(test) or complex_email_validation(test) ), )