.\"Shiju P. Nair September 30, 2004 .TH WTPT 1 "September 30, 2004" .SH NAME wtpt - Show media white of profiles, identifying black body locus. .SH SYNOPSIS .B wtpt .RI [ profile ] .SH DESCRIPTION lcms is a standalone CMM engine, which deals with the color management. It implements a fast transformation between ICC profiles. .B wtpt shows media white of profiles, identifying black body locus. .P If no parameters are given, then this program will ask for XYZ value of media white. If parameter given, it must be the profile to inspect. .SH NOTES For suggestions, comments, bug reports etc. send mail to info@littlecms.com .SH SEE ALSO .BR jpegicc (1), .BR tifficc (1), .BR icc2ps (1), .BR icclink (1), .BR icctrans (1) .SH AUTHOR This manual page was written by Shiju p. Nair , for the Debian project.