#!/bin/sh +v # Start from the build directory, where the version file is located if [ -f build/version ]; then cd build fi if [ \! -f version ]; then echo "Can't find version file" exit 1 fi # Update the build number in the 'version' file. # Separate number from additional alpha/beta/etc marker MARKER=`cat version | sed 's/[0-9.]//g'` # Bump the number VN=`cat version | sed 's/[^0-9.]//g'` # Reassemble and write back out VN=$(($VN + 1)) rm -f version.old mv version version.old chmod +w version.old echo $VN$MARKER > version VS="$(($VN/1000000)).$(( ($VN/1000)%1000 )).$(( $VN%1000 ))$MARKER" cd .. ANNOUNCE=`date +"%b %d, %Y:"`" libarchive $VS released" echo $ANNOUNCE # Add a version notice to NEWS mv NEWS NEWS.bak chmod +w NEWS.bak echo > NEWS echo $ANNOUNCE >> NEWS cat NEWS.bak >> NEWS