Libassuan =========== Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001-2018 g10 Code GmbH This is a general purpose IPC library which is for example used GnuPG, GPGME and some other software. See COPYING.LIB on how to share, modify and distribute the software itself (LGPLv2.1+) and COPYING for the documentation (GPLv3+). Please send bug report to the gnupg-devel mailing list or enter them into the gnupg bug tracker at using the category "libassuan". The primary FTP site is Notes for Windows CE: ---------------------- Libassuan supports WindowsCE (tested with WindowsMobile 6.5). To install it, copy libassuan-0.dll into a location where DLL are found and install the included gpgcedev driver: First copy "gpgcedev.dll" into the root directory, second run the included program gpgcemgr on the device: "gpgcemgr --register". This creates the necessary registry keys. In case the copy step fails, the driver may still be in use: Close all applications using that driver, run "gpgcemgr --deactivate" to deactivate the running driver and try again. Registry keys created by "gpgcemgr --register" are: Drivers\\GnuPG_Device\dll -> "gpgcedev.dll" Drivers\\GnuPG_Device\prefix -> "GPG" Drivers\\GnuPG_Device\Index -> 1 (dword) Contact ------- See the file AUTHORS. Commercial grade support for Libassuan and GnuPG is available; for a listing of offers see . Maintaining and improving this software is costly. Since 2001, g10 Code GmbH, a German company owned and headed by GnuPG's principal author Werner Koch, is bearing the majority of these costs. To help them carry on this work, they need your support. See .