/* gpgcempr.c - Manager for GPG CE devices * Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of Assuan. * * Assuan is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Assuan is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, see . * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0+ */ #define _WIN32_WCE 0x0500 #include #include #define PGM "gpgcemgr" #define GPGCEDEV_KEY_NAME L"Drivers\\GnuPG_Device" #define GPGCEDEV_KEY_NAME2 L"Drivers\\GnuPG_Log" #define GPGCEDEV_DLL_NAME L"gpgcedev.dll" #define GPGCEDEV_PREFIX L"GPG" static char * wchar_to_utf8 (const wchar_t *string) { int n; size_t length = wcslen (string); char *result; n = WideCharToMultiByte (CP_UTF8, 0, string, length, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (n < 0 || (n+1) <= 0) abort (); result = malloc (n+1); if (!result) abort (); n = WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, 0, string, length, result, n, NULL, NULL); if (n < 0) abort (); result[n] = 0; return result; } static wchar_t * utf8_to_wchar (const char *string) { int n; size_t nbytes; wchar_t *result; if (!string) abort (); n = MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, string, -1, NULL, 0); if (n < 0) abort (); nbytes = (size_t)(n+1) * sizeof(*result); if (nbytes / sizeof(*result) != (n+1)) abort (); result = malloc (nbytes); if (!result) abort (); n = MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, string, -1, result, n); if (n < 0) abort (); return result; } static int install (void) { HKEY handle; DWORD disp, dw; int rc; if ((rc=RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, GPGCEDEV_KEY_NAME, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &handle, &disp))) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": error creating registry key 1: rc=%d\n", rc); return 1; } RegSetValueEx (handle, L"dll", 0, REG_SZ, (void*)GPGCEDEV_DLL_NAME, sizeof (GPGCEDEV_DLL_NAME)); RegSetValueEx (handle, L"prefix", 0, REG_SZ, (void*)GPGCEDEV_PREFIX, sizeof (GPGCEDEV_PREFIX)); dw = 1; RegSetValueEx (handle, L"Index", 0, REG_DWORD, (void*)&dw, sizeof dw); RegCloseKey (handle); fprintf (stderr, PGM": registry key 1 created\n"); if ((rc=RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, GPGCEDEV_KEY_NAME2, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &handle, &disp))) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": error creating registry key 2: rc=%d\n", rc); return 1; } RegSetValueEx (handle, L"dll", 0, REG_SZ, (void*)GPGCEDEV_DLL_NAME, sizeof (GPGCEDEV_DLL_NAME)); RegSetValueEx (handle, L"prefix", 0, REG_SZ, (void*)GPGCEDEV_PREFIX, sizeof (GPGCEDEV_PREFIX)); dw = 2; RegSetValueEx (handle, L"Index", 0, REG_DWORD, (void*)&dw, sizeof dw); RegCloseKey (handle); fprintf (stderr, PGM": registry key 2 created\n"); return 0; } static int deinstall (wchar_t *name) { int result = 0; HANDLE shd; DEVMGR_DEVICE_INFORMATION dinfo; memset (&dinfo, 0, sizeof dinfo); dinfo.dwSize = sizeof dinfo; shd = FindFirstDevice (DeviceSearchByLegacyName, name, &dinfo); if (shd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (GetLastError () == 18) fprintf (stderr, PGM": device not found\n"); else { fprintf (stderr, PGM": FindFirstDevice failed: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); result = 1; } } else { fprintf (stderr, PGM": ActivateDevice handle is %p\n", dinfo.hDevice); if (dinfo.hDevice && dinfo.hDevice != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!DeactivateDevice (dinfo.hDevice)) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": DeactivateDevice failed: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); result = 1; } else fprintf (stderr, PGM": DeactivateDevice succeeded\n"); } FindClose (shd); } return result; } static int enable_debug (int yes) { HKEY handle; DWORD disp; int rc; if ((rc=RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, GPGCEDEV_KEY_NAME, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &handle, &disp))) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": error creating debug registry key: rc=%d\n", rc); return 1; } RegSetValueEx (handle, L"debugDriver", 0, REG_SZ, (void*)(yes? L"1":L"0"), sizeof L"0"); RegCloseKey (handle); return 0; } static int enable_log (int yes) { HKEY handle; DWORD disp; int rc; if ((rc=RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, GPGCEDEV_KEY_NAME2, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &handle, &disp))) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": error creating debug registry key: rc=%d\n", rc); return 1; } RegSetValueEx (handle, L"enableLog", 0, REG_SZ, (void*)(yes? L"1":L"0"), sizeof L"0"); RegCloseKey (handle); return 0; } /* Kudos to Scott Seligman for his work on the reverse engineering. */ struct htc_sensor_s { SHORT tilt_x; // From -1000 to 1000 (about), 0 is flat SHORT tilt_y; // From -1000 to 1000 (about), 0 is flat SHORT tilt_z; // From -1000 to 1000 (about) DWORD angle_x; // 0 .. 359 DWORD angle_y; // From 0 to 359 DWORD orientation; // 0.. 5? DWORD unknown; // Handle? }; typedef struct htc_sensor_s *htc_sensor_t; static HANDLE (WINAPI *HTCSensorOpen) (DWORD); static void (WINAPI *HTCSensorClose) (HANDLE); static DWORD (WINAPI *HTCSensorGetDataOutput) (HANDLE, htc_sensor_t); static int load_sensor_api (void) { static HMODULE dll_hd; if (dll_hd) return 0; dll_hd = LoadLibrary (L"HTCSensorSDK.dll"); if (!dll_hd) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": error loading sensor DLL: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); return 1; } HTCSensorOpen = (void*)GetProcAddress (dll_hd, L"HTCSensorOpen"); if (HTCSensorOpen) HTCSensorClose = (void*)GetProcAddress (dll_hd, L"HTCSensorClose"); if (HTCSensorClose) HTCSensorGetDataOutput = (void*) GetProcAddress (dll_hd, L"HTCSensorGetDataOutput"); if (!HTCSensorGetDataOutput) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": error loading function from sensor DLL: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); CloseHandle (dll_hd); return 1; } return 0; } static int gravity (void) { int rc; HANDLE sensor; struct htc_sensor_s lastdata; struct htc_sensor_s data; rc = load_sensor_api (); if (rc) return rc; sensor = HTCSensorOpen (1 /* tilt sensor */); if (!sensor || sensor == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": error opening gravity sensor: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); HTCSensorClose (sensor); return 1; } memset (&lastdata, 0, sizeof lastdata); while (HTCSensorGetDataOutput (sensor, &data)) { if (lastdata.tilt_x/10 != data.tilt_x/10 || lastdata.tilt_y/10 != data.tilt_y/10 || lastdata.tilt_z/10 != data.tilt_z/10 || lastdata.angle_x/5 != data.angle_x/5 || lastdata.angle_y/5 != data.angle_y/5 || lastdata.orientation != data.orientation) { lastdata = data; printf ("tilt: x=%-5d y=%-5d z=%-5d " "angle: x=%-3d y=%-3d " "ori: %d\n", (int)data.tilt_x, (int)data.tilt_y, (int)data.tilt_z, (int)data.angle_x, (int)data.angle_y, (int)data.orientation); } Sleep (200); } fprintf (stderr, PGM": reading sensor data failed: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); HTCSensorClose (sensor); return 0; } /* No GPD1 device on the HTC Touch Pro 2. */ # if 0 static int gps_raw (void) { HANDLE hd; char buffer[1000]; unsigned long nread; int count; hd = CreateFile (L"GPD1:", GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": can't open `GPD1': rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); return 1; } fprintf (stderr, PGM": GPS device successfully opened\n"); for (count=0; count < 100; count++) { if (!ReadFile (hd, buffer, sizeof buffer-1, &nread, NULL)) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": error reading `GPD1': rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); CloseHandle (hd); return 1; } buffer[nread-1] = 0; fputs (buffer, stdout); } CloseHandle (hd); return 0; } #endif /* Untested samples for CE6. */ #if 0 static int gps (void) { HANDLE hd; GPS_POSITION pos; hd = GPSOpenDevice (NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); if (hd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": GPSOpenDevice failed: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); return 1; } fprintf (stderr, PGM": GPS device successfully opened\n"); if (GPSGetPosition (hd, &pos, 2000, 0)) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": GPSGetPosition failed: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); GPSCloseDevice (hd); return 1; } GPSCloseDevice (hd); return 0; } #endif static void set_show_registry (const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *name, const char *value) { HKEY handle; DWORD disp, nbytes, n1, type; int rc; if ((rc=RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &handle, &disp))) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": error creating registry key: rc=%d\n", rc); return; } if (value && !stricmp (value, "none")) { if ((rc=RegDeleteValue (handle, name))) fprintf (stderr, PGM": error deleting registry value: rc=%d\n", rc); } else if (value) { wchar_t *tmp = utf8_to_wchar (value); if ((rc=RegSetValueEx (handle, name, 0, REG_SZ, (void*)tmp, wcslen (tmp)*sizeof(wchar_t)))) fprintf (stderr, PGM": error setting registry value: rc=%d\n", rc); free (tmp); } else { nbytes = 2; if ((rc=RegQueryValueEx (handle, name, 0, NULL, NULL, &nbytes))) { if (rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) fprintf (stderr, PGM": registry value not set\n"); else fprintf (stderr, PGM": error reading registry value: rc=%d\n", rc); } else { char *result = malloc ((n1=nbytes+2)); if (!result) fprintf (stderr, PGM": malloc failed: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); else if ((rc=RegQueryValueEx (handle, name, 0, &type, (void*)result, &n1))) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": error reading registry value (2): " "rc=%d\n", rc); free (result); } else { result[nbytes] = 0; /* Make sure it is a string. */ result[nbytes+1] = 0; if (type == REG_SZ) { wchar_t *tmp = (void*)result; result = wchar_to_utf8 (tmp); free (tmp); printf ("%s\n", result); } else fprintf (stderr, PGM": registry value is not a string\n"); free (result); } } } RegCloseKey (handle); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int result = 0; if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "--register")) result = install (); else if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "--deactivate")) { if (deinstall (L"GPG1:")) result = 1; if (deinstall (L"GPG2:")) result = 1; } else if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "--activate")) { HANDLE hd; /* This is mainly for testing. The activation is usually done right before the device is opened. */ if (ActivateDevice (GPGCEDEV_KEY_NAME, 0) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": ActivateDevice 1 failed: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); result = 1; } else if (ActivateDevice (GPGCEDEV_KEY_NAME2, 0) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": ActivateDevice 2 failed: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); result = 1; } else { fprintf (stderr, PGM": devices activated\n"); hd = CreateFile (L"GPG1:", GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": opening `GPG1:' failed: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); result = 1; } else { fprintf (stderr, PGM": device `GPG1:' seems to work\n"); CloseHandle (hd); } hd = CreateFile (L"GPG2:", GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": opening `GPG2:' failed: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); result = 1; } else { fprintf (stderr, PGM": device `GPG2:' seems to work\n"); CloseHandle (hd); } } } else if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "--gravity")) result = gravity (); /* else if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "--gps")) */ /* result = gps (); */ else if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "--log")) { HANDLE hd; hd = CreateFile (L"GPG2:", GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": opening `GPG2:' failed: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); result = 1; } else { char marktwain[] = "I have never let my schooling interfere" " with my education.\n"; DWORD nwritten; int i; for (i=0; i < 3; i++) { if (!WriteFile (hd, marktwain, strlen (marktwain), &nwritten, NULL)) { fprintf (stderr, PGM": writing `GPG2:' failed: rc=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); result = 1; } Sleep (200); } CloseHandle (hd); } } else if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "--enable-debug")) result = enable_debug (1); else if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "--disable-debug")) result = enable_debug (0); else if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "--enable-log")) result = enable_log (1); else if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "--disable-log")) result = enable_log (0); else if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "--gpgme-log")) set_show_registry (L"Software\\GNU\\gpgme", L"debug", argc > 2? argv[2] : NULL); else if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "--gnupg-log")) set_show_registry (L"Software\\GNU\\GnuPG", L"DefaultLogFile", argc > 2? argv[2] : NULL); else { fprintf (stderr, "usage: " PGM " COMMAND\n" "Commands are:\n" " --register Register the GPGCEDEV device\n" " --deactivate Deactivate the GPGCEDEV device\n" " --activate Activate the GPGCEDEV devive\n" " --enable-debug Enable debugging of GPGCEDEV device\n" " --disable-debug Disable debugging of GPGCEDEV device\n" " --gravity Show output of the gravity sensor\n" " --enable-log Enable logging via \"GPG2:\"\n" " --disable-log Disable logging via \"GPG2:\"\n" " --log Write a test string to \"GPG2:\"\n" " --gpgme-log [ARG] Show or set GPGME log output\n" " --gnupg-log [ARG] Show or set GnuPG default log file\n" " (No ARG shows, \"none\" disables)\n" ); result = 1; } fflush (stdout); fflush (stderr); Sleep (1000); return result; }