/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode:nil; c-basic-offset: 8-*- */ /* * csslint.c : a small tester program for libcroco. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA * * Initial Author: Gael Chamoulaud. * Main programmer: Dodji Seketeli * Contributor: Rob Buis * See COPYRGIGHTS file for copyright information. */ #include "libcroco.h" #include #include #include /** *The options data structure. *The variable of this data structure are set *during the parsing the command line by the *parse_command_line() function. */ struct Options { gboolean show_version; gboolean use_cssom; gboolean display_help; gboolean evaluate; gboolean dump_location; gchar *author_sheet_path; gchar *user_sheet_path; gchar *ua_sheet_path; gchar *xml_path; gchar *xpath; gchar **css_files_list; }; struct SacContext { gint level; }; static enum CRStatus sac_parse_and_display_locations (guchar * a_file_uri); static void parse_cmd_line (int a_argc, char **a_argv, struct Options *a_options); static void display_version (void); static void display_usage (void); static enum CRStatus cssom_parse (guchar * a_file_uri); static enum CRStatus get_and_dump_node_style (xmlNode * a_node, CRSelEng * a_sel_eng, CRCascade * a_cascade); static enum CRStatus evaluate_selectors (gchar * a_xml_path, gchar * a_author_sheet_path, gchar * a_user_sheet_path, gchar * a_ua_sheet_path, gchar * a_xpath); /** *Parses the command line. *@param a_argc the argc parameter of the main routine. *@param the argv parameter of the main routine. *@param a_options out parameter the parsed options. */ static void parse_cmd_line (int a_argc, char **a_argv, struct Options *a_options) { int i = 0; g_return_if_fail (a_options); if (a_argc <= 1) { display_usage (); } for (i = 1; i < a_argc; i++) { if (a_argv[i][0] != '-') break; if ((!strcmp (a_argv[i], "-version")) || (!strcmp (a_argv[i], "-v"))) { a_options->show_version = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (a_argv[i], "--evaluate") || !strcmp (a_argv[i], "-e")) { for (i++; i < a_argc; i++) { if (!strcmp (a_argv[i], "--author-sheet")) { if (a_options->author_sheet_path) { display_usage (); exit (-1); } i++; if (i >= a_argc || a_argv[i][0] == '-') { g_print ("--author-sheet should be followed by a path to the sheet\n"); display_usage (); exit (-1); } a_options->author_sheet_path = a_argv[i]; } else if (!strcmp (a_argv[i], "--user-sheet")) { if (a_options->user_sheet_path) { display_usage (); exit (-1); } i++; if (i >= a_argc || a_argv[i][0] == '-') { g_print ("--user-sheet should be followed by a path to the sheet\n"); display_usage (); exit (-1); } a_options->user_sheet_path = a_argv[i]; } else if (!strcmp (a_argv[i], "--ua-sheet")) { if (a_options->ua_sheet_path) { display_usage (); exit (-1); } i++; if (i >= a_argc || a_argv[i][0] == '-') { g_print ("--ua-sheet should be followed by a path to the sheet\n"); display_usage (); exit (-1); } a_options->ua_sheet_path = a_argv[i]; } else if (!strcmp (a_argv[i], "--xml")) { i++; if (i >= a_argc || a_argv[i][0] == '-') { g_print ("--xml should be followed by a path to the xml document\n"); display_usage (); exit (-1); } a_options->xml_path = a_argv[i]; } else if (!strcmp (a_argv[i], "--xpath")) { i++; if (i >= a_argc || a_argv[i][0] == '-') { g_print ("--xpath should be followed by an xpath expresion\n"); display_usage (); exit (-1); } a_options->xpath = a_argv[i]; } else { break; } } if (!a_options->author_sheet_path && !a_options->user_sheet_path && !a_options->ua_sheet_path) { g_print ("Error: you must specify at least one stylesheet\n"); display_usage (); exit (-1); } if (!a_options->xpath) { g_printerr ("Error: you must specify an xpath expression using the --xpath option\n"); display_usage (); exit (-1); } a_options->evaluate = TRUE; } else if (!strcmp (a_argv[i], "--dump-location")) { a_options->dump_location = TRUE; a_options->use_cssom = FALSE; } else if (!strcmp (a_argv[i], "--help") || !strcmp (a_argv[i], "-h")) { a_options->display_help = TRUE; } else { display_usage (); exit (-1); } } if (i >= a_argc) { a_options->css_files_list = NULL; } else { if (a_argv[i][0] == '-') { display_usage (); exit (-1); } a_options->css_files_list = &a_argv[i]; } } /** *Displays the version text. *@param a_argc the argc variable passed to the main function. *@param a_argv the argv variable passed to the main function. */ static void display_version (void) { g_print ("%s\n", LIBCROCO_VERSION); } /** *Displays the usage text. *@param a_argc the argc variable passed to the main function. *@param a_argv the argv variable passed to the main function. */ static void display_usage (void) { g_print ("Usage: csslint \n"); g_print ("\t| csslint -v|--version\n"); g_print ("\t| csslint --dump-location \n"); g_print ("\t| csslint <--evaluate | -e> [--author-sheet --user-sheet --ua-sheet \n\t ] --xml --xpath \n"); } /** *The test of the cr_input_read_byte() method. *Reads the each byte of a_file_uri using the *cr_input_read_byte() method. Each byte is send to *stdout. *@param a_file_uri the file to read. *@return CR_OK upon successfull completion of the *function, an error code otherwise. */ static enum CRStatus cssom_parse (guchar * a_file_uri) { enum CRStatus status = CR_OK; CROMParser *parser = NULL; CRStyleSheet *stylesheet = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (a_file_uri, CR_BAD_PARAM_ERROR); parser = cr_om_parser_new (NULL); status = cr_om_parser_parse_file (parser, a_file_uri, CR_ASCII, &stylesheet); if (status == CR_OK && stylesheet) { cr_stylesheet_dump (stylesheet, stdout); g_print ("\n"); cr_stylesheet_destroy (stylesheet); } cr_om_parser_destroy (parser); return status; } static enum CRStatus get_and_dump_node_style (xmlNode * a_node, CRSelEng * a_sel_eng, CRCascade * a_cascade) { CRPropList *prop_list = NULL, *pair = NULL, *prev_pair = NULL; enum CRStatus status = CR_OK; g_return_val_if_fail (a_node && a_sel_eng && a_cascade, CR_BAD_PARAM_ERROR); status = cr_sel_eng_get_matched_properties_from_cascade (a_sel_eng, a_cascade, a_node, &prop_list); if (status != CR_OK) { g_printerr ("Error: unable to run the selection engine\n"); return CR_OK; } g_print ("Properties of xml element %s are:\n", a_node->name); for (pair = prop_list; pair; pair = cr_prop_list_get_next (pair)) { CRDeclaration *decl = NULL; cr_prop_list_get_decl (pair, &decl); if (decl) { prev_pair = cr_prop_list_get_prev (pair); if (prev_pair) { g_print ("\n"); prev_pair = NULL; } cr_declaration_dump_one (decl, stdout, 2); decl = NULL; } } g_print ("\n=====================\n\n"); if (prop_list) { cr_prop_list_destroy (prop_list); prop_list = NULL; } return CR_OK; } static enum CRStatus evaluate_selectors (gchar * a_xml_path, gchar * a_author_sheet_path, gchar * a_user_sheet_path, gchar * a_ua_sheet_path, gchar * a_xpath) { CRSelEng *sel_eng = NULL; xmlDoc *xml_doc = NULL; xmlXPathContext *xpath_context = NULL; xmlXPathObject *xpath_object = NULL; CRStyleSheet *author_sheet = NULL, *user_sheet = NULL, *ua_sheet = NULL; CRCascade *cascade = NULL; xmlNode *cur_node = NULL; gint i = 0; enum CRStatus status = CR_OK; g_return_val_if_fail (a_xml_path && a_xpath, CR_BAD_PARAM_ERROR); xml_doc = xmlParseFile (a_xml_path); if (!xml_doc) { g_printerr ("Error: Could not parse file %s\n", a_xml_path); status = CR_ERROR; goto end; } if (a_author_sheet_path) { status = cr_om_parser_simply_parse_file ((const guchar *) a_author_sheet_path, CR_ASCII, &author_sheet); if (!author_sheet) { g_printerr ("Error: Could not parse author sheet\n"); } } if (a_user_sheet_path) { status = cr_om_parser_simply_parse_file ((const guchar *) a_user_sheet_path, CR_ASCII, &user_sheet); if (!user_sheet) { g_printerr ("Error: Could not parse author sheet\n"); } } if (a_ua_sheet_path) { status = cr_om_parser_simply_parse_file ((const guchar *) a_ua_sheet_path, CR_ASCII, &ua_sheet); if (!ua_sheet) { g_printerr ("Error: Could not parse ua sheet\n"); } } cascade = cr_cascade_new (author_sheet, user_sheet, ua_sheet); if (author_sheet) cr_stylesheet_unref (author_sheet); if (user_sheet) cr_stylesheet_unref (user_sheet); if (ua_sheet) cr_stylesheet_unref (ua_sheet); if (!cascade) { g_printerr ("Could not instanciate the cascade\n"); status = CR_ERROR; goto end; } sel_eng = cr_sel_eng_new (); if (!sel_eng) { g_printerr ("Error: Could not instanciate the selection engine\n"); status = CR_ERROR; goto end; } xpath_context = xmlXPathNewContext (xml_doc); if (!xpath_context) { g_printerr ("Error: Could not instanciate the xpath context\n"); status = CR_ERROR; goto end; } xpath_object = xmlXPathEvalExpression ((const xmlChar *) a_xpath, xpath_context); if (!xpath_object) { g_printerr ("Error: Could not evaluate xpath expression\n"); status = CR_ERROR; goto end; } if (xpath_object->type != XPATH_NODESET || !xpath_object->nodesetval) { g_printerr ("Error: xpath does not evalualuate to a node set\n"); status = CR_ERROR; goto end; } for (i = 0; i < xpath_object->nodesetval->nodeNr; i++) { cur_node = xpath_object->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]; if (cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { status = get_and_dump_node_style (cur_node, sel_eng, cascade); } } end: if (xpath_context) { xmlXPathFreeContext (xpath_context); xpath_context = NULL; } if (xpath_object) { xmlXPathFreeObject (xpath_object); xpath_object = NULL; } if (sel_eng) { cr_sel_eng_destroy (sel_eng); sel_eng = NULL; } if (cascade) { cr_cascade_destroy (cascade); cascade = NULL; } if (xml_doc) { xmlFreeDoc (xml_doc); xml_doc = NULL; } return status; } /*************************** *SAC related stuff for the *line/col annotation stylesheet *dumping ***************************/ static void start_document (CRDocHandler * a_this) { struct SacContext *context = NULL; g_return_if_fail (a_this); context = g_try_malloc (sizeof (struct SacContext)); if (!context) { cr_utils_trace_info ("instanciation of sac context failed"); return; } cr_doc_handler_set_ctxt (a_this, context); } static void end_document (CRDocHandler * a_this) { struct SacContext *context = NULL; g_return_if_fail (a_this); cr_doc_handler_get_ctxt (a_this, (gpointer *) (gpointer) & context); if (context) { g_free (context); context = NULL; } } static void charset (CRDocHandler *a_this, CRString *a_charset, CRParsingLocation *a_charset_sym_location) { gchar *str = NULL ; g_return_if_fail (a_this && a_charset && a_charset_sym_location) ; str = (gchar*)cr_string_peek_raw_str (a_charset) ; if (str) { g_print ("\n\n@charset \"%s\";\n\n", str) ; str = NULL ; } else { return ; } g_print ("/********************************************\n") ; g_print (" * Parsing location information of the @charset rule\n") ; g_print (" ********************************************/\n") ; if (a_charset_sym_location) { str = cr_parsing_location_to_string (a_charset_sym_location, 0) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*@charset*/\n") ; g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } } str = (gchar*) cr_string_peek_raw_str (a_charset) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; str = NULL ; } str = cr_parsing_location_to_string (&a_charset->location, 0) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } } static void import_style (CRDocHandler *a_this, GList *a_media_list, CRString *a_uri, CRString *a_uri_default_ns, CRParsingLocation *a_location) { gchar *str = NULL ; GString *gstr = NULL ; GList *cur_media = NULL ; g_return_if_fail (a_this && a_location) ; gstr = g_string_new (NULL) ; if (!gstr) { cr_utils_trace_info ("Out of memory error") ; return ; } for (cur_media = a_media_list ; cur_media ; cur_media = g_list_next (cur_media)) { str = (gchar*)cr_string_peek_raw_str ((CRString*)cur_media->data) ; if (str) { if (g_list_previous (cur_media)) { g_string_append_printf (gstr, ", %s", str) ; } else { g_string_append_printf (gstr, "%s", str) ; } } } str = (gchar*)cr_string_peek_raw_str (a_uri) ; if (str) { g_print ("@import url(\"%s\") ", str) ; if (gstr) { g_print ("%s;\n\n", gstr->str) ; } str = NULL ; } str = cr_parsing_location_to_string (a_location, 0) ; if (str) { g_print ("/*****************************************************\n") ; g_print (" *Parsing location inforamtion for the @import rule\n") ; g_print (" ******************************************************/\n\n") ; g_print (" /*@import*/\n") ; g_print (" /*%s*/\n\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } str = (gchar*)cr_string_peek_raw_str (a_uri) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; str = cr_parsing_location_to_string (&a_uri->location, 0) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } } for (cur_media = a_media_list ; cur_media ; cur_media = g_list_next (cur_media)) { str = (gchar*)cr_string_peek_raw_str ((CRString*)cur_media->data) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; } str = cr_parsing_location_to_string (&((CRString*)cur_media->data)->location, 0) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } } if (gstr) { g_string_free (gstr, TRUE) ; gstr = NULL ; } } static void start_font_face (CRDocHandler *a_this, CRParsingLocation *a_location) { gchar *str = NULL ; g_print ("@font-face {\n") ; g_print ("/******************************************************\n") ; g_print (" Parsing location information for the @font-face rule\n") ; g_print (" ******************************************************/\n\n") ; g_print (" /*@font-face*/\n") ; if (a_location) { str = cr_parsing_location_to_string (a_location, 0) ; } if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } } static void end_font_face (CRDocHandler *a_this) { g_print ("}\n") ; } static void start_media (CRDocHandler *a_this, GList *a_media_list, CRParsingLocation *a_location) { GList *cur_media = NULL ; gchar *str = NULL ; g_print ("@media ") ; for (cur_media = a_media_list ; cur_media ; cur_media = g_list_next (cur_media)) { CRString *crstr = cur_media->data ; if (crstr) { str = (gchar*)cr_string_peek_raw_str (crstr) ; if (str) { if (cur_media->prev) { g_print (", %s", str) ; } else { g_print ("%s", str) ; } } } } /***************************** *new print parsing locations *****************************/ g_print ("\n /*@media*/\n") ; if (a_location) str = cr_parsing_location_to_string (a_location, 0) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } for (cur_media = a_media_list ; cur_media ; cur_media = g_list_next (cur_media)) { CRString *crstr = cur_media->data ; if (crstr) { str = (gchar*)cr_string_peek_raw_str (crstr) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; str = cr_parsing_location_to_string (&crstr->location, 0) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } } } } g_print ("\n{\n") ; } static void end_media (CRDocHandler *a_this, GList *a_media_list) { g_print ("\n}\n") ; } static void start_page (CRDocHandler *a_this, CRString *a_name, CRString *a_pseudo_page, CRParsingLocation *a_location) { gchar *str = NULL ; g_print ("@page ") ; if (a_name) str = (gchar*)cr_string_peek_raw_str (a_name) ; if (str) { g_print ("%s ", str) ; } if (a_pseudo_page) str = (gchar*) cr_string_peek_raw_str (a_pseudo_page) ; if (str) { g_print (":%s", str) ; str = NULL ; } /************************************* *print parsing location informations ************************************/ g_print ("\n\n /*@page*/\n") ; if (a_location) str = cr_parsing_location_to_string (a_location, 0) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } if (a_name) str = (gchar*)cr_string_peek_raw_str (a_name) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; str = cr_parsing_location_to_string (&a_name->location, 0) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } } if (a_pseudo_page) str = (gchar*) cr_string_peek_raw_str (a_pseudo_page) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; str = cr_parsing_location_to_string (&a_pseudo_page->location, 0) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } } g_print ("\n{\n") ; } static void end_page (CRDocHandler *a_this, CRString *a_name, CRString *pseudo_page) { g_print ("}\n") ; } static void dump_location_annotated_simple_sel (CRSimpleSel *a_this) { CRSimpleSel *cur_simple_sel = a_this ; CRAdditionalSel *cur_add_sel = NULL ; gchar *str0 = NULL ; g_return_if_fail (a_this) ; /*first, display the entire simple sel*/ str0 = (gchar *) cr_simple_sel_one_to_string (cur_simple_sel) ; if (str0) { g_print ("/*%s*/\n", str0) ; g_free (str0) ; str0 = NULL ; } g_print ("/*") ; cr_parsing_location_dump (&cur_simple_sel->location, 0, stdout); g_print ("*/\n") ; /*now display the details of the simple sel*/ if (cur_simple_sel->name) { str0 = (gchar*) cr_string_peek_raw_str (cur_simple_sel->name) ; if (str0) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str0) ; str0 = NULL ; } str0 = cr_parsing_location_to_string (&cur_simple_sel->name->location, 0) ; if (str0) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str0) ; g_free (str0) ; str0 = NULL ; } } for (cur_add_sel = cur_simple_sel->add_sel; cur_add_sel; cur_add_sel = cur_add_sel->next) { str0 = (gchar *) cr_additional_sel_one_to_string (cur_add_sel) ; if (str0) { g_print ("\n /*%s*/\n", str0) ; g_free (str0) ; str0 = NULL ; } str0 = cr_parsing_location_to_string (&cur_add_sel->location, 0) ; if (str0) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str0) ; g_free (str0) ; str0 = NULL ; } } } static void start_selector (CRDocHandler * a_this, CRSelector * a_selector_list) { struct SacContext *context = NULL; CRSelector *cur_sel = NULL ; CRSimpleSel *cur_simple_sel = NULL ; g_return_if_fail (a_this); cr_doc_handler_get_ctxt (a_this, (gpointer *) (gpointer) & context); if (context) { context->level++; } cr_selector_dump (a_selector_list, stdout); g_print (" {\n") ; g_print ("/************************************************\n") ; g_print (" *Parsing location information of the selector\n") ; g_print (" ************************************************/\n") ; for (cur_sel = a_selector_list; cur_sel ; cur_sel = cur_sel->next) { for (cur_simple_sel = cur_sel->simple_sel ; cur_simple_sel ; cur_simple_sel = cur_simple_sel->next) { dump_location_annotated_simple_sel (cur_simple_sel) ; } } } static void end_selector (CRDocHandler * a_this, CRSelector *a_selector_list) { struct SacContext *context = NULL; g_return_if_fail (a_this); cr_doc_handler_get_ctxt (a_this, (gpointer *) (gpointer) & context); if (context) { context->level--; } g_print (" }\n") ; } static void property (CRDocHandler *a_this, CRString *a_name, CRTerm *a_expr, gboolean a_is_important) { gchar *str = NULL ; CRTerm *cur_term = NULL ; str = (gchar*) cr_string_peek_raw_str (a_name) ; if (str) { g_print ("\n\n") ; g_print ("%s", str) ; str = NULL ; if (a_expr) { str = (gchar *) cr_term_to_string (a_expr) ; if (str) { g_print (" : %s;\n\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } } else { g_print (";\n\n") ; } } /*Now dump each part of the property declaration*/ g_print ("\n") ; g_print ("/************************************************\n") ; g_print (" *Parsing location information of the property\n") ; g_print (" ************************************************/\n") ; str = (gchar*) cr_string_peek_raw_str (a_name) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; str = NULL ; } str = cr_parsing_location_to_string (&a_name->location, 0) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } for (cur_term = a_expr ; cur_term; cur_term = cur_term->next) { str = (gchar *) cr_term_one_to_string (cur_term) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } str = cr_parsing_location_to_string (&cur_term->location, 0) ; if (str) { g_print (" /*%s*/\n", str) ; g_free (str) ; str = NULL ; } } } static enum CRStatus sac_parse_and_display_locations (guchar * a_file_uri) { enum CRStatus status = CR_OK; CRDocHandler *sac_handler = NULL; CRParser *parser = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (a_file_uri, CR_BAD_PARAM_ERROR); parser = cr_parser_new_from_file (a_file_uri, CR_UTF_8); if (!parser) { cr_utils_trace_info ("parser instanciation failed"); return CR_ERROR; } sac_handler = cr_doc_handler_new (); if (!sac_handler) { cr_utils_trace_info ("sac handler instanciation failed"); status = CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR; goto cleanup; } sac_handler->start_document = start_document ; sac_handler->end_document = end_document ; sac_handler->charset = charset ; sac_handler->import_style = import_style ; sac_handler->start_font_face = start_font_face ; sac_handler->end_font_face = end_font_face ; sac_handler->start_media = start_media ; sac_handler->end_media = end_media ; sac_handler->start_page = start_page ; sac_handler->end_page = end_page ; sac_handler->start_selector = start_selector; sac_handler->end_selector = end_selector; sac_handler->property = property ; cr_parser_set_sac_handler (parser, sac_handler) ; status = cr_parser_parse (parser) ; cleanup: if (parser) { cr_parser_destroy (parser); parser = NULL; } return status; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { struct Options options; enum CRStatus status = CR_OK; memset (&options, 0, sizeof (struct Options)); options.use_cssom = TRUE; parse_cmd_line (argc, argv, &options); if (options.show_version == TRUE) { display_version (); return 0; } if (options.display_help == TRUE) { display_usage (); return 0; } if (options.use_cssom == TRUE) { if (options.evaluate == TRUE) { status = evaluate_selectors (options.xml_path, options.author_sheet_path, options.user_sheet_path, options.ua_sheet_path, options.xpath); } else if (options.css_files_list != NULL) { status = cssom_parse ((guchar *) options.css_files_list[0]); } } else if (options.dump_location == TRUE) { if (options.css_files_list) { status = sac_parse_and_display_locations ((guchar *) options.css_files_list[0]) ; } else { display_usage () ; return -1 ; } } return (status == CR_OK) ? 0 : -2; }