/* * Copyright 2014 Tushar Gohad, Kevin M Greenan, Eric Lambert, Mark Storer * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * liberasurecode API implementation * * vi: set noai tw=79 ts=4 sw=4: */ #include "list.h" #include "erasurecode.h" #include "erasurecode_backend.h" #include "erasurecode_helpers.h" #include "erasurecode_preprocessing.h" #include "erasurecode_postprocessing.h" #include "erasurecode_stdinc.h" #include "alg_sig.h" /* =~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~= Supported EC backends =~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~== */ /* EC backend references */ extern struct ec_backend_common backend_null; extern struct ec_backend_common backend_flat_xor_hd; extern struct ec_backend_common backend_jerasure_rs_vand; extern struct ec_backend_common backend_jerasure_rs_cauchy; extern struct ec_backend_common backend_isa_l_rs_vand; extern struct ec_backend_common backend_shss; extern struct ec_backend_common backend_internal_rs_vand; ec_backend_t ec_backends_supported[] = { (ec_backend_t) &backend_null, (ec_backend_t) &backend_jerasure_rs_vand, (ec_backend_t) &backend_jerasure_rs_cauchy, (ec_backend_t) &backend_flat_xor_hd, (ec_backend_t) &backend_isa_l_rs_vand, (ec_backend_t) &backend_shss, (ec_backend_t) &backend_internal_rs_vand, NULL, }; /* backend list to return to the caller */ int num_supported_backends = 0; char *ec_backends_supported_str[EC_BACKENDS_MAX]; /* =~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~= EC backend instance management =~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*= */ /* Registered erasure code backend instances */ SLIST_HEAD(backend_list, ec_backend) active_instances = SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(active_instances); rwlock_t active_instances_rwlock = RWLOCK_INITIALIZER; /* Backend instance id */ int next_backend_desc = 0; /** * Look up a backend instance by descriptor * * @returns pointer to a registered liberasurecode instance * The caller must hold active_instances_rwlock */ ec_backend_t liberasurecode_backend_instance_get_by_desc(int desc) { struct ec_backend *b = NULL; SLIST_FOREACH(b, &active_instances, link) { if (b->idesc == desc) break; } return b; } /** * Allocated backend instance descriptor * * Returns a unique descriptor for a new backend. * The caller must hold active_instances_rwlock */ int liberasurecode_backend_alloc_desc(void) { for (;;) { if (++next_backend_desc <= 0) next_backend_desc = 1; if (!liberasurecode_backend_instance_get_by_desc(next_backend_desc)) return next_backend_desc; } } /** * Register a backend instance with liberasurecode * * @param instance - backend enum * * @returns new backend descriptor */ int liberasurecode_backend_instance_register(ec_backend_t instance) { int desc = -1; /* descriptor to return */ int rc = 0; /* return call value */ rc = rwlock_wrlock(&active_instances_rwlock); if (rc == 0) { SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&active_instances, instance, link); desc = liberasurecode_backend_alloc_desc(); if (desc <= 0) goto register_out; instance->idesc = desc; } else { goto exit; } register_out: rwlock_unlock(&active_instances_rwlock); exit: return desc; } /** * Unregister a backend instance * * @returns 0 on success, non-0 on error */ int liberasurecode_backend_instance_unregister(ec_backend_t instance) { int rc = 0; /* return call value */ rc = rwlock_wrlock(&active_instances_rwlock); if (rc == 0) { SLIST_REMOVE(&active_instances, instance, ec_backend, link); } else { goto exit; } rwlock_unlock(&active_instances_rwlock); exit: return rc; } /* =~=*=~==~=*=~== liberasurecode backend API helpers =~=*=~==~=*=~== */ static void print_dlerror(const char *caller) { char *msg = dlerror(); if (NULL == msg) log_error("%s: unknown dynamic linking error\n", caller); else log_error("%s: dynamic linking error %s\n", caller, msg); } /* Generic dlopen/dlclose routines */ int liberasurecode_backend_open(ec_backend_t instance) { if (instance && NULL != instance->desc.backend_sohandle) return 0; /* Use RTLD_LOCAL to avoid symbol collisions */ instance->desc.backend_sohandle = dlopen(instance->common.soname, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL); if (NULL == instance->desc.backend_sohandle) { print_dlerror(__func__); return -EBACKENDNOTAVAIL; } dlerror(); /* Clear any existing errors */ return 0; } int liberasurecode_backend_close(ec_backend_t instance) { if (NULL == instance || NULL == instance->desc.backend_sohandle) return 0; dlclose(instance->desc.backend_sohandle); dlerror(); /* Clear any existing errors */ instance->desc.backend_sohandle = NULL; return 0; } /* =*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~= liberasurecode init/exit routines =~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*= */ void __attribute__ ((constructor)) liberasurecode_init(void) { /* init logging */ openlog("liberasurecode", LOG_PID | LOG_CONS | LOG_NDELAY | LOG_PERROR, LOG_USER); /* populate supported backends list as a string */ { int i; for (i = 0; ec_backends_supported[i]; ++i) { ec_backends_supported_str[i] = strdup( ec_backends_supported[i]->common.name); } num_supported_backends = i; } } void __attribute__ ((destructor)) liberasurecode_exit(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num_supported_backends; ++i) free(ec_backends_supported_str[i]); closelog(); } /* =~=*=~==~=*=~= liberasurecode frontend API implementation =~=*=~==~=*=~== */ /** * Create a liberasurecode instance and return a descriptor * for use with EC operations (encode, decode, reconstruct) * * @param id - one of the supported backends as * defined by ec_backend_id_t * @param ec_args - arguments to the EC backend * arguments common to all backends * k - number of data fragments * m - number of parity fragments * w - word size, in bits * hd - hamming distance (=m for Reed-Solomon) * ct - fragment checksum type (stored with the fragment metadata) * backend-specific arguments * null_args - arguments for the null backend * flat_xor_hd, jerasure do not require any special args * * @returns liberasurecode instance descriptor (int > 0) */ int liberasurecode_instance_create(const ec_backend_id_t id, struct ec_args *args) { int err = 0; ec_backend_t instance = NULL; struct ec_backend_args bargs; if (!args) return -EINVALIDPARAMS; if (id >= EC_BACKENDS_MAX) return -EBACKENDNOTSUPP; /* Allocate memory for ec_backend instance */ instance = calloc(1, sizeof(*instance)); if (NULL == instance) return -ENOMEM; /* Copy common backend, args struct */ instance->common = ec_backends_supported[id]->common; memcpy(&(bargs.uargs), args, sizeof (struct ec_args)); instance->args = bargs; /* Open backend .so if not already open */ /* .so handle is returned in instance->desc.backend_sohandle */ err = liberasurecode_backend_open(instance); if (err < 0) { /* ignore during init, return the same handle */ free(instance); return err; } /* Call private init() for the backend */ instance->desc.backend_desc = instance->common.ops->init( &instance->args, instance->desc.backend_sohandle); if (NULL == instance->desc.backend_desc) { free (instance); return -EBACKENDINITERR; } /* Register instance and return a descriptor/instance id */ instance->idesc = liberasurecode_backend_instance_register(instance); return instance->idesc; } /** * Close a liberasurecode instance * * @param liberasurecode descriptor to close */ int liberasurecode_instance_destroy(int desc) { ec_backend_t instance = NULL; /* instance to destroy */ int rc = 0; /* return code */ instance = liberasurecode_backend_instance_get_by_desc(desc); if (NULL == instance) return -EBACKENDNOTAVAIL; /* Call private exit() for the backend */ instance->common.ops->exit(instance->desc.backend_desc); /* dlclose() backend library */ liberasurecode_backend_close(instance); /* Remove instace from registry */ rc = liberasurecode_backend_instance_unregister(instance); if (rc == 0) { free(instance); } return rc; } /** * Cleanup structures allocated by librasurecode_encode * * The caller has no context, so cannot safely free memory * allocated by liberasurecode, so it must pass the * deallocation responsibility back to liberasurecode. * * @param desc - liberasurecode descriptor/handle * from liberasurecode_instance_create() * @param encoded_data - (char **) array of k data * fragments (char *), allocated by liberasurecode_encode * @param encoded_parity - (char **) array of m parity * fragments (char *), allocated by liberasurecode_encode * @return 0 in success; -error otherwise */ int liberasurecode_encode_cleanup(int desc, char **encoded_data, char **encoded_parity) { int i, k, m; ec_backend_t instance = liberasurecode_backend_instance_get_by_desc(desc); if (NULL == instance) { return -EBACKENDNOTAVAIL; } k = instance->args.uargs.k; m = instance->args.uargs.m; if (encoded_data) { for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { free(encoded_data[i]); } free(encoded_data); } if (encoded_parity) { for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { free(encoded_parity[i]); } free(encoded_parity); } return 0; } /** * Erasure encode a data buffer * * @param desc - liberasurecode descriptor/handle * from liberasurecode_instance_create() * @param orig_data - data to encode * @param orig_data_size - length of data to encode * @param encoded_data - pointer to _output_ array (char **) of k data * fragments (char *), allocated by the callee * @param encoded_parity - pointer to _output_ array (char **) of m parity * fragments (char *), allocated by the callee * @param fragment_len - pointer to _output_ length of each fragment, assuming * all fragments are the same length * * @return 0 on success, -error code otherwise */ int liberasurecode_encode(int desc, const char *orig_data, uint64_t orig_data_size, /* input */ char ***encoded_data, char ***encoded_parity, /* output */ uint64_t *fragment_len) /* output */ { int k, m; int ret = 0; /* return code */ int blocksize = 0; /* length of each of k data elements */ if (orig_data == NULL) { log_error("Pointer to data buffer is null!"); ret = -EINVALIDPARAMS; goto out; } if (encoded_data == NULL) { log_error("Pointer to encoded data buffers is null!"); return -EINVALIDPARAMS; } if (encoded_parity == NULL) { log_error("Pointer to encoded parity buffers is null!"); return -EINVALIDPARAMS; } if (fragment_len == NULL) { log_error("Pointer to fragment length is null!"); ret = -EINVALIDPARAMS; goto out; } ec_backend_t instance = liberasurecode_backend_instance_get_by_desc(desc); if (NULL == instance) { ret = -EBACKENDNOTAVAIL; goto out; } k = instance->args.uargs.k; m = instance->args.uargs.m; /* * Allocate arrays for data, parity and missing_idxs */ *encoded_data = (char **) alloc_zeroed_buffer(sizeof(char *) * k); if (NULL == *encoded_data) { log_error("Could not allocate data buffer!"); goto out; } *encoded_parity = (char **) alloc_zeroed_buffer(sizeof(char *) * m); if (NULL == *encoded_parity) { log_error("Could not allocate parity buffer!"); goto out; } ret = prepare_fragments_for_encode(instance, k, m, orig_data, orig_data_size, *encoded_data, *encoded_parity, &blocksize); if (ret < 0) { // ensure encoded_data/parity point the head of fragment_ptr get_fragment_ptr_array_from_data(*encoded_data, *encoded_data, k); get_fragment_ptr_array_from_data(*encoded_parity, *encoded_parity, m); goto out; } /* call the backend encode function passing it desc instance */ ret = instance->common.ops->encode(instance->desc.backend_desc, *encoded_data, *encoded_parity, blocksize); if (ret < 0) { // ensure encoded_data/parity point the head of fragment_ptr get_fragment_ptr_array_from_data(*encoded_data, *encoded_data, k); get_fragment_ptr_array_from_data(*encoded_parity, *encoded_parity, m); goto out; } ret = finalize_fragments_after_encode(instance, k, m, blocksize, orig_data_size, *encoded_data, *encoded_parity); *fragment_len = get_fragment_size((*encoded_data)[0]); out: if (ret) { /* Cleanup the allocations we have done */ liberasurecode_encode_cleanup(desc, *encoded_data, *encoded_parity); log_error("Error in liberasurecode_encode %d", ret); } return ret; } /** * Cleanup structures allocated by librasurecode_decode * * The caller has no context, so cannot safely free memory * allocated by liberasurecode, so it must pass the * deallocation responsibility back to liberasurecode. * * @param desc - liberasurecode descriptor/handle * from liberasurecode_instance_create() * @param data - (char *) buffer of data decoded by * librasurecode_decode * @return 0 in success; -error otherwise */ int liberasurecode_decode_cleanup(int desc, char *data) { ec_backend_t instance = liberasurecode_backend_instance_get_by_desc(desc); if (NULL == instance) { return -EBACKENDNOTAVAIL; } free(data); return 0; } /** * Reconstruct original data from a set of k encoded fragments * * @param desc - liberasurecode descriptor/handle * from liberasurecode_instance_create() * @param fragments - erasure encoded fragments (> = k) * @param num_fragments - number of fragments being passed in * @param fragment_len - length of each fragment (assume they are the same) * @param force_metadata_checks - force fragment metadata checks (default: 0) * @param out_data - _output_ pointer to decoded data * @param out_data_len - _output_ length of decoded output * @return 0 on success, -error code otherwise */ int liberasurecode_decode(int desc, char **available_fragments, /* input */ int num_fragments, uint64_t fragment_len, /* input */ int force_metadata_checks, /* input */ char **out_data, uint64_t *out_data_len) /* output */ { int i, j; int ret = 0; int k = -1, m = -1; int orig_data_size = 0; int blocksize = 0; char **data = NULL; char **parity = NULL; char **data_segments = NULL; char **parity_segments = NULL; int *missing_idxs = NULL; uint64_t realloc_bm = 0; ec_backend_t instance = liberasurecode_backend_instance_get_by_desc(desc); if (NULL == instance) { ret = -EBACKENDNOTAVAIL; goto out; } if (NULL == available_fragments) { log_error("Pointer to encoded fragments buffer is null!"); ret = -EINVALIDPARAMS; goto out; } if (NULL == out_data) { log_error("Pointer to decoded data buffer is null!"); ret = -EINVALIDPARAMS; goto out; } if (NULL == out_data_len) { log_error("Pointer to decoded data length variable is null!"); ret = -EINVALIDPARAMS; goto out; } k = instance->args.uargs.k; m = instance->args.uargs.m; if (num_fragments < k) { ret = -EINSUFFFRAGS; goto out; } if (instance->common.id != EC_BACKEND_SHSS) { /* shss (ntt_backend) must force to decode */ // TODO: Add a frag and function to handle whether the backend want to decode or not. /* * Try to re-assebmle the original data before attempting a decode */ ret = fragments_to_string(k, m, available_fragments, num_fragments, out_data, out_data_len); if (ret == 0) { /* We were able to get the original data without decoding! */ goto out; } } /* * Allocate arrays for data, parity and missing_idxs */ data = alloc_zeroed_buffer(sizeof(char*) * k); if (NULL == data) { log_error("Could not allocate data buffer!"); goto out; } parity = alloc_zeroed_buffer(sizeof(char*) * m); if (NULL == parity) { log_error("Could not allocate parity buffer!"); goto out; } missing_idxs = alloc_and_set_buffer(sizeof(char*) * (k + m), -1); if (NULL == missing_idxs) { log_error("Could not allocate missing_idxs buffer!"); goto out; } /* If metadata checks requested, check fragment integrity upfront */ if (force_metadata_checks) { int num_invalid_fragments = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_fragments; ++i) { if (is_invalid_fragment(desc, available_fragments[i])) { ++num_invalid_fragments; } } if ((num_fragments - num_invalid_fragments) < k) { ret = -EINSUFFFRAGS; log_error("Not enough valid fragments available for decode!"); goto out; } } /* * Separate the fragments into data and parity. Also determine which * pieces are missing. */ ret = get_fragment_partition(k, m, available_fragments, num_fragments, data, parity, missing_idxs); if (ret < 0) { log_error("Could not properly partition the fragments!"); goto out; } /* * Preparing the fragments for decode. This will alloc aligned buffers * when unaligned buffers were passed in available_fragments. It passes * back a bitmap telling us which buffers need to be freed by us * (realloc_bm). * */ ret = prepare_fragments_for_decode(k, m, data, parity, missing_idxs, &orig_data_size, &blocksize, fragment_len, &realloc_bm); if (ret < 0) { log_error("Could not prepare fragments for decode!"); goto out; } data_segments = alloc_zeroed_buffer(k * sizeof(char *)); parity_segments = alloc_zeroed_buffer(m * sizeof(char *)); get_data_ptr_array_from_fragments(data_segments, data, k); get_data_ptr_array_from_fragments(parity_segments, parity, m); /* call the backend decode function passing it desc instance */ ret = instance->common.ops->decode(instance->desc.backend_desc, data_segments, parity_segments, missing_idxs, blocksize); if (ret < 0) { log_error("Encountered error in backend decode function!"); goto out; } /* * Need to fill in the missing data headers so we can generate * the original string. */ j = 0; while (missing_idxs[j] >= 0) { int set_chksum = 1; int missing_idx = missing_idxs[j]; if (missing_idx < k) { /* Generate headers */ char *fragment_ptr = data[missing_idx]; init_fragment_header(fragment_ptr); add_fragment_metadata(instance, fragment_ptr, missing_idx, orig_data_size, blocksize, instance->args.uargs.ct, !set_chksum); } j++; } /* Try to generate the original string */ ret = fragments_to_string(k, m, data, k, out_data, out_data_len); if (ret < 0) { log_error("Could not convert decoded fragments to a string!"); } out: /* Free the buffers allocated in prepare_fragments_for_decode */ if (realloc_bm != 0) { for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { if (realloc_bm & (1 << i)) { free(data[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (realloc_bm & (1 << (i + k))) { free(parity[i]); } } } free(data); free(parity); free(missing_idxs); free(data_segments); free(parity_segments); return ret; } /** * Reconstruct a missing fragment from a subset of available fragments * * @param desc - liberasurecode descriptor/handle * from liberasurecode_instance_create() * @param fragment_len - size in bytes of the fragments * @param available_fragments - erasure encoded fragments * @param num_fragments - number of fragments being passed in * @param destination_idx - missing idx to reconstruct * @param out_fragment - output of reconstruct * @return 0 on success, -error code otherwise */ int liberasurecode_reconstruct_fragment(int desc, char **available_fragments, /* input */ int num_fragments, uint64_t fragment_len, /* input */ int destination_idx, /* input */ char* out_fragment) /* output */ { int ret = 0; int blocksize = 0; int orig_data_size = 0; char **data = NULL; char **parity = NULL; int *missing_idxs = NULL; char *fragment_ptr = NULL; int k = -1; int m = -1; int i; uint64_t realloc_bm = 0; char **data_segments = NULL; char **parity_segments = NULL; int set_chksum = 1; ec_backend_t instance = liberasurecode_backend_instance_get_by_desc(desc); if (NULL == instance) { ret = -EBACKENDNOTAVAIL; goto out; } if (NULL == available_fragments) { log_error("Can not reconstruct fragment, available fragments pointer is NULL"); ret = -EINVALIDPARAMS; goto out; } if (NULL == out_fragment) { log_error("Can not reconstruct fragment, output fragment pointer is NULL"); ret = -EINVALIDPARAMS; goto out; } k = instance->args.uargs.k; m = instance->args.uargs.m; /* * Allocate arrays for data, parity and missing_idxs */ data = alloc_zeroed_buffer(sizeof(char*) * k); if (NULL == data) { log_error("Could not allocate data buffer!"); goto out; } parity = alloc_zeroed_buffer(sizeof(char*) * m); if (NULL == parity) { log_error("Could not allocate parity buffer!"); goto out; } missing_idxs = alloc_and_set_buffer(sizeof(int*) * (k + m), -1); if (NULL == missing_idxs) { log_error("Could not allocate missing_idxs buffer!"); goto out; } /* * Separate the fragments into data and parity. Also determine which * pieces are missing. */ ret = get_fragment_partition(k, m, available_fragments, num_fragments, data, parity, missing_idxs); if (ret < 0) { log_error("Could not properly partition the fragments!"); goto out; } /* * Preparing the fragments for reconstruction. This will alloc aligned * buffers when unaligned buffers were passed in available_fragments. * It passes back a bitmap telling us which buffers need to be freed by * us (realloc_bm). */ ret = prepare_fragments_for_decode(k, m, data, parity, missing_idxs, &orig_data_size, &blocksize, fragment_len, &realloc_bm); if (ret < 0) { log_error("Could not prepare fragments for reconstruction!"); goto out; } data_segments = alloc_zeroed_buffer(k * sizeof(char *)); parity_segments = alloc_zeroed_buffer(m * sizeof(char *)); get_data_ptr_array_from_fragments(data_segments, data, k); get_data_ptr_array_from_fragments(parity_segments, parity, m); /* call the backend reconstruct function passing it desc instance */ ret = instance->common.ops->reconstruct(instance->desc.backend_desc, data_segments, parity_segments, missing_idxs, destination_idx, blocksize); if (ret < 0) { log_error("Could not reconstruct fragment!"); goto out; } /* * Update the header to reflect the newly constructed fragment */ if (destination_idx < k) { fragment_ptr = data[destination_idx]; } else { fragment_ptr = parity[destination_idx - k]; } init_fragment_header(fragment_ptr); add_fragment_metadata(instance, fragment_ptr, destination_idx, orig_data_size, blocksize, instance->args.uargs.ct, set_chksum); /* * Copy the reconstructed fragment to the output buffer * * Note: the address stored in fragment_ptr will be freed below */ memcpy(out_fragment, fragment_ptr, fragment_len); out: /* Free the buffers allocated in prepare_fragments_for_decode */ if (realloc_bm != 0) { for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { if (realloc_bm & (1 << i)) { free(data[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (realloc_bm & (1 << (i + k))) { free(parity[i]); } } } free(data); free(parity); free(missing_idxs); free(data_segments); free(parity_segments); return ret; } /** * Return a list of lists with valid rebuild indexes given * a list of missing indexes. * * @desc: liberasurecode instance descriptor (obtained with * liberasurecode_instance_create) * @fragments_to_reconstruct list of indexes to reconstruct * @fragments_to_exclude list of indexes to exclude from reconstruction equation * @fragments_needed list of fragments needed to reconstruct fragments in fragments_to_reconstruct * * @return a list of lists (bitmaps) of indexes to rebuild data * from (in 'fragments_needed') */ int liberasurecode_fragments_needed(int desc, int *fragments_to_reconstruct, int *fragments_to_exclude, int *fragments_needed) { int ret = 0; ec_backend_t instance = liberasurecode_backend_instance_get_by_desc(desc); if (NULL == instance) { ret = -EBACKENDNOTAVAIL; goto out_error; } if (NULL == fragments_to_reconstruct) { log_error("Unable to determine list of fragments needed, pointer to list of indexes to reconstruct is NULL."); ret = -EINVALIDPARAMS; goto out_error; } if (NULL == fragments_to_exclude) { log_error("Unable to determine list of fragments needed, pointer to list of fragments to exclude is NULL."); ret = -EINVALIDPARAMS; goto out_error; } if (NULL == fragments_needed) { log_error("Unable to determine list of fragments needed, pointer to list of fragments to reconstruct is NULL."); ret = -EINVALIDPARAMS; goto out_error; } /* FIXME preprocessing */ /* call the backend fragments_needed function passing it desc instance */ ret = instance->common.ops->fragments_needed( instance->desc.backend_desc, fragments_to_reconstruct, fragments_to_exclude, fragments_needed); out_error: return ret; } /* =~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~===~=*=~==~=*=~===~=*=~==~=*=~===~=*=~==~=*=~= */ /** * Get opaque metadata for a fragment. The metadata is opaque to the * client, but meaningful to the underlying library. It is used to verify * stripes in verify_stripe_metadata(). * * @param fragment - fragment pointer * * @param fragment_metadata - pointer to output fragment metadata struct * (reference passed by the user) */ int liberasurecode_get_fragment_metadata(char *fragment, fragment_metadata_t *fragment_metadata) { int ret = 0; fragment_header_t *fragment_hdr = NULL; if (NULL == fragment) { log_error("Need valid fragment object to get metadata for"); ret = -EINVALIDPARAMS; goto out; } if (NULL == fragment_metadata) { log_error("Need valid fragment_metadata object for return value"); ret = -EINVALIDPARAMS; goto out; } memcpy(fragment_metadata, fragment, sizeof(struct fragment_metadata)); fragment_hdr = (fragment_header_t *) fragment; if (LIBERASURECODE_FRAG_HEADER_MAGIC != fragment_hdr->magic) { log_error("Invalid fragment, illegal magic value"); ret = -EINVALIDPARAMS; goto out; } switch(fragment_hdr->meta.chksum_type) { case CHKSUM_CRC32: { uint32_t computed_chksum = 0; uint32_t stored_chksum = fragment_hdr->meta.chksum[0]; char *fragment_data = get_data_ptr_from_fragment(fragment); uint64_t fragment_size = fragment_hdr->meta.size; computed_chksum = crc32(0, fragment_data, fragment_size); if (stored_chksum != computed_chksum) { fragment_metadata->chksum_mismatch = 1; } else { fragment_metadata->chksum_mismatch = 0; } break; } case CHKSUM_MD5: break; case CHKSUM_NONE: default: break; } out: return ret; } int liberasurecode_verify_fragment_metadata(ec_backend_t be, fragment_metadata_t *md) { if (md->backend_id != be->common.id) { return 1; } if (!be->common.ops->is_compatible_with(md->backend_version)) { return 1; } return 0; } int is_invalid_fragment(int desc, char *fragment) { uint32_t ver = 0; fragment_metadata_t fragment_metadata; ec_backend_t be = liberasurecode_backend_instance_get_by_desc(desc); if (!be) { log_error("Unable to verify fragment metadata: invalid backend id %d.", desc); return 1; } if (!fragment) { log_error("Unable to verify fragment validity: fragments missing."); return 1; } if (get_libec_version(fragment, &ver) != 0 || ver != LIBERASURECODE_VERSION) { return 1; } if (liberasurecode_get_fragment_metadata(fragment, &fragment_metadata) != 0) { return 1; } if (liberasurecode_verify_fragment_metadata(be, &fragment_metadata) != 0) { return 1; } return 0; } int is_valid_fragment_metadata(int desc, fragment_metadata_t *fragment_metadata) { ec_backend_t be = liberasurecode_backend_instance_get_by_desc(desc); if (!be) { log_error("Unable to verify stripe metadata: invalid backend id %d.", desc); return -EINVALIDPARAMS; } if (liberasurecode_verify_fragment_metadata(be, fragment_metadata) != 0) { return -EBADHEADER; } if (!be->common.ops->is_compatible_with(fragment_metadata->backend_version)) { return -EBADHEADER; } if (fragment_metadata->chksum_mismatch == 1) { return -EBADCHKSUM; } return 0; } int liberasurecode_verify_stripe_metadata(int desc, char **fragments, int num_fragments) { int i = 0; if (!fragments) { log_error("Unable to verify stripe metadata: fragments missing."); return -EINVALIDPARAMS; } if (num_fragments <= 0) { log_error("Unable to verify stripe metadata: " "number of fragments must be greater than 0."); return -EINVALIDPARAMS; } for (i = 0; i < num_fragments; i++) { fragment_metadata_t *fragment_metadata = (fragment_metadata_t*)fragments[i]; int ret = is_valid_fragment_metadata(desc, fragment_metadata); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } } return 0; } /* =~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~===~=*=~==~=*=~===~=*=~==~=*=~===~=*=~==~=*=~= */ /** * This computes the aligned size of a buffer passed into * the encode function. The encode function must pad fragments * to be algined with the word size (w) and the last fragment also * needs to be aligned. This computes the sum of the algined fragment * sizes for a given buffer to encode. */ int liberasurecode_get_aligned_data_size(int desc, uint64_t data_len) { int k; int ret = 0; int word_size; int alignment_multiple; ec_backend_t instance = liberasurecode_backend_instance_get_by_desc(desc); if (NULL == instance) { ret = -EBACKENDNOTAVAIL; goto out; } k = instance->args.uargs.k; word_size = instance->common.ops->element_size( instance->desc.backend_desc) / 8; alignment_multiple = k * word_size; ret = (int) ceill( (double) data_len / alignment_multiple) * alignment_multiple; out: return ret; } /** * This will return the minumum encode size, which is the minimum * buffer size that can be encoded. */ int liberasurecode_get_minimum_encode_size(int desc) { return liberasurecode_get_aligned_data_size(desc, 1); } int liberasurecode_get_fragment_size(int desc, int data_len) { ec_backend_t instance = liberasurecode_backend_instance_get_by_desc(desc); // TODO: Create a common function to calculate fragment size also for preprocessing int aligned_data_len = get_aligned_data_size(instance, data_len); int size = (aligned_data_len / instance->args.uargs.k) + instance->common.backend_metadata_size; return size; } /* ==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=* misc *=~==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~== */ #if 0 /* Validate backend before calling init */ int liberasurecode_backend_validate(ec_backend_t backend) { /* Verify that the backend implements all required methods */ } /* FIXME - do we need to use reference counts if we are creating * a new instance per user */ /* Get a reference to an EC backend */ ec_backend_t liberasurecode_backend_get(const char *name) { ec_backend_t b = liberasurecode_backend_lookup_by_name(name); if (NULL != b) ++b->users; return b; } /* Drop an EC backend reference held */ void liberasurecode_backend_put(ec_backend_t backend) { if (backend->users > 0) --backend->users; } /* Query interface for active instances */ ec_backend_t liberasurecode_backend_instance_active(ec_backend_t instance) { ec_backend_t b; SLIST_FOREACH(b, &active_instances, link) { if (strcmp(b->name, name) == 0) return b; } return NULL; } ec_backend_t liberasurecode_backend_lookup_by_soname(const char *soname) { ec_backend_t b; SLIST_FOREACH(b, &active_instances, link) { if (strcmp(b->soname, soname) == 0) return b; } return NULL; } #endif /* ==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~==~=*=~== */